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Announcements Sharon Christie

Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church! Welcome To

If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book.
We meet in this historical church which has humble beginnings. All
since 1927. May what we do in this time and in this place bring glory to
Annual Meeting Tentatively for Sunday March 10,2024 with Barb Nott
Please hand in reports before this date. CHURCH
Sunday Feb 11th, 2024
Leading us in Worship
Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault Gerry Copeman
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS)
is used by students who need food, clothing and TRANSFIGURATION
small household items. Students who SUNDAY
use this program often live on their own
and experience challenges as they try to
further their education.
Please bring you donations on Sunday. PROCESSIONAL
holy, holy Lord God Almighty! …
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Our Prayer List
Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
Nancy McDonald,
God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Gil Davies, Phil Christie
Words of Welcome

E-mail “” Call to worship. (Responsive)

Facebook @allpeoplesunited The light of Christ shines on us and in us.

The light of Christ leads us. The light of Christ transforms us.
He was changed, transfigured, and transformed.
Upcoming Speakers By God's love -
Feb 18th - Gerry Copeman Join us for coffee, Tea and we are changed, given hope, made new.
Conversation following As people changed and changing,
Feb 25th – Torrin Maag
the Service. as disciples of Jesus,
we celebrate God's life in us!
Offering Song (Sung by all)
Opening Hymn VU 409 Morning has broken Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God.
Thanks for the food we eat,
And for the friends we meet.
Lover of all, For each new day we greet
help us to acknowledge and experience Thanks Be to God!
your love for us.
We need to know that we are loved Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
and be inspired to love even as you love.
Transformed, and empowered OFFERING PRAYER
may we radiate your goodness in our world.
Mysterious God, we are transformed by your love,
and are radiant as we make our offering.
May we live our lives filled with amazement
Welcome and Announcements and share your love with our broken world.

Minute for Mission

Closing hymn VU 264 Immortal invisible God, only wise
Scripture readings
Psalm 50 (Page 775 VU)
Inspired and transformed,
Readings Response:
let us journey with Jesus
All: This is the word of the Lord; Thanks be to God. to our homes and neighborhoods.
It is there that we must live and share God's love.
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all)
Glory be to the father and to the son,
BENEDICTION (Sung by all)
And to the Holy Spirit…
As it was in the beginning is now, May God’s sheltering wings,
And ever shall be her gathering wings protect you.
world without end. Amen May God’s nurturing arms,
His cradling arms sustain you.
Sermon - LOVE TRANSFORMS And hold you in her love and hold you in his love.

A NEW CREED (Page 918 VU)

Hymn VU 225 We praise you for the first sun

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