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Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242

Predictors of elevated blood lead levels among 3-year-old Ukrainian

children: A nested case-control study$
L.S. Friedmana,, O.M. Lukyanovab, Y.I. Kundievc, Z.A. Shkiryak-Nizhnykb,
N.V. Chislovskab, A. Muchaa, A.V. Zvinchukd, I. Oliynyka, D. Hryhorczuka
University of Illinois, School of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Chicago, IL 60612, USA
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Institute of Occupational Medicine at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Kyiv University of Illinois Data Management Center, IL, USA
Received 13 August 2004; received in revised form 29 November 2004; accepted 6 December 2004
Available online 21 January 2005


Objectives: Lead is common in the general population. However, data are lacking for the Ukraine and many other countries from
the former Soviet Union (FSU). In this study we evaluate the level of blood lead among 212 Ukrainian children and determine
predictors of elevated lead levels. We also describe the health effects associated with elevated blood lead.
Methods: A nested case-control study from a prospective cohort of Ukrainian 3-year-old children was conducted in March 1998.
Blood assays were analyzed for lead by labs at the Centers for Disease Control and using portable examination kits. We evaluated
predictors of elevated blood lead (blood levels in the upper quartile 44.65 mg/dL) using a multivariable logistic regression model.
The model included socioeconomic status, parent occupation, environmental tobacco smoke, hygiene, diet, and health status.
Results: The geometric mean lead level was 3.15 mg/dL (range, 0.7–22.7). In our adjusted model, we observed a strong association
between lead levels in the upper quartile and children whose fathers worked manual labor jobs in industries associated with lead
exposures [adjusted odds ratio (OR) ¼ 2.25; P ¼ 0:025] and mothers who smoke indoors (adjusted OR ¼ 2.87; P ¼ 0:047). Daily
hygiene and dietary habits were not associated with elevated lead levels. No increased risks of overall morbidity or lead-associated
illness were observed (anemia, dental caries, renal disease, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal complaints).
Conclusion: This is the first study to describe lead levels and associated variables among Ukrainian children in the peer-reviewed
literature. Elevated lead levels in these children were associated with paternal occupation and mothers smoking indoors. At age 3 no
adverse health effects were observed. More data are needed to determine the level of heavy metal contamination in children from the
Ukraine and many other former Soviet nation-states.
r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lead; Blood assay; Heavy metals; Adverse effects/children; Occupation; Smoking

1. Introduction
This work was funded in part by a cooperative agreement from
USEPA and USAID. This project was supported in part by NIH
Research Grant No. D43 TW00653 funded by the Fogarty Interna-
Lead is common in the general population and has
tional Center, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, been well documented around the world. However, data
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Agency from the new nation-states of the former Soviet Union
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The US Centers for (FSU), including the Ukraine, are lacking. Various
Disease Control and Prevention Center for Environmental Health social and economic pressures have contributed to the
Laboratory provided us the human tissue heavy metal analysis.
Corresponding author. The Social Policy Research Institute, 8423 declining health status of the Ukrainian population.
Monticello Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076, USA. Fax: +1 8475307926. During the 1990s, there was a 3.8% drop in life
E-mail address: (L.S. Friedman). expectancy and the standardized mortality rate for all

0013-9351/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
236 L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242

