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Ariel Santana
role and skills


TLC Canvas PF

Document Details

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trn:oid:::1:2794883444 10 Pages

Submission Date 2,589 Words

Jan 6, 2024, 7:06 AM EST

14,142 Characters

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Jan 6, 2024, 7:08 AM EST

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In this dynamic world of company, management has seen some notable changes over

the years. This evolution has made managers’ responsibilities and expectations

constantly being rethought from time to time, especially due to changes in economic

climates, new technologies employed in the working world as well as social and cultural

norms. Classical management theory came into view in the early 20 th century as a set

of rules from thinkers like Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol, including efficiency, job

specialization”, “hierarchical organizational structure. This method paralleled the

industrial age’s emphasis on mass manufacturing and organizational efficiencies by

focusing on improving operations and reducing costs. When behavioral management

theories emerged later in the century, researchers started focusing on how people

behave while they are working within a group. Many of the classical theorists who went

against mechanistic perspectives with regard to human relations, employee motivation

and leadership styles included Elton Mayo Douglas McGregor. Over these years, it

became obvious that a company needs to have happy employees and good company

culture if the business is going to be successful. As we move into the new millenniums,

businesses have to cope with an even more technologically advanced and globally

interconnected environment and in a complex manner than ever before. Sustainability,

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innovation and adaption are key concepts in modern management theory because of

this. “Managers of the modern day need to learn a quick response to new technologies,

think in global terms thus have their mind geared towards continuous development and

emerging ideas. Managers are more massive than ever before with the advent of

information age and digital technologies because modern managerial profile is not only

technical and operational knowledge but goes beyond boundaries such as

understanding how people feel. For instance, today’s managers are responsible for

much more than before in the corporate world. Adaptive leadership is an approach to

leading organizations into uncharted territory, working in a way that nurtures all its

employees who are inspired and ready for the challenges of the future while focusing as

well on strength and resilience. The following essay attempts to develop those

capabilities that modern managers need in order to be successful at guiding their

companies towards a favorable future. The essay attempts to offer a comprehensive

analysis of the process as management continues evolving deriving our modern

corporate world. So, this analysis in essence puts forth the argument that to survive in

today’s fast paced corporate world, managers need a plethora of skills beyond what

was traditionally considered as management duties


Whether a company succeeds or fails is often dependent on the quality of its

management. Considered in this light, it's simple to understand why upper management

is frequently frazzled. There is a mechanism to guide and lessen that pressure, which is

great news. With this system, you can plan, organize, lead, and control. It's called the P-

O-L-C framework. Since its creation by Henri Fayol in 1916, this framework has served

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as a reference point in the field of management. Each of the four features aids managers

in carrying out routine company operations and responding to unexpected events. This

model has been successfully implemented in a wide variety of contexts.

According to the P-O-L-C model, planning comes first. The mindset of thinking you can

finish a task is typically fostered by being able to plan what you are going to do. Finding

time to plan, meanwhile, might be challenging when you're a manager who is both worried

and busy. It could be challenging to not only find time to prepare, but also to determine

the best approach to planning. For the simple reason that management involves a variety

of plans. Management often makes use of three distinct planning approaches: strategic,

tactical, and operational. As part of any good strategic plan, you must take stock of your

opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses. Managers should strive to ground their

strategic plans in the company's purpose statement. A look at tactical planning is

necessary within the context of strategic planning. Strategic plans cannot go into action

without first conducting thorough tactical preparation. Managers, delving even further,

must develop comprehensive procedures to back up the strategic and tactical ideas.

Organizing comes next in the P-O-L-C model. Once again, it would appear that a manager

should always keep things organized. Managerial task organization provides a solid

foundation upon which to build. So, here's the deal: at this particular organization, no one

has any idea what their actual job duties are. This will almost definitely lead to anarchy.

It would be up to the manager in this case to efficiently organize and distribute all of the

daily tasks among all of the different jobs. It is important for the management to consider

all of the employees' skills when doing this. Last but not least, the manager should

interview candidates for any open positions; ideally, there will be enough workers to do

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everything that needs doing. Every employee will be able to stay on task and get more

done if they have a clear understanding of their role.

