The Israel

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I) The Israel-Hamas conflict between 2023 and 2024

The conflict began with a large-scale attack by Hamas, causing significant damage and loss of life. Over
10,000 people died within less than a month, and an estimated 1.5 million were displaced. The conflict
has resulted in substantial human and material damage, with 40% of hospitals and 71% of clinics in Gaza
closed, and over 280,000 people having lost their homes 3.

II) Factors contributing to the conflict

Secondly, the issue of Israeli settlement in Palestine has been a significant factor contributing to the
conflict. Israeli settlements have expanded beyond international agreements, leading to the destruction
and confiscation of Palestinian homes and land. This has led to widespread protests and violence,
resulting in numerous deaths and injuries.

III) International community's response

Thirdly, the international community's response to the conflict has played a role in its escalation. While
expressing concern, Israel has conducted extensive fire on public facilities and homes in Gaza, often
without hesitation over civilian victims. Some countries, like the United States and the European Union,
have unconditionally supported Israel, which has contributed to the continuation of the conflict.

IV) Potential strategies for de-escalation and peace-building in the region.

In terms of proposed strategies for de-escalation and peace-building, it is crucial to urge Israel to stop its
military attacks and proceed to a ceasefire. It is also important to address the underlying issues that have
led to the conflict, such as illegal settlements and the expropriation of Palestinian lands. Recognizing a
"two-state coexistence" could allow both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to live as human beings.
Additionally, it is essential to recognize the economic and social conditions of the people of Gaza and the
West Bank, and assist them in alleviating poverty and unemployment.


“Israel is at war with Hamas. Here’s what to know” October 15, 2023

“The Hamas-Israel Conflict: How to Resolve a "Battle without Winners"? December 13, 2023

“The Humanitarian Health Effects of the Israel-Hamas War Among Civilians in Gaza” October 20, 2023.

“Risk of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Threatening Stability of Wider Region Remains High, Senior UN
Political Official Warns Security Council” Dember 29 2023

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