Magumun, Francesca - BSN1-B - Soul and Space Activity

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1st Semester A.Y.

Soul and Space Activity

Francesca Aurea E.Magumun

Name: __________________________________ Score: _____________
Section: _________________________________ Date: ______________
Nov ,11 ,2023

Instructions: Based on our topic regarding Soul and Space, simply answer this question. Explain your answer in 4-5 sentences.

What do you think is the meaning of “soul” for you in connection of space and art as a whole?

In my opinion, When considering art and the space it occupies, the idea of the "soul" can be understood as the core of
the artwork and the emotions and thoughts it evokes. The surroundings in which art is displayed can also impact how
it is interpreted. The soul of a piece of art can be viewed as its underlying message and how it resonates with the
viewer. Ultimately, the concept of "soul" in relation to art and space is subjective and can differ depending on
individual viewpoints

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