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Soft Comfort User Documentation

 Siemens AG 1999




2.1.1 Description of User Interface............................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Creating Programs ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1.3 Editing the Diagram......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.4 Documenting the Program .............................................................................................. 13


2.2.1 Starting the Simulation .................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Simulating the Control Program ...................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 Archiving Programs......................................................................................................... 19


3.2.1 Standard Toolbar ............................................................................................................ 21
3.2.2 Tools Toolbar .................................................................................................................. 23

3.3.1 File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Edit Menu........................................................................................................................ 31
3.3.3 Format Menu................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.4 View Menu ...................................................................................................................... 34
3.3.5 Tools Menu ..................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.6 Help Menu....................................................................................................................... 44





4.4.1 Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 50
4.4.2 Inputs for ASi .................................................................................................................. 50
4.4.3 Outputs ........................................................................................................................... 51
4.4.4 Outputs for ASi................................................................................................................ 51
4.4.5 Flags ............................................................................................................................... 52
4.4.6 Fixed Signal Levels ......................................................................................................... 52

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 2



4.5.1 AND ................................................................................................................................ 53
4.5.2 OR................................................................................................................................... 53
4.5.3 NOT ................................................................................................................................ 54
4.5.4 XOR ................................................................................................................................ 54
4.5.5 NAND.............................................................................................................................. 54
4.5.6 NOR ................................................................................................................................ 55


4.6.1 ON Delay ........................................................................................................................ 56
4.6.2 OFF Delay....................................................................................................................... 58
4.6.3 Pulse Relay..................................................................................................................... 60
4.6.4 Time Switch .................................................................................................................... 62
4.6.5 Latching Relay ................................................................................................................ 66
4.6.6 Symmetrical Pulse Generator ......................................................................................... 68
4.6.7 Retentive ON Delay ........................................................................................................ 69
4.6.8 Up/Down Counter............................................................................................................ 71
4.6.9 Hours Counter................................................................................................................. 73
4.6.10 Wiping Relay/Pulse Output ............................................................................................. 76
4.6.11 Frequency Trigger........................................................................................................... 78
4.6.12 Year Clock ...................................................................................................................... 80
4.6.13 Asynchronous Pulse Generator ...................................................................................... 83

5.1.1 Description of Task ......................................................................................................... 85
5.1.2 Conventional Solution ..................................................................................................... 87
5.1.3 Implementation with LOGO!............................................................................................ 87
5.1.4 Programming .................................................................................................................. 88
5.1.5 Simulation ....................................................................................................................... 93
5.1.6 Documentation ................................................................................................................ 95
5.1.7 Program Transfer ............................................................................................................ 96

5.2.1 Convenience Switch........................................................................................................ 97
5.2.2 Ventilation System .......................................................................................................... 99
5.2.3 Factory Gate ................................................................................................................. 101
5.2.4 Uncoiler......................................................................................................................... 103

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 3



The Siemens universal logic module LOGO! has been on the market since 1996 and
is enjoying growing popularity all over the world. Thanks to the integration of a large
number of functions at an exceptionally economical price compared with conventional
programmers, the LOGO! is able to provide solutions for a wide variety of household,
industrial and engineering tasks.
The choice of models in the LOGO! range makes it extremely versatile at adapting to
a vast range of tasks. Its ASi bus compatibility means that the LOGO! can also provide
solutions for small-scale automation tasks.
LOGO!Soft is a program which simulates a configured LOGO! unit on a PC. The
programming software enables control programs to be created, tested, edited,
archived and printed out on a PC. This offline programming facility considerably
improves the user-friendliness of the LOGO!. The user interface provides a graphical
representation of the unit being programmed. Once created, programs can be
transferred between the PC and the LOGO!.

LOGO!Soft Comfort makes creating control programs easier, more efficient and more
manageable than in the past. The process of creating a program involves positioning
and linking up program elements on a "drawing board".
One particularly user-friendly feature is the offline program simulation facility which
enables simultaneous display of multiple special function statuses and professional
documentation of the programs created.
Certain user groups, among them planning and technical consultants and users with
PC/CAD experience, expect the LOGO! to offer a programming interface for their
equipment which does not necessarily simulate operation of the unit but chiefly
increases the ease of programming and offers good facilities for testing and
LOGO!Soft Comfort provides Windows users with a tool which provides an even more
straightforward and convenient facility for producing control programs on a PC and
printing out detailed and clearly laid out circuit documentation.
• Easy and convenient production of control programs
• Comprehensive documentation of control programs
• Comprehensive print functions
• Simulation of control programs on PC minimizes frequency of errors

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 4


It is assumed that you are familiar with the basics of the Windows operating system
and creating function diagrams. In order to be able to transfer programs you will also
require the connecting lead for connecting the PC with the LOGO! module via the PC’s
serial interface.

In order to illustrate the basic functions of LOGO!Soft Comfort, we will demonstrate
the creation of a simple control program and then simulate it on the PC. The individual
functions are fully and comprehensively explained in the succeeding chapters of this
manual. Finally, the last chapter of the manual presents a complete, working example
application in LOGO!Soft Comfort. That chapter also deals with the subjects of
preparation, transfer and archiving.


Menu bar

Standard toolbar

Tools toolbar Board

Scroll bars

Status bar

When you first start the program, the LOGO!Soft Comfort user interface is displayed.
The largest area of the screen is occupied by the space for creating circuit diagrams.
That is the Drawing Board where the symbols and links for the control program are

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 5


In order to keep even large circuits manageable, there are scroll bars at the bottom
and on the right of the screen which can be used to scroll the diagram horizontally and
On the left is the Tools toolbar. The buttons on this toolbar are used to switch to
different programming modes in order to be able to create or edit a program quickly
and easily.
Above the Drawing Board is the Standard toolbar. This contains buttons for creating a
new program, opening an existing program and saving the current program as well as
for cutting, copying and pasting circuit objects and uploading or downloading
programs to or from the LOGO! module.
Above the Standard toolbar is the Menu bar. The Menu bar menus contain various
commands for editing and managing your control programs. There are also functions
for entering default settings and transferring programs.
At the bottom of the application window is a Status bar. This displays information
about the active tool, the program status and the current zoom factor.

When you start LOGO!Soft Comfort for the first time, you can start creating a new
program right away.
If you have used LOGO!Soft Comfort before and there are still circuit components
from a pervious session on your Drawing Board, you click the "New" button on the
Standard toolbar to start a new control program.

The previously active program disappears and you can start creating a new control
program on a blank Drawing Board.
&DXWLRQ don’t forget to save your old control program first if you want to return to it
again later on.
In our introduction to creating circuit diagrams in LOGO!Soft Comfort, we will only
need to use the buttons on the two toolbars. For more detailed information please
refer to the succeeding chapters in this manual.
To choose a button, you point to it with the mouse pointer and then click the left
mouse button. The selected button then appears depressed.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 6


The first step in creating a circuit diagram is selecting the function blocks that are
required for the intended circuit. Whether you start with inputs and outputs, the basic
functions or the special functions is entirely up to you. The &RQVWDQWV button on the
Tools toolbar provides access to the constants and terminals, i.e. a selection of inputs
and outputs and fixed signal levels. The %DVLF)XQFWLRQV button provides a choice of
Boolean algebra functions, i.e. the simplest digital logical operation objects. To obtain
the choice of special functions available, you click the 6SHFLDO)XQFWLRQV button.



Click the button for the group of functions that contains the block you require. All the
function blocks of the selected function group are then displayed in a row to the right
of the Standard toolbar.

You can then place any of those functions on the Drawing Board simply by clicking on
the Drawing Board in the desired position. The function on the extreme left is selected
by default but you can select any of the others by clicking them with the mouse.

It is not necessary to position the objects precisely at this point. When the blocks are
linked to one another and when adding labels to the circuit, you will want to move the
blocks again to achieve the best layout for your control program. Therefore, very
precise positioning and alignment of the blocks immediately they are placed in position
is somewhat unnecessary.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 7


The block numbers can not be altered. For basic functions and special functions, block
numbering is performed automatically in the order that the blocks are positioned on
the diagram. In the case of constants and terminal blocks, instead of a block number,
the relevant LOGO! terminal description or a simple description of the block is shown.
In addition, inputs, outputs and flags can be assigned other block descriptions using
labels. The signal blocks for signal levels high and low do not have block numbers.
When you double-click function blocks, a dialog box for entering the block properties
appears. In the case of all special function blocks and some basic function blocks, in
addition to the Comments tab there is also one or more tabs for parameters. This is
where you specify values or settings to be adopted by the function block in your


You can tell special function blocks simply by the fact that the current parameter
values are shown in green on the left of the block.
If you insert more functions in your circuit diagram than the function quantity structure
permits, the functions that can no longer be used are shown in gray. If the currently
selected function can no longer be used, the first function still usable immediately
becomes the selected function.

In LOGO!Soft Comfort, more functions can be used than can be implemented on

earlier LOGO! modules. As a result, creation of programs is given absolute priority. If,
when simulating a control program, you receive a message to the effect that a circuit
can not be implemented with the quantity structure of a LOGO! module, you should
first try to make full use of the options offered by the LOGO! in terms of its wide variety
of functions. For example, you could try replacing memory-intensive function blocks
with a combination of multiple function blocks that in total requires less memory.
If, despite all attempts at optimization, the desired aim is not achieved, you can use
additional LOGO! units as required or limit the functionality of your application.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 8


In LOGO!Soft Comfort you can only implement a certain maximum nesting depth in
your control programs. In a program path, the maximum nesting depth is 9 (7 function
blocks plus one input and one output in the path).
To complete the circuit, the individual blocks have to be linked with one another. To do
so, you choose the Link button on the Tools toolbar.

Now you move the mouse pointer to the terminal pin of a block and press and hold the
left mouse button. Keeping the mouse button pressed, you move the mouse pointer to
the pin that you want to connect the first pin to and then release the mouse button.
LOGO!Soft Comfort then connects the two pins together.

You have created a link between the two block pins. Proceed in the same way for the
remaining links.
If a link line is drawn from an output to an input, a window opens showing the
designation of the pin. When the mouse button is released, the line snaps to the input

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 9


The following rules apply to the linking of function blocks:
• Links can only be made between block inputs and block outputs.
• An output can be linked to more than one input but an input can not be linked to
more than one output.
• An input and an output on the same program path can not be linked with one
another (no recursion). If such a link is required, a flag or an output has to be
connected in between.
• On special functions there are also green "terminal pins". These are not
connecting pins but rather for assignment of the parameter settings shown next to
the function.

