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M AY / J UNE 2023

How to Discretely
Identify Delay
and Disruption


Planning and Building a New

Arena Under an Existing Roof

Advancing Project Management

with Multi-Dimensional Project
Controls and Digital Twin
Established in 1956, AACE International

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TRUSTWORTHY Demonstrated We set industry trends. AACE advocates for its Body of Knowledge
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AACE is a community of professionals from various practice areas
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Learn more, management, asset management, and dispute resolution. Members

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MAY / JUNE 2023


9 How to Discretely Identify

Delay and Disruption

19 Planning and Building a

New Arena Under an
9 Existing Roof

27 Advancing Project Management

with Multi-Dimensional Project
Controls and Digital Twin


19 3 AACE International Board of Directors

3 Cost Engineering Journal Information
4 Letter from the Editor
18 Conference & Expo 2023: Pre-Conference and
Post-Conference Seminars
26 Conference & Expo 2023: Early Registration Ending Soon

27 For additional industry news and updates,

you can always visit us at

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 1
The Top 10 Reasons
To Join AACE International
Ready to advance your career and begin enjoying the advantages
that our members enjoy? Whether you are an experienced cost
engineer or a student, we have a membership ready for you.

1 Time 6 Technical Development

Gain access to a wealth of resources that will save you time Increase your knowledge and expertise by joining one
and money! You’ll stay informed about the complexities of the of AACE International’s many technical subcommittees,
cost and management profession - plus you’ll have access to subcommittees, and Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) at no
discounts on educational programs, publications, and more! additional cost to members. Discuss industry problems
with your peers or help experts develop new and improved
techniques and practices for the profession.
2 Information
Locate thousands of technical papers and publications in the
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for interesting speakers, informational tours, social dinners and
much more. The online Membership Directory is an excellent
3 Career source for a list of contact information on thousands of members.
Join one of our many technical subcommittees and participate
Members can post resumes at no additional cost in our Career
in the AACE Communities - a great way to tap into the collective
Center and keep your career on track through information
wisdom and experience of our worldwide membership.
sources such as our annual Salary and Demographic Survey of
Project and Cost Professionals.

8 Excellence
4 Learning Our certification programs are independently accredited by
the Council of Engineering & Scientific Specialty Boards. AACE
We offer numerous online learning courses on estimating and
certifications are a recognized credible standard in the cost
project management. The Approved Educational Provider
management field. A recent study shows that individuals with
program helps maintain high quality development courses and
an AACE Certification earn 17.4% more than their counterpart
providers. AACE also holds many seminars throughout the year.
without a certificate.

5 Resources 9 Discounts
Starting with the TCM Framework and Recommended
On products and services ranging from AACE International
Practices that are available for free only to members to our
Conference & Expo registration fees, archived webinars and
bi-monthly publication Cost Engineering featuring articles
presentations, certification examination registrations, and more!
for cost professionals around the world. Through the AACE
International website, the Cost Engineering journal is a great
current resource for members and as a member, you gain
access to an archive of past issues.
10 You!
We are your professional partner bringing you information
and support you can trust. Join and become part of a unique
network of individuals who are dedicated to improving the cost
JOIN TODAY! and management profession.

2 M AY/J U N E 2023
Shoshanna Fraizinger, CCP ESTABLISHED 1958 | Vol. 65, No. 3 May/June 2023

Patrick M. Kelly, PE PSP MANAGING EDITOR Marvin Gelhausen


James E. Krebs, PE CCP FAACE
ADVERTISING SALES Business Development Coordinator
SECRETARY Joanna Boggs
Mark C. Sanders, PE CCP CFCC PSP +1.304.296.8444 x1122
Cindy L. Hands, CCP
Dr. Stephen P. Warhoe, PE CCP CFCC

Jeffrey Milo, PSP AACE® International - The Authority for Total Cost Management®
OUR VISION - To be the recognized technical authority in cost and schedule
DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION management for programs, projects, products, assets, and services.
Scott A. Galbraith, PE CFCC
OUR MISSION - The members of AACE® enable organizations around the
world to achieve their investment expectations by managing and controlling
DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE projects, programs, and portfolios; we create value by advancing technical
Husain Al-Omani, CCP CEP DRMP EVP PSP knowledge and professional development.
Cost Engineering (ISSN: 0274-9696/23) is published digitally on a bi-monthly production schedule by AACE International,
Michael J. Bennink, PE CCP PSP Inc, 726 Park Avenue #180, Fairmont, WV 26554 USA. Copyright © 2023 by AACE International, Inc., All rights reserved.
This publication or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Access to the bi-monthly Cost Engineering journal digital files is a benefit of AACE International membership and
requires a member login and password. There is no subscription service for the Cost Engineering journal other than AACE
Hannah E. Schumacher, PSP FAACE membership. Digital access is on an individual use basis and not available on any group access basis. Cost Engineering is
a refereed journal. All technical articles are subject to a review by the AACE International Cost Engineering Journal Review Committee. Abstracts are only accepted in our annual AACE “Call for Papers” for our Conference & Expo. Accepted abstracts
must be followed up with a full approved manuscript that is presented and attendee evaluated at one of our Conference
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO & Expo events. Top rated manuscripts will be considered for publication in the Cost Engineering journal. Any unsolicited
abstracts received at other times throughout a year will receive e-mail notice to submit in our next “Call for Papers.”
Debra L. Lally, CAE Copying without written permission of AACE is prohibited. E-mail requests for photocopy permission to ADVERTISING COPY: Contact AACE International, Inc, 726 Park Avenue #180, Fairmont, WV 26554. Telephone: 304.296.8444,
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Fairmont, WV 26554 USA. Deadlines do not apply to technical papers.

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Viewpoints expressed in columns, features, and articles published in Cost Engineering journal are solely those of the
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LEARN MORE AT: the author’s work. All content is presented solely for informational purposes. Columns, features, and articles not designated as Technical Articles are not subject to the peer-review process.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 3


Building a
Technical Article
It is almost time for the annual This month in the CE Journal, we are featuring the following three
technical articles:
AACE Conference & Expo in TECHNICAL ARTICLE 1
which attendees will be able to "How to Discretely Identify Delay and Disruption,” is authored by Anthony
J. Gonzales and Bassel Safa. This claims dispute resolution themed paper
attend and learn from among was first presented as CDR-3949.

a selection of close to 100 TECHNICAL ARTICLE 2

technical paper presentations. "Planning and Building a New Arena Under an Existing Roof,” is authored
by Zachary A. Hallstrom, PSP. This planning and scheduling themed
paper was first presented as PS-3854.
The ConEx will be followed in July and August by the annual “Call for
Papers” where authors can submit abstracts for presentation at the 2024 TECHNICAL ARTICLE 3
Conference and Expo. July and August are the only months in which "Advancing Project Management with Multi-Dimensional Project Controls
abstracts and/or technical papers can be submitted. and Digital Twin,” is authored by Dr. Bahadir V. Barbarosoglu, CCP EVP
It is AACE International policy that technical papers published in the PSP and Ben Milner. This claims and scheduling control themed paper
Cost Engineering journal must first be submitted, accepted, and presented was first presented as CSC-3831.
at an AACE Conference & Expo. All accepted papers are published in
the annual Transactions. Only the top scoring papers are considered for We asked each author to elaborate on how they selected their topic and
publication in the Cost Engineering journal. what they want you the reader to get as takeaways from reading their articles.
We also asked them about how they learned of AACE, why they became

4 M AY/J U N E 2023
members and what AACE member resources have best benefited them a delay or disruption is usually a point of debate during dispute resolution.
personally and how AACE has impacted their careers. We hope this additional I thus wanted to explore the currently available methods to differentiate
background insights will give you a better understanding of each article. between these two concepts and quantify them. I also aimed to provide
an overview of the process, methodology, analysis, and results using an
actual project to illustrate how these methods can be applied in practice.
Finally, by writing about this topic, I hope to shed light on the challenges
and complexities of disputes and contribute to ongoing discussions on
TA 1. How to Discretely Identify improving project management and dispute resolution.”
There are research resources which can be used in creating and
Delay and Disruption: Using developing a technical article that will be both well received at presentation
and may be one of the top scoring papers selected for publication. Anthony
an Actual Project to Illustrate says, “I use non-AACE sites to research content, these include ASCE, CII,
legal publications/cases, SCL, ABA, and many more.” Bassel adds, “I use non-
How Methods Can Be Applied AACE sites to research content and ensure a comprehensive topic overview.
I primarily rely on ResearchGate, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, ASCE, CII, and AIA,
in Practice in addition to the high-quality resources available through AACE’s database.”


AACE MEMBERSHIP BRINGS GROWTH AND LEARNING Giving more context to the article, Anthony notes, “We are using an actual
Author Anthony Gonzales says he became an AACE member because past project for this article to demonstrate the applicability of the research
he, “Wanted to grow and learn more about the profession and best through a concrete real-world example.” Bassel noting the fact that the
practices.” He adds, “I was led to the organization by a colleague after article is based on an actual project, adds “I believe that this allows for
having reviewed reference material that was used at the organization.” His more valuable insights as well as demonstrates the applicability of the
co-author, Bassel Safa, says Anthony introduced him to AACE during a research through a concrete real-world example.” The takeaways he wants
project controls class at The University of Texas at Austin. Bassel ads, “I you the reader to understand are:
was particularly inspired by his dedication to AACE and the construction
industry. From there, it was only natural for me to follow in his footsteps • The importance of being able to discretely identify delay and
and become an AACE member.” disruption on a project
• The current available methods for quantifying delay and disruption
BEST PRACTICES AND NETWORKING • An understanding of the process, methodology, and results from a
Anthony says he has benefited from his AACE membership because it real project case study
gave him an, “understanding of best practices, learning how other experts
approach and perform various different analysis, and networking with other
professionals that are passionate about the industry.” He adds, “I have been
able to establish meaningful connections with members around the world,
assist with the development of new and improved current practices, and I
have an improved awareness of new technology and practices.” “The methods and
Bassel says, “Access to the association’s vast library of publications and
insights presented may
technical resources is definitely at the top of my list of benefits of being an
AACE member. The papers have been invaluable in helping me stay up to
also apply to other
date on the latest developments and best practices.” He adds that, “AACE
has provided me with access to valuable networking opportunities and
sectors where delays
professional development resources. Through my involvement, I have
connected with other professionals in the field and gained insights into
and disruptions occur,
emerging trends and technologies.”
Asked what one thing AACE could do to better meet member needs,
such as manufacturing,
Anthony says, “Improve the opportunities (webinars, virtual/in-person
conferences, regional events, etc.) to disseminate the information to other
transportation, logistics,
organizations and people around the world.” Bassel responds, “offer more
opportunities for virtual networking.” He believes this would make it easier
and energy.”
for members to participate and engage with the different sub-committees. ANTHONY J. GONZALES
Giving some history on this month’s technical article, Anthony says, “We
selected this topic because of the growing confusion between disruption and
delays and the frequency in which both occur.” Bassel explains that the topic
was also selected because cost and schedule overruns are common issues
in the construction industry. Additionally, he says, “assigning an event as