causes of death increased by 18.2%, and the incidence of (WHO), the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and
both tuberculosis and AIDS has risen three- to five-fold Gynecology at the Academy of Medical Sciences of
since 1990 (WHO, 2000). Ukraine, and the University of Illinois at Chicago
Ukraine is a heavily industrialized nation. Forty-two School of Public Health. The European Longitudinal
percent of Ukraine’s gross domestic product is derived Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) Coordi-
from industry, compared to 18% in the USA. Approxi- nating Center in the Department of Child Health,
mately 32% of the Ukrainian work force is employed in University of Bristol, England supervised all aspects of
industrial occupations—in the USA this figure is around data handling, management, and analysis in order to
24.1% (CIA, 2004). However, governmental regulations ensure quality control.
of industrial emissions are poorly enforced. Both Approval for the study’s confidentiality, ethics, and
occupational and environmental exposures from indus- safety standards was granted by the institutional review
trial sources pose a significant risk to the health of boards at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the
Ukrainians. Because of the problematic situation in the Ukrainian Institute for Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and
Ukraine as well as in many other FSU states, there exists Gynecology, as well as by local ethical committees in
a need for quality data that can assist public health Kyiv, Dniprodzerzhynsk, and Mariupol.
officials in prioritizing national health issues and high-
light areas of concern. Heavy metal contamination and 2.1. Study population
associated health effects in children from Ukraine may
be an important public health issue that needs to be The Children of Ukraine cohort consists of subjects
evaluated within the context of a national public health born between August 1993 and July 1996 in the
program. following three cities: Kyiv, Dniprodzerzhynsk, and
Among children, lead has been associated with Mariupol. The three cities were selected because they
reduced hematocrit volume (420 mg/dL; Schwartz et represent regions with suspected higher-than-average
al., 1990), elevated N-acetyl-X-D-glucosaminidase en- levels of exposure to environmental toxins and adverse
zyme in urine, indicating proximal renal tubular damage health outcomes compared to other regions in the
(mean of 34.2 mg/dL; Verberk et al., 1996), mild Ukraine.
increases in blood pressure (mean of 37.3 mg/dL; The potential offspring of pregnant women who were
Factor-Litvak et al., 1996), reversible electrocardiogram (1) permanent residents of Kyiv, Dniprodzerzhynsk, and
abnormalities (range of 6–20 mg/dL; Silver and Rodri- Mariupol and (2) planning on carrying the child to term
quez-Torres, 1968), lower intelligence (o10 mg/dL and were considered eligible for inclusion. Both singleton
410 mg/dL; Canfield et al., 2003; Bellinger et al.,1991), and multiple pregnancies were included. The centralized
mild behavioral disorders (range of 10–20 mg/dL; medical system in Ukraine allowed for systematic
Wasserman et al., 1998), reduced neural conduction identification of eligible subjects in the three cities and
velocity (range of 13–97 mg/dL; Landrigan et al., 1976), nearby regions during the inclusion period.
and peripheral neuropathy (range of 60–136 mg/dL; Children in the present study were taking part in a
Erenberg et al., 1974). substudy of the Children of Ukraine cohort. We
Ukrainian children are probably exposed to multiple recruited children from Kiev and Mariupol in March
lead sources, including contaminated soil, local industry, 1998 who were between the ages of 212 and 312 years. We
parent’s work clothes, cigarettes, and food. In this study contacted the parents of 295 eligible children, of which
we evaluate the level of blood lead among 212 three- 244 children were enrolled (N ¼ 171; Mariupol; N ¼ 73;
year-old Ukrainian children, describe potential sources Kiev; 82.7% response rate). Interviews and assessments
of exposure, and determine predictors of elevated lead occurred between the 16th and 26th of March 1998.
levels. We also describe the health effects associated with Among the 244 enrolled children, 32 were not included
elevated blood lead. in this analysis because insufficient blood was drawn to
determine lead levels (N ¼ 28) or records were incom-
plete (N ¼ 4) as of January 2004.
2. Methods The parents of the children were given a reimburse-
ment of approximately US$5 for travel and other costs
The Children of Ukraine cohort is a longitudinal, associated with participating in the study.
geographically based study that follows children from
birth through 7 years of age. To date, data have been 2.2. Questionnaires
collected at the following periods of development: time
of delivery and ages 6 months, 18 months, 3 years, and 7 Data regarding the socioeconomic and health status
years. of each child were collected from several sources.
The Children of Ukraine cohort was initiated through Socioeconomic and hygiene practices were ascer-
the coordination of the World Health Organization tained from self-administered questionnaires completed
L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242 237