Once the function blocks have been inserted and connected up, the control program is
complete. But there is still a little work to be done in order to obtain a sensible, in other
words clearly laid out and space-saving, view of the circuit created. Objects placed on
the circuit diagram such as function blocks and lines can be moved accordingly.
Before objects can be moved, aligned or deleted they must first be selected. To select
an object you first click the Selection tool on the Tools toolbar.

Individual blocks or connecting lines are selected simply by clicking the object
concerned; groups of blocks or connecting lines are selected by enclosing them with a
rectangle. This is done by pressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging a
rectangle to enclose objects you wish to select. When you release the mouse button,
the objects enclosed by the rectangle are selected. Selected objects are indicated by
small red squares at the corners of the selected areas.

Apart from the methods described above for selecting single and multiple objects,
there is another way you can select objects. You can select multiple objects one after
the other by holding down the [Ctrl] key as you click subsequent objects. Clicking a
selected object while holding the [Ctrl] key deselects the object concerned without
deselecting the remaining selected objects.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 10


Individual or grouped objects can be deleted by pressing the [Del] key or moved by
dragging them with the mouse or the keyboard. When using the cursor keys to move
objects, they can be moved in very small steps (referred to as nudging). Selected
objects can also be cut, copied or pasted using the relevant buttons on the Standard



There is a special editing facility for connecting lines. Selected connecting lines have
round and square blue handles. The round handles can be used to move the lines at
right angles to the direction in which they extend. The square handles can be used to
connect the beginning or end of a line to a different terminal pin. The lines are moved
by dragging the handles.

If you attempt to connect the end of a line to an unsuitable pin, it automatically jumps
back to its original connection point when you release the mouse button.
Large circuits can easily become difficult to follow as in LOGO!Soft Comfort line
junctions and intersections appear the same.In order to make the connections
between blocks clearer, you can use the "Split/Reconnect" button on the Tools toolbar.

Click the button and then click on a link. The selected connecting line is graphically
split but the link between the blocks remains active. The unconnected ends of the split
link are now shown with arrowhead symbols which indicate the direction of signal
transmission. The name and pin number of the block to which the unconnected line is
linked is shown above the arrowhead symbol.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 11


If you click on a split-link arrowhead while the Split/Reconnect button is active, the link
is reconnected.

It is not advisable to use this tool with small circuits as you can optimise the circuit
layout simply by rearranging the positions of objects.
With larger and more complex circuits, on the other hand, there may be a large
number of connecting line intersections which can make interpretation of the circuit
very difficult. In such cases, the Split/Reconnect button is an extremely effective
means of making the layout of the circuit significantly clearer.
Another advantage of the Split/Reconnect tool becomes obvious with circuits that are
too large to fit on a single printed page, in other words which include page breaks. If
the Split/Reconnect tool is not used, connecting lines that join blocks on different
pages are cut off at the end of the page without any reference to their

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 12


The Label tool on the Tools toolbar allows you to create labels either as bound or
unbound text boxes. To do so, click the Label button.

If you then click on a block or anywhere else on the Drawing Board, a window opens
for you to enter the label text. When you have entered the label text, simply click
anywhere outside the label window or press the [ESC] key. The window is closed and
the label text is displayed on the diagram. That label can now be selected and moved
or aligned.

Depending on whether you click on a block or a blank space on the Drawing Board,
the label you create will be bound or unbound.
If you click on a blank space on the Drawing Board, the label you create is unbound. If
you click on a block, the label you create is bound to that block. If you select a block to
which a label is bound, the label is not simultaneously selected but if you move the
block, the label moves with it. If the block is copied or cut, only the block is placed on
the Clipboard. If the block is cut from the diagram, the bound label is deleted.
However, the bound label can be individually selected and moved, copied, cut or
pasted. If a bound label is pasted from the Clipboard, it is no longer bound to the
original block.
A label can be edited by activating the Label tool and then clicking on the label to be

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 13


In the block properties dialog box you will see a Comments tab on which you can
enter a name for the function block or remarks as to the purpose of the of the block in
your circuit.


The comments entered are then displayed on the diagram as a bound label and can
be positioned as required. If the block is moved, however, the label moves with it.
Deleting the block also deletes the label.

The program simulation function allows you to test out a program and alter its
parameters. In that way you can be sure that you will be downloading a functioning
and optimized program to your LOGO! module.

To start the simulation, click the end button on the Tools toolbar. This switches the
program to simulation mode.

While simulation mode is active, the button appears depressed. Clicking any other
button on the Tools toolbar cancels simulation mode and switches back to the
programming mode for whichever tool is selected (e.g. for selecting or positioning
function blocks).

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 14


When you start the simulation, the control program is analysed with regard to its
resources and the LOGO! module to be used. That information along with any error
messages is entered in the Message Window. The Message Window can be activated
by choosing View ÈMessage Window from the menu bar.

All accumulated messages from LOGO!Soft Comfort are entered in this window and
can be referred back to by scrolling the display.The messages are not permanently
saved. When you start LOGO!Soft Comfort, the message window is blank.
The messages in the Message Window can be selected so that they can be deleted or
copied to other applications.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 15


In simulation mode, buttons/message windows are displayed above the Drawing
Board next to the Standard toolbar for displaying the status of inputs, outputs and
power supply.
The status bar displays details of which LOGO! model is the minimum requirement for
implementing your control program.

The inputs are represented as buttons with a key or switch symbol. Below the symbol
is the designation for the input shown. An open input corresponds to a switch that has
not been operated. If you click a button it appears depressed and the switch is shown
as closed.

È Button for key I1, not operated È input open

È Button for key I1, operated È input closed

È Button for switch I2, not operated È input open

È Button for switch I2, operated È input closed

È Status box for input module I3 È frequency input

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 16


Inputs can be configured in a variety of ways. In order to change the behavior of an
input, you choose "Tools È Simulation Parameters" from the menu bar. In the dialog
box that opens you can then define the function of the input switch. A choice of three
options is offered:
• Switch
• Key
• Frequency
A key is only active while it is held down. As soon as it is released and is no longer
depressed, the contact is open again. A switch remains active after being pressed and
released and is not deactivated until it is pressed again. The frequency of a frequency
input can be preset or changed while the simulation is running. The frequency should
be entered in Hz. A frequency input is a special case in this context as it should only
be used with the trigger special function block.
Inputs are identified by the letter I. For the relevant LOGO! models there are also
inputs identified by the letters Ia which are for the ASi bus inputs.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 17


Clicking the Power button disconnects the power supply for all inputs thereby
simulating a power failure.

È Power button, not pressed

È Power button, pressed È simulates power failure

The behavior of the circuit in terms of power failure response, restart and remanence
can be tested with this function.
The status of an output or flag is indicated by a light or dark bulb symbol. Below the
bulb symbol is the designation of the output in your control program.

È Status icon for output Q1 È output not conducting

È Status icon for output Q1 È output conducting

The output status icons are purely status indicators. They are not buttons for operating
the output. When your control program activates an output, the bulb is shown switched
on; an inactive output is indicated by a switched off bulb.
Outputs are identified by the letter Q for outputs and M for flags. Some outputs may
have the identification letters Qa, in which case they are outputs for the ASi bus (only
available on the applicable LOGO! models).

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 18


If you double-click a block while the simulation is running, the Properties dialog box for
the block appears. Here you can enter comments or set parameters just as in
programming mode.

While the simulation is running, the current parameter values are displayed. This
analysis facility allows you to follow the behavior of your control program. Multiple
parameter assignment windows can be open while the simulation is running. You can
also reduce them to such a size that only the actual values remain visible.

To save your program, click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

The program is saved with the name it was opened as and any older versions are
overwritten. If it is a new program that you are saving for the first time, you are asked
to specify a path to save it to and a name for the program.
If you wish to export your control program, revise it, or download it to a LOGO!
module, you can open it again at any time.


LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 19




Menu bar

Standard toolbar

Tools toolbar Board

Scroll bars

Status bar

The Menu bar menus contain various commands for editing and managing your
control programs. There are also functions for entering default settings and
transferring programs.
A Standard toolbar and a Tools toolbar provide the facility for quick and easy access
to the most important and most frequently used functions in LOGO!Soft Comfort.
The status bar displays details of the currently selected tool, the program status and
the current zoom factor.
The Drawing Board is where the symbols and links for the control program are
arranged. It is the actual working space of the program.
In order to keep even large circuits manageable, there are scroll bars at the bottom
and on the right of the screen which can be used to scroll the diagram horizontally and

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 20



The buttons on the Standard toolbar represent commands that are also available from
the menu bar. Placing buttons for the most important commands on the Standard
toolbar provides a means of quick access to the most important functions.

ÈStandard toolbar
There are buttons for the commands 1HZ, 2SHQ and 6DYH from the File menu and
the commands &XW, &RS\ and 3DVWH from the Edit menu. Buttons are also provided
for the file transfer commands /2*2È3& (Upload) and 3&È/2*2 (Download)
from the Tools menu.

The Drawing Board is cleared as it is when the program is first started ready for the
creation of a new control program. Depending on the default settings, a Properties
dialog box for the program to be created may appear. On the other hand, the
Properties dialog box may not appear if the default setting has been specified
accordingly at File È Properties. It can nevertheless be opened whenever required
and entries made or altered.
It is essential that any previously created control program on the Drawing Board is
saved before clicking the New button as this action clears the Drawing Board ready for
creation of a new program. If you do not save an existing program before pressing the
New button, LOGO!Soft Comfort asks you to confirm that you definitely do not wish to
save the existing program. Alternatively, you have the option of performing a Quick
Program sections that have previously been placed on the Clipboard using the Cut or
Copy functions remain on the Clipboard and can be inserted in the new program using
the Paste function.

A dialog box opens from which you can select and open a previously created control
program in order to edit it on the Drawing Board. Control programs created in
LOGO!Soft Comfort must have the file extension *.lsc.
It is essential that any previously created control program on the Drawing Board is
saved before clicking the Open button as this action clears the Drawing Board ready
to load the program being opened. If you do not save an existing program before
pressing the Open button, LOGO!Soft Comfort asks you to confirm that you definitely
do not wish to save the existing program. Alternatively, you have the option of
performing a Quick Save.
Program sections that have previously been placed on the Clipboard using the Cut or
Copy functions remain on the Clipboard and can be inserted in the new program using
the Paste function.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 21



If you are saving a new program for the first time, a dialog box opens for you to specify
the path and file name to which the program is to be saved. If you are saving a
modified version of an existing program, a Quick Save is performed. The old version
of the program is overwritten by the revised version - in other words the new program
is saved to the same path and name as the source file.