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 5
TA 2. Planning and Building a
New Arena Under an Existing
“I advise aspiring
Roof: A Look at a Unique and
authors to just share
Interesting Construction Project
their thoughts, insights,
and ideas. The AACE
Author Zachary says, “I was encouraged to join the AACE and gain my PSP
community is genuinely certification by a previous employer, Ricky Benefield, who is a long-term
AACE member. He saw the benefit and provided membership for his
supportive and inclusive; employees that showed interest.” He adds, “I think the most beneficial
(benefit of AACE membership) has been the contacts and networking of
you just have to be brave other professionals. In my career, I have often been the sole scheduler on
a large construction project so it is nice to communicate with others in
enough to speak up!” similar roles.” Commenting on the benefit of AACE membership to his
career, Zachary says, “It has challenged me outside of my typical day-to-
ANTHONY J. GONZALES day job and provided unique opportunities to present my work to other
like-minded project controls professionals.”
Zachary says he submitted his technical paper because, “I had the
opportunity to work on an incredibly unique and interesting construction
project that I wanted to share with others.” For technical resources, he
Anthony says the article caters to any sector of construction. Bassel says, “I used local news articles and ENR for research on the particular
adds, “still, the methods and insights presented may also apply to other project but mostly used internal documents. I also used previous AACE
sectors where delays and disruptions occur, such as manufacturing, papers and presentations.” His article is a case-study article specific to
transportation, logistics, and energy. one project. The article is targeted toward the commercial construction
industry, specifically toward planning and scheduling. Zachary says, “I
FIRST-EVER PUBLICATION hope that any reader will find that simply learning about this particular
Anthony says he has given approximately 10 technical paper presentations, project unique and interesting.”
adding “I have been involved over 15 non-consecutive years.” Bassel says,
“Since I started in early 2022, I have presented two conference papers, with
this one being my first-ever publication in the Cost Engineering journal.”
Neither author is scheduled to present a paper at the 2023 Conference &
Expo? However, Bassel says, “Stay tuned for 2024!”
“This was the first
PROFESSIONALLY conference that I attended
Anthony’s advice to new authors is to, “Submit as early into one’s career
as possible.” Bassel adds, “I advise aspiring authors to just share their and my only conference
thoughts, insights, and ideas. The process can be daunting. However, it
provides an excellent opportunity to grow personally and professionally paper submitted and
by establishing yourself as a thought leader in the industry, sharing your
ideas with fellow construction professionals, and receiving constructive presented. It was a
feedback on a topic you care about. The AACE community is genuinely
supportive and inclusive; you just have to be brave enough to speak up!” little nerve-wracking
AUTHOR’S FUN FACT but I had great support
A fun fact about Bassel is that he is fluent in three languages. He says,
“This ability has given me a valuable perspective on the importance from contacts that have
of collaboration, empathy, and open-mindedness, critical skills in the
construction industry.” presented within AACE.”

6 M AY/J U N E 2023
Zachary is another of our first-time presenters who ended up with one of
the top-rated presentations that was then selected for publication. He says,
“This was the first conference that I attended and my only conference
paper submitted and presented. It was a little nerve-wracking but I had
great support from contacts that have presented within AACE.” He is not “I have become
scheduled to present at this year’s Conference and Expo.
more educated
As a new author, he can relate to the challenges of taking that step to and technically
submit during the annual “Call for Papers.” He says, “My advice is that
if you find something engaging, then just do it. Read other papers and knowledgeable
start writing down what interests you because there's a good chance
it will be intriguing to others. You should write a paper because it is a and that allows me
great opportunity to reflect on work you have performed and gain some
introspection on successes. Too often, we focus on lessons learned in a to more effectively
negative lens but this is a good chance to focus on what has worked well
in projects and your career. It is also challenging outside of your day-to- manage the projects
day role and will give you confidence in other unique tasks that come up.”
that I work on.”
You may not know that for one week of the year, Zachary’s three boys are BEN MILNER
all one year apart in age. So, this year, they will be 5, 4, and 3-years-old. He
shares, “It also means a couple years back, my wife and I had 3 kids under
3 years old! My youngest was so eager to join us, he arrived and only I was
there to help deliver the baby. It's been a wild ride and a big thanks to my
Commenting on how AACE membership has benefited their careers,
Bahadir says, “Being a certified member of AACE has motivated me to keep
up to date with trending project controls practices and conduct research.”
TA 3. Advancing Project Ben says, “I have become more educated and technically knowledgeable
and that allows me to more effectively manage the projects that I work on.”
Management with Multi- What one thing could AACE do to better meet member needs? Ben
says, “Provide online training courses for the materials/exams offered.
Dimensional Project Controls Some people do not learn as well by only reading materials and having
an interactive course that would teach you the skills you need for the
and Digital Twin: Unused Data, exams/technical guides would go a long way.” Bahadir responds, “I
agree with Ben; audio and visual supplementary content can help digest
Unlearned Lessons, Missed technical guidelines.”
Both authors agree that trends influenced the selection of their topic
Opportunities to Improve for this article. Bahadir says, “We picked the topic based on the trends
of the last 10-15 years.” Ben adds, “We picked the topic based on trends
BY DR. BAHADIR V. BARBAROSOGLU, CCP EVP PSP we are seeing on our projects.” Listing technical resources, they used in
AND BEN MILNER developing their article, Bahadir says, “We used sciencedirect, emerald
publishing, google scholar, researchgate, academia and springer. Ben adds,
Author Bahadir Barbarosoglu says, “I became a member to strengthen “We used a combination of Google Scholar, ResearchGate, various college
my project controls skills related to cost, schedule and earn value, to libraries and AACE materials.” Their article is based upon a prior project
pursue certifications and have access to AACE recommended practices or projects they have worked on and is targeted toward commercial and
and publications. I was introduced to AACE during my graduate studies.” industrial construction industries.
Coauthor Ben Milner says, “I became a member to learn more about the
project controls side of project management. I had a good understanding TECHNOLOGY IS THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION
of the high-level expectations and job functions but became very interested Commenting on takeaways these authors want readers to understand,
and wanted to learn more. I was invited to join AACE from Bahadir.” Bahadir says:
Commenting on beneficial and useful resources of AACE membership,
Bahadir says, “AACE's recommended practices have been the most useful • The amount of data generated in construction projects continues
resource for me.” Ben adds, “The most beneficial thing for me has been the to increase while much of these data remains unused, lessons
technical publications and resources that are available by being a member remain unlearnt, and opportunities to improve the next project
of AACE. are missed.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 7
• The practitioners in the construction industry should seek ways of other practitioners in the industry to improve their practices. The
integrating project life cycle phases and automatically transforming paper doesn't have to be about a solution to a common problem, but
data into useful information. perhaps it can be a unique problem that has not yet been solved by
the author, and the audience can help solve it. Ben adds, “If you think
Ben says: you have something interesting to share, talk to a colleague and share
your thoughts. More often than not, people are interested in what
• Challenge the status quo, there is always something that can your ideas are and want to hear more about your thoughts. I spent
be improved, but don’t improve something just for the sake of countless months thinking that there was nothing more I could offer to
improving - make sure it makes sense. the industry in terms of more knowledge or information. Go out there,
• Technology is the future of construction, learn to embrace it and select a topic and give it a shot. More times than not, you will surprise
become efficient with it now, waiting will make it exponentially even yourself.”
harder to catch up. Something you may not know about these two authors is that
Bahadir enjoys working to solve puzzles in his spare time, while Ben
Bahadir has presented and had a previous paper published. Ben Milner competes in triathlons and will be competing in his first ironman
says, “This was my first conference and first published AACE technical 70.3 event this May.
paper.” Look for the two at this year’s Conference and Expo as they
are scheduled to present, “Best Practices in Implementing Emerging
Technologies in Construction Controls.”


While relatively new authors and presenters, the two authors have
already had success in giving a top ranked presentation that was then
selected for publication. What advice do they have for other potential
new authors who may want to follow in their steps and hopefully
have similar success. Bahadir says, “The construction industry has
many opportunities and room to improve. Sharing experiences in
a structured manner by publishing a paper is one step of helping

“The paper doesn't

have to be about a
solution to a common
problem, but perhaps
it can be a unique
problem that has not
yet been solved by
the author, and the
audience can help
solve it.”

8 M AY/J U N E 2023
How to Discretely Identify
Delay and Disruption

Cost and schedule overruns can occur regularly on a construction project and often
lead to delay and/or disruption claims to compensate for the additional resources
expended because of events beyond the reasonable control of the claimant. Claims
require demonstration of issues, responsibility, identification of delays and disruption,
along with quantification of the resulting damages. Being able to discreetly identify delay
and disruption on a project is paramount to being able to link causality, responsibility,
and damages. This article presents the current available methods to quantify delay and
disruption. Additionally, it provides an overview of the process, methodology, analysis,
and results from a real project. This article was first presented as CDR-3949 at the 2022
AACE International Conference and Expo.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 9
and additive or subtractive for modeled methods), basic implementation
Introduction (gross or period mode, contemporaneous as-is or split, modified or created,
and single or multi-base simulation), and specific implementation (fixed
Cost and schedule overruns are major problems in the construction and or variable/grouped periods, and global or stepped insertion/extraction).
engineering sectors. In fact, a construction project is 90% likely to overrun The determination of the variances relies on identifying delayed starts,
its original budget with an average increase of 28%. The project is 48% extended durations, and delayed finishes using a 7-day calendar and
likely to exceed its planned duration, with an average increase of 11% late dates on the as-planned schedule until the first significant delay
[1 (p. 22), 2 (p. 1, 18)]. These cost and time deviations from the plan are occurs. After completing the required steps, the results are analyzed with
often the result of delay in progress payments, delay in delivering the regards to the critical path and float, concurrency of delay, excusable/non-
site, change orders, and late approvals—just to name a few [3 (p. 2)]. To excusable and compensability of delay [8 (p. 38-127)].
overcome the alterations made to the means, methods, techniques, and/
or work sequences on the project during these problematic events, a delay As-Planned versus As-Built
and/or disruption claim often occurs [4 (p. 1)]. However, demonstrating The as-planned versus as-built technique “compares the baseline or other
causal event occurrence and contractual entitlement and adherence, as well planned schedule to the as-built schedule or a schedule update that reflects
as proving causality, mitigation, responsibility, and damages is difficult progress.” It is categorized as an observational, static, and gross technique
for the claimant because of the inherent feedback relationship between since it does not require the intervention of the analyst, relies on a set of
cause (i.e., the event) and the effect (i.e., the delay and/or disruption) and CPM logic, and is performed on the entire project. [8 (p. 39, MIP 3.1)]
the inter-relatedness of the claim relevant elements [5 (p. 2), 6 (p.2), 7 (p.
5)]. Consequently, the purpose of this article is to propose an approach to Impacted As-Planned
discreetly identify delay and disruption on a project and to present a case The impacted as-planned method is characterized by “the insertion or
study to illustrate the process. This article will first explore the current addition of activities representing delays or changes into a network analysis
literature regarding the available methodologies to quantify delay and model representing a plan to determine the hypothetical impact of those
disruption, and then move to its application on a real-world project. inserted activities to the network.” It is categorized as a modeled, additive,
and multiple base technique since it requires the intervention of the analyst
and adds activities to multiple CPM networks. The determination of variances
relies on monitoring and comparing the completion date of the impacted and
Methodology un-impacted schedules after inserting the fragnet. [8 (p. 77, MIP 3.7)]