by a legal guardian. The questionnaires were based on The height and weight of the child was evaluated on-
the ELSPAC questionnaires. For quality assurance site by a trained nurse prior to assessment. The
purposes, all questionnaires were translated into Ukrai- measuring procedures followed the operational manual
nian and then reverse-translated into English. All of the entitled ‘‘How to Weigh and Measure Children’’ issued
final questionnaires were approved by the Coordinating by the United Nations Statistical Office in collaboration
Committee in Bristol, England. For this study, data with the World Health Organization.
regarding the child and parent were collected at the All data were prepared for analysis at the Kyiv
following developmental ages: antenatal (mother’s University of Illinois Data Management Center. Data
socioeconomic background), delivery, 6 months, 18 files were provided to the Institute of Pediatrics,
months, and 3 years. These questionnaires included Obstetrics, and Gynecology at the Academy of Medical
demographic data, descriptions of environment, and Sciences of Ukraine and to the University Of Illinois
hygiene practices. No specific data on monetary income School Of Public Health for statistical analysis.
were available. Only self-rated descriptions of income
were available (poor, middle, rich). Although, most
parents rated themselves in the middle-income tier, by 2.3. Bioassays
US standards many were living under conditions that
most US researchers would classify as poor. Trained phlebotomists from Ukrainian polyclinics
Data regarding the health status of each child was performed all blood collections by venipuncture and
taken from medical records. Record abstraction was finger prick. Blood lead was analyzed using two portable
completed by Ukrainian physicians trained in ELSPAC ESA LeadCare instruments (ESA Inc, Chelmsfold, MA,
data-collection protocols, and the physicians used a USA) that had an analytic range of 1.4–65 mg/dL blood
structured form. Diseases were classified using the Ninth lead. Children washed their hands in the presence of an
Edition of the International Classification of Diseases adult to limit lead contamination on the skin. The
(ICD-9). child’s finger was pricked with a single-use lancet and
We gathered data regarding family smoking habits blood was drawn into a 50-mL tube after the first drop of
and parental occupation and place of employment from blood was discarded. Blood lead measurements and
the Immune System and Respiratory System Question- daily quality control measures were performed accord-
naire. The questionnaire was administered by a trained ing to the ESA LeadCare manual. Among the 242
interviewer to the attending child’s guardian. The children who agreed to have blood drawn, only 216 had
immune questionnaire was an adaptation of the a sufficient amount to provide an accurate reading. Four
Immune Function Test Battery for Environmental were later excluded because they had incomplete records
Studies prepared by the US Agency for Toxic Sub- (mean Pb, 3.75 mg/dL). Fifteen children (7.1%) had
stances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (Straight et al., blood lead levels below the detection limit of 1.4 mg/dL.
1994). In the analysis, values below the detection limit of
Parent occupation was coded following the Interna- 1.4 mg/dL were treated as blood lead levels of 0.7 mg/dL.
tional Standard Classification of Occupations Of the 212 children assessed using the ESA LeadCare
(ISCO-88) as developed by the International Labor manual, blood from 78 children was transported to the
Organization. The category of manual labor used in our US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
analysis included all occupations coded under skilled Center for Environmental Health Laboratory for heavy
agricultural and fishermen, craft and related trades metal analysis (N ¼ 59 for Mariupol; N ¼ 19 for Kiev)
workers, plant and machine operators/assemblers, in order to assess test method bias and agreement.
and elementary occupations (International Labor Venipuncture was conducted using butterfly needles and
Organization, 2002). color-coded vacutainers. Lidocaine cream, a topical
A food frequency questionnaire was self-administered local anesthetic, was used at the site of venipuncture.
by the parent and reviewed by a trained nurse on the day Whole blood lead was determined using a Perkin-Elmer
that blood was drawn. The questionnaire was based on Model 6000 SIMAA atomic-absorption spectrometer,
the modified 1992 version of the Block–NCI–HHHQ with aqueous calibrators prepared to National Institute
Dietary Food Frequency Survey, which is also used for of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards. Meth-
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III od was dilution (1+9) with an ammonium phosphate/
dietary assessment (NCI, 1992). The questionnaire was nitric acid/Triton X-100 matrix modifier. Quality con-
modified to include foods that were culturally appro- trol was evaluated with duplicate determination of two
priate to Ukrainians. We evaluated variables regarding bench pools and a ‘‘new’’ NIST SRM (Standard
dietary habits for shellfish (1+/month), other fish, Reference Materials) (SRM 966) with values that were
cabbage, green salads, raw spinach, cooked spinach, determined by this method. None of the reported blood
homegrown vegetables, milk not purchased at a store, lead levels were below the lower limit of detection for the
and daily tap water consumption. Perkin spectrometer (0.6 mg/dL).
238 L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242

