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Triad magic

Trident magic is a magical system developed in Maldor's Academy of the

Three Corners. It is said that Emperor Absolon founded the Academy to
unify the magical traditions of the world and train himself as advisors
without equal. Today, triad magic is the most widespread magical system
in the Near East, and although it cannot be said to be common outside of
Maldor, triad wizards can still be found all over the world.
On the roads of Maldor and all over the world, you can meet failed
apprentices, disillusioned exiles, and other scholars who once studied the
Trident. However, if the seeker of knowledge wants to get acquainted with
the classical academy doctrine, he must seek it in Maldor, where the most
skilled triad wizards often end up as great advisors to the local princes.

Focuses of triad magic

Day Night
Zip Creation Destruction
Instinct Enhancement Conversion
Reason Clear vision Enchanting
Creation and destruction are the simplest focuses, as they are responsible
for creating and destroying physical structures. Enhancement makes its
target more like itself. Transformation makes its object something
else. Clairvoyance is about seeing the truth. Enchantment blurs the
thoughts of others.
As said, each focus is a separate ability. Don't let the magical nature
of these fool you; each ability states in its description exactly what it does,
and each ability must follow the laws of triad magic. Casting a spell can
require time, focus, and materials, and the gamemaster can impose penalty
dice based on the difficulty of the circumstances.

Creation (pure)
A character can create a small amount (a handful) of one of the basic
elements (fire, air, earth, water) from nothing.

Destruction (pure)
A character can damage a target by dealing damage equal to their level of
success. The player describes what kind of damage it is; it can be anything
from a telekinetic tearing of the subject's body to an eerie, mystical flame,
but it's definitely unnatural.

Enhancement (Instinct)
A character can give bonus dice to any other character's ability check. The
caster makes an opposed ability check against another character's
ability. If the roll succeeds, the levels of success are used as bonus dice in
the check. If the roll fails, the target takes a penalty die.

Conversion (Instinct)
A character can transfer the target's resource points from one resource to
another according to their level of success.

Clairvoyance (sense)
A character can sense magical auras in an object or figure he touches.
Enchantment (Sense)
The character can force the target to act according to his will. The subject
understands what is happening.

The arts of triad magic

The following arts are examples of common arts related to trident
magic. Many of them are specifically related to certain focuses, others
may not apply to focuses at all.

Transformation of the senses

The character can cause illusions on the target with enchantment
focus. Cost: 1 sanity point per sense.

A living transformation
The character can transform the target's form into that of another living
thing and transfer the target's resource points at will with transform
focus. This costs at least one instinct point. By spending more instinct
points, the player can:

double or halve the size of the object. If this is not done, the object becomes an object of the same size.
exchange two ability values. If one of the abilities is the target's best, the character does not need to
already have the other.
add a +1 or +2 equipment bonus to the target
add to the const.

Cost: 1+ instinct point.

Sensitive touch
A character can cast an enchantment without the target noticing that they
are enchanted. Cost: 1 sanity point.

A character can use their crafting or shaping ability magically, causing the
action to take place immediately. A Crafting or Designing ability check is
rolled first and its success levels are bonus dice for the Transmutation
check. Cost: 1 instinct point.

Create anything
A character can create any pure substance with creation focus. Pure matter
does not mean real-world elements: alloy metals and such are allowed. So
you can't create, for example, wood and metal at the same time. Steel, an
alloy metal, is an acceptable product. Price: 1 pure point.

The art of magical duration

According to the laws of trident magic, the character's magic lasts for a
maximum of one hour. With this trick, the duration of the spell can be
extended by using points from the focus-related resource.

For 1 point, the spell lasts until sunset (or sunrise if the spell is cast at night).
At 3 points, the spell lasts until the end of one moon phase (the end of the week).
With 6 points, the spell can be continued until the next solar eclipse (end of the month).
With 10 points, the spell can be continued for an entire solar cycle (until the next equinox).
The art of magical contagion
According to the laws of trident magic, the character's magic only affects
one target. With this skill, a character can spread their magic across a
group of targets by using points from a focus-related resource.

Small group (about 5) 1 point.