AND EVENTS The collapsed as-built method is characterized by “the extraction of entire
The validation of project records and events is an important process in the activities or a portion of the as-built durations representing delays or
development of a delay and/or disruption claim to ensure that the input data changes from a network analysis model representing the as-built condition
is reasonable and consequently that the results from the implementation of of the schedule to determine the impact of those extracted activities on
the delay and/or disruption quantification methods are reliable [8 (p. 18)]. the network.” It is categorized as a modeled, subtractive, and multiple
The validation process generally encompasses the following: simulation technique since it requires the intervention of the analyst and
removes activities from multiple CPM networks. The determination of
1. Data gathering variances relies on monitoring and comparing the completion date of the
2. Contract analysis impacted and un-impacted schedules after removal of the delay activities.
3. Events occurrence and responsibility apportionment [8 (p. 91, MIP 3.9)]
4. Schedule review, analysis, and selection
5. Bid and costs analysis Contemporaneous Period Analysis / Windows Analysis
6. Variance analysis The contemporaneous period analysis is characterized by “the [usage] of the
project schedule updates to quantify the loss or gain of time along a logic
DELAY QUANTIFICATION path that was or became critical and identify the activities responsible for the
Definition and Causes critical delay or gain.” It is categorized as an observational, dynamic, and
Delay is defined as “[the start or completion of] the work or some portion of contemporaneous as-is since it does not require the intervention of the analyst
the work […] later than planned or later than scheduled” [9 (p. 43)] and is and uses schedule updates whose logic may have changed from previous
caused by one or more events and impacts on critical or near-critical activities. updates and baseline that were prepared in parallel with project execution.
The determination of the variances relies on the prospective calculations
Quantification Methods made at the time the updates were issued (i.e., the data to the right of the data
Although determining the incurred delay on a project seems date) by comparing the updates at the start and end of the analysis period
straightforward (i.e., the difference between the planned and actual and identifying the changes (i.e., lost and/or gained time) on the critical and
contractual finish milestone), determining the cause and apportioning the near-critical paths. The technique is employed by relying on updates with
delay to the responsible party is a complex process. To help claimants progress data from previous or “recreated” cases. [8 (p.52, MIP 3.3)]
overcome this challenge, AACE International published its Recommended
Practice 29R-03 titled, “Forensic Schedule Analysis” detailing the available Other Protocols
methods to quantify and apportion delay. The methods are categorized Other organizations have developed protocols to complement the ones
by timing (prospective or retrospective), basic methods (observational or compiled by AACE International, most notably the Society of Construction
modeled), specific methods (static or dynamic for observational methods, Law with its Delay and Disruption Protocol.

10 M AY/J U N E 2023
DISRUPTION QUANTIFICATION in overmanning, dilution of supervision, shortage of material, and
Definition and Causes reduced planning and coordination efficiency.
Disruption, defined as “an interference (action or event) with the orderly • Site conditions – Physical, logistical, environmental, and legal
progress of a project or activity(ies)” [9 (p. 47)], reduces construction labor conditions may have a direct impact on productivity.
productivity and is caused by various circumstances. AACE RP 25R-03 • Untimely approvals or responses – Delay or late responses to
details the following list of disruptive events, which, while not exhaustive, requests for information or submittals increases idle time.
covers most situations encountered on a construction project [10 (p. 4-7)]:
Quantification Methods
• Absenteeism – The absence of a crew member results in fewer Identifying causes seems easy but demonstrating that cause and
available resources or a different mix of skill and experience level to quantifying its impact is complex. Thus, multiple methods have been
complete the job. developed to quantify disruption, depending on the project conditions and
• Acceleration (directed or constructive) – Fast-tracking a project data availability [10 (p. 10-17)].
results in reducing the effectiveness of management and coordination
on site because of overtime, second shifts, or the allocation of Measured Mile
additional resources. The measured mile method determines productivity loss by comparing
• Adverse or unusually severe weather – Bad weather suspends or the unit productivity rate achieved during impacted and non-impacted
reduces the pace of the work because of changes in the contractor’s sections/periods of the project. The selection of the measured mile is
adopted means and methods. usually in function of time, quantity, or area depending on the available
• Unavailability of skilled labor – A reduction in skill level is directly data and the project’s actual performance. Additionally, the compared
correlated to a time increase to execute the work. segments should be identical or similar in terms of type of work, means
• Changes – Changed work results in resequencing the work, tear-outs, and methods, location, density, supervision, and site location in order
or delay. to achieve appropriate confidence levels in the results. The primary
• Competition for Craft Labor – Competition for craft labor reduces advantage associated with this method is its reliance on actual project
the availability of skilled labor. data thus eliminating any uncertainty associated with the bid estimate.
• Craft turnover – Craft turnover reduces the advantage associated However, it may be subject to criticism for its potential subjectivity in
with learning curve. determining the studied periods and its reliance on other projects or least
• Crowding of labor or stacking of trades – Congestion results impacted periods when unimpacted stretches of work cannot be identified.
in less available space to complete the work and increases the
probability of interference between trades. Earned Value
• Defective engineering – Unclear drawings increase workers’ reliance When insufficient information is available for accurately determining
on instruction and reduces work pace. productivity, the earned value method estimates productivity loss
• Dilution of supervision – Dilution of supervision results in less by comparing planned performance with actual performance. The
management focus on workers effectiveness and decreases its ability identification of the periods to be studied as well as the criteria are similar
to thoughtfully plan the work. to that of the measured mile analysis. However, challenges may exist
• Excessive overtime – Overtime increases fatigue and absenteeism, because of its reliance on the contractor’s bid, which might be unreasonable.
decreases morale, reduces workmanship, and management
supervision leading to excessive rework and reduced pace. Visual Observation/Judgement
• Fatigue – Exhaustion results in a reduced pace of the work. The visual observation/judgement method relies on industry experts’
• Learning curve – The changes and/or impacts made to the methods assessment of the inefficiencies induced by the event on the performed
and/or means of the workforce (e.g., additional quality standards, work during construction or through video evidence. A disadvantage
changes in laydown area locations…) reduces the gains from the of this method is its potential subjective nature which might impact the
learning curve and thus leads to inefficiencies. results’ confidence level.
• Material, tools, and equipment shortages – Unavailability of
material, tools, and equipment leads to worker idle time. Industry Publications or Productivity Factors
• Material, tools, and equipment double handling – Multiple The industry standards or productivity factors uses published loss of
mobilization/demobilization of material, tools, and equipment. efficiency factors associated with different potential causes. Some examples
• Overstaffing – Overuse of staffing compared to the original plan can of published studies, curves, equations, percentages, and productivity
lead to the employment of unskilled labor, dilution of available tools, reports depending on the factor are the business round table curve for
and reduction in management effectiveness. overtime [11 (p. 3-4)], Foster Wheeler curve for overstaffing [11 (p. 4)],
• Poor morale of craft labor – Reduced morale reduces job Leonard curve for % change order [12 (p.7)], MCAA Factor [10 (p.15)],
satisfaction and pace of the work. and the Wind Chill curve for weather [13 (p. 5-6)]. A clear disadvantage
• Project management factors – Poor scheduling and coordination of this method is that the contractor should also prove that the studies’
of results in a shortage of critical prerequisites and reduction in assumptions and formulas are applicable to the project at hand and how
management effectiveness. actual conditions may have varied from what should have been reasonably
• Out of sequence work – Illogically changing the work sequence assumed at the beginning of the project.
results in haphazard movement on the job site.
• Rework and errors – Revising the work results in the allocation of Total Cost and Modified Total Cost
additional resources to complete the same output. The total cost method simply subtracts the planned expenditures on
• Schedule compression – Shortening individual activities results the project from the actual ones to calculate the claimed amount. This

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 11
approach has been modified to create the modified total cost method by ◦ Correspondences
additionally subtracting any costs for which the contractor is responsible. ◦ Daily reports
However, several obstacles have to be overcome to perform it: 1) the bid ◦ Weekly reports
is reasonable, 2) the actual costs are reasonable, 3) the contractor’s costs • Quantification of delay
have been deducted for impacts it is responsible, 4) there is no other way ◦ Schedules (baseline, updated, and as-built)
to quantify the damages. Thus, it is generally used as a last resort because ◦ Change order requests
of its reliance on the contractor’s bid and cost control process which might ◦ Meeting minutes
be unreasonable or flawed. ◦ Correspondences
◦ Daily reports
Potential Mistakes ◦ Weekly reports
Some common mistakes with calculating lost productivity that contractors • Apportionment of responsibility
should consider [10 (p. 10-11)]: ◦ Prime contract
◦ Subcontract
• Determining the percentage of change based on cost rather than ◦ Correspondences
labor hours. ◦ Meeting minutes
• Calculating lost labor hours by multiplying estimated labor hours • Quantification of disruption
rather than actual labor hours and the determined productivity lost ◦ Production units installed
factor. ◦ Schedules (baseline, updates, and as-built)
• Calculating lost labor hours based on the total labor hours expended ◦ Daily reports
on the project rather than the amount associated with the impacted ◦ Weekly reports
period. • Quantification of damages
• Not accounting for the typical learning curve in the lost productivity ◦ Labor expense reports
calculations. ◦ Final bid report
• Not accounting for the already paid labor hours in approved changed ◦ Job cost report
• Not accounting for non-excusable events. Contract Analysis
The expert team reviewed the prime contract and the subcontract and
identified the clauses mainly related to:

Case Study • Definition of contractual milestones

• Definition of force majeure events
PROJECT OVERVIEW • Definition of unforeseen subsurface conditions
The selected project is in Texas, USA and was executed under an • Change order process
engineering, procurement, and construction agreement. The scope • Delays and extension of time process
of work consisted of the design, procurement, construction, startup, • Acceleration of work process
commissioning, and testing of a 150-megawatt alternating current (AC) and • Changes to the contract price process
193.56-megawatt direct current (DC) solar powered, electric generating
facility across five circuits, as shown in Figure 1. The following sections will Events Occurrence and Responsibility Apportionment
focus on the subcontracted mechanical and electrical components of the The data gathered and the contract analysis allowed the team to
project. The subcontract was planned to start on May 17, 2019, and end on confidently determine which party was responsible for the different events
December 13, 2019, for mechanical completion and February 28, 2020, for and any additional changes to the means and methods that occurred on
substantial completion. Unfortunately, because of unforeseen subsurface the project as presented in Table 1. (see following page)
conditions, force majeure events, and the EPC contractor’s actions/ It is worth noting that the directed acceleration and changed work will
inactions, the project started on May 20, 2019, and ended on April 10, be excluded from this article’s analysis since they have been approved by
2020, for mechanical completion (i.e., 119 days of delay) and May 27, 2020, the project’s owner and thus are not part of the subcontractor’s claims.
for substantial completion (i.e., 89 days of delay). The following sections
will detail the findings of the expert evaluation and opinion regarding the Schedule Review, Analysis, and Selection
schedule delays and productivity loss that occurred during the project. The expert team reviewed the baseline, updates and as-built schedules
with minor adjustments made mainly with the addition of missing logic
PRELIMINARY VALIDATION OF PROJECT RECORDS ties found based on the interviews and daily site reports. Additionally,
AND EVENTS the as-built schedule was validated through a random sampling exercise
Data Gathering through which activity details were matched with daily and weekly reports.
The expert team gathered data from the following main sources The process allowed the team to proceed with quantifying delay with
categorized by analysis step required to quantify delay and disruption: reasonable accuracy and confidence.

