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Name: Viny Kusbinawati

Age: 28
BMI: 31.22
Weight: 75.0
Diet Preference: Non-Vegetarian
Nutritionist Name:

06:00 AM

Pisang(1.0 small (6" to 6-7/8" long)) Selai Kacang(0.5 tablespoon) Roti Gandum(2.0 slice)
Telur Rebus(1.0 large) Bubur Ayam(1.0 cup)
Pisang(1.0 small (6" to 6-7/8" long)) Oats(4.0 tablespoon) Vsoy Multi Grain(1.0 glass)
Nasi(1.0 katori) Nugget Ayam(2.0 piece) Tumis Tauge(50.0 grams)
Scrambled Egg with Onion(1.0 one egg) Sayur Salad(50.0 grams) Roti Gandum(2.0 slice)
Dressing, Caesar, Kewpie(1.0 tablespoon)
Nasi(1.5 katori) Telur Rebus(1.0 large) Tumis Tahu Tauge(70.0 grams)
Chicken Sandwich(1.0 sandwich)

09:00 AM

Melon Fruit(200.0 grams) WRP Everyday High Fiber Cookies, Chocolate Chip, Nutrifood(3.0 cookie)
Strawberry(5.0 large (1-3/8" dia)) Chocolate Almond Nutrition Bar, Soyjoy(1.0 bar)
Buah Pir(1.0 small) Tahu Goreng Tepung(1.0 tahu(sedang))
Jeruk(1.0 fruit (2-5/8" dia)) Kue Nagasari(1.0 kue)
Bakwan Goreng(1.0 fritter) Thick & Creamy Squeeze Yogurt, Black Stick Rice, Cimory(1.0 pouch)
Tempe Mendoan(1.0 small slice) Hydro Coco, Original, Kalbe(1.0 pack)
Susu Sari Kacang Ijo(1.0 glass) Sugar Free Cookies, Korean Goguma, Tropicana Slim(1.0 sachet)

12:00 PM

Nasi(1.5 katori) Lalap with Cucumber(1.0 cup) Ayam Bakar(1.0 piece of chicken) Sambal(2.0
Pisang(1.0 small(4.5" long)) Kuah Bakso Sapi(1.0 bowl)
Telur Ceplok(1.0 egg) Mie Goreng Java(1.0 cup)
Nasi(1.25 katori) Fuyunghai(0.5 omelette(two eggs)) Sayur Cap Cay(0.5 cup)
Nasi(1.5 katori) Tumis Tauge(0.5 cup) Udang Saos Asam Manis(100.0 grams)
Nasi(1.0 katori) Lalap with Cucumber(0.5 cup) Ayam Geprek(1.0 piece of chicken)
Nasi(1.5 katori) Opor Daging(80.0 grams) Cah Wortel Sawi Putih(7.0 tablespoon)

04:00 PM

Pisang(1.0 large (8" to 8-7/8" long))

Buah Apel(1.0 medium (3" dia))
Buah Pir(1.0 large)
Kiwi Fruit(2.0 fruit (2" dia))
Buah Naga(1.0 small)
Jeruk(1.0 large (3-1/16" dia))
Strawberry(3.0 large (1-3/8" dia)) Low Fat Milk(1.0 glass)

08:00 PM

Sate Ayam(8.0 skewer(small)) Bumbu Kacang(3.0 tablespoon) Ketupat(1.5 square) Acar

Timun(3.0 tablespoon)
Pisang(1.0 small(4.5" long)) Soto Ayam(1.0 cup) Ketupat(1.0 square)
Pangsit Goreng(1.0 pangsit) Mie Ayam Bakso(1.0 bowl)
Telur Ceplok(1.0 egg) Nasi Goreng Kampung(1.0 chinese bowl(small)) Ayam Suwir(3.0
Nasi(1.0 katori) Ayam Goreng KFC(1.0 piece) Sup Sayur(1.0 katori)
Scrambled Eggs(1.0 egg scrambled) Kentang Rebus(1.0 medium potato) Brokoli Rebus(50.0
Nasi(1.5 katori) Sayur Asem(0.5 cup) Ikan Bakar(1.0 piece of fish)