The geometric means of the matched pairs (N ¼ 78) variable logistic regression model included the following
for the CDC-analyzed samples and the subset of the potential predictors of elevated blood lead levels: city,
LeadCare samples did not significantly differ (pooled t mother’s education level (412 years), father who
test; P ¼ 0:58) and were as follows: CDC, 3.09 (range of worked in manual labor in industries associated with
1.1–11.6) and LeadCare, 2.99 (range of 0.7–11.5). We lead exposures, and mother who smoked indoors. All
further tested the degree of agreement between the predictors were dichotomous. Confidence intervals of
LeadCare and CDC lab results (‘‘gold standard’’) using 95% are provided. A two-sided P value of less than 0.05
the methods described by Bland and Altman (1986). The is considered statistically significant.
untransformed LeadCare results were on average
0.25 mg/dL higher (mean difference; 95% CI, 0.13,
0.63) than those reported by the CDC labs. The limits of
3. Results
agreement ranged from 3.06 to 3.56 mg/dL. The limits
of agreement reflect the degree of discrepancy between
Table 1 shows the general characteristics of the child
the two measures. Based on the Bland and Altman
participants. Sixty-one children from the city of Kiev
method, the overall agreement appears to be adequate,
and 151 children from the city of Mariupol participated
but the limits of agreement indicate a potential for
in the study. The mean age for all 212 children was 36.4
misclassification when using the LeadCare results, given
months (SD, 1.9) at the time of the study. The Children
our low overall blood lead levels.
from Kiev compared to those from Mariupol were on
average older, more likely to be girls, more likely to have
mother’s with university degrees, and less likely to
2.4. Statistical analysis
attend kindergarten. We observed a statistically sig-
nificant difference in body mass index (BMI) between
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
the two cities. Only 1 (1.6%) child had a BMI score less
(v.11.5) and SAS (v.8.2). The analysis of categorical
than 14.5 in Kiev compared to 14 (9.3%) from
variables includes a presentation of frequency distribu-
Mariupol. More than one-third (39.6%) of the children
tions, proportions, and statistical comparisons using
had at least one family member who smoked within the
Pearson’s hlc chii2 tests. Geometric means are presented
home, but there were no significant differences in
for blood lead levels. The data were transformed to
smoking patterns between the two cities.
correct for skewness (the Kolgomorov statistic of data
prior to transformation was D ¼ 0:136; P ¼ 0:01). We
used the Student t test for the analysis of continuous 3.1. Lead levels
Crude and adjusted odds ratios for children with In both cities combined, the geometric mean lead level
blood lead levels in the upper quartile were determined based on the ESA LeadCare units on-site diagnostic test
(N ¼ 53; Pb44.65 mg/dL). Predictor variables from (N ¼ 212) was 3.15 mg/dL (range of 0.7–22.7 mg/dL) and
Table 4 with a level of significance less than or equal based on the smaller sample of blood (N ¼ 78) sent to
to 10% for the unadjusted odds ratios were included in a the CDC labs was 3.09 mg/dL (range of 1.1–11.6 mg/dL).
multiple logistic regression model. The final multi- More children from Mariupol had lead levels in the

Table 1
General characteristics of 3-year-old children and their parents, Kiev and Mariupol, Ukraine