• Identification of events and associated timing Bid and Costs Analysis

◦ Interviews The following step will be excluded from this article since the
◦ Change order requests quantification of damages is outside of its scope and the amounts are
◦ Meeting minutes required to remain confidential.

12 M AY/J U N E 2023
No. Event Changes to Means/Methods Impacted Activity Responsible
Failure to timely deliver complete Move-arounds, out-of-sequence APPORTIONMENT
1 Pile installation EPC Contractor
and accurate CSV files work, and extended duration The expert team opted to
Failure to timely complete site Double handling of material and Pile, tracker, and use the contemporaneous
2 EPC Contractor
clearing and grading move arounds module installation
period analysis (windows
3 Relocation of SpiderPlow Crew - - Mech & Elec Sub analysis) since it is a widely
Extended duration, out of Pile, tracker, and accepted methodology and
4 Unforeseen subsurface conditions EPC Contractor
sequence work, move arounds module installation the data required to complete
5 Inclement weather events - - - it are readily available and
reliable. A list of the required
6 Descoping of circuit 5 - - EPC Contractor
documents can be found
7 Directed acceleration - - EPC Contractor in AACE International’s
8 Changed work - - EPC Contractor Recommended Practice (RP)
29R-03, under Method
Failure to timely install modules
9 - - EPC Contractor Implementation Protocol
at circuit 5
Late and piecemeal material Pile, tracker, and
(MIP) 3.3.
10 Out-of-sequence work EPC Contractor
delivery module installation
Period Boundary Selection
TABLE 1 Summary of Events and Responsible The analysis was grouped
into four periods based on
the slippage variance (i.e., the
difference/fluctuation between
the planned and forecasted
completion dates), the
occurrence date of key events or
major shifts in the critical path,
the reliability of the available
schedule as shown in figures 1
and 2.

As previously defined, the
contemporaneous windows
analysis compares as-planned
and as-built dates. However, it
FIGURE 1 Subcontract vs Forecasted Substantial Completion is worth mentioning that the
calculations should be done
in calendar days to properly
determine the damages amount.
Additionally, since it is a
retrospective delay analysis, the
focus is primarily on the activities
on the as-built critical path. The
determination of the as-built
critical path is beyond the scope
of this article; however, the reader
can refer to AACE International’s
protocol in its Recommended
Practice (RP) 29R-03, under
Section 4.3. paragraph C [8 (p.
118)]. Finally, the calculation
of the activity level variance is
FIGURE 2 Subcontract vs Forecasted Mechanical Completion determined by quantifying the
positive and negative variances
Variance Analysis (i.e., early/late start, performance duration gain/extension) for each
The following step will be excluded from this article since the quantification activity and identifying the reasons behind the change in the critical path
of damages is outside of its scope and the amounts are confidential. from the as-planned critical path.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 13
Period 1 – 06/03/2019 to 09/08/2019
Period 1’s as-planned and as-built schedules are
presented in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
From the above analysis and through
interviews and daily and weekly site reports, the
expert team determined the following:

• Pile Stacking Circuit 3 activity had a late

start of 5 days because of late delivery
of accurate CSV files caused by the EPC
contractor (Event 1)
• Site Clearing and Grading Circuits 4-5
activity had a late start of 8 days because of
late completion of site clearing and grading FIGURE 3 Period 1 As-Planned Schedule
caused by the EPC contractor (Event 2)

Period 2 – 09/09/2019 to 10/07/2019

Period 2’s as-planned and as-built schedules are
presented in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
From the above analysis and through
interviews and daily and weekly site reports, the
expert team determined the following:

• Site Clearing and Grading Circuit 5 activity

had a late finish of 4 days because of the
late completion of site clearing and grading
caused by the EPC contractor (Event 2)
• Install DC Feeders Below Grade Circuit 5
activity had a late start of 10 days because FIGURE 4 Period 1 As-Built Schedule
of relocation of the spider plow crew
caused by the mechanical and electrical
subcontractor (Event 3)
• Install DC Feeders Below Grade Circuit 5
activity had a performance gain of 10 days
planned by the mechanical and electrical
• Install Piles Circuit 2 activity had an
extended performance of 10 days thanks to
unforeseen subsurface conditions caused by
the incomplete drawings submitted by the
EPC contractor (Event 4)

Period 3 – 10/07/2019 to 01/20/2020

Period 3’s as-planned and as-built schedules are FIGURE 5 Period 2 As-Planned Schedule
presented in Figures 7 and 8, respectively. (see
following page)
From the above analysis and through
interviews and daily and weekly site reports, the
expert team determined the following:

• Install Tracker Circuit 2 activity had a

late start of 6 days because of unforeseen
subsurface conditions caused by the
incomplete drawings submitted by the EPC
contractor (Event 4)
• Install Tracker Circuit 3 activity had a
late start of 3 days because of unforeseen
subsurface conditions caused by the
incomplete drawings submitted by the EPC FIGURE 6 Period 2 As-Built Schedule

14 M AY/J U N E 2023
contractor (Event 4)
• Install Tracker Circuit 4 activity had a late
start of 16 days because of unforeseen
subsurface conditions caused by the EPC
contractor’s incomplete drawings and was
suspended 3 days because of inclement
weather (Events 4 and 5)
• Install Tracker Circuit 5 activity had a late
start of 45 days because of unforeseen
subsurface conditions caused by the
incomplete drawings submitted by the EPC
contractor and Circuit 5 descoping and
was suspended 1 day because of inclement
FIGURE 7 Period 3 As-Planned Schedule weather (Events 4, 5, and 6)

Period 4 – 01/20/2020 to 06/15/2020

Period 4’s as-planned and as-built schedules are
presented in Figures 9 and 10, respectively.
From the above analysis and through
interviews and daily and weekly site reports, the
expert team determined the following:

• Install Modules Circuit 5 (By others)

activity had a late start of 7 days and an
extended performance of 42 days because
of Circuit 5 descoping caused by EPC
contractor and was suspended 7 days
because of inclement weather (Events 5
FIGURE 8 Period 3 As-Built Schedule and 6)
• Module Plug and Play/Wire Management
Circuit 5 had an early start of 35 thanks to
the acceleration agreement caused by the
EPC contractor (Event 7)
• Install CAB/BLA Circuit 5 had a
performance gain of 2 days thanks to the
acceleration agreement caused by the EPC
contractor (Event 7)
• Final Inspection/Testing Circuit 5 had a
performance gain of 1 day thanks to the
acceleration agreement caused by the EPC
contractor (Event 7)

Post Mechanical Completion

FIGURE 9 Period 4 As-Planned Schedule After mechanical completion, the project
commissioning and start up activity was able
to recover 30 days because of the acceleration
agreement and planned gains caused by the EPC
contractor. (Event 7)

The results of the contemporaneous period
analysis apportioned to the EPC contractor
(EPC), the mechanical and electrical
subcontractor (M&E Sub), and weather (W) are
summarized in Table 2.

FIGURE 10 Period 4 As-Built Schedule

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 15
No. Delay/Gain Description Delay/Gain Causation Delay/Gain Type EPC W
1 Pile Staking Circuit 3 Late Delivery of Accurate CSV Files Late Start -5 0 0

2 Site Clearing & Grading Circuits 4-5 Late Completion of Site Clearing & Grading Late Start -8 0 0

3 Site Clearing & Grading Circuit 5 Late Completion of Site Clearing & Grading Late Finish -4 0 0

4 Install DC Feeders Below Grade Circuit 5 Relocation of SpiderPlow Crew Late Start 0 -10 0

5 Install DC Feeders Below Grade Circuit 5 Planned Gain Performance Gain 0 10 0

6 Install Piles Circuit 2 Unforeseen Subsurface Conditions -10 0 0
7 Install Tracker Circuit 2 Unforeseen Subsurface Conditions Late Start -6 0 0

8 Install Tracker Circuit 3 Unforeseen Subsurface Conditions Late Start -3 0 0

9 Install Tracker Circuit 4 Unforeseen Subsurface Conditions Late Start -16 0 -3

Unforeseen Subsurface Conditions and
10 Install Tracker Circuit 5 Late Start -45 0 -1
Circuit 5 Descope
11 Install Modules Circuit 5 (By Others) Circuit 5 Descope Late Start -7 0 0
12 Install Modules Circuit 5 (By Others) Circuit 5 Descope -42 0 -7
Module Plug and Play/Wire Management
13 Acceleration Agreement Early Start 35 0 0
Circuit 5
14 Install CAB/BLA Circuit 5 Acceleration Agreement Performance Gain 2 0 0

15 Final Inspection/Testing Circuit 5 Acceleration Agreement Performance Gain 1 0 0

Apportioned Delay/Gain (Days): -108 0 -11

TABLE 2 Summary of Contemporaneous Period Analysis Results

In line with this article’s purpose and referring to
Table 1, it is worth mentioning that some events
changed the subcontractor’s means and methods
on activities on and off the as-built critical
path leading to additional costs and resources
to overcome these changes and inefficiencies.
However, in tandem with the delay analysis
explained above, these events had effects beyond
the delays identified on the as-built critical path.
The variance analysis showed a higher activity-
specific extended duration for activities off the as-
FIGURE 11 Pile Installation Productivity in Function of Time
built critical path than on it (e.g., “Install Tracker
Circuit 2” activity in Figure 8). Consequently,
events 1, 2, 4, and 10 were classified as disruptive
events. Contrastingly, a delay would only be
considered should the event impact an activity
on the as-built critical path and subsequently
extend the project’s completion past its planned
contractual finish milestone.

With the activities identified (i.e., installation of
piles, trackers, and modules), the expert team
opted to quantify the productivity loss using
the measured mile analysis since it is widely
preferred by US courts [10 (p. 11)] and the
FIGURE 12 Tracker Installation Productivity in Function of Time
16 M AY/J U N E 2023
expended labor hours, as well as the installed
unit’s data was available. From that data, the
expert team was able to plot the productivities
of the impacted activities in function of time
as shown in Figures 11, 12, and 13. Since
the impacts on these activities spanned their
complete duration, the team determined the
least impacted periods’ boundaries by selecting
the weeks that were able to sustain a relatively
high rate compared to the rest of the data points
(excluding the directed acceleration period).
Particular attention should be drawn to the
least impacted measured mile for the tracker
installation activity as it experienced larger FIGURE 13 Modules Installation Productivity in Function of Time
productivity losses than other