The P-O-L-C paradigm reveals leadership as the third component. A solid strategy and

its execution may be devised by nearly anyone. But leaders aren't born, but made.

Effective leaders motivate their teams while being unwavering in their commitment to

getting things done. Any competent manager or leader worth their salt will take the time

to get to know their staff inside and out. What motivates your staff to work hard and have

a pleasant attitude throughout the day? It's not necessary to be friends with them, but it

might help.Small gestures, like providing rewards and being polite to colleagues, can

have a significant impact on leadership.

In the P-O-L-C model, controlling is the last step. It seems that controlling someone in

management is always seen in a bad light. The common perception is that managers who

exert excessive control are unpleasant and unwelcome in the workplace. Nevertheless,

management necessitates a certain amount of controller. To control in management,

Principles of Management states: "(1) establishing performance standards, (2) comparing

actual performance against standards, and (3) taking corrective action when necessary"

(2015).Do not skip any of these steps. Nobody understands what to anticipate from an

employee if there is no set norm. Examining whether or not standards are being satisfied

is essential after they have been established. Great if they are, but if not, managers should

decide whether to raise the bar or address the individual directly.


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Today’s dynamic corporate environment calls for a set of competencies much broader

than those previously necessary to succeed in the management. Today’s talented people

include a vast variety of traits, from technological knowledge and solid decision-making

to psychological proficiency and commitment issues. These are dynamic competencies;

they evolve with the world of international business. Successful managers know this, and

it is their top aim to develop personally and professionally as well. Nowadays, managers

are being required to manage a variety of functions so having diversified skills is not just

beneficial but even critical. Along with these established abilities, an ability to think

globally and recognize at the same time cultural variety in a way that is valuable in using

global environment full interdependency as well. They are the champions of sustainability

who must recognize their duties to promote considerate behaviors as both ecological and

social. This requires that leaders see things in a more long term perspective, not just the

here and now but what may be possible or get threaten us somewhere down the road.

Technical competencies in handling the situation initially, including general knowledge of

technology and specific know-how regarding a particular industry is required to manage

effectively. As Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee (2014) have noted technology has

changed quite rapidly mastering the dynamics of work as well in such a manner that every

manager is required to be technically adept. It is quite important to have a firm hold on

current technological sophistication, but at the same time one should be able to perceive

and predict emerging trends in technology so that organizations can stay afloat even

amidst such changes.

In today’s collaborative workplace, the ability to work well with others – in terms of being

able to communicate, collaborate and resolve conflicts – is an increasingly sought after

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trait. According to Peter Northouse’s leadership literature (Northouse, 2018) building and

maintaining high-performing teams needs strong interpersonal and communication

competencies. Thus, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial for creating a friendly

environment at work where everyone feels welcome and valued which in turn enhances


Additionally, conceptual skills such as the ability to understand complex situations and

devise strategic solutions also play a crucial role. Henry Mintzberg in his research on

management responsibilities says that executives must be able to have an analytical and

total perspective of their companies. Managers in the contemporary difficult business

environment have to be able to view whole picture and understand interdependencies

between different parts of the firm when making their decisions. The capability to make

good decisions in the current fast and unpredictable world has never been as essential.

It is quite challenging for managers when they are provided with only insufficient

information and unforeseen consequences. 1979 was the year of publication by Daniel

Kahneman and Amos Tversky in their influential work on decision-making under


Daniel Goleman made a concept of emotional intelligence popular and today the notion

is considered as an important characteristic in good leaders. It includes competencies in

self-awareness, empathy and social interaction (Goleman , 1998). Emotional intelligence

is involved in the capacity to lead teams that are incredibly varied, resolving

disagreements and maintaining a favorable company culture. Trust and respect are the

key foundations for successful teamwork, and this tool allows managers to engage with

their employees on a more personal level.

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In a constantly changing world, the ability to adapt and willingness to learn new things are

essential. As Peter Senge proposed, organizations should turn into learning institutions

where people continuously improve their capacity to deliver the results they desire (Senge

, 1990). In order to remain relevant and effective, managers should also emulate this

approach by constantly learning how they can enhance their skills.