One or more selected objects, i.e. function blocks and/or connecting lines, are deleted
from the Drawing Board and placed on the Clipboard.

One or more selected objects, i.e. function blocks and/or connecting lines, are copied
from the Drawing Board and placed on the Clipboard.

Objects previously placed on the Clipboard are pasted onto the Drawing Board. The
position at which they are inserted is either below the previously selected object or a
position specified previously by clicking with the mouse.
/2*2È3& 8SORDG

The control program on the LOGO! module is uploaded to LOGO!Soft Comfort. As the
program on the LOGO! module lacks the graphical information used in LOGO!Soft
Comfort, the arrangement of the blocks is performed automatically according to the
LOGO!Soft programming software conventions.
3&È/2*2 'RZQORDG

The control program created on the PC in LOGO!Soft Comfort is downloaded to the

LOGO! module. As the LOGO! module can not use the graphical information used in
LOGO!Soft Comfort, the program labels and terminal designations are not
downloaded. For that reason, it is advisable to save the program on the PC

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 22


The Tools toolbar incorporates buttons for program design and editing functions. Each
of the tools represents a programming mode in which mouse operations have different

ÈTools toolbar
The choice of modes on this toolbar is not available from the menu bar.

This mode is used for selecting and moving function blocks. Objects can be selected
individually by left clicking with the mouse; multiple selections can be made using
[Ctrl]+Left click or by dragging a rectangle to enclose the objects to be selected.

This tool is used to place or edit user-definable text objects on the Drawing Board. As
well as unbound labels, you can also create labels that are bound to specific blocks
and are moved or deleted along with the block to which they are bound. To create a
bound label, you click on the required block when the Label tool is active.
There can only be one bound label for each function block. You can specify the font,
font size and color individually for each label.

This tool is used to split or reconnect links between function blocks. To split a link you
select the line concerned by left clicking with the mouse while the Split/Reconnect tool
is active. When a connecting line is split, the unconnected ends are shown with an
arrowhead indicating the function block to which they are linked. That reference
specifies the block name and input/output number of the block to which the connecting
line is linked.

This tool is used to link up inputs and outputs on the function blocks placed on the
Drawing Board. To do so you move the mouse pointer to an input or output pin of a
block and press and hold the left mouse button. Keeping the mouse button pressed,
you drag the mouse pointer to the pin that you want to connect the first pin to. Now
release the mouse button to fix the connecting line between the two pins. While the
connecting line is being drawn it is shown as a straight line between the first pin and
the mouse pointer. Once it has been fixed, it appears as a combination of horizontal
and vertical lines which can be manipulated using the selection tool.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 23



This tool has to be selected if you want to place input blocks, output blocks, flags or
constants (high, low) on the Drawing Board. The specific type of function block to be
inserted is selected from an additional toolbar which appears when you select the
Constants and Terminals tool.


This tool has to be selected if you want to place simple Boolean logical operation
blocks on the Drawing Board. The specific type of function block to be inserted is
selected from an additional toolbar which appears when you select the Basic
Functions tool.


This tool has to be selected if you want to place special remanence or time-related
function blocks on the Drawing Board. The specific type of function block to be
inserted is selected from an additional toolbar which appears when you select the
Special Functions tool.


When you select the Simulation tool, a toolbar for monitoring and controlling inputs
and outputs appears. A software switch acts as a means of simulating a power failure
so that the circuit can be tested out for remanence characteristics. The control
program created and all its function blocks remain visible during the simulation.

When the simulation is started, a program check is carried out and the results written
to the Message Window which can be viewed by choosing View È Message Window
from the menu bar.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 24


The menus on the Menu bar provide access to a variety of functions for managing and
editing control programs for LOGO! modules.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 25


The File menu contains commands for file management. There are commands for
opening, saving and creating control programs as well as for printing and for setting
general file properties.

The Drawing Board is cleared as it is when the program is first started ready for the
creation of a new control program. Depending on the default settings, a dialog box
with three tabs for entering the properties of the program to be created may appear. It
can in any case be recalled at any time to either enter or alter property settings by
choosing File È Properties from the menu bar.
It is essential that any previously created control program on the Drawing Board is
saved before clicking the New button as this action clears the Drawing Board ready for
creation of a new program. In order to prevent an existing program being accidentally
deleted, a dialog box opens asking the user if the current program should be saved
first. This dialog box only opens if the program has been altered since the last time it
was opened.

Program sections that have previously been placed on the program’s Clipboard using
the Cut or Copy functions remain on the Clipboard and can be inserted in the new
program using the Paste function.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command 1HZ

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 26


A dialog box opens from which you can select and open a previously created control
program in order to edit it on the Drawing Board. Control programs created in
LOGO!Soft Comfort have the file extension *.lsc.

It is essential that any previously created control program on the Drawing Board is
saved before clicking the Open button as this action clears the Drawing Board ready
for creation of a new program. In order to prevent an existing program being
accidentally deleted, a dialog box opens asking the user if the current program should
be saved first.

If a file being opened has the extension .lgo, this indicates that it is in LOGO!Soft
format. Missing information about the graphical representation of the program is then
added by LOGO!Soft Comfort. For details of how to save a LOGO!Soft Comfort
program in LOGO!Soft format, refer to the command Export.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command 2SHQ

If you are saving a new program for the first time, a dialog box opens for you to specify
the path and file name to which the program is to be saved. If you are saving a
modified version of an existing program, a Quick Save is performed. The old version
of the program is overwritten by the revised version - in other words the new program
is saved to the same path and name as the source file.

There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command 6DYH

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 27


A dialog box opens for you to specify the path and file name to which the current
program is to be saved. In this way, programs that have been changed can be saved
with a different name or to a different directory so that previous versions of the
program can be retained and retrieved if necessary.
LOGO!Soft Comfort provides an interface for exchanging control programs with the
program LOGO!Soft in LOGO!Soft version 3.x format to the path specified. When the
file is converted, additional information such as the graphical data relating to the
position of the function blocks is omitted.
For details of how to open a LOGO!Soft program in LOGO!Soft Comfort, refer to the
description of the command File Open.
This command opens a dialog box in which you can specify the page settings for
creating control programs. Arrangement of the function blocks can then take account
of the print layout requirements.
LOGO!Soft Comfort provides the facility for multi-page printout with the position of
page breaks indicated on the screen. The print area is user-definable up to a
maximum of 297 mm x 420 mm (A3) and can therefore be adjusted to fit all commonly
used paper formats.
The area that can not be printed by the printer can be entered in the relevant boxes.
For details of these measurements, refer to your printer’s manual. The side margins
are made up as follows from the measurements entered:
Margins (mm) + Unprintable area (mm) = Margin left/top

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 28


The settings made at this point have no effect on the printer settings. To alter those
settings you have to choose File È Print or Tools È Options È Print from the menu
The standard Windows Printers dialog box provides access to options for choice of
printer and printer properties. Other printer settings can be made on the Windows
Control Panel. Other printer output settings can be specified by choosing Tools È
Options È Print from the menu bar.
The Properties dialog box contains tabs for General Properties , Comments and
Statistics. The General tab provides the facility for entering details of the current
control program. There are input boxes for project-related and internal company data.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 29


On the Comments tab you can enter a brief description of the control program or notes
relating to it.

The Statistics tab shows details of when the control program was created and when it
was last altered.

This command closes down the LOGO!Soft Comfort application.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 30


The Edit menu provides functions for editing your control program. However, the basic
commands for creating and editing a control program are accessed via the various
programming modes offered by the Tools toolbar.

This command allows you to reverse actions carried out on the Drawing Board.
LOGO!Soft Comfort allows you to undo up to the last ten operations. Functions that
are undone can not automatically be reinstated. If you hover the mouse over the Undo
command, a tooltip appears indicating the what type of action will be undone.
One or more selected objects, i.e. function blocks and/or connecting lines, are deleted
from the Drawing Board and placed on the program’s Clipboard.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command &XW

One or more selected objects, i.e. function blocks, labels or connecting lines, are
copied from the Drawing Board and placed on the program’s Clipboard.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command &RS\

Objects previously placed on the program’s Clipboard are pasted onto the Drawing
Board. The position at which they are inserted is either below the previously selected
object or a position specified previously by clicking with the mouse.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Standard toolbar.

È Button for menu command 3DVWH

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 31


The contents of the Clipboard can only be pasted if there are sufficient resources
available. Function blocks take up a certain amount of resources according to the type
of function block. If there are not sufficient resources available, a message to that
effect is displayed.

Connecting lines with unconnected ends can not be pasted. Connecting lines can only
be pasted if they connect two function blocks and have been placed on the Clipboard
together with those function blocks.
All objects on the Drawing Board are selected, i.e. function blocks, connecting lines
and labels.
If a number of objects are overlapping one another, a specifically selected object can
be brought to the front.
If a number of objects are overlapping one another, a specifically selected object can
be sent to the back.
A dialog box for entering terminal descriptions opens. Here you can enter designations
for inputs and outputs. The terminal designations are shown in brackets next to the
block designation. You can specify whether or not the terminal designations are to be
shown on the screen and on printouts by choosing Tools È Options È Screen from
the menu bar.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 32


To open the Block Properties window, you first have to select a block for which the
properties are to be displayed. If multiple blocks are selected, the dialog box only
shows the properties of the first of them.

The block properties dialog box consists of a number of tabs. Every block has a
Comments tab on which the user can enter remarks relating to the selected block, for
example. With some function blocks there is also a Parameters tab.

This menu provides formatting options for labels and function groups. You can define
the font, the font size and style as well as the alignment of selected objects.

font, the font style, font size and font color of text. To define the format of existing text
objects, you have to select them first. You can then specify the font attributes you
require and click OK to apply the new formatting.
Font Font size Color
Dialog 8 Black Yellow
SansSerif 9 Blue Aquamarine
Serif 10 Green Sea green
Monospaced 12 Red Dark gray
DialogInput 14 Pink Light gray
18 Magenta White
Font style 24 Orange Transparent
Bold 36
Italic 48

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 33


If you wish particular settings to be used as the standard format, you can specify them
as the default format settings. New text objects are then displayed with the default
format attributes. To return to the default settings, click the Default button.

The Alignment command is used to align labels and function blocks in a choice of two

• Vertical: selected objects are aligned flush right.

