Prelim Notes in Socsci

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Prelim ss2

Give some examples od primary and secondary sources of history:

primary sources : letters, manuscripts, diaries, journals, newspapers, speeches,

interviews, memoirs, documents from government agencies, photographs, audio and
video recordings, research data, objects, and artifacts.

secondary sources : scholarly or popular books and journal articles, histories,

criticisms, reviews, commentaries, encyclopedias, and textbooks.

Know the 6 constitution of the Philippines

⁃ Biak-na-bato constitution 1897
⁃ malolos constitution
⁃ 1935 constitution
⁃ 1943 constitution
⁃ 1973 constitution
⁃ 1986 freedom constitution
⁃ 1987 constitution

Name some basic sources of history:

⁃ Primary sources
⁃ Secondary sources
⁃ Oral history
⁃ Folklore, Oral Literature
⁃ Written sources
⁃ Visual materials and artifacts

Give the uses or importance of history:

⁃ Bridging the gap between the past and the present
⁃ Explaining causes of things and events
⁃ Projecting the future
⁃ Promoting Nationalism and Patriotism
⁃ Interpreting conditions of a given space and time

William lund - “quote”

History - greek word(istoia)
- a record from the past/narration of event which happened among
Historians - reconstruction of the past based on writter records…

History and sociology - evo. of societies and communities..

History and polsci - the system, structure and nature of government,laws…
History and Economics- provides a way to test one’s theory, though economic

Social Classes
a. Datu - chief of barangay
Four classes of people in barangay
⁃ the nobility (maharlika)
⁃ the freemen (timawa)
⁃ the serfs (aliping namamahay)
⁃ slaves (aliping sagigilid)

Waray Nation
⁃ Datu
⁃ Tumawo
⁃ Uripon

- a written instrument enacted by direct action of the people by which the
fundamental powers of the government.

⁃ body of rules and principles in accordance with such powers of


Purpose or Function
⁃ serves as the supreme or fundamental law.
⁃ establishes basic framework and underlying.

Constitutional Law
⁃ Branch of public law which treats of constitution, their nature,…

Rigid or Inelastic constitution - one regarded as a document of “special sanctity”

Flexible or elastic - Possesses no higher legal authority than ordinary law.

who may propose amendments/revision to the const.

⁃ congress
⁃ constitutional convention
⁃ people


Articles II – Declaration of State Policies and Principles

Art. III – Bill of Rights

Art. IV – Citizenship

Art.V - Suffrage

Art. XIV – Education, Science, Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports


Art. VI – Legislative Department

Art. VII – Executive Department
Art. VIII- Judicial Department
Art. IX – Constitutional Commissions
Art. X – Local Government
Art. XI – Accountability of Public Officials
Art. XII- National Economy and Patrimony
Art. XIII- Social Justice and Human Rights

Constitution of Sovereignty
Article XVII - Amendments and Revisions

Author of the constitution is the sovereign filipino people.

Preamble - latin word (preambulus) means “going in front” or “to walk before”
⁃ preamble is consist of 75 words

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