The results were based on
average productivity during
the different periods and are
presented in Figure 14. It is
worth mentioning that the lost
labor hours field is calculated
by multiplying the estimated
lost productivity factor (i.e., the
difference between impacted and
unimpacted productivity divided
by the unimpacted productivity)
with the actual labor hours.
Accordingly, most of
the damage is because of
productivity loss (disruption). FIGURE 14 Measured Mile Analysis Quantifying Productivity Loss for Pile, Tracker, and Module Installation Activities
The extended duration
experienced on the as-built critical path for pile, tracker, and module References
installation activities were attributed to delay caused by productivity loss 1. Flyvbjerg, M.S. Holm, and S. Buhl, (2002). Underestimating Costs in
(disruption), while those extended durations off the as-built critical path Public Works Projects: Error or Lie? Journal of the American Planning
were caused by productivity loss (disruption). Association, 68(3), 279–295
2. Love, P.E.D., C-P Sing, X Wang, D.J. Edwards, and H. Odeyinka
(2013) Probability distribution fitting of schedule overruns in
construction projects, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64:8,
Conclusion 1231-1247.
3. Niazi, G.A., and N. Painting, (2017). Significant factors causing
With the increased likelihood of cost and schedule overrun on a cost overruns in the construction industry in Afghanistan. Procedia
construction project, discretely separating the impact of delay and Engineering, 182, 510-517.
disruption is an important step for the claimant to prove causality, 4. Klanac, and E.L. Nelson, (2004). Trends in Construction Lost
responsibility, and damages. To that end, multiple methods have been Productivity Claims. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering
identified and detailed within the industry to quantify delay and/or Education and Practice, 130(3), 226–236.
disruption. More importantly, the claimant should evaluate both impacts 5. Eden, C., T. Williams, F. Ackermann, and S. Howick (2000) The
in tandem with respect to their subsequent changes to the critical path role of feedback dynamics in disruption and delay on the nature of
(i.e., delays for activities on the critical path, disruption for activities off disruption and delay (D&D) in major projects.
the critical path) and provide substantiation. This article provides a case 6. Williams, F. Ackermann, and C. Eden, (2003). Structuring a delay
study to demonstrate to the reader the process of discreetly identifying and disruption claim: An application of cause-mapping and system
delay and disruption on a project with both damages primarily because of dynamics.
loss of productivity induced by changes to the means and methods of the 7. Warhoe, S.P. (2022). Demonstrating Entitlement for Contract Change
contractor. Orders or Claims – As Applied in Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction. AACE International Recommended Practice No. 120R-21.
8. AACE International. (2021) Forensic Schedule Analysis. AACE
International Recommended Practice No. 29R-03.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 17
9. AACE International. (2021) Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE ABOUT THE AUTHORS
International Recommended Practice No. 10S-90. Anthony J. Gonzales is with the Spire Consulting Group and can be contacted by
10. McDonald, D.F., and J.G. Zack, (2004). Estimating lost labor sending email to:
productivity in construction claims. AACE International Recommended
Practice No. 25R-3. Bassel Safa, is with the University of Texas at
11. Thomas. (1992). Effects of Scheduled Overtime on Labor Productivity. Austin and can be contacted by sending email to:
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 118(1), 60–76.
12. Moselhi, Osama, Charles Leonard, and Paul Fazio, (1991). Impact of
change orders on construction productivity. Canadian Journal of Civil
Engineering - CAN J CIVIL ENG. 18. 484-492.
13. Abele, Gunars, Effect of Cold Weather on Productivity, U.S. Army Cold
Region Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H., 1986.

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18 M AY/J U N E 2023
Planning and Building
a New Arena Under
an Existing Roof

The purpose of this article is to highlight the creative and effective planning and
scheduling tools used during the construction of the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle,
WA. The mass excavation of over 700,000 CY of material was planned and executed
while supporting an existing, historic roof structure weighing over 44,000,000 lbs.
Phased completion of the excavation allowed new foundation and structural elements
to be installed until the existing roof was fully supported by the new structure, thus
allowing the temporary supports to be removed. The project team used a detailed CPM
schedule, LEAN techniques including weekly work planning, 4D scheduling, resource
loaded schedules, and other techniques to plan work safely and effectively. This article
will highlight the successes and lessons learned of an extremely complex and unique
project. This article was first presented at the 2022 AACE International Conference and
Expo as PS.3854.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 19
Seattle NHL team of 17,100. In addition to the renovation, a new parking
Introduction garage and atrium space were constructed on the south end of the Arena.
Sports facility construction is a complex process that has many inherent The project was completed while supporting the 44-million-pound
risks and challenges for the project team. As noted in Gilmour and existing roof, listed on the National Register of Historic Places on May 10,
Duvall’s AACE Technical Paper from 2018, The changing landscape of 2018 [3] and iconic to Seattle’s South Queen Anne landscape. As reported
sports facility construction poses significant challenges to both the project in an Engineering News-Record article from October 2020, the lid had to
management and project controls industries as they grapple with the proper be kept safely in place due to a city-imposed imperative to preserve the
methodologies to deliver complex projects successfully [1]. This case study old arena’s landmarked looks [2]. The existing roof created limitations for
not only addresses planning and scheduling solutions to these typical equipment used during construction and created many unique challenges
challenges but dives deeper into solving an even more complex puzzle of with sequencing and scheduling.
constructing a state-of-the-art arena while supporting an existing roof. Construction of the Climate Pledge Arena achieved substantial
By using the case study of Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA, this completion in October 2021, which opened the doors to rock concerts and
article details various planning techniques used to sequence construction sporting events just days after this feat was accomplished.
and simplify the complexities of a unique construction project. In addition, Doubling the usable square footage was achieved by first excavating
this article will document lessons learned throughout the planning and and hauling away approximately 700,000 CY of material while supporting
execution phases of the project for use in future projects with similarly the existing roof. This was done by using drilled deep foundations and
complex initial conditions. temporary roof support steel, supporting the existing concrete roof while
Initial detailed planning for site access and logistics was performed mass excavation was performed surrounding these structural components.
early in the project life to best prepare the project for success. Key trade In total, twenty (20) Y-Columns and four (4) pylons were supported
partners were included in initial planning efforts. using these methods surrounding the entire perimeter of the roof’s ring
The extensive planning and sequencing of trades that are typically beam. In addition to these supports, a center steel support was installed
removed from this detailed process was an exhaustive effort. All trades in the middle of the excavation. The south pylon was supported by a
are not typically involved in detailed weekly scheduling efforts and all more complex method to facilitate construction of a new parking garage.
stakeholders were pushed to the front lines as planners for this project. A ‘kickstand’ of temporary steel was installed from the south pylon to the
Visual scheduling tools were used to better communicate the logistical south shoring wall while construction of a concrete mat foundation and
ties in the schedule and projections for the lookahead schedules. These shear-wall were completed to support the load. Figure 1 displays a model
tools were kept up to date throughout the project and communicated in of the complex temporary roof support steel system.
weekly meetings to all forepersons on the construction project. After the existing roof was supported, concrete foundations and
The key tools that led to the success of this case study project will be columns were installed to connect the existing roof to the new structural
detailed in addition to lessons learned from the execution of the project. foundations. Concrete columns supported the permanent structural
steel which was installed surrounding the temporary elements and then
placement of structural concrete was completed. After sufficient cure time
Case Study to concrete slabs surrounding temporary steel was achieved, the supports
The case study project consisted of a major renovation to the existing were demolished and removed from site. This created an atypical workflow
structure which was originally built for the 1962 World’s Fair in Seattle, WA. throughout the construction project and required extensive planning
Prior to this project, the facility was operating under the name Key Arena efforts from the early stages to strategize a finished plan. Figure 1 shows
with approximately 411,000 square feet of space. After the recent renovation, the limited height constraints during construction of the arena while the
totaling over $1 Billion in private investment, the space was upgraded to existing roof is supported. As seen in Figure 2, equipment heights were
over 800,000 square feet and holds a seating capacity for the newly created limited which affected the overall sequencing of structural elements.

FIGURE 1 Temporary Roof Support Steel

20 M AY/J U N E 2023
and completed in May
2020, allowing permanent
site access.
In addition to
the complexities and
sequencing challenges of
this project, it was built
faster than many other
similar sports arenas. Greg
Huber, project executive
for Mortenson summed it
up best in an October 2021
Construction Dive article,
“the speed of the project
was a major challenge. We
had to build the arena
itself about 10 percent
faster than the other
major arenas that we’ve
completed [to get it ready
for the Kraken’s home
games]. Certainly, it was
a major challenge, it’s not
like we had all the time in
FIGURE 2 Initial Construction While the Existing Roof is Supported the world to build it.” [3]

To quote construction executive Ken Johnsen from the same ENR

article, keeping the roof in place “ended up being more complicated than
anticipated” [2]. The installation and removal of 4,400 tons of temporary Initial Planning
structural steel during construction of an arena project proved to be The uniqueness of this project required the initial project planning stage to
extremely complicated and required many planning and scheduling revolve around access, structural installation sequencing, and completion
techniques to complete the project safely and on-time. of buildout spaces.
Throughout all of this, a tunnel was being constructed that would
become the sole access point for deliveries to the center of the arena. While SITE ACCESS AND LOGISTICS
this was being completed, construction access would be cut off and the Navigating and managing work around comeback areas is a difficult task
construction team needed a temporary ramp for deliveries to support for any project. Asking contractors to plan for out-of-sequence work is a
construction. This was a key planning element and challenge to navigate management challenge and must be approached with tact. For this case
for successful completion of the project. study project, access to the center of the project for deliveries of material
Many of the techniques used on this project are detailed and explained created a comeback area until much later in the sequence. Maintaining
in this article to provide a look into how one of the most complicated access to the center of the bowl for material deliveries is essential for
projects in recent sports construction history was completed. From success on any major sports project. As mentioned earlier, construction
initial planning, site logistics and access, buildout sequences, and finish of the tunnel for permanent access was underway for most of the project
of spaces, all aspects of the construction planning were affected by the which led to planning and execution of a temporary ramp on the west
temporary steel installation and removal. side of the project. However, the placement of this temporary ramp meant
Overall, the project was completed in 30 months beginning with leaving out structural elements until later in the sequence.
demolition of the existing arena in March 2019. The GMP contract was It is important to determine and minimize all impacts from locating
executed in April 2019, which released the full scope of base work. comeback areas from the onset. For example, choosing an area for
Demolition of the existing arena interiors continued through June 2019, comeback work that is last in the construction sequence creates less of an
which sequentially released installation of the permanent pile and impact. While this seems obvious, it is also important to avoid impacts
temporary roof support systems. These operations lasted until the end of any critical mechanical or electrical systems that would need to be
of 2019 and were followed by mass excavation as areas were released. prioritized. Investigation of all design elements surrounding any comeback
Mass excavation began in late September 2019, and continued into the areas is imperative. For instance, during the initial planning stages of the
spring of 2020. Permanent concrete foundations began in January 2020, temporary ramp, structural steel columns were revised so that no steel
which released steel erection in May of that year. The steel structure was left out for site access. Also, architectural and electrical RFI’s were
was completed in March 2021, shortly followed by concrete operations. approved to modify main electrical switchgear rooms so no disruptions
Building enclosure began in September 2020, and completed in April 2021. were created for electrical energization and startup activities. Figure 3 is
Interior rough-in and finishes began in August 2020, and was completed in a schedule map communicating the temporary ramp comeback area. As
October 2021. Concurrent to all work for completing the arena, the tunnel seen by this example, a key electrical room was adjusted to continue
operation connecting an additional southern site began in August 2019, construction in sequence.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 21
When planning for unique aspects of a construction project, it is necessary
to engage trade partners and start the process as early as possible. For this
case study, the structural steel and shoring contractors were engaged from
the start of the planning process and provided key insight on the plan of
In Gilmour and Duvall’s AACE technical paper from 2018, titled Play
Ball – Challenges of Planning and Scheduling a Major Sports Facility, Figure
3 illustrates a typical plan for structure and build-out of a sports facility
[1]. It is common to start in an agreed location and move in a clockwise
direction, completing the entirety of the structure using tower cranes as
progress moves circularly. However, this case-study did not allow the
structure to be completed in a typical fashion.
The existing roof did not allow the use of tower cranes or mobile
cranes that extended beyond the height of the existing ring beam. Also,
cranes could not be positioned on the exterior of the building footprint as
steel could not be hoisted through an existing concrete roof. In turn, the
structural steel was erected using crawler cranes that would need to be
positioned in future steel erection sequence areas. This constraint led to
the structural steel being erected from the outer ring to the inner ring as
illustrated in Figure 4. The quantity and density of the required equipment,
including the steel erection cranes, posed difficulties in performing work
because of logistical constraints. During steel erection, other operations
including excavation in other areas were concurrently underway which
caused many conflicts with a limited subterranean site. The project team
FIGURE 3 West Temporary Ramp Comeback Area used visual tactics like 4D modeling detailed later in this article to tackle
this problem, but this
remained a concern.
More attention to
spatial and logistic
schedule logic ties
could have been made
earlier in the project
planning process.
In addition to
steel being erected in
a unique sequence,
each pylon had a
very detailed steel
installation method
because of the great
amount of temporary
steel webbing in
place during erection.
These were separate
operations that were
performed by separate
crews and took longer
than adjacent steel
erection sequences.
Figure 5 (see following
page) shows the
temporary steel in place
while permanent steel
erection is underway.
The unique,
broken-up sequence
for structural steel and
FIGURE 4 Case Study Structural Steel Sequencing slab on metal deck