Tips dan trik

- Kebutuhan kalori 1500 kkal
- Kalori minimal yang harus dipenuhi 80-110%
(tidak boleh terlalu sedikit karena dapat memperlambat metabolisme dan menggangu kinerja tubuh)
- Timbang BB setiap pekan atau 7 hari sekali (bangun tidur, setelah buang air, sebelum makan dan minum
- Ukur lingkar tubuh atau gunakan smart scale untuk memantau progres selain berat badan. pencapaian ti
dak hanya sekedar berat badan.
- Target penurunan BB 0.5-1 kg/minggu
- Lakukan secara bertahap. Tidak harus langsung ideal. Perubahan pola butuh waktu. Buat makan sebaga
i momen menyenangkan.
- Selalu catat asupan makan di aplikasi. Pencatatan makan sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan diet.
- Jam makan utama usahakan menu lengkap (karbohidrat, protein, sayur)
- Menu boleh ditukar2, tapi minimalkan untuk mengulang menu yang goreng karena menu goreng hanya u
ntuk variasi.
- Bahan makanan bisa diganti dengan yang setara, misal sayur tumis sawi bisa diganti dengan tumis kang
kung. Ikan panggang bisa diganti dengan ayam panggang.
- Berat sayur diukur dalam keadaan matang, lauk berat mentah.
- Batasi makanan awetan, penyedap, kemasan, kecap, saus, dkk
- Hati-hati konsumsi makanan tambahan seperti topping, kerupuk karena sebenarnya mengandung tinggi
- Hati-hati konsumsi lemak jenuh (gorengan, santan, lemak hewan, mentega, dll)
- Imbangi dengan olahraga, target 150 menit/minggu. Lebih disarankan dengan pendampingan coach fitn
- Olahraga pagi disarankan karena bisa mempengaruhi mood yang lebih baik dalam sehari.
- Istirahat malam cukup minimal 6 jam ya.
- Gula idealnya <25 gram (2 sendok makan), maksimal 50 gram (4 sendok makan)
- Diet Plan ini akan dievaluasi setiap 1 bulan, jika ada usulan menu bisa disampaikan
- Jika ada kesulitan segera hubungi coach melalui WA (aktif pada jam kerja)
Senin, Rabu, Kamis 10-17.00
Selasa, Jumat 12-20.00
Sabtu 10-13.00
- Ukuran dapat ditimbang, atau mengacu pada buku foto makanan


Katori Small Bowl Tea Cup Bowl Cup Glass Large Glass
150ml 150ml 180ml 350ml 250ml 250ml 350ml

Commonly asked questions

Why does my diet plan have limited options?
Your diet plan has been created ensuring a balance of easily-repeatable meals with sufficient variety so that it doesn’t feel monotonous.
Your Diet Coach has given you 7 options for each major meal (i.e. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner). You have also been provided 3 to 4 options
for snacks that you can have between the major meals. Along with that, your coach has provided you with slight variations for each option
(for example replace a vegetable/fruit with any seasonal vegetable/fruit etc). In case you need further modifications to your plan, your coach
will be happy to help you. You can reach out to them via coach chat or a call.

How often will my diet plan be changed?

Your diet plan will be changed every month so that you have enough time to adapt to the diet and reap its benefits. This is done based on
enough scientific research. However, if you need any modifications or variations in your diet before the 4 weeks period, your Diet Coach will
be happy to help you.

Why does my plan seem monotonous?

It is perfectly normal to feel that way. The diet plan has been designed to ensure that the meals are simple enough and repeatable so you
can stick to it easily. If your plan seems too monotonous you can check out the “Recipes” section of the app or ask your Diet Coach for
some more variation in your plan. However, try to stick to a diet plan for the suggested amount of time to adapt to it and reap its benefits.

What can I do if my plan doesn't consider my preferences?

Your diet plan is based on the inputs shared by you and the first conversation between you and your Diet Coach. However, if you feel
unhappy with your diet plan, feel free to message or book a call with your coach. They will be happy to help you out and make any necessary

Why do I not see results despite following the plan?

Don’t be disheartened if you don't see results immediately. Weight loss doesn’t depend on diet alone, there are factors such as metabolism,
sleep, stress, and more that influence the process. However, if you have been consistent with the plan but haven’t been noticing results for
more than a month, feel free to reach out to your Diet Coach for assistance and advice. They can help you make the necessary changes to
your plan.

What do I do if I am unable to follow the plan every day due to a busy schedule?
Don’t worry! Following a plan every single day might get difficult at times. Work together with your Diet Coach to come up with simple
modifications that will suit your hectic lifestyle. You can try preparing your meals in advance to help you save on cooking time and deciding
what to eat. Small things like portion control, including enough protein and fibre in your meals will also help if you can’t follow the plan

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