Characteristics Kiev Mariupol Total P valuea

Number of participants 61 151 212 

Age at lead screening (months) 37.2 (SD ¼ 1.4) 36.1 (SD ¼ 2.0) 36.4 (SD ¼ 1.9) 0.010
Female 33 (54.1%) 68 (45.0%) 101 (47.6%) 0.232
Family income: poor/low income 2 (3.3%) 7 (4.6%) 9 (4.3%) 0.657
Mother’s education 412 years 17 (27.9%) 29 (19.2%) 46 (21.7%) 0.166
Attends kindergarten 26 (42.6%) 86 (57%) 112 (52.8%) 0.059
Mean weight (kg) at age 3 15.5 (SD ¼ 2.03) 14.8 (SD ¼ 1.58) 15.0 (SD ¼ 1.74) 0.029
Mean height (cm) at age 3 96.2 (SD ¼ 4.15) 95.6 (SD ¼ 3.57) 95.8 (SD ¼ 3.74) 0.364
Mean BMI (kg/m2) 16.8 (SD ¼ 1.48) 16.2 (SD ¼ 1.29) 16.4 (SD ¼ 1.36) 0.010
Low BMI (o14.5) 1 (1.6%) 14 (9.3%) 15 (7.1%) 0.048
Any family member smokes indoors 22 (36.1%) 62 (41.1%) 84 (39.6%) 0.501
Mother smokes indoors 4 (6.6%) 14 (9.3%) 18 (8.5%) 0.521
Father smokes indoors 21 (34.4%) 51 (33.8%) 72 (34.0%) 0.928
Continuous variables; we used Student’s t test, a two-sided means test between Kiev and Mariupol; Levenne’s test was used to determine
homogeneity of variance; for categorical variables we used Pearson’s hlc chii2 test.
L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242 239

Table 2
Geometric mean lead (Pb) levels in 3-year-old children, Kiev and Mariupol, Ukraine

Lead diagnostic test Kiev Mariupol Total P value

Lead finger prick (mg/dL) 2.83 (r ¼ 0:7; 9.7) 3.29 (r ¼ 0:7; 22.7) 3.15 (r ¼ 0:7; 22.7) 0.075b
Upper 25% of both cities combined (44.65 mg/dL)b N ¼ 9 (14.8%) N ¼ 44 (29.1%) N ¼ 53 (25.0%) 0.029c
Upper 10% of both cities combined (46.20 mg/dL)b N ¼ 3 (4.9%) N ¼ 19 (12.6%) N ¼ 22 (10.4%) 0.098c
N ¼ 212 children had available blood lead levels from the finger-prick method (N ¼ 151; Mariupol; N ¼ 61; Kiev). N ¼ 78 children also had
blood lead levels from CDC laboratories (N ¼ 59; Mariupol; N ¼ 19;Kiev).
Student’s t test, two-sided means test between Kiev and Mariupol; Levenne’s test was used to determine equivariance.
Mantel-Haenszel hlc chii2 test by city by number of children above and below the cut-off point.

