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It's necessary to start by introducing our variables:

1. Suppose the order of g is k, and the order of G is n.

To show that n is divisible by k, we can write G as a union of k-element sets.

This is just what divisibility means, set-theoretically, so it's not too bold an

2. If we can write G as a disjoint union of k-element sets, we'll have the result.

Now to relax the goal, we first write G as a union of not-necessarily disjoint sets
with k elements, and hope they don't overlap awkwardly. The sets we're about to
define have k elements, because if g^ax=g^bx, then g^a=g^b by cancellation, but
g^a≠g^b for 0≤a,b<k, by the definition of order.

3. We notice that for any x∈G, the set Ax={x,gx,g^2x,⋯,g^{k−1}x} has k elements, by
the definition of order and the cancellation law.

Now for the awkward overlapping issue. As long as all the sets A_x are either
disjoint or equal, then by choosing a maximal disjoint family of them, we'll have
accomplished our goal.

5. It now suffices to show that for any x,y∈G, either Ax=Ay or Ax∩Ay=∅.

So, we suppose Ax∩Ay is nonempty, and prove they must be equal. Note for the below
that if y=xg^{t}\in A_x, then

6. Suppose z∈Ax∩Ay. Then there exist k,ℓ for which z=xgk and z=ygℓ.

7. This implies y=xg^k−ℓ, so that y∈Ax, which implies Ax=Ay.

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