Challenging Someone's Ideas

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This dialogue takes place in a branding agency (agenzia di branding).

To take place = svolgersi

1. What is Vanya’s idea about? (inizare con “she suggests that……”)

To suggest that + frase al present simple = suggerire di fare qualcosa
To give advice (sinonimo: to advise, when the person is in a stronger position than you)

2. Why does Vanya think that this could be a good idea?

3. Do Vanya’s colleague agree? Are there points in favour/against her idea?

To agree with smth. = essere d’accordo con qualcosa

To disagree with smth. = non essere d’accordo con qualcosa

To raise a point in favour of an idea = sollevare un punto a favore di un’idea

To raise a point against an idea = sollevare un punto contro un’idea

4. Do they find a solution in the end? If yes, what solution do they find?

To try = provare
Impact = impatto / riscontro
To look at things from both sides = guardare le cose da entrambe le prospettive

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