22 M AY/J U N E 2023
when planning areas
independently creates
a more universal
product that is easier
to understand and
The pull planning
process started
from the point when
concrete slabs were
complete below and
above the work areas.
This allowed certain
scopes to begin but
work was also planned
for after the temporary
steel was removed.
It is always the
inclination of project
teams to push to start
work as quickly as
possible. However,
FIGURE 5 Temporary Steel at East Pylon during Permanent Steel Install it is imperative to
maintain construction
installation made for a difficult transition to interior buildout construction. flow throughout the project. This was balanced by releasing certain work
In any construction project and especially sports construction, the within priority MEP systems to start, while waiting for larger areas to be
transition from structure to interior buildout often leads to inefficiencies released for framing and subsequent buildout activities. As demonstrated
and difficulties maintaining the project plan. The project used pull in AACE technical paper PS-2821 [1], the main lesson learned from this
planning efforts with all trade partners to effectively plan each buildout process is that most buildout activities and MEP systems do not follow the
area of the project. same areas as structure which leads to inefficiencies in construction. When
planning for this transition, ensure everyone is bought in to the plan and
PULL PLANNING – INTERIOR BUILDOUT AND FINISHES that certain structural areas can remain vacant to establish construction
The strategy used in this case study to develop the schedule beyond the flow when buildout work begins.
structural elements of the project was to involve all the trade partners
when possible. This collaborative effort can have many benefits but also
has negative aspects that must be navigated. The trade partners enjoyed
a sense of collaboration and direct input to the project plan. As a general Weekly Planning
contractor and project scheduler, it is imperative to navigate every trade In conjunction with other lean practices such as pull planning, the case
partner’s input and align those comments with what is best for the project. study project also used weekly work plan meetings to manage daily tasks
The project team used pull planning to develop the schedule for each on the project. As the initial complex phases of the project like mass
buildout area on every floor. In most projects, typical buildout sequences excavation, shoring, and temporary steel installation progressed, these
can be used, but because of the nature of how work areas were released, detailed plans were crucial in maintaining the project schedule. Weekly
each floor and area was independently planned. work planning is explained in the AACE technical paper PS-3120. In
As defined in Hunt and Schumacher’s 2019 AACE technical paper, summary, trade partners create a plan for the following week using a
“the basis of pull planning is a collaborative effort engaging the last lookahead from the project schedule. These weekly plans are typically done
planners of the work. The last planners in construction are typically in a spreadsheet or by hand. The tasks identified on the weekly work plans
trade superintendents and foreman – the personnel directly responsible must be more detailed than the activities shown in the CPM schedule [4].
for execution and the face of work. By engaging the last planners and Many of the trade partners involved in this stage of the project are not
their expert knowledge of their work, in conjunction with the project traditionally involved in establishing schedules involving many hand-offs
superintendent, a better plan can be developed for the execution of the to the next subcontractor. Traditionally, mass excavation and shoring
work. This results in better through-put and elimination of waste, by contractors follow each other in a linear fashion on a mostly empty site to
reducing work waiting on workers or workers waiting on work.” [4] clear the way for concrete foundations and subsequently, structural steel.
This effort took many weeks as an iterative process working up However, the design for the temporary support steel was predicated on
through the floors and areas. As the lead scheduler, it is crucial to collect installation of structural steel in stages as excavation got deeper. In turn,
this data, but establish certain naming conventions and standards to weekly hand-offs between trades were necessary to maintain safe and
follow as information is gathered. Often, different representatives from effective workspaces. The project used the weekly work plan to further
the same contractor would participate in pull planning sessions. These detail shoring and excavation activities that do not traditionally get much
individuals would name certain tasks differently or may have alternate schedule detail. Figure 6 displays a detailed weekly plan for shoring,
sequences for the same scope of work. Maintaining certain standards even excavation, and structural steel.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 23
FIGURE 6 Weekly Work Plan Sample
aligned for weekly
meetings and
monthly schedule
submissions. This
required regular
between the
virtual design
and construction
(VDC) personnel
in charge of
the model and
the project
scheduler, so that
any changes in
sequence could
be mirrored in
the model. By
FIGURE 7 4D Model Snapshot a clear picture of
what the project
should look
The lesson learned from this process was that the more hand-offs there like visually in 4-6 weeks, trade partners could identify constraints and
are, the more detailed a schedule should be. For activities like excavation, properly plan their work moving forward.
this detail can be difficult to achieve but using column lines and elevations In addition, the 4D scheduling tool allowed the project to properly
in conjunction with pile numbers per the shoring drawings, detail was communicate the site logistics constraints within the schedule. Throughout
achieved for proper planning and communication. this stage of the project, material laydown and equipment work areas
were necessary reasons for logical ties in the schedule. These logistical
ties were able to be visually communicated by modeling equipment like
excavation machinery, haul roads, steel erection cranes, deep foundation
Visual Planning drill equipment, tie-back machinery, etc. It is often difficult to understand
Many new technologies for planning and scheduling are used for initial some schedule logic but visually seeing where equipment is working on
marketing presentations and then pushed aside for more traditional the 4D model was an effective tool for communicating plans. As stated in
methods as the project progresses. As these technologies become more the AACE technical paper BIM-2697 from 2017, “A BIM assisted schedule
readily available, there is an avenue for them to be used throughout the can…provide a visualization tool to analyze the construction sequence that
lifetime of a project. One of the more difficult aspects in scheduling is can optimize the schedule and provide a tool to analyze the construction
communicating the plan so that everyone can understand, from senior means and method.” [5]
leadership down to the tradesperson level. The effective use of 4D modeling Figure 7 shows a snapshot of time while drilled piles were being
can be used to communicate complex and sometimes detailed project plans. installed, Y-Column scaffolding for concrete installation shown in yellow
The case study project used 4D scheduling for the entire life of the shading, shotcrete wall operations shown in green, and support equipment
project. During the excavation and shoring stages of the project, the 3D are in place. These logistical cues were instrumental in communicating
model was updated in conjunction with the schedule to ensure they were potential logistical issues in work forecasted in future weeks.

24 M AY/J U N E 2023
in time. This helped
staffing needs and
overall workflow to
key trade partners
on a summary level.

In addition to
providing modeling
support for schedule
of interiors, the
project also used
4D scheduling in
the flow of work
regarding sitework.
Completion of the
site hardscapes and
landscaping were
a critical phase of
FIGURE 8 Interiors Overall Sequencing work to achieve
timely completion of
the project. Also, site
access to key areas of the building needed to be coordinated with ongoing
site operations, so communication of this plan was paramount. Figure 9 is
an example of the 4D schedule communicated to trade partners in weekly
work plan meetings with shading of hardscapes reflecting different stages
of the work.
The model and schedule were updated in conjunction throughout
the entire life of the project to ensure communication of the plan was
digestible for all key stakeholders. It was beneficial in communication
during client meetings and during weekly work plan meetings with all
forepersons and superintendents.

When teams are faced with extremely complex construction projects, the
more traditional practices for planning and scheduling are not enough.
By understanding and analyzing the case study project of Climate Pledge
Arena in Seattle, WA, it is understood that updating a critical path method
schedule alone was insufficient to successfully renovate and construct a
sports arena while supporting an existing structure.
The use of visual schedule communication, detailed weekly work
planning, detailed initial planning efforts, logistics and access planning,
and a constant attention paid to these tools led to a successful project
turnover. Contractors that are not often involved in these practices were
FIGURE 9 Sitework 4D Schedule Example coached and given the opportunity to provide input throughout the
construction process. This collaborative environment created buy-in for
the project team to be successful together.
4D scheduling is most beneficial for large structural scopes of work While successful, a project of this magnitude and complexity is not
because the interiors of a project are so detailed that it often proves without lessons learned. The case study project led to discoveries as to
difficult to communicate schedule sequences using 3D modeling. However, what good weekly planning looks like, how to best communicate and
this case study project was unique in how areas of the project were manage a 4D schedule, ways to establish standards during pull planning
released for construction in different phases of work, thereby proving efforts, and ways to improve the transition from structural completion to
beneficial to communicate the overall sequencing between floors and areas. interior buildout.
Figure 8 shows the methodology used by the project in communicating Planning and scheduling successful projects start at the earliest stages
what phase of work the overall schedule areas were in at different points and includes all stakeholders of the project. By implanting the tactics

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 25
detailed in this article and learning from the shortcomings, successful 4. AACE International, PS.3120, Integrating the Last Planner System
planning and execution can be achieved on the world’s most complex into Critical Path Method Schedule, Morgantown, WV: AACE
sports construction projects. International, 2019.
5. AACE International, BIM.2697, Integrating Building Information
Modeling with Project Schedule, Morgantown, WV: AACE
International, 2017
1. AACE International, PS.2821, Play Ball - Challenges of Planning ABOUT THE AUTHOR
and Scheduling a Major Sports Facility, Morgantown, WV: AACE Zachary A. Hallstrom, PSP, is with Mortenson
International, 2018. and can be contacted by sending email to:
2. Post, Nadine. (2020, October), Keeping Key Arena’s Landmark Lid
Overhead at Climate Pledge Arena Redevelopment Is A 22,000-Ton
Balancing Act, Engineering News Record.
3. Obando, Sebastian. (2021, October), On site: An inside look at
the construction of Seattle’s $1.15B Climate Pledge Arena,
Construction Dive.