• Horizontal: selected objects are aligned horizontally.
Objects are aligned with the first block selected if blocks are selected individually or
with the last block included if blocks are selected collectively.

The View menu allows you to set the zoom factor at which your circuit is displayed
and specify whether to show or hide various display windows.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 34


LOGO!Soft Comfort offers a variety of options for enlarging or reducing the size at
which the control program is displayed. When you choose Zoom, a dialog box opens
in which you can select the zoom factor from a list of set choices or enter a custom
zoom factor in the relevant box.

If you choose an unsuitable zoom factor, the objects might appear out of focus on your
screen. For that reason you should use the set zoom factors wherever possible. This
"out of focus" appearance has no effect on the appearance of the control program
when printed out.
The zoom factor is increased in the following fixed increments:
100 È 150 È 200 È 250 È 300 È 400 (maximum)
The zoom factor is decreased in the following fixed increments:
100 È 75 È 50 È 25 (minimum)

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 35


This command allows you to specify individually for each of the toolbars whether they
should be shown or hidden.

• Standard: showing and hiding the Standard toolbar

• Tools: showing and hiding the Tools toolbar

The Message Window displays program messages. Following simulation of a control
program, the Message Window shows details of the resources used together with the
current date and time. Details of the LOGO! modules on which the simulated control
program can be used are also given.

Other messages that appear in the Message Window are as follows:

Outputs without function: lists output blocks which have been placed on the Drawing
Board but to which no link to a terminal block is assigned (inputs, Hi, Lo). In other
words, the value of the connected output will never be able to change.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 36


Blocks without links to an output: lists blocks that have been placed on the Drawing
Board but to which no link with an output is assigned.

This command allows you to have the Status Bar showing or hidden. The Status Bar
is made up of three sections. The first section, on the far left, shows details of the
active tool and any program messages. The second section indicates whether the
open control program has been modified, and the third section shows the current
zoom factor.

When you hover the mouse over a button, a Tooltip appears showing the name of the
button. Tooltips can be switched on or off.

The Tools menu provides commands for entering the settings for program transfer as
well as for the LOGO! module, the program simulation and other options.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 37


The program is transferred via the serial interface specified at Tools È Options
È Interface.
The LOGO! module must be connected to the PC using the connecting lead and must
have been set to PC/Card È PCÛLOGO ready for transfer of the program.

Otherwise LOGO!Soft Comfort will return an appropriate error message.

Transfers a control program created in LOGO!Soft Comfort to a LOGO! module.

Before transfer is started, the minimum LOGO! model required to run the program
created is established. If the control program created can not be run on the LOGO!
module being used, an error message is displayed and transfer of the program is
terminated. If the LOGO! model can not be established, a message is displayed
informing the user. The user then has the choice of continuing with the transfer or
cancelling it.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Tools toolbar.

È Button for menu command 3&È/2*2 (Download)

Transfer messages are displayed on the Status Bar and in the Message Window.
If errors occur during transfer the user can restart the transfer after a query. If no
errors occur during transfer, a message to that effect appears on the Status Bar.
Error messages are shown in detail in the Message Window.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 38


The control program on the LOGO! module is uploaded to LOGO!Soft Comfort.

When a program is uploaded from the LOGO! module it lacks the graphical
information used in LOGO!Soft Comfort for arrangement of the blocks on the Drawing
Board. In such cases, a suitable layout for the control program is automatically
generated. The circuit diagram generated corresponds to the layout in the LOGO!Soft
block diagram except that function blocks used more than once are not displayed
more than once but are identified by block links.
On completion of the transfer operation, the control program uploaded from the
LOGO! module is displayed on the Drawing Board. It is always positioned in the top
left corner of the Drawing Board. If necessary, you should use the scroll bars to bring
the circuit into view.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Tools toolbar.

È Button for menu command /2*2È3& (Upload)

Transfer messages are displayed on the Status Bar and in the Message Window.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 39


This command allows you to set the date and time. In order to be able to communicate
with a LOGO! module, the LOGO! module must first be set to PC/Card È PCÛLOGO
and connected to the PC using the connecting lead.

Clicking Read or Write reads the current date from the LOGO! module or writes the
date set in LOGO!Soft Comfort to the LOGO! module. The Current Time button adopts
the PC system time as the current date.
If you place the insertion point in the date/time boxes rather than clicking the up and
down arrows, you can type the figures directly on the keyboard. If the date details are
transferred to the LOGO! module but the date is implausible, the LOGO! module
automatically counts the "surplus" days as part of the next month.
Input: Day 41; Month 5; Year 1999
Interpreted by LOGO! as: Day 10, Month 6, Year 1999
May has 31 days, so there are 10 surplus days which are carried over to the next
month. The Set Clock dialog box then shows the date as it has been interpreted by the
LOGO! module. The identical procedure is also applied to implausible figures in any of
the other boxes.
When you choose this command, LOGO!Soft Comfort works out the minimum LOGO!
model needed to run the control program created. The result is shown on the Status
Bar. The Message Window details all models that can run the control program
When you choose Simulation, a toolbar for monitoring and controlling inputs and
outputs appears. A software switch acts as a means of simulating a power failure so
that the circuit can be tested out for remanence characteristics. The control program
created and all its function blocks remain visible during the simulation.
There is also a button for this menu command on the Tools toolbar.

È Button for menu command 6LPXODWLRQ.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 40


A dialog box listing all available inputs opens. Here you can assign an appropriate
function to every input used. The choice of functions offered extends to key, switch or
frequency input. In the case of frequency inputs, the simulated frequency in Hz can be

Here you can specify the settings for language and the number of pages to be used
for creating the program. You can define how the pages are to be arranged to suit
your circuit layout requirements. The language setting determines the language used
for the menus and online Help.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 41


Here you can specify what types of text objects you wish to have displayed on the

Here you can specify which types of text object you wish to be visible on the printout.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 42


Here you can manually enter the interface to be used or you can choose to have it
detected automatically. With the latter option, all interfaces are checked for the
presence of a LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 43


This menu provides access to Help and other information about LOGO!Soft Comfort.

This command opens the LOGO!Soft Comfort manual. The PDF file format makes for
straightforward printing out of the Help manual. If the program fails to find a PDF file
reader, the user must specify the path for the reader.

This displays the version number and the release date of your LOGO!Soft Comfort

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 44



Specific program settings are not required. With LOGO!Soft Comfort you can start
designing your own control programs right away. In LOGO!Soft Comfort you write your
programs first and then have LOGO!Soft Comfort work out for you which LOGO!
model you need as a minimum to implement your ideas!
The minimum LOGO! model you require to implement your ideas depends on a
number of factors as follows:
• The number of inputs and outputs to be used
• The amount of memory used by the control program
• Special functions used
• Use of an ASi bus connection
LOGO!Soft Comfort distinguishes between the LOGO! Innovation models and the 1st-
generation models, identifiable by the last digits of the order number (0BA0). Among
other things, the latter have less memory and no bit memory blocks.
The current LOGO! models are 2nd-generation models. They are part of the LOGO!
Innovations range. They are recognizable by the last digits of their order number as
follows: 0BA1.
Currently the range of models is as follows:
12 RC 6ED1052-1BB00-0BA1 24 RCL 6ED1053-1HB00-0BA1
12 RCL 6ED1053-1BB00-0BA1 230 RC 6ED1052-1FB00-0BA1
24 6ED1052-1CA00-0BA1 230 RCL 6ED1053-1FB00-0BA1
24 L 6ED1053-1CA00-0BA1 24 RCL B11 6ED1053-1HH00-0BA1
24 RC 6ED1052-1HB00-0BA1 230 RCL B11 6ED1053-1FH00-0BA1
For the purposes of the control program, the LOGO! Innovation models are
distinguished by the number of inputs and outputs and whether or not they have an
ASi connection. All of these models have the same amount of memory.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 45


0BA0 0BA0 0BA0 0BA1
Standard ...L ...LB11 All
ON delay Yes Yes Yes Yes
OFF delay Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pulse relay (Yes) Yes Yes Yes
Time switch Yes Yes Yes Yes
Latching relay (Yes) Yes Yes Yes
Pulse generator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Retentive ON delay Yes Yes Yes Yes
Counter (Yes) Yes Yes Yes
Wiping relay No Yes Yes Yes
Hours counter No Yes Yes Yes
Trigger No Yes Yes Yes
Year clock No No No Yes
Asynchronous pulse generator No No No Yes
Limitations of 0BA0 Standard: pulse relay, counter and latching relay have no
remanence, the counter is 4-digit.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 46


There are a number of limits for a control program on a LOGO! module as follows:
• Memory (use of memory by function blocks)
• Number of blocks connected in sequence (nesting depth)
The function blocks in a control program require a certain amount of memory. The
table below summarizes how much memory each function block occupies in each
memory area.
Basic functions 0 0 0 0
ON delay 1 1 1 0
OFF delay 2 1 1 0
Pulse relay* 0 (1) 0 (1)
Time switch 6 2 0 0
Latching relay* 0 (1) 0 (1)
Pulse generator 1 1 1 0
Retentive ON delay 2 1 1 0
Counter* 2 (2) 0 (2)
Wiping relay 1 1 1 0
Hours counter 2 0 0 4
Trigger 3 3 1 0
Year clock 2 0 0 0
Asynchronous pulse generator 3 1 1 0
* Depending on configuration of remanence for function, each function occupies the
following amount of memory:
• Remanence switched off: function occupies RAM area
• Remanence switched on: function occupies REM area
The maximum amount of memory a program can occupy on a LOGO! module is as
0HPRU\ %ORFNV 3DU 5$0 7LPHU 5(0 %LW
LOGO! 0BA1 Innovation 56 48 27 16 15 4
LOGO! 0BA0 30 27 24 10 0/7 0
A program path consists of a series of function blocks starting with a terminal block
and ending with an output block. The number of function blocks in a program path
indicates the nesting depth.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 47


Terminal blocks for the purposes of determining nesting depth are:

• Inputs (I, Ia)
• High, Low (Hi, Lo)
• Flags (M)
• Outputs (Q, Qa)
Outputs for the purposes of determining nesting depth are:
• Outputs (Q, Qa)
• Flags (M)
There is a maximum nesting depth that you can implement in your control program for
a LOGO! module. The maximum nesting depth in a program path is 9 blocks.
The following equation therefore results:
1 Terminal block
+ 7 Function blocks
+ 1 Output block
Max. program path nesting level: 9 Blocks

