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Nama: Wahyu Izza Kurniawan Sunaryo

NIM: 1130022058
Class: 3B
Covid isolation room
Central Health Hospital: Pioneer in COVID-19 Isolation Room Safety and Care In the
ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Health Hospital Health hospitals are
equipped with national equipment and stand at the forefront like fortresses.
COVID-19 Isolation Room Description: Isolation Rooms are designed to provide
unparalleled safety and care.The facility's commitment to optimal patient care is evident in
the details of its facility COVID-19 isolation rooms. This isolation room goes beyond the
traditional definition of an intensive care unit. In addition to being an important space for the
treatment of patients infected with the new coronavirus, we are also paying close attention to
creating an environment that prioritizes the safety of patients and healthcare workers.
Central Health Hospital's isolation room is a hallmark of safety, cleanliness, and patient
comfort.Custom-built walls and clear glass doors create a barrier and isolate patients from the
outside world. A special ventilation system ensures good air circulation, effectively
suppressing the spread of the virus indoors. Personal protective equipment such as hazmat
suits, N95 masks, and face shields are readily available and are a critical line of defense for
both healthcare workers and patients.Patient beds are equipped with advanced monitoring
equipment, a technological lifeline that continuously tracks vital signs and provides real-time
data to vigilant medical teams. Beyond the technical aspects, the space is designed to have a
calming effect. Soft light fills the room, creating an atmosphere that supports the healing
process and gives patients a sense of security.
Nurses Jobs in the COVID-19 Isolation Room:
Nurses in The COVID-19 isolation room at the Central Health Hospital have important
responsibilities in the treatment of patients infected with the virus . These dedicated medical
professionals are equipped with personal protective equipment and adhere to strict cleanliness
protocols. monitor vital signs, administer medications, and ensure patient comfort even in the
most difficult situations. The challenges extend beyond the clinical realm. These nurses play
an important role in providing psychological support to patients suffering from loneliness and
anxiety.Building warm and caring relationships can be a beacon of understanding during the
difficult times faced by patients in isolation wards.
COVID-19 Isolation Room Medical Instrument:
1. ICU Ventilator used to Provides respiratory support for patients having difficulty breathing
due to COVID-19 infection Offers.
2. Multi-parameter patient monitor:used to Constantly monitors vital signs such as heart rate,
blood pressure, and blood oxygen level.
3. Gloves and protective clothing: used to Protects healthcare nurse and doctor from direct
exposure to the virus.
4. Disinfection sterilizer: used to Keeps rooms and medical equipment clean and prevents the
spread of viruses.
5. IV Pump: used to Administer intravenous medications and fluids with precise control.
6. A pulse oximeter: used for measuring oxygen levels (oxygen saturation) in the blood. This
tool can describe how well a Covid patient is oxygenated
7. Oxygen cylinders and oxygen masks: used to provide oxygen to patients who need
breathing assistance.
Central Health Hospital's commitment to providing optimal care to COVID-19 patients is
demonstrated by the integration of secure isolation rooms, advanced medical equipment, and
a caring and well-trained nursing staff. Given the challenges brought on by the pandemic,
hospitals like Central Health are more than just medical facilities, they are sanctuaries of
healing and support.
In conclusion, the Central Health Hospital's COVID-19 Isolation Unit symbolizes the
hospital's unwavering commitment to medical excellence. By integrating advanced
technology, compassionate care and a supportive environment, the hospital is ensuring
patients receive the highest standards of care during this unprecedented time. As hospitals
adapt to the evolving challenges of the pandemic, isolation rooms remain a beacon of hope
where science and humanity come together for the benefit of all.

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