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26 M AY/J U N E 2023
Advancing Project Management
with Multi-Dimensional Project
Controls and Digital Twin

Robust project controls are a must-have mechanism for successful project management. Timely and reliable
project controls data is crucial to diagnose the project's current status, predict the project's future performance,
and manage risks. However, traditional project controls practices, tools, and techniques are not standardized,
sophisticated, consistent, objective, synthesized, or connected enough to support project management in its
entirety. The project team's lack of commitment and trust in project controls are common as a result of past
experiences with impractical and unreliable project controls mechanisms. With increasing complexity and
resource constraints, projects need to have comprehensive and reliable project controls. The negative impact
of project complexity and risks on schedule, cost, quality, and safety can be effectively and efficiently managed
only by implementing multi-dimensional, design-centric, and data-driven project controls approaches such
as digital twin (DT). DT is a promising project controls approach where a real-time virtual replica of physical
structure functions as a single-source-of-truth. It helps establish a plan, monitor, and control progress,
measure the project's current state, forecast its trend, manage risks, and communicate project status with
stakeholders. However, incorporating DT into existing project controls practices does not guarantee successful
implementation unless the practices meet critical success criteria. This article reviews current practices, barriers,
enablers, opportunities, and future trends for project controls with digital twin and advanced technologies. This
article was first presented as CSC-3831 at the 2022 AACE International Conference & Expo.

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 27
Project size, Factors Facilitating Effective Project
Introduction owner and contractor Controls
resources, contract Comprehensive project management plan
The effective application of project controls mechanism is the most critical type, and project with defined objectives and requirements
factor for a project’s success [1]. Project controls is a collaborative use of complexity are Project controls plan outlining performance
people, processes, and tools to keep projects within scope, budget, and among the factors that requirements and measurement methods
schedule [2]. Project completion that is compliant with preset quality need consideration Proactive change management plan
standards within a predetermined schedule and budget is the primary goal when determining
Comprehensive risk management plan
of project controls [1]. The methodical use and application of all resources, the project controls
tools, and techniques necessary for a successful project completion fall metrics requirements Clear project scope decomposition with WBS
within the scope of project controls. High-level tasks of project controls in contracts [6]. In Methodical earned value management plan
include planning, tracking, analyzing, forecasting, identifying corrective addition, receiving
Realistic baseline plan
actions, and verifying the outcome of actions related to project schedule, project control
cost, quality, and risks [2] [3]. Overall, project controls aim to support metrics data on a Accurate cost and resource loaded schedule
timely project management and stakeholder decisions with accurate timely basis from all Detailed resource constraints analysis
and up-to-date project information [2]. In addition, project controls relevant stakeholders,
Objective progress monitoring system
mechanisms are typically used to identify and evaluate differences including third parties,
between plans and actual project outcomes throughout the lifecycle [4]. is essential for efficient TABLE 2 Project Controls Enablers
Therefore, project controls should be applied to every aspect of a project project controls
where project performance is measured against success criteria using [2]. Using third-party vendors for project management support is called
project controls metrics [5]. information systems (IS) outsourcing. While traditional IS outsourcing
activities include programming, testing, and documentation, complex
projects may benefit from higher value IS outsourcing activities such
as project planning, design, and monitoring. Depending on the project
Project Controls Metrics complexity and capabilities, owners and contractors outsource higher value
IS activities to third-party vendors within project controls, coordination,
The absence of standardized and agreed-upon project controls metrics and performance scopes. The positive impact of efficient project controls
results in misperception and miscommunication regarding the actual on project performance is statistically significant. However, complex
project progress and performance. Furthermore, damages due to inaccurate projects with outsourced services are likely to experience high failure rates
performance measurements are usually not recoverable as they often remain resulting from inefficiencies caused by communication issues related to
unidentified until the project schedule and remaining budgets are almost unsophisticated cross-organizational practices and geographical barriers [7].
exhausted. Therefore, proper risk identification and management helps The application of project controls metrics does not guarantee an
prevent severe issues when the project team uses standardized project control effective project controls mechanism. Agility in change management,
metrics to diagnose the current project status and predict future performance. applying proper earned value management, establishing a realistic baseline
Efficiency/productivity index (E/PI), schedule variance (SV), cost variance plan, analyzing resource constraints, allocating resources, accurately
(CV), unit rate (UR), procurement cost variance (PCV), baseline execution reflecting project progress, and executing project management plans
index (BEI), and the number of critical and near-critical paths are among influence the reliability of project controls metrics and information [2].
the essential project controls metrics that can be used in diagnosing the More specifically, reliable project control requires the following: a clearly
current project status. In addition, variance-at-completion (VAC), estimate-at- defined project scope with corresponding WBS, a project execution plan
completion (EAC), estimate-to-complete (ETC), and to-complete-performance determining project objectives and requirements, a project controls plan
index (TCPI) are essential predictive project controls metrics mainly used outlining required performance indicators, a progress measurement
for forecasting project outcomes. Finally, the cost performance index (CPI) methodology defining the rule of credit, a cost and resource loaded
and schedule performance index (SPI) are essential performance assessment schedule considering the requirements and constraints, a proactive change
metrics for both diagnosis and prediction [6] (Table 1). Each of these metrics management plan geared toward unplanned events, a comprehensive
align to provide stakeholders with valuable information that drives decisions risk management plan periodically identifying risk and evaluating the
that impact the final performance of a project. likelihood and impacts of identified risks, a progress monitoring system
identifying productivity, a robust
Diagnostic Predictive Diagnostic & Predictive
trend analysis forecasting variances,
a communication management plan
Efficiency/Productivity Index Variance-at-Completion Cost Performance index
conveying project assessment to
Schedule Variance Estimate-at-Completion Schedule performance index stakeholders, and a collaboration
Cost Variance Estimate-to-Complete environment aligning goals and
Unit Rate to-Complete-Performance Index competing interests of stakeholders
Procurement Cost Variance
[8] (Table 2).
Similarly, the most common
Baseline Execution Index
barriers that prevent efficient
Number of Critical and Near- project controls includes the
Critical Paths
following: lack of skilled scheduling
TABLE 1 Essential Project Controls Metrics

28 M AY/J U N E 2023
Factors Preventing Effective Project and cost professionals are usually not collected, stored, controlled, or analyzed because of the
Controls within the project limited capabilities of traditional software programs and management
Lack of skilled scheduling and cost organization, methods. However, building information modeling (BIM), used as a
professionals unstandardized and project controls single-source-of-truth, can integrate, and analyze big
Misalignment of project controls systems
misaligned project data to prevent potential problems [11]. BIM initially aimed to improve
between owners and contractors controls systems collaboration in construction management, mainly in design and
between owner construction phases. The application area of BIM quickly exceeded the
Unclear contract deliverables
and contractor individual building level and reached life cycle management, integrated
Stakeholder’s dislike of project controls and
organizations, infrastructures, and smart cities. As the BIM approach received wider
lack of commitment
ambiguous contract adoption over time, the amount of data generated during the typical
Clear project scope decomposition with WBS
deliverables, construction project life cycle increased substantially [12]. BIM, a subset
Lack of communication stakeholder’s dislike of of virtual design and construction (VDC), is an information technology
Unclear roles and responsibilities project controls, lack that uses tools, methods, and procedures [13]. It helps solve construction
Ambiguous milestones of communication, project problems and streamline processes by virtual prototyping [14].
absence of project Using this approach, it allows BIM to provide a basis where big data is
Ineffective reporting tools
controls commitment accessed, stored, and maintained [15]. Efficient project delivery requires
Subjective progress monitoring system by the project an accurate, clear, and accessible database of project information that
Inability to react to changes management team, can be shared with project stakeholders. BIM can establish a project
Non-detailed project goals unclear roles and management information database that is centric to all stakeholders
responsibilities, and team members. As a dynamic and comprehensive project database,
TABLE 3 Project Controls Barriers subjective BIM contains all project documentation and facilitates decision-making
interpretations throughout the project life cycle [16]. BIM has improved understanding,
of milestones, ineffective project reporting tools, inability to measure quality, coordination, and overall management efficiency using 3D
progress and react to changes, ineffective cash flow planning, non-detailed visualization. Visualized 3D models providing more detailed information
project goals and objectives, and unstandardized processes [9] (Table 3). than 2D drawings which achieves a better physical reality of construction
operations [17].
BIM is not limited to product-related information [14]. 3D model
elements linked with process-related information (i.e., schedule, cost,
Project Controls Tools sustainability, and facility management) evolve visualization beyond
the 3D model (i.e., 4D, 5D) [18]. BIM enables 4D project controls
and Techniques by integrating schedules into the model [17] and establishes a 5D
project controls environment by aligning cost, schedule, and 3D model
Two high-level project control categories are one-dimensional controls (i.e., integration [19]. While the BIM approach applies to some degree
schedule or cost) and multi-dimensional controls (i.e., schedule and cost). throughout the product life cycle, the application of 4D and 5D project
Application of earned value analysis (EVA) that integrates schedule and controls is traditionally limited to the preconstruction and construction
cost controls is a typical example of multi-dimensional project controls phases, where collaboration and stakeholder involvement are at a
methods. Although EVAs synthesize both schedule and cost control, they maximum [12].
conventionally do not incorporate other project controls elements such
as quality, design, and use of technology [4]. Traditionally, project teams SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT WITH 4D PROJECT CONTROLS
execute project controls from a schedule-centric perspective that conducts Unsystematic and traditional field progress monitoring causes data
planning, scheduling, resource allocation, risk analysis, cost and time loss and reduced reliability of schedule information due to subjective
forecasting, and other EVAs separately. However, the current trend shows interpretations [16]. In contrast, 4D project controls streamline processes
that design-centric and data-driven (i.e., nD BIM, digital twin) project and increase efficiency in spatial constraints identification [13], proactive
controls perspectives are replacing the traditional schedule-centric project planning, safety management, risk mitigation, and automated progress
controls perspective. Design-centric and data-driven project controls monitoring [17]. In addition, 4D project controls also improves
aim to conduct real-time analysis to increase project control accuracy productivity, stakeholder communication, information accuracy and
and positive impact on overall project management by benefiting from confidence [16]. However, as mentioned earlier, the benefits of 4D project
technological advancements (i.e., AR, VR, IoT, and AI) [10]. controls rely on visualization and communication characteristics and
capabilities of the BIM approach used in the project. In other words,
the 4D schedule information displayed in BIM should be up-to-date
and consistent.
Building Information Modeling Furthermore, it should convey a clear message to all project
stakeholders as the primary project communication medium [20]. When
(BIM) the 4D project controls method is tailored and applied according to
the specific project needs, stakeholders with different backgrounds,
The rapid development of societies’ needs has resulted in more complex skill sets, and experience levels can share a common understanding of
projects that require more efficient project management methods than the simplified overall project schedule and applicable information. In
traditional approaches. The big data generated through complex projects addition, project stakeholders’ behavioral intentions such as intensity,