upper quartile (greater than 4.65 mg/dL) compared to four cases of cardiac murmurs and one case of
children in Kiev (Table 2). secondary cardiomyopathy. No cases of renal disease,
Geometric mean lead levels were significantly higher neuropathy, or encephalopathy were reported. In
among children whose fathers worked in manual labor addition to the low age of this group of children, the
jobs (P ¼ 0:004) and among those whose mothers blood lead levels are well below the levels associated
smoked indoors (P ¼ 0:014). We did not observe any with acute and chronic illness in both pediatric and
hygiene or diet variables associated with elevated blood adult populations based on the peer-reviewed literature.
lead in our group of children (Table 3).
3.4. Outliers
3.2. Predictors of elevated lead levels
There were eight children with blood lead levels that
Table 4 presents unadjusted odds ratios for children were found to be greater than 1.5 times the intraquartile
with blood lead levels in the upper quartile (elevated range (i.e., outliers). The geometric mean blood lead
blood lead levels above 4.65 mg/dL). Elevated blood lead level among the outliers was 11.88 mg/dL (range of
levels (ESA LeadCare units) were associated with 7.7–22.7). The children with outlying blood lead levels
residence in Mariupol (unadjusted OR ¼ 2.38; compared to the remaining children were more likely to
P ¼ 0:032), mother’s education (unadjusted have mothers who smoked (37.5 vs. 7.7%), fathers who
OR ¼ 0.47; P ¼ 0:089), and maternal indoor smoking smoked (75 vs. 38%), and mothers who worked in
(unadjusted OR ¼ 2.65; P ¼ 0:053). Measures of hy- industries associated with lead exposures (37.5 vs.
giene and diet were not significantly associated with lead 21.6%), but not a father who worked in an industry
levels in these children. associated with lead exposure (37.5 vs. 52.4%). In an
Children had an increased likelihood of blood lead adjusted logistic regression model, the eight outlying
levels greater than 4.65 mg/dL if their fathers worked in children were more likely to have mothers who smoked
manual labor occupations (unadjusted OR ¼ 2.97; compared to the overall group (adjusted OR ¼ 6.15;
P ¼ 0:001) or industries associated with lead exposures P ¼ 0:04; adjusted for father smoking, father with lead-
(unadjusted OR ¼ 2.53; P ¼ 0:005). associated occupation, mother with lead-associated
After adjusting for all other predictors (Table 5), we occupation, and city). Health outcomes associated with
observed a strong association between lead levels in the lead exposures were equally common among the outliers
upper quartile and children whose fathers worked compared to the other children (outliers vs. all other):
manual labor jobs in industries associated with lead overall lead related morbidity was 12.5 vs. 10.1%.
exposures (adjusted OR ¼ 2.25; P ¼ 0:025) and mothers
who smoke indoors (adjusted OR ¼ 2.87; P ¼ 0:047).
4. Discussion
3.3. Health outcomes
This is the first study to describe lead levels and
Forty-nine of the 212 children had an ICD-9 associated variables among Ukrainian children in the
diagnosis registered in their medical records. These 49 peer-reviewed literature. We found strong associations
children had a geometric mean blood lead level of between elevated blood lead levels and maternal
3.13 mg/dL, which is nearly equivalent to the overall smoking and father’s occupation. Among 3-year-old
geometric mean of 3.15 mg/dL. Only 26 had diagnoses of children with levels almost entirely below 10 mg/dL, we
lead-related diseases, including anemia (N ¼ 22; geo- did not observe any increase in overall morbidity,
metric mean Pb ¼ 3.14 mg/dL), circulatory diseases anemia, renal dysfunction, neuropathy, or colic.
(N ¼ 5; geometric mean Pb ¼ 3.12), and dental caries We did not expect to find any lead-related diseases in
(N ¼ 1; Pb ¼ 4.2 mg/dL). Circulatory diseases included these children because of their young age and relatively
240 L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242

Table 3
Geometric mean lead (Pb) levels by characteristics in 3-year-old children, Kiev and Mariupol, Ukraine

Characteristic N Geometric mean blood lead in mg/dL (range) P value

Male 111 3.06 (0.7–22.7)
Female 101 3.27 (0.7–15.0) 0.365
Poor 9 2.02 (0.7–7.5)
Middle to wealthy 203 3.23 (0.7–22.7) 0.041
Mother’s Education
12 years and less 166 3.26 (0.7–22.7)
412 years 46 2.85 (0.7–13.0) 0.151

