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Video Transcript

9 p.m. on a Friday night witnesses say
that Rufino Tamayo
was dragged into an alley
ever since strongman president Rodrigo
Duterte launched his all-out war on
drugs five months ago photojournalists
had been consumed by the nightly
killings that terrorized the Philippine
capital four buddies
they killed insane all night tears and
DJ do sauna is a 24 year old staff
photographer for the Manila Times
newspaper or as a serious possibility to
show what's happening at the night this
is making for the body of my relatives
when I'm shooting I'm just almost the
same [ __ ] no responsibility just take a
just pick a [ __ ]
it's past midnight when word arrives
there's been a shooting on the outskirts
of the city the victim's name was
Jeremiah Magna he was 32 years old -
gone neighbors heard motorbikes roll up
then three gunshots
did anybody see anything that happened
here tonight nobody saw anything
dears carry on it but over the past
three months how many murder scenes like
this have you been to about 50 yeah DJ
and the rest of the photographers head
back to the press Center to file their
pictures the victims older brother
JP invites us inside the family home
where his three-year-old niece is
sleeping had your brother been
struggling a lot
see involved in dealing drugs at home so
he was trying to make things right yes
turn himself in get help this is what
happened under President to tear tez
rule drug pushers and drug users are
both being targeted with impunity since
taking office in June on a pledge to
wipe out criminals more than four
thousand people have been killed under
his shoot-to-kill policy most of the
killings are carried out by vigilantes
who ride motorbikes and strike in pairs
after dark
Palomas are open then be neural
gerontology Adela have seen have you
come up a time a couple of my head here
mom I know for mopping up at a nominal
drug lord nor drug users I charge the
pen Deportes numbers Naaman continue
among Papa died in Nam in Malaya is a
contract killer who takes her orders
from a senior police officer you are
benefit a police you know a cigar says
an English Anila at the only very
Massimo Moratti salon I can marry Salam
Europe so passe only moon a re possible
notorious nah mean mom carnivores in
human asset a salon Baz Luhrmann no use
policy solution only someone means an
inhaler sorrow are alumina had me sensei
is some lingo up at the basis Newman
bases so in between Obama be Longfellow
very exact Aramis maraming maraming for
Telugu my own if she kills the drug user
Malaya is paid about $150 if it's a
big-time pusher she can earn up to 400
did you feel any remorse about these
killings I see you mopping up at a
nominee soon be no more
probably it notado him be mama numerous
I'm thinkin be mama Salva hypo Selassie
psyllium salute cell economy fraud drug
pusher mod review servicemen facility
run by comparison monogamy Milanese
nominee monopolist el apoyo maja
daba telugu monalisa
come on door Joseph burns about $600 a
week selling crystal methamphetamine
known locally as shabu despite the risks
he can't bring himself to stop for one
Shivani Madalena benta marina gonna
conquer anyone Tao come by driver Guard
Cutter about Zabar from gabay target Oh
Papa Busan Pato
suppose a delegator normally lead in a
Porsche for 150 to 250 my boss
you young vb7 Felicia there are seven
you the Bosnian colonel yeah you know me
Aneesa now illicitly poem for a Hindi no
Indian Ursula mylanta
Philemon Nathalie Goodman drugs kasama
ko Tom a co-producer boss Union
delivered on nabina right now you're
worried that you could be killed any day
any time
legitimate fears they will be killed
next have moved more than 750,000 drug
users to register with police but many
of these users have subsequently been
shot dead fueling the suspicion that
those who turn themselves in are marked
for death as the body count Rises jails
like this one have become a refuge for
the drug-addicted
me shotgun did my friend said sir
Wow then the gunshot [ __ ] then this
voice mapping now 22 drool is been a
shabu user since he was 12 years old he
was rounded up in a police raid and
locked up more than two months ago are
they providing you with any kind of
rehabilitation services any kind of help
nothing where's your family what do they
say it's alright for me to stay here
when you get out of here are you worried
that the police are gonna come after you
again you could be shot you feel safer
inside so even if they open the door now
and say hey you can go No
three days after Jeremiah Magna was
murdered his family raised enough money
in the community to bring his body home
even though he's had the band's bad
history we still felt his love he was a
jolly you speak with him try to make you
change the way your perception many
these people decide all this already a
bad route it should be
does it make you angry that this can
happen the life can be taken and there's
no investigation situation right now in
the Philippines we though we could try
to fight these things there is no
evidence witness witness
most of us here covering this feels that
this is a very important part of
Philippine history that is the only
reason what is keeping us to coming here
coming back and doing this every night
Vincent Gogh is a veteran photographer
who covers the police peak the problem
is these areas are really known hotspot
specially in the slum areas and really
isolated that's why the bodies are
dumped there you can never tell if those
vigilante groups or the hitmen are also
they're still circling still observing
for us if there's always safety in
numbers and if ever something goes bad
we can always depend on energy that we
know that somebody's covering my back a
lot of newspapers a lot of media outfits
don't want published what the real scene
looks like it's really terrifying you
are actually there and smell the blood
and smell death itself
when you go home sometimes you don't
want to even edit the image issues you
should when you see the faces see the
look in the eyes of the dead and it
really leaves a mark with you
I don't even want to shoot dead people
anymore I try to look for the families
but it's one of the hardest thing to do
especially if you see a grieving mother
a grieving wife with a child
all of a sudden evil thing what's the
future of this child then you go to
their homes and see how they live that
our doesn't really look good for this
child you see that the cycle will
continue without addressing the poverty
you know deep inside you know that this
won't be the end of the problem
it's a police to the big operation
through this area about an hour ago some
of the locals told me that they actually
told them to clear out first and they
went in guns a-blazing two guys were
shot just down the block here
one guy was shot here he said as another
100 guys were being detained in a
warehouse around the corner every week
the people seemed unfazed like this is
something they used to
know what their faces
District Police Commander amante Durham
was in charge of the night's operation I
get for the bra buy-bust operation it
was the maintainer of death then where
six people were he's like and the other
using all of the six people is a who of
them shot it out with our police
officers some of the local people we
were talking to so that the area was
cleared out first and there chats coming
from the police
there was not an exchange in Washington
except the music
so say you know some of these guys test
positive for drugs they're on the watch
list now yeah they're back in the
community do they then become a target
they don't stop really
and it's the job of the Department of
Health to rehabilitate them one
complaint we've heard in talking to
people here is that and you're going
after people at the bottom of the chain
but that a lot of people are higher up
in the drug trade are immune to this
because they're politically connected
they can pay the police and what do we
say to this that's a pretty good tool as
I've said other police units are there
no enforcement agencies are running
after this big fish so to speak but for
us in the station level it is our job
why do you think shovel addiction is so
widespread because people in the
neighborhood they realize that you won't
get hungry once we open just at the
front you say goodbye but when someone
is in the grip of addiction like that I
mean do you think that scare tactics can
really work you don't it's not the best
approach for this but somehow by doing
this then we will do our share
one week after he was shot dead by
unknown assailants Jeremiah Magna was
laid to rest in a public cemetery
another casualty of a drug war with no
end in sight
president de terre Tabor means as
popular as ever and recently announced
plans to extend his campaign for at
least six more months
djay Vincent and the rest of the
photographers working the police beef
won't be getting a good night's sleep
anytime soon as the drug war in the
Philippines grinds on many other
countries are dealing with their own
drug epidemics over the past year aj+
has been following the impact of drugs
around the world for prescription drug
abuse in India to heroin addiction in
the u.s. please check out the film above
and the rest of our series to find out
English (auto-generated)

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