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Term 2 Revision Worksheet 1 2022-23

Name: ___________________________ Grade: 7

Date:___________________ Subject: English

Learning Objective: To revise how to Analyse an Article and write one.

To write an Advise Text on given Topic.


An article is a piece of writing which explicates ideas, thoughts, facts, suggestions and/or recommendations based on a
particular topic. They are seen in Newspapers, magazines, journals etc.There are different kinds of articles, namely:

• Expository article – The most common type of article which allows the writer to put out information on any
particular topic without the influence of their opinions.
• Argumentative article – An article in which an author poses a problem or an issue, renders a solution to the
proposed problem and provides arguments to justify why their suggestions/solutions are good.
• Narrative article – An article in which the author has to narrate mostly in the form of a story.
• Descriptive article – An article written with the aim of providing a vivid description that would allow the readers
to visualise whatever is being described. Using the right adjectives/adjective phrases is what will help you write
a descriptive article.
• Persuasive article – An article aimed at persuading or convincing the readers to accept an idea or a point of
• Blog - online journal where an individual, group, or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or
beliefs. Some blogs operate mainly as news filters, collecting various online sources and adding short comments
and Internet links.

How Do I Write a Good Article? – Tips and Techniques – Analysing an Article

In order to be able to write an article that makes sense in the first place, you have to keep a few things in mind.

• The first and foremost thing that you have to take care of when you are sitting down to write your article is to
check if you are well aware of the topic you are going to write on.
• The second thing that you have to ask yourself is why you are writing the article.
• The next thing that you have to focus on is the kind of audience you are writing the article for because unless
you know your audience, you will not be able to write it in a way that makes them want to read it.
• The language you use is very important because, without the right spelling, correct grammar, punctuation and
sensible sentence structure, the article would not be able to sell itself.
• Use keywords so that you get a good number of reading audiences.
• Maintain coherence within and between paragraphs.
• Double-check the data and information you provide, irrespective of the type of article.
• Keep the title and description as short and catchy as possible.
• Edit and proofread before it is published.

Format of Writing an Article

• Heading / Title.
• A line having the writer's name.
• Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 3 paragraphs)
• Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

Activity: Analyse this Article and see if it follows the format.

Prepared by Ms. Kezia Swaroopa
Write an article in not more than 100 – 120 words. The Internet – Boon and Bane’.
Activity: Analyse this Article and see if it follows the format.
Write an article in not more than 100 – 120 words. The Internet – Boon and Bane’.

The Internet – Boon and Bane


A person can access the Internet and numerous websites on the computer. There are websites on just about anything one can think
of. Information, files, photographs, video clips, computer software, games, etc. can often be obtained free or for a fee from some
websites. Online shopping, banking, and other services make it an ease for an ordinary person to perform regular chores from the
comfort of home or office. A very popular feature of the Internet is the use of email. Using email, people from any part of the world
can communicate with one other in an instant.

The cost of sending an email is almost nothing. On top of that, files and pictures can be attached and sent together with the email.
Despite its obvious usefulness, negative things are also present on the Internet. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other harmful
programs wait to strike at the unwary user. Accessing the Internet without the protection of an anti-virus program or firewall is a
sure way of getting infected. The result of infection varies from a simple obscene message on the screen to the complete corruption
of the files and records in the computer. Then there are sites that promote pornography, anarchy, terrorism, satanism, black magic
and other threats to the well–being of our world. Using the Internet is no different from dealing with our daily living in the physical
world. We use it but we must take precautions to avoid the obvious dangers and negative elements related to it.

Now Write an Article

Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature. But it is unfortunate that we don’t understand its worth and over-exploit
this resource for our selfish purposes. It is a matter of serious attention that water must be conserved at all costs. Write an
article for your school magazine, urging fellow students to save water in not more than 100 words. You are Sunil/Sunila












This worksheet will not be evaluated by the teacher as it is a revision worksheet. Refer the answer key posted in
MCB to self-evaluate.

Prepared by Ms. Kezia Swaroopa

Prepared by Ms. Kezia Swaroopa

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