If a program path that exceeds the maximum nesting depth is entered in LOGO!Soft
Comfort, an error message is displayed if you attempt to perform a download or

Max. nesting depth


Error message

Longer program paths can be implemented by means of signal feedback. This is done
by placing a flag block at the end of a path. The remaining function blocks are
connected to the output of the flag. The LOGO! interprets the flag as the output of the
first program path and as the terminal block of the succeeding function blocks. On the
LOGO! the long path with the flag is treated as two separate paths. If no more flags
are available, you can use an output block instead.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 48


Blocks symbolize terminals or functions. In LOGO!Soft Comfort various types of block
are distinguished and identified by abbreviations.
Input I Flag M
ASi input Ia High level Hi
Output Q Low level Lo
ASi output Qa Function B
Whenever you insert a function block in your control program, LOGO!Soft Comfort
assigns that block a number, the block number. On the LOGO! and in LOGO!Soft, the
number of the current block is shown at the top right of the display. In LOGO!Soft
Comfort, the block number is shown directly above the block.
Block numbers assist navigation around the LOGO! display and the assignment of
links. In LOGO!Soft Comfort you can also trace back split links by the block number
The block designations of the inputs and outputs can be changed by means of the
parameter assignment facility. In this case the designations are a representation of the
real inputs and outputs on the LOGO! module. A specific input or output can be
selected by means of the parameter assignment facility.
The blocks High and Low are not assigned numbers as they do not change their
switching condition and therefore do not have to be distinguished.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 49




Input blocks represent the input terminals on a LOGO! module. Up to 12 inputs can be
used. Using the block parameter assignment facility, an individual input block can also
be assigned a different input terminal. However, the choice of inputs only includes
those that have not already been assigned in the control program.


Some LOGO! models (...B11) have the facility for connection to an ASi bus. Up to 4
ASi inputs can be used. Using the block parameter assignment facility, an individual
input block can also be assigned a different ASi input. However, the choice of inputs
only includes those that have not already been assigned in the control program.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 50



Output blocks represent the output terminals on a LOGO! module. Up to 8 inputs can
be used. Using the block parameter assignment facility, an individual output block can
also be assigned a different output terminal. However, the choice of outputs only
includes those that have not already been assigned in the control program.

The signal applied at the output is always that of the last program cycle. The signal is
not changed within a program cycle.


Some LOGO! models (...B11) have the facility for connection to an ASi bus. Up to 4
ASi outputs can be used. Using the block parameter assignment facility, an individual
output block can also be assigned a different ASi output. However, the choice of
outputs only includes those that have not already been assigned in the control

The signal applied at the output is always that of the last program cycle. The signal is
not changed within a program cycle.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 51



Flag blocks apply the same signal to their outputs that is applied to their inputs. Flags
can be used to increase the nesting level of a path by connecting a flag block to the
output of the path. Up to 4 flags can be used. Using the block parameter assignment
facility, an individual flag can also be assigned a different flag number. However, the
choice of flag numbers only includes those that have not already been assigned in the
control program.

The signal applied at the output is always that of the last program cycle. The signal is
not changed within a program cycle.


If the signal level ’1’ or ’H’ is to be applied constantly to the input of a block then it
should be assigned the fixed signal KL (stands for high). Blocks for representing fixed
voltage levels can not be configured.

If the signal level ’0’ or ’L’ is to be applied constantly to the input of a block then it
should be assigned the fixed signal OR (stands for low). Blocks for representing fixed
voltage levels can not be configured.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 52




The output of the AND function only adopts the condition 1 if DOO inputs have the
condition 1, i.e. are closed. If an input pin of this block is not connected it automatically
has the condition ’1’.
Logic table for AND block:
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1


The output of the OR function adopts the condition 1 if DW OHDVW one input has the
condition 1, i.e. is closed. If an input pin of this block is not connected it automatically
has the condition ’0’.
Logic table for OR block:
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 53



The output adopts the condition 1 if the input has the condition 0, i.e. the NOT function
inverts the condition at the input. If an input pin of this block is not connected it
automatically has the condition ’1’.
The advantage of the NOT function can be illustrated by the following example: you no
longer require break switches for LOGO! You use a make switch and convert it into a
break switch by using the NOT function.
Logic table for NOT block:
0 1
1 0


The output of the XOR (exclusive OR) block adopts the condition 1 if the inputs have
differing conditions. If an input pin of this block is not connected it automatically has
the condition ’0’.
Logic table for XOR block:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0


The output of the NAND (not AND) function only adopts the condition 0 if DOO inputs
have the condition 1, i.e. are closed. If an input pin of this block is not connected it
automatically has the condition ’1’.
Logic table for NAND block:
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 54



The output of the NOR (not OR) function only adopts the condition 1 if all inputs have
the condition 0, i.e. are switched off. Immediately any of the inputs is switched on
(condition 1) the output switches off. If an input pin of this block is not connected it
automatically has the condition ’0’.
Logic table for NOR block:
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 55




In the case of the ON delay, the output is not switched over until a definable time
period has elapsed.

When the condition at the input Trg changes from 0 to 1, a timed period Ta
Ta is the elapsed time on the LOGO! module. If the condition at input Trg remains 1
for long enough for the time T to elapse, the output is set to 1. There is a delay
between the time when the input is switched on and the output switches on.
If the condition at the input Trgswitches back to 0 before the time T has elapsed, the
timer is reset.
The output is reset to 0 if the condition at the input Trg is 0.
In the event of a power failure, the elapsed time is reset.
Input 7UJ The input Trg (Trg stands for trigger) starts the
timer for the delay period
Parameter 7 T is the delay period after which the output is
switched on (output signal is switched from 0 to 1).
Output 4 Q switches on after expiry of the defined time T if
Trg is still set.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 56


The time delay parameter T can be set in the block properties in seconds, minutes or
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 57



In the case of the OFF delay, the output is not switched off until a definable time
period has elapsed.

If the input Trg switches to the condition 1, the output switches to 1 immediately. If the
condition at Trg switches to 0, a timer starts timing the elapsed time Ta on the LOGO!
module, the output remains set. If Ta reaches the time specified for T (Ta=T), the
output Q is reset to 0.
If the input Trg switches on and off again the timer starts timing the elapsed time Ta
The input R (Reset) resets the elapsed time Ta and the output before the set time
delay T has elapsed.
In the event of a power failure, the elapsed time is reset.
Input 7UJ A negative signal edge (change from 1 to 0) at the
input Trg (Trg stands for trigger) starts the OFF
delay timer
Input 5 The input R (Reset) resets the elapsed time for the
OFF delay and sets the output to 0.
(Reset has priority over Trg)
Parameter7 T is the delay period after which the output is
switched off (output signal is switched from 1 to 0).
Output 4 Q switches on when Trg does but when Trg
switches off remains on until the delay period T has

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 58


The time delay parameter T can be set in the block properties in seconds, minutes or
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 59



The output is set and reset by a short pulse at the input.


Every time the condition at the input Trg changes from 0 to 1, the output Q changes its
condition, i.e. the output is switched on or off. The input R resets the pulse relay to its
original condition. After a power on or reset, the pulse relay is reset and the output set
to 0.
Input 7UJ The input Trg (Trg stands for trigger) switches the
output Q on and off.
Input 5 The input R (Reset) resets the pulse relay and sets
the output to 0.
(Reset has priority over Trg)
Parameter3DU This parameter is used to switch remanence on or
Off = no remanence
On = condition can be remanently stored
Output 4 Q switches on when Trg switches on and off again
the next time Trg switches on.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 60


The block’s remanence can be activated in the block properties. If remanence is
active, the condition of the block output is stored in the event of a power failure and
restored when the power is restored. If remanence is not active, the block output is set
to 0 when power is restored after a failure.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 61



Up to three time windows in which the output is active can be defined.


Each time switch has three setting cams each of which can be used to configure a
time window.
You use the cams to set the on and off times for the time windows. At the on times,
the time switch switches the output on if it is not already on. At the off times, the time
switch switches the output off if it is not already off.
If you set an on time on one cam that is the same as the off time on another cam on
the time switch then the on and off times conflict. In such cases, Cam 3 has priority
over Cam 2 and Cam 2 has priority over Cam 1.
The LOGO! module is not susceptible to year-2000 problems.
Parameter The Cam parameter is used to set the on and off
&DP, &DP, times for each of the ”&DPV” of the time switch.
&DP You specify the the times in terms of day and time.
Output 4 Q switches on when a configurable cam is switched

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 62


The cam parameters can be set in the block properties.
In the Mode box you specify the day or days on which the on and off times are to be
active. The choice of modes is as follows:
• Monday
• Tuesday
• Wednesday
• Thursday
• Friday
• Saturday
• Sunday
• Monday to Friday
• Monday to Saturday
• Monday to Sunday (i.e. every day)
• Saturday and Sunday
In the On Time and Off Time boxes, you enter the relevant times in the following
any time between 00:00 and 23:59
You activate or deactivate the on and off times by means of the check boxes.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 63


Left clicking on the time boxes places the insertion point in the box so that you can
type the figures for the hours and minutes directly on the keyboard. Figures entered
manually in this way must not exceed the logical maximum figures for the boxes
concerned. Otherwise LOGO!Soft Comfort returns an error message.

È Incorrect number for hours

È Incorrect number for minutes

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 64


The output of the time switch is to be switched on between from 08:00 to 13:00 and
from 15:00 to 18:30 on the days Monday to Saturday. It is also to be switched on
between the hours of 11:00 and 15:00 on Sundays. This requires you to set 3 cams as

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 65



An input S sets the output Q and another input R resets the output.

A latching relay is a simple binary memory cell. The signal at the output depends on
the condition of the inputs and the previous condition of the output.
Logic table for latching relay:
6 5 4 5HPDUNV
0 0 x Condition remains unchanged
0 1 0 Reset
1 0 1 Set
1 1 0 Reset
Input 6 The input S (Set) sets the output Q to 1.
Input 5 The input R (Reset) resets the output Q to 0. If S
and R simultaneously have the condition 1 then the
output is reset (Reset takes precedence over Set).
Parameter3DU This parameter is used to switch remanence on or
Off = no remanence
On = condition can be remanently stored
Output 4 Q switches on when S does and remains on until
input R is set.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 66


The block’s remanence can be activated in the block properties. If remanence is
active, the condition of the block output is stored in the event of a power failure and
restored when the power is restored. If remanence is not active, the block output is set
to 0 when power is restored after a failure.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 67



A clock pulse with a definable period length is output at the output.


