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Microsoft Word

Microsoft word is application software that helps you write many things. It is a very important
application that millions of devices have. Microsoft word cannot be utilized to its full potential if we do
not know how it works and functions.

The Microsoft word we are going to talk about today is word 2007. My computer has an error so I
cannot use the latest version of Microsoft word. The 2007 version should be mostly the same as the
latest version.

These are the important parts of Microsoft word:

(Disclaimer: some of the parts shown in the picture will not be explained)

We have the title bar first; it is the part of MS word that displays your document's title.

We then have the Ribbon and Ribbon tabs, the ribbon is where most of the tools and writing options are
for Microsoft word. Those options can be found under the Ribbon tabs. The ribbon tabs are the options
where you can choose which set of tools you will use.

Within the ribbon is the category groups these are the groups of tools that are in the in ribbon tab.

Here are the Ribbon tabs and its contents:

One of the features in MS word is being able to change font styles which are in the home tab.

The default font style is the Calibri. Another font style is Times New Roman.

We cannot use the fonts and tools without a thing to use them on.

In the Home tab we find the dialogue box launcher. The dialogue box launcher launches a box with
options for that category group

The Document window or the workspace is like a digital bond paper. It is where you use your tools and
write on.
Ms Word has rulers to guide you on your margins, it can be toggled on and off with the view ruler
button on top of the vertical scroll bar.

Speaking of scroll bars Ms Word has scroll bars that help you scroll across your document. It comes in
vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

Below the horizontal scroll bar is the status bar. The status bar's job is in its name; its job is to show
your status. Next to the word count is the proofing error button. Its job is to check for any spelling or
grammatical mistakes.

The thing up next is the zoom slider; the zoom slider adjusts your zoom. The zoom slider's default zoom
is 100% and can go as high as 500% and as low as 10%.

Just in case you need to do something quickly, the quick access toolbar is there to help. The quick access
tool bar shows buttons for functions to quickly use them like the save button. The quick access tool bar
can also be customized for convenience.

If ever you are confused, use the help button at the corner of your Ms Word.

That is all for now, Thank you for looking at this presentation.

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