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Judgement: it’s the execution of the case depending on what has been done basing
on the constitution and Bible scriptures

Judgement day: this is the day when every human being will appear before the
judgements. Hebrews 9:27-28.

(a). The two types of judgement.

i. The earthly judgement. The mis – conception / mis interpretation about judging
Matt 7:1-5

what you do when your brother sins against you? Mathew 18:15-17, Galatian 6:1

The group of people that should execute judgement – Daniel 7:22

The problem of retaliation (Mathew 5:39 – 40)

reason why laws came – (Timothy1-9)

ii. The heaven judgement- Matt 9:28, rev 20:4, 1Thesalonians 4:6 Ephesians 5:5.

The portion of sinners – Rev 21:8, 22:15

(b) Reasons why we should face judgement

i. We are responsible of what God has given to us Acts 17:25 – 28.

ii. We are to give the accountability of the free will to accept or reject the
Gods grace through Jesus Christ Romans 2:11 – 16

(c) Evidence of the judgement day

i. A day is coming for God to judge all people. Acts: 17:30 - 31

ii. Jesus Christ will be the judge – Acts 10:38 – 42
iii. Jesus stood before Pilate and one day Pilate will stand before Jesus. John
19: 12 – 16
(d) Reason for the judgement day

i. To fulfill what God has said, Jeremaiah 1:12, but you are the actor.
Jeremaiah 1:10
ii. To reward what man has done – John 3:18 -19
iii. To give every person his destination- Revelation 20:11 -15

NOTE; strive for peace with everybody, without that, nobody will see God -
Hebrews 13 :4.


1. Define the term Judgement.?

2. With the help of the scriptures discuss with a person who think and argues
that judgement is not there.
3. Name the two types of judgement according to the lesson.
4. Name the steps that should be taken when executing the case of your brother
who have sinned against you.
5. Are born-again Christian’s worthy exciting their own judgements or not.
Give a reason to support your answer.?
6. State the two reasons to face the Judgement Day
7. Give any three evidences for the judgement day.
8. State any five lessons you have studied today.
9. Which kind/group of the born-again Christians are worthy to execute the
10.From each of the Bible scriptures, give the suitable verse for today’s lesson?

By Teacher

Mukisa Mark

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