Large group (up to 25) 3 points.
Crowd (up to 100) 6 points.
Herd (all in sight) 10 points.

The art of magical influence

A character can increase the success rate of a successful triad check by
one. Cost: 1 point of a focus-related power.

Mass creation
A character can create a large amount of matter with creation focus. This
is approximately 25 kg, and the amount doubles for each pure point
used. Matter can take any simple shape, such as a sphere, a wall, or a
cube. Price: 1+ pure points.

Massive damage
The damage done by destruction is the level of success multiplied by the
pure points used. Price: 2+ pure points.

The art of the invisible hand

Usually, the character must touch the target in order to affect it with
magic. With this skill, he can affect any target in sight or direct his magic
anywhere that is in sight. Cost: 1 point of the resource used to cast the

The art of the invisible arm

The character can physically manipulate objects via telekinesis. This
power is not as powerful or controlled as the caster's own body: all actions
have a penalty die, although bonus dice can be acquired for them
normally. Prerequisite: the character has the invisible hand skill. Price: 1
pure point.

Explosive power
By focusing on another character's ability check, spellcasters can use boost
focus to make the check explosive: every empty, or 0 die, gives a bonus
die that is thrown immediately. The bonus dice from this trick also
explode. Cost: 1 instinct point and 1 point from another character's action-
related power.

Internal damage
A character can damage the target's resources and remove points from
them instead of doing physical damage with destroy focus. Price: 1 pure

The Art of Sympathetic Magic

If the character has an item from the target they are trying to affect with
triad magic, the player gets a bonus die on the ability check.

Know your abilities

A character can determine the game mechanic values ​of an object with a
clairvoyance focus, including the value of a particular power, the value of
a best ability and its value, or the value of a certain ability and its
value. The player can ask as many pieces of information as he uses the
character's sanity points. Cost: 1+ Sanity.

Feel the truth

A character can know the answer to any question posed to him with a
clairvoyance focus. The game director determines the clarity of these
answers based on the level of success. Cost: 1 sanity point.

Confirm others
A character can use the boost focus to give their own resource points to the
target. Points must be used immediately.

Spells are pre-determined ways of using trident magic by players or
gamemasters. The following are some examples of spells. More on
creating spells on page 94.

Quicksword (creation + conversion)

A solid steel sword appears in the character's hand. A character can make a
blacksmithing check, the success rate of which is added to the skill roll for
this spell. The sword lasts for one hour.
Cost: 1 pure or 1 instinct.

Creation: Create anything: 1 pure.

Transformation: Craft: 1 instinct.
Total price: 1d + 1y - 1 = 1 pure or 1 instinct point.

Shredding (destruction)
The spellcaster can destroy the resources of any visible character. The
spell destroys resource points equal to twice the caster's success levels.
Price: 3 pure points.

Invisible Hand skill: 1 pt.

Destruction: Internal damage: 1 punch.
Destruction: Massive damage: damage x2 = 2 points.
Total price: 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 3 pounds.

Invisibility (enchanting)
Those surrounding the target of this spell cannot see the target. (The spell
doesn't affect animals with a sense of smell, though they can be confused.)
Although the spell is instantly dispelled if more than 25 people look at the
target, it doesn't happen often. If someone is specifically looking for a
target, they can roll a resistance check against the success level of this
spell. The effect lasts for one hour.
Cost: 3 sanity points.

Magic Contagion skill: large group = 2 sanity.

Sensitive Touch: 1 Wit.
Sense conversion: 1 sense = 1 sense.
Total price: 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 3 reasons.

Werewolf Curse (Transformation)

The target becomes a bipedal wolf-like killing machine until the next solar
eclipse. Reason is reduced to one point and the points are divided between
purity and instinct. The target's best ability is changed to a brawling ability
and the second best to strength. The target's fingers become claws that take
+1 damage when tearing through soft objects such as flesh, clothing, and
leather. Casting this spell requires touching the target.
Cost: 9 instinct points.

Magic Duration Skill: Effect lasts until the next solar eclipse = 6 instincts.
Transmutation: Living Transmutation: 1 base point + 2 ability exchange + 1 claw = 4 instincts.
Total price: 6 + 4 - 1 = 9 instincts.

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