Mother’s occupation
Administrative/professional 105 3.24 (0.7–22.7)
Manual labor 107 3.10 (0.7–13.0) 0.570
Father’s occupation
Administrative/professional 103 2.82 (0.7–11.5)
Manual labor 109 3.53 (0.7–22.7) 0.004
Maternal smoking habits
Mother does not smoke indoors 194 3.07 (0.7–22.7)
Mother smokes indoors 18 4.38 (1.6–13.0) 0.014
Paternal smoking habits
Father does not smoke indoors 140 3.10 (0.7–15.0)
Father smokes indoors 72 3.31 (0.7–22.7) 0.490
Body mass index (BMI)
Normal BMI (14.5–22.0) 197 3.15 (0.7–22.7)
Low BMI (o14.5) 15 3.43 (0.7–11.5) 0.424
Eat dirt 8 3.64 (1.6–10.3) 0.524
Does not wash face (1+/day) 10 3.82 (1.6–7.7) 0.346
Does not always wash hands before meal 96 3.37 (0.7–15.0) 0.180
Does not bathe daily 146 3.22 (0.7–22.7) 0.505
Eats shellfish (1+/month) 35 2.95 (0.7–8.0) 0.479
Fried fish or fish sandwich (weekly+) 83 3.09 (0.7–22.7) 0.727
Eats homegrown vegetables 116 3.32 (0.7–15.0) 0.221
Drinks milk not bought at store 38 3.15 (0.7–13.0) 0.804
Drinks tap water (daily serving 48 oz.) 46 3.50 (0.7–22.7) 0.220

P values were determined by Student’s two-sided t test.

low exposures. The geometric mean blood lead levels in employed in manual labor jobs in industries associated
this group of Ukrainian children were 3–20 times lower with lead exposure. Among the 33, only 1 child was
than the mean levels associated with colic (ATSDR, from Kiev, and the child’s father worked in construc-
1999), mild nephropathy (x̄ ¼ 34:2 mg=dL; Verberk et tion. Kiev is less industrialized than Mariupol. By
al., 1996), increased blood pressure (x̄ ¼ 37:3 mg=dL; contrast, in Mariupol, there are coke byproduct-
Factor-Litvak et al., 1996), mild behavioral disorders recovery operations, a large steel industry, and a
(10–20 mg/dL; Wasserman et al., 1998), and peripheral manufacturing sector that produces heavy machinery.
neuropathy (60–136 mg/dL; Erenberg et al., 1974). The fathers of 28 (of the 32) Mariupol children worked
However, studies have shown that levels below 10 mg/ in these three industries.
dL have adverse neurocognitive effects (Canfield et al., Researchers have also shown an association between
2003; Wasserman et al., 1998). passive smoking and blood lead levels in children
The occupation of the parent has been associated with (Hossny et al., 2001; Baghurst et al., 1992; Willers et
blood lead levels in children (Paoliello et al., 2002; al., 1988). Tobacco contains some lead at concentrations
Baghurst et al., 1992). In this study, there were 33 between 2.5 and 12.2 mg/cigarette (WHO, 1977). In our
children with elevated blood lead levels who had fathers group of children, maternal smoking was more strongly
L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242 241

Table 4 Table 5
Socioeconomic status, smoking, hygiene, and diet and their relation- Multivariable logistic regression model predictors associated with lead
ship to children with lead levels in the upper quartile (44.65 mg/dL)a, levels in the upper quartile (44.65 mg/dL blood)a among 3-year-old
Kiev and Mariupol, Ukraine children from Kiev and Mariupol, Ukraine

