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Writing task 2

In some countries, university students live at home, while in other countries university
students go to other cities rather than live with their family. Do you think the benefits of
living away from home outweigh the disadvantages?

In today's interconnected world, the decision regarding whether to stay at home or venture to
another city for university education is a pivotal one for many students. While both options offer
unique advantages and challenges, I firmly believe that the benefits of living away from home
outweigh the drawbacks.
Moving away from home for university education poses challenges related to costs and
mental health. Regarding the former, this option can impose a financial burden on students as the
costs of accommodation, food, and transportation in a new city can strain already tight budgets,
adding to the stress of academic life. Concerning the second issue, feelings of homesickness and
loneliness are common among students living away from home, affecting their mental well-being
and academic performance. Nevertheless, I believe that this problem is not significant as it usually
impacts individuals temporarily as they would gradually get accustomed to their new life.
In my opinion, living away from home offers tremendous advantages that contribute to
personal growth and academic success. Chief among these is the opportunity for independence and
self-reliance. Away from the safety net of familial support, students can learn to navigate life's
challenges independently, fostering resilience and maturity. Moreover, living away from home
provides students with an environment conducive to academic focus and achievement. Without the
distractions of home, such as familial obligations and household chores, students can dedicate
more time and energy to their studies, and thus this heightened focus often translates into improved
academic performance and a deeper understanding of course material.
In conclusion, while living away from home for a university education can be challenging in
terms of costs and mental well-being, the positives far outweigh the negatives. The personal
growth and academic opportunities afforded by this experience are invaluable in shaping students
into well-rounded individuals prepared to tackle the challenges of the modern world.

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