When we think about the way management developed in the modern corporate world, it

is obvious that nowadays it becomes more complicated and harder than ever before.

Sustainability, business ethics and social responsibility are gaining more weight which is

adding another dimension of complexity to the already cluttered technical issues related

with globalization. What I have learned about what it takes to be an effective leader in the

contemporary world is indeed consistent with these widened responsibilities and

expectations. Over the decades, modern managers are required to be not only specialists

in their sphere; they need also be able to skillfully manage complex interpersonal relations

within her company aside from the technical parts of his sector. This requires a balanced

array of skills including technical knowledge along with the ability to sympathize and

understand the inside workings of business matters as well s employees. In other words,

this is a skill of a high-level view of the entire organization and upcoming opportunities for

the company while also being focusing on current management status, getting into all

those details that need attention every day like managing business operations and

pleasing other employees.

Such insights are not just theoretical observations but they offer useful advice regarding

the career and life development of an aspiring manager such as me. They emphasize the

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importance of self-improvement and lifelong learning, especially in regard to EQ and

flexibility. This is especially true for the capability to lead multifaceted teams successfully

based on emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence involves the capacity to identify

and manage your own emotions while also being in tune with others’ feelings, so that all

are able live and work harmoniously. The ability to work this way is even more important

for leaders within today’s diverse working environments as workers span from different

generations and show a broad array of personalities and cultural backgrounds. In

addition, flexibility to adapt in a dynamic business environment is highly essential.

Managers will also need to change tactics faster than the speed of light, adapt to new

technology invading workstations and lead their teams through changes. It should also

be open to new information and ideas, keeping a growth mentality. I know it is crucial for

my own professional growth and the advancement of groups and companies that will

someday be under my leadership to make a conscious effort towards refining these skills

through purposeful practice, reading etc.

Based on what I have witnessed this week, it seems to me every manager can benefit

from being multi-tasking capable of maintaining a laser focus and maximizing

opportunities for his or her team members. While the roles and responsibilities associated

with certain tasks will differ, every good manager should be a versatile individual who can

motivate his or her team to deliver outstanding performance. Managers need to be

creative and seek clients’ satisfaction in order for their businesses not to go under. The

team is much more efficient when the manager’s orders and duties are fulfilled with

honesty. This week, the most important thing I learned is that it becomes imperative for a

manager to have an encyclopedic knowledge of his or her company. As days progress,

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a manager’s role is changing from direction and reflection to guiding and nurturing. This

is a trend that reflects what society as ever wants, but also the hopes of companies and

their management. To be effective in the future, aspiring managers like me will need to

embrace complexity. We have to learn how things change so we can always adapt and

keep growing It is about managing the company well, its workers and entire community.

In this way, the modern manager becomes an instrument of positive change promoting

not just his or her company’s success but also promotes the emergence of a more equal,

sustainable and wealthier global community.


In conclusion, management is an even more volatile and intricate profession than ever

before with changing landscape of the functions to be performed in managing a company

or corporation and increasing assortment of competencies required for effective

contemporary management. This essay has shown that modern managers must perform

a multitude of tasks as they attempt to steer their firms into the future and strike balances

between traditional management activities along with an assortment of skills. Today,

whether it is the strategic vision in planning or nimbleness of organizing , emotional

intelligence of leading that covers every facet of management has evolved to face the

problems posed by a dynamic corporate climate. The need for managers to be lifelong

learners who can adapt with the changing trends in technology and society norms is also

stressed. Managers must be visionary leaders, mentors in an empathic way and change

navigators with a lot of strength – all these are regarded as integral parts to their work

that goes beyond administrative duties and working with people. Not only has there been

a change in the role and skill set of managers as outside forces come to bear, but more

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people agree that good management is key when it comes to an organization’s sustained

survival. As the field of management changes even further in years to come, managers

will need to be adaptable , knowledgeable and compassionate when leading within a

dynamic and unpredictable environment.

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