Reaching The Age of Adolescence

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Ch: 10 Reaching the age of adolescence

Q.1 Define the following

i) Adolescence: the period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence.
ii) Puberty: The time of growth in which an individual becomes sexually mature and achieves
reproductive maturity is called puberty.

Q.2 List the physical changes that take place in girls and boys during puberty.
i) Development of reproductive organs.
ii) Increase in body height and weight.
iii) Body hair
iv) Change in voice
v) Increased activity in oil and sweat glands

Q.3 A gland W is located just below the stomach in the human body. The gland W secrets a
hormone X. The deficiency of hormone in the body causes a disease Y in which the blood sugar
level of a person rises too much. What are X, W and Y?
W: Pancreas, X: Insulin, Y: Diabetes
Q.4 Discuss some of the emotional changes that boys and girls go through during adolescence.
i) Due to increase in hormonal level, mood swings and irritability may occur.
ii) One may become cautious of the changes occurring in ones body and feel awkward.
iii) Puberty is the phase during which one has a great capacity to learn and one’s way of thinking
iv) Adolescents begin to think independently and learn to make their own decisions.
v) During this phase one may develop a feeling towards the opposite sex.

Q.5 How should the adolescents take care of their personal health and hygiene
During adolescence one should take care of personal health and hygiene
i) Physical exercise should be taken.
ii) Personal hygeine should be maintained by taking bath daily.
iii) Proper nutrition should be eaten by taking eating balanced diet.
iv) It is important to keep the genital areas clean.

Q.6 Differentiate between menarche and menopause.

a) Menarche:
i) An adolescent girl’s first mensuration is called menarche.
ii) It occurs between 10-15 years of age.
b) Menopause:
i) As a woman grows older, her ability to reproduce and have a baby decreases and mensuration
eventually stops. This is called menopause.
ii) It usually happens between 45-55 years of age.

Q.7 Give Reason:

a) Pituitary gland is called the master gland of the endocrine system.
Pituitary gland is called the master glad of the endocrine system because it releases hormones
that control the activities of the other endocrine glands.
b) Adrenal glands are called as the glands of emergency.
Adrenal gland is called as the gland of emergency because it releases the hormone adrenaline
which prepares the body to act when we are in dangerous situations.
c) Endocrine glands are also known as ductless glands.
They are also known as ductless glands because they do not have any tubes or ducts to carry in
their secretions. But they release their hormones directly into the blood stream and reach there in
the target organ.

Q.8 Briefly explain the main glands of the endocrine system with the hormones and the role each
of them plays in the human body.
Gland Location Hormones Role in the body Diseases
ii) Pituitary Base of the brain GH: growth GH: Stimulates Gigantism: Over
hormne the growth and secretion causes
development of an exceptional
TSH: Thyroid the body. increase in the
stimulating length of a person.
hormone TSH: Stimulates
the growth and Dwarfism: under
functions of the secretion causes
thyroid gland. an abnormally
short structure.

ii) Thyroid: Base of the throat Thyroxine Regulates the Goiter, causes
Above the kidney Adrenaline utilization
Helps in theof -swelling of neck
defense offats
proteins, theand
body in
Plays an
important role in
growth and
Pancreas Below the Insulin Regulates body Diabetes
stomach, near the sugar

Ovary Pelvic region 1) Oestrogen Controls the -
2) Progesterone development of
secondary sexual
characteristics in

Prepares the body

for pregnancy
Testes Male genital Testerons Production of -
organs sperms and
control over the
development of
secondary sexual
characteristics in

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