Introduction To Poverty

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Poverty is a state or situation in which a person or a group of people don't have enough
money or the basic things they need to live. Poverty means that a person doesn't make enough
money from their job to meet their basic needs. People and families who are poor may not
have a good place to live, clean water, healthy food, or medical care. Each country can use its
own set of rules to figure out how many people are poor. They cannot even afford the basic
material possession of life and do not even have the basic nessecities.
The U.S. Census Bureau figures out the poverty rate, which shows how many people in the
U.S. live in poverty. The United States poverty line is set by the Department of Health and
Human Services. People who don't make this much money are thought to be poor. They go
below the poverty line. That causes the economy to severely get destroyed.
Since the Industrial Revolution, poverty has gone down in wealthy countries. As production
went up, prices went down, making goods more affordable. At the same time, innovations in
agriculture increased crop yields and food production. Inflation also caused people to be in
the trap of poverty.
Still, many individuals worldwide struggle to make ends meet. The World Bank says that
about 10 percent of the world's population, or 711 million people, will live in severe poverty
in 2021. This means that they had to live on less than $1.90 per day.
Children suffer a lot from living in poverty. Most children who grow up in poverty have
serious health problems that keep coming back. Babies born into poverty have a higher
chance of having a low birth weight, which can cause both physical and mental problems.
In some poor countries, babies are nine times more likely to die in their first month if they are
born into poverty than in a rich country. Those who make it through may have trouble
hearing and seeing.
Since in poverty they need to live in congested area there are more cases that children get
sick because of pneumonia and diarrhea.
Destitute people frequently feel helpless to alter their circumstances. They may feel isolated
from the remainder of society. To escape poverty, you must have a plan for your finances, a
positive mindset, and the willingness to ask for assistance.

It is difficult to escape poverty, and it is frequently passed down from one generation to the
next. Typically, poverty results in drug and alcohol misuse, limited access to education,
substandard housing and living circumstances, and an increase in disease. As inequality
worsens, poverty is likely to exacerbate tensions in society. When people are poor, these
issues frequently lead to an increase in the crime rate. Poverty is called a spiralling
mechanism as when one gets in it,it is very hard for them to get out of it. It is also known as a
poverty trap.
1.The number of poor people in India according to the countries Eleventh
National Development Plan, amounts to more than 300 million people.
The country has been successful in reducing the proportion of poor people
from about 55 percent in 1973 to about 27 percent in 2004.Despite the
planned economic growth about 26 percent of the total population in India
are still ridden and are subjected to destitution. A substantial segment of
society is deprived of the minimum standard of living and some of the of
the bare necessities of life.

2. In the United States Of America, the 2011 census found 46.2 million
people lived in poverty that amounts to 15 percent of all adults and 21.9
children experiencing misery and impoverishment .

3. Yemen, torn by ongoing conflicts is experiencing, one of the worst

humanitarian crises globally with widespread poverty malnutrition and
lack of access to basic necessities

4. Nigeria faces challenges of widespread poverty despite being rich in

natural resources. The unequal distribution of wealth, corruption and
inadequate infrastructure hinders the country’s economic development

5. Myanmar’s political situation has contributed to economic challenges

with a significant portion of the population living in poverty.

6.Haiti,located in the Caribbean islands is considered the poorest country

in the Western Hemisphere. Due to political unsustainability, natural
disasters and lack of infrastructure the country’s economic growth is
hindered and is at its least.

In the following examples the evils of poverty is highlighted and teaches

us about how grateful we should be to have basic amenities such
adequate food clothing and shelter which many people are deprived of .

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