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Reflection Paper on the Movie “THE FOUNDER”

I had never seen the film "The Founder" before, and at first, I assumed it was
just another standard business film. But while I was streaming, I became aware that this was
no typical movie. This film is based on true events. I couldn't help but Google McDonald's and
what happened to them while I was watching the movie. I was shocked to learn what I had
read online because it matched the events in the movie. I've been thinking more deeply about
business as a result of the movie, and these are some of my ideas:

First, we must venture outside of our comfort zones. The reputation of their
business, the caliber of their food, how quickly they serve it, and other factors are all that
matter to the brothers Dick and Mac in the film. Even though Ray proposed that they start
selling milkshakes, the brothers say no. The brothers were also initially opposed to the idea of
opening a franchise since they had attempted it previously and it had not worked out. They
needed to examine the shortcomings from that previous failure in order to figure out how to
prevent it from happening again. We should never give up on something that can bring us
profits; instead, we should keep looking for new opportunities to boost revenue and advance
our company. In short, despite the fact that it was initially the brother's company, the lack of
venturing outside their comfort zone is one of the reasons Ray purchased their enterprise.

Second is that, in order to succeed in business or in life in general, we must be

persistent. Persistence is what motivates us to keep going after our objectives no matter how
difficult they may be or how many roadblocks we encounter. One such example is Ray, who
struggled to find franchise investors and eventually ran into the same bad management style
that destroyed the first franchise attempts. Because of Ray's perseverance, McDonald's
franchises grow larger and larger as a result of drawing in new franchisees and increasing
brand recognition.

In summary, I think the film was both good and bad. It's good because it makes
the audience realize that we must persevere if we want to fulfill our dreams and hopes. It's
bad because Ray claims credit for the business even though he wasn't the original founder or
owner. It's also bad because it depicts how easy it is to get divorced from someone you fell in
love with in the past, like Joan and Ray.

JAKE I. BORINAGA – BSA 3 – February 6, 2023

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