The parameter T specifies the length of the on and off periods. The input (Q (Enable)
switches the pulse generator on. The pulse generator sets the output to 1 for the
period T and then sets it to 0 for the period T and continues repeating that cycle until
the condition of input En changes to 0.
The time specified for T must be ≥ 0.1 s. For T = 0.05 s and T = 0.00 s the time T is
not defined.
Input (Q The input En (Enable) switches the pulse generator
on (En=1) and off (En=0).
Parameter 7 T is the period for which the output is switched
Output 4 Q switches on and off cyclically in time with the
pulse period T.
The signal period parameter T can be set in the block properties in seconds, minutes
or hours.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 68



Following an input pulse, a definable timed period starts on expiry of which the output
is set.

When the condition at the input Trg changes from 0 to 1, a timed period Ta
commences. If the elapsed time Ta reaches the time T, the output Q is set to 1. If the
input Trg is switched again, it has no effect on Ta.
The output and Ta are not reset to 0 until the condition at input R changes to 1.
In the event of a power failure, the elapsed time is reset.
Input 7UJ The input Trg (Trg stands for trigger) starts the
timer for the delay period
Input 5 The input R (Reset) resets the elapsed time for the
ON delay and sets the output to 0.
(Reset has priority over Trg)
Parameter7 T is the delay period after which the output is
switched on (output signal is switched from 0 to 1).
Output 4 Q is switched on when the delay period T has

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 69


The delay period parameter T can be set in the block properties in seconds, minutes
or hours.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 70



On receipt of an input pulse, an internal counter starts counting either up or down,

depending on configuration. When the definable count value is reached, the output is
set. The direction of the count is set by a separate input.

Every positive signal edge at the input Cnt either increases the internal counter value
by one (Dir = 0) or decreases it by one (Dir = 1).
If the internal counter value is greater than or equal to the value specified for Par, the
output Q is set to 1.
The Reset input R can be used to reset the internal counter value and the output to
’000000’. As long as R=1, the output remains set to 0 and the pulses at the input Cnt
are not counted.
Input 5 The input R (Reset) resets the internal counter
value and the output to zero (Reset has priority over
Input &QW The counter counts the number of changes of
condition from 0 to 1 at the input Cnt (Count). A
change of condition from 1 to 0 is not counted.
Maximum count frequency at the input terminals: 5
Input 'LU The input Dir (Direction) determines the counting
direction as follows:
Dir = 0: counter counts upwards
Dir = 1: counter counts downwards
Parameter 3DU Par is the count threshold value; when the internal
counter reaches that value, the output is set.
Output 4 Q switches on when the count threshold value is

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 71


The counter parameter Par can be set in the block properties to a value in the range 0
to 999999.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.
The block’s remanence can be activated in the block properties. If remanence is
active, the internal counter value is stored in the event of a power failure and restored
when the power is restored. If remanence is not active, the counter value is set to 0
when power is restored after a failure.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 72



When the input is set, a definable timed period starts running. The output is set when
the defined period has elapsed.

MI = Defined time period

MN = Remaining period
OT = Total elapsed time since last 1 signal at input Ral

The hours counter monitors the input En. As long as the signal 1 is present at that
input, the LOGO! monitors the elapsed time and the remaining period MN. The LOGO!
displays those times in parameter assignment mode. When the remaining period MN
reaches 0, the output Q is set to 1.
The reset input R resets the output Q and the timer for the remaining period to the
specified period MI. The internal counter OT continues to run.
The reset input Ral resets the output Q and the timer for the remaining period to the
specified period MI. The internal counter OT is reset to 0.
When you reset the hours counter with the signal R, the accumulated time remains
stored in OT. The maximum limit for the counter OT is 99999 h.
If the hours counter reaches that figure, no more hours are recorded.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 73


Input 5 5  Hours can be counted if Ral is not 1
5  Hours counter is stopped
The input R (Reset) resets the output. The
remaining period of the service interval MN is set to
MN = MI. The previously elapsed time (OT -
operating time) remains stored.
Input (Q En is the the monitored input. The LOGO!
measures the length of time that that input is set
Input 5DO 5DO  Hours can be counted if R is not 1
5DO  Hours counter is stopped
The input Ral (Reset all) resets the counter and the
output to, i.e.
Output Q = 0,
Recorded operating time OT = 0 and
Remaining period of service interval MN = MI.
Parameter 3DU: 0, specified service interval in hours.
MI can be any number of hours in the range 0 to
Output 4 If the remaining period MN = 0 (see timing
diagram), the output is set.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 74


The service interval parameter Par can be set in the block properties to a value in the
range 0 to 9999.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.
Remanence is permanently active on the hours counter. Following a power failure, the
program continues from the values reached before the power failure.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 75



An input signal produces a signal of definable duration at the output.


When the input Trg switches to the condition 1, the output Q immediately switches to
the condition 1. At the same time, the elapsed time Ta starts running; the output
remains set. If Ta reaches the time specified for T (Ta=T), the output Q is reset to 0
(pulse output).
If the condition at the input Trg switches back from 1 to 0 before the specified time has
elapsed, the output also immediately switches back from 1 to 0.
Input 7UJ The input Trg (Trg stands for trigger) starts the
timer for the wiping relay
Parameter 7 T is the period after which the output is switched off
(output signal is switched from 1 to 0).
Output 4 Q switches on when Trg does and remains on until
the time T has elapsed.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 76


The time parameter T can be set in the block properties in seconds, minutes or hours.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 77



The output is switched on or off depending on whether the frequency at the input is
between two definable limits.

6:↑ is the on threshold. It can be any frequency in the range 0000 to 9999.

6:↓ is the off threshold. It can be any frequency in the range 0000 to 9999.
*B7 is the time period in which the pulses at Fre are counted. G_T can be a period
between 00.05s and 99.95s.
The trigger measures the signals at the input Fre. The pulses received are recorded
over a definable period G_T. If the frequency of the pulses received in the period G_T
is greater than the on and the off thresholds, the output Q switches on.
Q switches off again if the measured pulse frequency reaches or falls below the off
Input )UH The input whose frequency is to be measured is
applied to the input Fre.
• Inputs I5/I6 (basic models 0BA1) or I11/I12
(LOGO!...L 0BA1) for higher frequencies (24 V
inputs): max. 1 kHz
• Any other input or circuit component for lower
Parameter 3DU: SW↑: ON threshold
(SW↑, SW↓, G_T)
SW↓: OFF threshold
G_T: time period over which the signal pulses
applied are counted.
Output 4 Q switches on or off depending on whether the
frequency is outside the limits SW↑ and SW↓ (see
description below).

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 78


The ON and OFF thresholds and the timer period can be set in the block properties.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

When using frequency inputs it should be noted that the inputs of the LOGO! should
only be operated at frequencies of up to 5 Hz. The exception to that rule are the inputs
I5/I6 on the basic models or the inputs I11/I12 on the L models which can take
frequencies of up to 1 kHz if the inputs are applied directly to the trigger function.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 79



The output is controlled by a definable ON/OFF date.


Each year clock has an ON and an OFF time.
At the ON time, the year clock switches the output on and at the OFF time, it switches
the output off. The OFF date indicates the date on which the output is reset to 0.
The LOGO! module is not susceptible year-2000 problems.
The internal clock of a LOGO! module continues to run if there is a power failure, i.e. it
has a power buffer. How long the power buffer lasts depends on the ambient
temperature. At an ambient temperature of 25°C the typical power buffer is 80 hours.
Parameter &DP The parameter Cam defines the ON and OFF times
for the year clock.
Output 4 Q switches on when the configurable cam is
switched on.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 80


The ON and OFF dates can be set in the block properties. A more convenient way of
setting the date is provided by the Calendar button. This opens a dialog box with
buttons for selecting the day and month.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

Left clicking on the month and day boxes places the insertion point in the box so that
you can type the figures for the month and day directly on the keyboard. Figures
entered manually in this way must not exceed the logical maximum figures for the
boxes concerned. Otherwise LOGO!Soft Comfort returns an error message.

È Incorrect figure for month

È Incorrect figure for day

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 81


The output of a LOGO! module is to be switched on every year between 1 March and
4 April and from 7 July to 19 November. For this you require 2 blocks each of which is
configured for one of the ON periods. The outputs are then linked by an OR block.

Place two year-clock special function blocks on your Drawing Board and configure
them as shown.

Link the blocks with an OR basic function block. The output of the OR block switches
on if either of the two year clocks is switched on.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 82



The output pulse wave form can be modified by means of the definable pulse
duration/interval ratio.

The pulse duration and pulse interval can be set by means of the parameters TH and
TL. The cursor keys can be used to set the time scale divisions to seconds, minutes or
hours. Both parameters have the same time basis, they can not be set individually to
different bases.
The input INV allows the output to be inverted. The input INV only negates the output
if the block is activated by EN.
Input (Q The input En (Enable) switches the asynchronous
pulse generator on and off.
Input ,QY $ The input Inv is used to invert the output signal of
the asynchronous pulse generator when active.
Parameter 3DU The pulse duration TH and pulse interval TL can be
Output 4 Q switches on and off cyclically on the basis of the
pulse timing parameters TH and TL.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 83


The pulse timing parameters TH and TL can be set in the block properties in seconds,
minutes or hours.
The Protection Active check box allows you to specify whether the parameter can be
displayed and altered in parameter assignment mode on the LOGO! module.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 84



The household water pump example application is intended to provide new LOGO!
users with a practical programming example that can be followed through step by
step. In contrast with the tutorial, the use of the functions learned about is illustrated
step by step using an example of a practical application.

Nowadays, private households are more and more frequently making use of rainwater
alongside the mains domestic water supply. This saves money and helps protect the
environment. Rainwater can be used for the following, for example:
• washing clothes,
• watering the garden,
• watering indoor plants,
• washing the car or
• flushing the toilet.
With a suitable system, rainwater can be collected and used for those types of
purposes instead of the mains water.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 85


The rainwater is collected in a large water butt. From the water butt it is pumped by a
pumping station into a piping system provided for it. From there it can be drawn off in
the same way as the normal household water supply. If the water butt should run dry,
it can be topped up with mains water.
A program is to be created which meets the requirements of a control system for such
an installation.
The sketch below illustrates how such a rainwater supply system works:

Rainwater inlet
K4 Mains water inlet Pressure switch


PLC in the
distributor box

Large water butt

for rainwater Pump
Connection for
Mains water inlet off household water

S3 Mains water inlet on

Trockenlaufschutz Aus
S4 Run-dry prevention on

• The system must be capable of supplying water at all times. If necessary, the
control system must switch over to mains water if the rainwater runs out.
• The system must not allow rainwater to enter the mains supply when switching
over to mains water.
• It must not be possible to switch on the pump when there is not enough water in
the rainwater butt (run-dry prevention system).