Characteristic Unadjustedb OR P value Characteristic Adjusted OR P value

(95% CI) (95% CI)b

City: Mariupol 2.38 (1.08, 5.23) 0.032 City 1.54 (0.65, 3.69) 0.328
Gender: male 1.26 (0.67, 2.35) 0.475 Father works manual labor in 2.25 (1.11, 4.58) 0.025
Income: poor 0.36 (0.04, 2.97) 0.345 industries associated with lead
Attends kindergarten 0.82 (0.44, 1.52) 0.525 exposuresc
Low body mass index (o14.5) 2.13 (0.72, 6.29) 0.172 Mother smokes indoors 2.87 (1.01, 8.12) 0.047
Mother’s education level 412 0.47 (0.20, 1.12) 0.089 Mother’s education level 412 years 0.53 (0.21, 1.30) 0.164
Variables included in the adjusted logistic regression model are all
Manual labor in industries those with Pp0:10 in the unadjusted model.
associated with lead exposuresc CI, confidence interval. The global model with the above four variables
Mother 1.53 (0.67, 3.50) 0.315 has a likelihood ratio of G2 ¼ 16.619 (df ¼ 4), P ¼ 0:002: All variables
Father 2.72 (1.43, 5.17) 0.002 in the logistic regression model were dichotomous. Manual labor is
Environmental tobacco smoke defined as those occupations with codes of 611 or higher in the
Any family member smokes 1.37 (0.73, 2.56) 0.332 International Standard Classification of Occupations (not including
indoors housewives or the unemployed).
Mother smokes indoors 2.65 (0.99, 7.11) 0.053 N ¼ 53 children in the upper quartile; the upper 25th percentile is
Father smokes indoors 1.12 (0.58, 2.14) 0.738 4.65 mg/dL.
Odds ratios for the outcome variable (lead, upper quartile) for each
Hygiene predictor variable, adjusted for all other variables.
Eats dirt 1.85 (0.43, 8.01) 0.411 Industries identified with a potential risk for lead exposure within
Washes face (1+/day) 0.48 (0.13, 1.77) 0.271 our sample were metallurgy, power engineering, machinery construc-
Always wash hands before 0.74 (0.40, 1.38) 0.340 tion, radio instrument manufacturing, construction, transportation,
meals farming, vehicle servicing center, and byproduct coking industry.
Shellfish (4once a month) 0.87 (0.37, 2.05) 0.749
Drinks milk not from store 1.50 (0.69, 3.23) 0.303
Eats homegrown vegetables 1.51 (0.80, 2.86) 0.204 lead level was 5.59 mg/dL (r ¼ 1:87239:36 mg=dL) (Os-
Drinks tap water (daily 1.43 (0.69, 2.94) 0.337 man et al., 1998). In Bulgaria near a nonferrous smelter,
serving 48 oz.) children ages 3–11 had a mean blood lead level of
24.0 mg/dL (r ¼ 7:7263:1 mg=dL) (Fischer et al., 2003).
Manual labor is defined as those occupations with codes of 611 or
higher in the International Standard Classification of Occupations (not A study from the Czech Republic noted a median blood
including housewives or the unemployed). CI, confidence interval. lead level of 3.4 mg/dL in a population-wide survey of
N ¼ 53 children in the upper quartile; the upper 25th percentile is children with a mean age of 10 years (Cerna et al., 2001).
4.65 mg/dL. In the USA, a group of 382 children ages 6–35 months
Odds ratios for the outcome variable (lead, upper quartile) for each
had a mean blood lead level of 7 mg/dL (SD, 5.2)
predictor variable, unadjusted for any other variable.
Industries identified with a potential risk for lead exposure within (Sarasua et al., 2000). These US children were selected
our sample were metallurgy, power engineering, machinery construc- from communities with high lead levels in the soil (the
tion, radio instrument manufacturing, construction, transportation, geometric mean ranged from 300 to 530 mg/kg in soil
farming, vehicle servicing center, byproduct coking industry. samples), and an additional group of children was
selected as controls from communities with low lead soil
associated with elevated blood lead levels than paternal Based on the findings of this study, 3-year-old
smoking. In fact, the only predictor significantly Ukrainian children in the cities of Kiev and Mariupol
associated with elevated blood lead among the outliers appear to not be severely contaminated with lead.
(geometric mean blood Pb ¼ 11.88 mg/dL) was maternal Health officials should investigate local occupational
smoking. Willers et al. also found that maternal hygiene practices, including on-site showers, the use of
smoking compared to paternal smoking was more overalls, and changing clothes before leaving work,
strongly associated with blood lead levels in their which can limit the transfer of contaminants to the
children (Willers et al., 1988). workers’ homes. Improved occupational hygiene prac-
The blood lead levels found among this group of tices could reduce exposures in children to lead as well as
Ukrainian children were comparable to some of the to many other contaminants. Health-intervention pro-
levels reported in pediatric populations from Eastern grams targeted at smoking mothers may prove useful in
Europe. In a survey of 9-year-old children from the reducing childhood exposure to heavy metals and other
industrial city of Katowice (Poland), the median blood toxics, as well as improving maternal health. Future
242 L.S. Friedman et al. / Environmental Research 99 (2005) 235–242

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