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 29
frequency of use, and trust in the system significantly influence the
positive outcome of 4D project controls [21]. Current Status and Trends for
Cost information generated through traditional methods is often Unfortunately, delivering the construction documents in 2D drawings
inaccurate, misaligned with project objectives, and undermines project and analog specifications is still the industry standard. The information
feasibility efforts [22]. While cost performance indicator (CPI) is one stored in analog formats is often not reflected in BIM models because
of the most critical measurements of a project’s success, it may not be of undefined BIM expectations from project stakeholders [28]. On the
reliable due to inaccurate baselines or as-built data related to quantity contrary, some projects experimented and identified potential benefits of
take-offs, and bill of quantities [23]. In addition to the existing problems integrating BIM with other technological advancements (i.e., AR, VR, IoT,
of traditional cost control, lack of communication and visualization and AI). For example, project controls with BIM-based augmented reality
capabilities to support issue resolution causes rework and cost overruns (AR) provide construction professionals with technical information about
[24]. Construction project implementations encounter several issues as components in a specific location, construction activities, and procedures
a result of cash flow mismanagement. Unforeseen variances between related to the viewed components. An accurate augmented presentation
estimated expenses and actual costs reduce the ability to forecast of the planned work requires the 3D model elements to align with WBS
accurately [19]. elements that incorporate location-based management systems [29].
Reducing construction costs and schedules without sacrificing quality Additionally, advanced virtual reality (VR) technologies such as
is a common goal for both owners and contractors to gain or maintain a immerse virtual reality (IVR) have added another layer to the virtual project
competitive advantage in the construction industry. However, the trade- controls environment where humans can interact with a virtual model.
off between construction cost and schedule requires delicate analysis Overall benefits obtained in the construction industry by integrating BIM
and optimization to prevent potential conflicts. The time-cost trade-off and VR include, but are not limited to; better training, accurate planning,
is unlikely to optimize using traditional methods where project cost improved design, efficient construction, effective project management, and
and schedule data do not sync, considering the increasing complexity faster conflict resolution [17]. However, an integration of AR, VR, internet-of-
of construction projects in terms of labor, equipment, material, supply things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into the digital-built
chain, and funding availability. A BIM environment that delivers project environment further increased the amount of data up to a level, where
cost-schedule alignment and run what-if scenario analyses throughout the commonly applied BIM approaches cannot feasibly process, exchange or
project life cycle provides an excellent opportunity for both owners and benefit the crucial data for successful project management.
contractors to manage projects proactively [25]. BIM offers opportunities As a result, a significant amount of data is lost and not transferred
for a comprehensive cost management mechanism with accurate and from one phase to another [12]. The mismanagement of big data results
streamlined estimating, budgeting, control, life cycle analysis, and claim in challenges, inaccurate information, lack of monitoring abilities, and
management functions [23]. 5D BIM maximizes cost management inability to realize the benefits of available smart-building technologies. The
efficiency and accuracy by integrating cost and schedule. The BIM model current inefficiencies in data management, including traditional and BIM
level of detail (LOD) is essential in successfully implementing 5D project approaches, drive the digital twin (DT) approach. Most IoT platforms plan
controls since the accuracy of quantity take-offs automatically obtained to implement some degree of DT capabilities by 2026. Not surprisingly, DT
from the BIM model relies on the model’s LOD. BIM models with low LOD applications have significantly increased during the Covid-19 pandemic
are not suggested for 5D application as it requires more quantity surveying [28]. The amount of research conducted since 2017 shows a significantly
efforts, contrary to the purpose of 5D project controls implementation increased interest in the DT approach, especially in the engineering and
[26]. While it is more effective, integrating cost and schedule in BIM with computer science fields [30]. The global market size of the DT approach
a high-level LOD it is less time-consuming than traditional methods [19]. exceeded $3 billion in 2020, and it is estimated to reach close to $50 billion
The amount of time saved in cost control and approval practices through by 2026 [31]. As a promising and essential element of the fourth industrial
5D can be significant (i.e., 30%) [27]. revolution in terms of technological automation in the construction
BIM improves cost and schedule integration by establishing a 5D industry [30], the DT approach offers time and cost savings in the design,
project controls environment with increased project budget reliability, cost construction, and operations phases for both contractors and owners [28].
planning, and estimating efficiency [22]. In addition to the benefits of 4D
project controls, 5D project controls improve benefit/cost returns and
productivity management. However, effective cost and schedule integration
requires classification alignment of the cost breakdown structure (CBS) Digital Twin
and the schedule work breakdown structure (WBS). Projects should
allocate direct, indirect, and overhead costs using activity-based costing Numerous interrelated design and construction tasks are managed
(ABC) to align costs and schedule more effectively. However, traditionally, simultaneously by architects, engineers, and managers, considering
CBS and WBS are structured differently through individual efforts, making their cost, schedule, resource, and quality attributes. While efficient
the alignment complex, and resulting in errors and mismatches. Linking management requires effective monitoring and controls, on-site
cost items and schedule activities to 3D design components using a physical tracking is expensive, time-consuming, and open to subjective
universal breakdown structure (UBS) for CBS and WBS could overcome interpretation. On the other hand, DT is a technological breakthrough
the complexity of aligning schedule and cost [19]. that maximizes visualization and information management, optimizes
the project’s competing requirements and project management processes,
and improves collaboration [32]. The real-time project data embedded
into DT as project attributes allows advanced monitoring and control

30 M AY/J U N E 2023
[33]. Other potential benefits of the DT approach include design-centric Digital Twin Classification Data Exchange between Physical
smart-planning and construction and optimized design creativity [34]. In and Virtual Assets
the era of digitization, the primary measure of collaboration is the amount, Digital Model No automated communication
frequency, and quality of digital information exchange [15]. While Digital Shadow One-way communication
offering real-time information exchange, the collaboration effectiveness
Digital Twin Two-way communication
of the DT approach may be different based on the information exchange
infrastructure of the selected DT mechanism. The information exchange in TABLE 4 Digital Twin by Data Exchange Method
the DT approach can be file-based, cloud-based, and blockchain-based [15].
A DT forms a replica of a structure, including its systems throughout
the life cycle. Unlike static 3D models, a DT is dynamic, and it evolves geometric data such as schedule, cost, vendor, and stakeholder remarks
as the building changes even after the construction is complete. AI, about specific physical components. As more geometric and non-
sensors, and other IoTs supply the data required to mirror the physical geometric data are reflected, the functions and capabilities of the DT
asset as a DT. The DT approach, considering real-world circumstances, expand. Depending on the data exchange method, the DT can simulate
simulates informed decisions [28]. The primary function of a DT is to what-if scenarios, analyze productivity, and support decision-making
accurately visualize a physical structure and capture the real-time data that [36]. Level of data integration classifies DTs into three categories
continuously grows throughout the project and product life cycles. The (i.e., digital model, digital shadow, and digital twin). A digital model
product life cycle phases that most commonly use the DT approach are the virtually represents an existing or planned physical asset that does not
operations and maintenance phases which follow the construction phase. automatically communicate any status data back to the digital model.
Planning, design, procurement, commissioning, and decommissioning are Instead, manual efforts help reflect the status change in the physical asset
the product life cycle phases that implement the DT approach [33]. Several on the digital model. The digital model is evolved into a digital shadow
sectors and industries such as aviation, manufacturing, robotics, facility when a one-way communication channel exists and automatically
management, health care management, and construction apply the DT updates the virtual asset based on the current status of the physical asset.
approach. The application area and scope are the determining factors for A digital twin, on the other hand, ideally requires an automated two-
the financial feasibility of adopting the DT approach. The required level of way communication channel between the physical and virtual assets.
technological and data management sophistication, existing technological A change in the status of the physical asset updates the virtual asset,
knowledge base, and processes are also considerations for adopting the DT and a revision on the virtual asset leads to a change in the physical asset
approach [35]. and processes [38] (Table 4). Most BIM practices currently applied in
In the construction industry, the project data collection and data-model the construction industry fall within the digital model category of the
synchronization both start with BIM model development, and continues DT concept [39].
throughout the construction, commissioning, and close-out phases [33].
The enhanced collaboration established in the BIM approach improves RESOLUTION, COMPLETENESS, AND DIGITAL TWIN LEVEL BY
transparency by evolving BIM into DT, where data processing time is DATA MATURITY
reduced in construction and operations phases [15]. In addition, the DT The ability to anticipate problems and receive feedback in real-time is
approach offers integration of interrelated BIM uses that project teams the primary function of DT allowing significant time and cost savings.
often carry out through independent efforts. The most common tools Resolution and completeness of the DT approach are the determining
used in BIM that are integrated into a DT approach are clash detection, factors of the significance of the time and cost savings a construction
construction logistics planning, construction forecasting, cost estimation, project can realize. Resolution refers to the maturity level of the DT,
quality control, safety management, scheduling, site monitoring, and whereas completeness is the measure of the data amount captured
visual communications. These uses require the DT approach to have digitally. In addition to resolution and completeness parameters, DT
the following capabilities: prediction, simulation, monitoring, life cycle update frequency is essential for successful implementation. The DT
applicability, sensing, optimization, integration with internet-of-things update frequency should be sufficient to reflect the physical asset in
(IoT), leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), BIM, establishing knowledge real-time. A DT with an optimized resolution, completeness, and update
repository, and automated logical interpretations [12]. frequency according to the predetermined objectives results in more
accurate cost management, proactive safety management, improved
DIGITAL TWIN CLASSIFICATION BY DATA EXCHANGE METHOD quality management, and automated schedule management [40]. While
BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL ASSETS the core benefits of the DT approach are maintained, the DT approach
A typical DT requires five elements: physical asset, virtual asset, can apply at different levels of maturity and data transformation
connection and data exchange between physical and virtual assets, and requirements. A DT reflecting the live and editable version of design
data processing capabilities. The virtual environment (i.e., nD model) and construction data is called the Descriptive Twin. Incorporating
mirrors the physical asset (i.e., building). The virtual asset reflects the sensory data, in addition to the design and construction data, into the
current physical state by processing the actual data received via advanced DT establishes the Informative Twin. The DT that leverages operational
and integrated technologies (i.e., Point cloud, photogrammetry, laser insights constitutes the Predictive Twin. The Comprehensive Twin is
scanning, sensors, AI, 5G, IoT, and blockchain) [36]. While the DT can the DT that can simulate what-if scenarios for future decisions. Finally,
obtain heterogeneous physical asset data using different technologies, implementing autonomous learning and acting abilities into the DT
systematic data mapping and integrating data from different technological creates the autonomous Twin. There is a higher required level of maturity
sources can be challenging towards efficient DT applications unless data and digital transformation in the Autonomous Twin than the Predictive
classification is standardized and understood [37]. Twin. The level of the DT approach is determined when the desired
The data contained and reflected in the DT are not limited to outcome is identified based on stakeholders’ expectations, which are a
geometric data (i.e., size and volume). The DT can also mirror non- part of the planning phase [28] (Table 5).

MAY/J U N E 2 02 3 31
• Select the optimum project controls tool by identifying strengths,
Digital Twin Classification Data Maturity and Transformation
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTs) of multiple
Descriptive Twin Contains editable design and alternatives
construction data
• Deploy a design-centric and data-driven project controls approach
Informative Twin Contains additional operational
using a universal breakdown structure (UBS) that synthesizes
and sensory data
schedule work breakdown structure (WBS), cost breakdown
Predictive Twin Analyzes data to gain insight
structure (CBS), and risk breakdown structure (RBS)
Comprehensive Twin Simulates what-if scenarios • Allow flexibility and agility in project controls practices to tailor the
Autonomous Twin Learns and acts autonomously approach for unforeseen project changes
• Apply proactive project controls that can foresee and embrace
TABLE 5 Digital Twin by Data Exchange Method changes and dynamically progress towards future needs

Project controls approaches that use the DT approach and meet

critical success criteria is expected to advance overall project management
Discussion and by significantly improving baseline planning accuracy, real-time status
updates, progress monitoring reliability, value engineering applicability,
Recommendations risk management efficiency, and communication effectiveness. As a result,
the construction industry should benefit from project controls with DT
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project resources, tools, and techniques are used efficiently and methodically and minimize waste.
throughout the project lifecycle. Project controls measures differences
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