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 86


A pump and a solenoid valve are controlled by means of a pressure switch and 3 float
switches that are fitted in the rainwater butt. The pump must be switched on when the
pressure in the cylinder falls below the minimum level. Once the operating pressure
has been reached, the pump is switched off again following a short overrun period.
The overrun period prevents the pump continuously cutting in and out if water is drawn
off for a prolonged period.

K3 S3 S2

K2 S1 p< S4 K3 S3 K4

K1 K2 K3 K4 Y1
Pump Overrun period Run-dry Mains water
prevention inlet

In addition to a LOGO! module, you require only the pressure switch and the float
switches for controlling the pump. If you are using a 3-phase AC motor, you must use
a master contactor for switching the pump. On systems using single-phase AC pumps,
you must fit a contactor if the AC pump requires a higher current than can be switched
by the output relay Q1. The power of a solenoid valve is so low that it can normally be
controlled directly.

S1 p< S2 S3 S4

L1 N I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

K1 Y1
Pump Mains water inlet

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 87


The function diagram shows how you can connect up the control system for the pump
and the solenoid valve. Its layout corresponds to that of the current flow diagram.

Pressure switch I1
T = 20 s Pump

Float switch
I3 56
Run-dry prevention off

Float switch
Run-dry prevention on

Mains water inlet
Float switch
I3 56
Mains water inlet off Q2
Float switch Mains water inlet off I2

You also have the possibility of incorporating additional functions for specific
applications that would only be possible with the inclusion of extra equipment if you
were using conventional technology, e.g.:
• Pump to be enabled only at specific times, e.g. only in the summer or between
particular hours of the day
• Indication of imminent or existing shortage of water
• Reporting of system faults

Once you have planned your project, you can start to create it in LOGO!Soft Comfort.
The first step is to enter the project data in the Properties dialog box, assuming you
don’t prefer to start programming right away.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 88


When working through the succeeding steps, you should remember to save your
control program at regular intervals. You may want to open a revised version at some
time to test out different possibilities.
The next step is to place the required function blocks on the Drawing Board. When
doing so, remember that apart from the basic and special functions, you also require
blocks for the inputs and outputs. At this stage of the process it is sufficient to place
the blocks roughly in the position they will need to be in when you connect them up.
Precise positioning will be done at a later stage.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 89


Now connect up the blocks according to the plan you made earlier. When connecting
up the blocks you should join the connecting line to the output of a block first and then
to the input of the destination block. The advantage of this is that when you are
connecting to the input pin of a function block the name of the selected pin is
displayed. This is particularly helpful with the various pins on the special function

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 90


Some of the connecting lines run over the top of the blocks. As it is at present, the
control program layout is not particularly clear. In order to "tidy up" the Drawing Board,
you now select connecting lines and, if necessary, blocks and move them around or
align them to obtain the best layout for the control program.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 91


If you are left with undesirable but unavoidable intersections between connecting
lines, the offending lines can be split using the Split/Reconnect tool. This further
improves the clarity of the diagram as it prevents difficulties interpreting the circuit.
Otherwise it is difficult in LOGO!Soft Comfort to distinguish between connecting line
intersections and junctions.

The program is now finished. Check once again that all connections have been made
and set your parameters as you require.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 92


To test out the control program, you switch to simulation mode. When you start the
simulation, LOGO!Soft Comfort checks the program and returns a message that you
can view by opening the Message Window. The statistics and any error messages are
shown. It also lists the LOGO! models that you can use to implement your project.
However, it is not absolutely essential to open the Message Window. The minimum
LOGO! model required to run your program is also displayed at the bottom left of the
screen on the Status Bar.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 93


Although you already know that your program will run on a LOGO! module, you still
have to check that it will actually work as you intend it to. You may also want to adjust
certain parameters. You can try out different input values, check the behavior of the
system in the event of a power failure and compare your calculations or expectations
with the actual behavior of the outputs.
The characteristics of the float switches and the pressure switch are the same as for
keys. If, however, you wish to simulate the behavior of your circuit, for testing
purposes simply change the function of the inputs from keys to switches.

If everything runs as expected, or when you have made any final corrections
necessary, you can set about documenting your program.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 94


Now add comments to your program using the Label tool. Give the inputs and outputs
descriptions and make your circuit easy to follow. You do not have to have the
terminal descriptions displayed on the screen. Nevertheless, you should make use of
the facility so that you can print out a terminal list at some point if you wish.

Pressure switch

Float switch
Run-dry prevention off
Mains water inlet off

Float switch
Mains water inlet off
Mains water
Float switch
Run-dry prevention on

Before you download your program, you should save it again. Choose the relevant
command from the menu and enter a name for the program and the path to which you
want to save it.
A printout of the program can be very helpful for planning modifications on paper or if
you wish to show the program to friends or colleagues when there is no PC available.
The print options allow you to specify the print format and which details are to be
omitted from the printed version.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 95


You may also need a version of your program in LOGO!Soft format or perhaps you
want to combine a program created in LOGO!Soft with your LOGO!Soft Comfort
program. If so, you can use the import and export functions to carry out the necessary
program conversions. You import a program by opening the file.
Last of all, you download your program to a suitable LOGO! module and then connect
the module up. Connect the LOGO! module to the consumer units in your project.
Within a very short space of time, you have now created a control program in
LOGO!Soft Comfort which would have required much more time and effort using the
conventional method.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 96


To give you an idea of how versatile LOGO! modules are, we have put together a
collection of other applications in addition to the domestic water pump application
described in detail above. The examples referred to here are taken from the LOGO!
manual. In the LOGO! manual they are described in more detail, in other words
showing the conventional solution and comparing it with the simpler solution using a
LOGO! module.
Here in the LOGO!Soft Comfort manual, we have given a description of the task
followed by the finished solution created in LOGO!Soft Comfort. The control programs
illustrated are also included on the LOGO!Soft Comfort CD-ROM.
The LOGO! applications are provided free of charge to our customers. The examples
described within them are provided without guarantee and for the purposes of general
information as to the possible applications of LOGO! modules and the LOGO!Soft
Comfort software. Customer-specific solutions may differ from them.
The user is responsible for ensuring that the system operates properly. We would also
draw your attention to to the need to comply with any applicable local standards and
system-related installation regulations.

The basic requirements for a stairwell lighting system in an apartment block are as
• When someone is using the stairs, the stairwell lights should be on.
• If no-one is in the stairwell, the lights should go out in order to save energy.
Conventionally, there have been two ways to control such a lighting system as follows:
• Pulse relay: when the lights are off, pressing any of the push buttons switches the
lights on. When the lights are on, pressing any of the push buttons switches the
lights off again.
Disadvantage: people frequently forget to switch the lights off.
• Automatic stairwell lighting timer: when any one of the push buttons is pressed,
the lights are switched on. When a preset time has elapsed, the lights switch off
again automatically.
Disadvantage: you can’t keep the lights switched on for an extended period. The
permanent on switch is usually on the stairwell lighting timer unit which may be
difficult or impossible to gain access to.
The wiring for the two lighting systems is identical.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 97


You can use a LOGO! module to replace the stairwell lighting timer or the pulse relay.
And you can implement both functions (timed OFF delay and pulse relay) in a single
unit. What is more, you can incorporate extra functions without making any alterations
to the wiring. In our example program we have combined the advantages of both the
pulse relay and the automatic stairwell lighting timer as follows:
• Press push button È lights come on then go off again after the preset delay of 6
minutes (OFF delay)
• Press push button twice È lights come on and stay on indefinitely (the latching
relay is set by the pulse relay)
• Press and hold push button for 2 seconds È lights go off (ON delay switches
lights off - whether on indefinitely or for timed period - in the circuit this branch is
used twice)
The external wiring for the lighting system using a LOGO! module is no different from
the conventional method of wiring a stairwell lighting system. Only the automatic
lighting timer/pulse relay is replaced.
The control program shows the circuit for an input and corresponding output. You use
the OFF delay B02 to set the length of the timed "lights on" period and blocks B03 and
B08 to set the time the push button has to be held to switch the lights off.

Lights on/off
"Lights on" period


You can duplicate the circuit for the remaining inputs and outputs. For example, you
could replace 4 automatic lighting timers or 4 pulse relays with just one LOGO!

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 98


The purpose of a ventilation system is either to bring fresh air into a room or to extract
stale air from a room. Let us consider the following example arrangement:
• A room contains an extractor fan and a fresh-air fan.
• Both fans are monitored by a flow sensor.
• The pressure in the room must not be allowed to rise above atmospheric
• The fresh-air fan must only be switched on provided reliable functioning of the
extractor fan is signalled by the flow sensor.
• A warning lamp indicates if one of the fans fails.
The fans are monitored by flow sensors. If, after a short delay, no air flow is
registered, the system is switched off and a fault reported which can be reset by
pressing the OFF button.
Monitoring of the fans requires an analyzer circuit with several switching devices in
addition to the flow sensors. The analyzer circuit can be replace by a single LOGO!
If you use a LOGO! module you require less switchgear. That saves you installation
time and space in the control cabinet. Under certain circumstances it may even allow
you to use as a smaller control cabinet.
With a LOGO! module you can also stagger shut off of the fans after the system is
switched off.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 99


The system is switched on and off at the inputs I1 and I2. The fans are connected to
outputs Q1 and Q2 and the inputs I3 and I4 are connected to the flow sensors. Blocks
B07 and B10 are used to set the times after which the flow sensors must send a signal
to the fault output Q3.


ON switch
Extractor fan

OFF switch

Fresh-air fan

for stale air Fault

for fresh air

By negating output Q3 you can also use an output Q4 as a message output. Relay Q4
only drops out if the mains power fails or if there is a fault in the system. The output
can then be used for a remote fault indicator.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 100


The entrances to factory grounds are frequently secured by sliding gates. Those gates
are only opened when vehicles need to enter or leave the factory grounds. The gate
controls are operated by the porter.
• The sliding gate is opened and closed by the operation of a push button in the
gatehouse. The porter is able to monitor the operation of the gate at the same
• The sliding gate is normally fully opened or closed. However, movement of the
gate can be halted at any time.
• A flashing light is activated 5 seconds before the gate is operated and while the
gate is in motion.
• A safety pressure strip ensures that persons are not injured or objects trapped and
damaged when the gate shuts.
There is a wide variety of control systems that are used for operating automatic gates.
The OPEN and CLOSE buttons move the gate in the appropriate direction provided it
is not already moving in the other direction. Movement of the gate is halted by the
STOP button or the relevant limit switch.
In addition to the facilities of the conventional control system, the LOGO! module
solution usas a safety strip which stops the gate closing. 5 seconds before the gate is
opened or closed, a flashing light is activated which signals that the gate is about to
start moving and continues to flash until the gate has stopped moving.
In contrast with the conventional solution, the LOGO! module solution of course allows
modifications to be made to the control system easily and economically.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 101


The gate is opened and closed by means of push buttons I1 and I2 and a push button
connected to I3 can be used to stop the gate. The limit switches for the gate are
connected to the inputs I4 and I5 and the safety strip to I6. The motor for moving the
gate is controlled via outputs Q1 and Q2 and the flashing light is connected to Q3.
Blocks B05 and B07 are used to set the delay period between when the push button is
pressed and when the gate starts moving. Block B16 is used to set the flashing
frequency of the warning light.


strip Flashing light

Push button
for OPEN


Push button
for STOP
Gate is
Push button

Gate is

Our additional feature opens the gate again automatically if the safety strip is

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 102


An uncoiler feeds a coiled strip of sheet metal into a punch. The basic requirements
for an uncoiler are as follows:
• The metal strip fed in must not be allowed to curl
• The tension on the metal strip must not exceed a specified maximum level
• If the tension on the metal strip is too great, the punch must be switched off
A key-operated switch is used to change between automatic and manual operation. In
manual mode, the uncoiler can be switched on and off with a push button. Three more
switches monitor the tension on the metal strip and switch the punch off if it is too taut.
With a LOGO! module, the necessary circuit can be considerably simplified by virtue
of the fact that connection of the required switches, warning lamps and master
contactor to the LOGO! is all that is required.
Using a LOGO! module, you need less switchgear and less wiring. That saves you
installation time and space in the control cabinet. Under certain circumstances it may
even allow you to use as a smaller control cabinet.
Inputs I1 to I3 are used to connect the controls for the system. The system’s internal
switches for checking the metal strip are connected to inputs I4 to I6. Outputs Q1 to
Q3 are used to control the master contactor for the uncoiler motor and the enabling
signal for the punch and the warning lamp.


Manual mode ON

uncoiler operation
Uncoiler motor

Strip is slack

Strip is taut

Indicator lamp for

Automatic mode automatic mode

Punch Enable
off switch punch

Other additional functions or the use of the free inputs and outputs for another system
can be easily be implemented.

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 103



$ Exporting and importing .........................................96

Actual values ......................................................... 19 )

Alignment .............................................................. 34
AND....................................................................... 53 Factory gate ........................................................ 101
Applications, other................................................. 97 File extension.........................................................21
Archiving................................................................ 95 Fixed signal levels..................................................52
Archiving programs ............................................... 19 Flag, status ............................................................18
ASi input ................................................................ 50 Flags ......................................................................52
ASi output.............................................................. 51 Font ........................................................................33
Assigning parameters to function blocks................. 8 Font color ...............................................................33
Asynchronous pulse generator ............................. 83 Font size ................................................................33
Font style ...............................................................33
% Formatting options .................................................33
Frequency inputs ...................................................79
Basic Functions tool .............................................. 24 Frequency trigger...................................................78
Block comments .................................................... 14 Function blocks, availability .....................................8
Block numbering...................................................... 8 Function blocks, memory requirements.................47
Block numbers....................................................... 49 Function diagram ...................................................88
Block Properties .................................................... 33
Block properties dialog box ................................... 33 *
Blocks.................................................................... 49
Bring To Front ....................................................... 32 General properties .................................................29

& +
Choice of modes ................................................... 23 high ........................................................................52
Clipboard, internal ................................................. 26 Hours counter ........................................................73
Clock buffer ........................................................... 80 Household water pump ..........................................85
Comments tab ................................................. 14, 30
Connecting line intersections ................................ 12
Constants and Terminals tool ............................... 24 ,
Contents of the Clipboard ..................................... 32 Input terminals .......................................................50
Convenience switch .............................................. 97 Input, function ........................................................17
Copy ...................................................................... 31 Inputs .............................................................. 16, 50
Copy selected object ............................................. 22 Inputs for ASi .........................................................50
Counter.................................................................. 71 Inserting function blocks ........................................89
Creating a program using toolbars.......................... 6
Cut......................................................................... 31
Cut selected object................................................ 22 /
Label tool ........................................................ 13, 23
' Labels ....................................................................13
Labels, bound and unbound ..................................13
Data entry, manual .......................................... 64, 81 Language setting ...................................................41
Date, current.......................................................... 40 Last digits of order number ....................................45
Date, set ................................................................ 40 Latching relay.........................................................66
Determine LOGO! ................................................. 40 LGO........................................................................28
Disconnecting the power....................................... 18 Limit for OT ............................................................73
Drawing Board....................................................... 20 Link tool..................................................................23
Drawing Board, description ..................................... 5 Linking function blocks, help with ............................9
Linking function blocks, procedure ..........................9
( Linking function blocks, rules .................................10
LOGO! applications................................................97
Editing connecting lines ........................................ 11 LOGO! Innovation ..................................................45
Editing functions .................................................... 31 LOGO! logic module ................................................4
Editing objects ....................................................... 11 LOGO! model.........................................................16
Enclosing objects .................................................. 10 LOGO! models .......................................................45
Entering project data ............................................. 88 LOGO!, 1st generation...........................................45
Entering terminal descriptions............................... 32 LOGO!, 2nd generation..........................................45
Example application .............................................. 85 LOGO!Soft ........................................................ 4, 28
Exit ........................................................................ 30 Low ........................................................................52

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 104


LSC ....................................................................... 21 Program paths, overlong........................................48

Program settings....................................................45
0 Program simulation ................................................14
Program test ..........................................................94
Manual................................................................... 44 Properties of program to be created ......................21
Memory area ......................................................... 47 Pulse relay .............................................................60
Memory, maximum usable .................................... 47
Memory, required .................................................. 47 5
Menu bar ..................................................... 6, 20, 25
Message window................................................... 36 Recursion...............................................................10
Message Window .................................................. 15 Release date..........................................................44
Remanence characteristics....................................18
1 Resources..............................................................15
Restart characteristics ...........................................18
NAND .................................................................... 54 Retentive ON Delay ...............................................69
Nesting depth ........................................................ 48
New ................................................................. 21, 26 6
NOR ...................................................................... 55
NOT....................................................................... 54 Save ................................................................ 22, 27
Nudging ................................................................. 11 Save As..................................................................28
Number of pages for creating program ................. 41 Scroll bars ..............................................................20
Select All ................................................................32
2 Selecting function blocks .................................. 7, 90
Selecting objects....................................................10
OFF delay.............................................................. 58 Selection tool .................................................. 10, 23
ON delay ............................................................... 56 Send To Back ........................................................32
Open................................................................ 21, 27 Set Clock................................................................40
Opening a program ............................................... 19 Set Clock: entering date/time manually .................40
Optimizing diagram view ....................................... 10 Signal feedback .....................................................48
Optimizing layout................................................... 92 Simulation ..............................................................40
Options: General ................................................... 41 Simulation parameters ...........................................41
Options: Interface .................................................. 43 Simulation tool .......................................................24
Options: Print......................................................... 42 Simulation, assigning parameters..........................19
Options: Screen..................................................... 42 Simulation, starting ................................................14
OR ......................................................................... 53 Solution, conventional............................................87
or number 0BA1 .................................................... 45 Solution, implementation with LOGO!....................87
Order number 0BA0 .............................................. 45 Special functions dependent on LOGO! models....46
Output block .......................................................... 47 Special Functions tool............................................24
Output terminals .................................................... 51 Split/Reconnect button...........................................11
Output, status ........................................................ 18 Split/Reconnect tool ...............................................23
Outputs.................................................................. 51 Splitting links, advantages .....................................12
Outputs for ASi ...................................................... 51 Splitting links, procedure........................................11
Overview of user interface .................................... 20 Standard toolbar ............................................... 6, 21
Starting and assessing simulation .........................93
Statistics tab...........................................................30
3 Status bar.................................................... 6, 20, 37
Status display.........................................................16
Page breaks .......................................................... 12 Symmetrical pulse generator .................................68
Page settings......................................................... 28
Page Setup............................................................ 28
Parameter assignment windows ........................... 19 7
Parameters, displaying current values .................. 19
Paste ..................................................................... 31 Terminal block........................................................47
Paste object........................................................... 22 Terminal Description ..............................................32
Path and file name ................................................ 22 Terminals ...............................................................49
Path, to save program to ....................................... 19 Text boxes, bound and unbound ...........................13
PC connecting lead ............................................... 38 Tidying up the Drawing Board ...............................91
PDF file reader ...................................................... 44 Time switch ............................................................62
Pin designation........................................................ 9 Time switch, parameter assignment example .......65
Positioning............................................................. 11 Toolbars .......................................................... 20, 36
Positioning function blocks...................................... 7 Tools menu ............................................................37
Power failure ......................................................... 18 Tools toolbar ..................................................... 6, 23
Print ....................................................................... 29 Tooltips ..................................................................37
Printing .................................................................. 95 Transfer..................................................................38
Program comments ............................................... 95 Transfer: LOGO! 3&...........................................39
Program conversions ............................................ 96 Transfer: PC /2*2...........................................38
Program path......................................................... 47 Types of text object................................................42

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 105


8 ;
Uncoiler ............................................................... 103 XOR .......................................................................54
Undo...................................................................... 31
Up/down counter ................................................... 71
Uploading and downloading.................................. 96 <
Use of memory ...................................................... 47 Year clock ..............................................................80
User interface, elements ......................................... 6 Year clock, parameter assignment example..........82

9 =
Ventilation system ................................................. 99 Zoom ......................................................................35
Version number ..................................................... 44 Zoom factor............................................................35
View settings ......................................................... 34 Zoom In ..................................................................35
Voltage levels ........................................................ 52 Zoom Out ...............................................................35

Wiping relay/pulse output...................................... 76

LOGO!Soft Comfort Manual 106

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