SESSION-10 - Activity 1 Reflective Questions

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Name:_Jayvee A. Domingo______ Course & Year:BSBABMM__Date: _December 7, 2022_

Class Facilitator: Prof. Betty C. ErmitaÑo___ Class Schedule: _2:00- 3:00__

SESSION 10: Consultation, Post Assessment Activity,
Overall Evaluation & Satisfaction Rating

Activity 1: Reflective Questions

1. What is one thing you have learned from SEAL that you can apply in real life?

I learned how to respect and give value even it is simple things. Also
it helps me to understand the meaning of love and importance
of our education.

2. What did you do well this year? On what areas have you improved?

. Helping my parents in house chores and in our business. I improve a

bit of my communication skills and also my respect, I want to improve
more and become more competitive and strong to face my challenges
that might come.

3. Where do you need to grow?

_I can grow in school and in our house because school and home is the two areas we
can learn more since our babies and child hood days. As we all know that we must
need to explore the world and learn from different areas and community that were we
are facing now a day.

4. What things will you challenge yourself next semester?

_I will challenge myself to be more competitive and to study hard than now. Also I want to
explore more things about myself and develop it in our school (CPU).
The Semester is about to end…
Final Exams is just around the corner…

WE (your FaSEALitators) hope that you

enjoyed and most especially learned from
all our sessions… Good luck and God
bless on your finals!

See you all next Semester for our SEAL 2


SEAL Student’s Commitment Page

Name: Jayvee A. Domingo

Course & Year: BSBABMM-1ST YEAR
SEAL 1 Class Schedule: WEDNESDAY 2:00- 3:00 PM
SEAL 1 Class Facilitator: Prof. Betty C. Ermitano

I am a student of the SEAL (Student Enhancement Activities for Life) Class of Central Philippine University, in

support of the University’s Vision and Mission for Exemplary Christian Education for Life (EXCEL), I hereby

commit and pledge that:

I will remember the classes we have discussed and it will be in my heart always and I want to

thank our SEAL Teacher that she guided us all and always reminding us that we must need to be thankful for

the blessings we receive in our daily life. Also I want to thank SEAL class because it changes some of my
personalities and always it will be in my heart.


Signature of the Student

Signature of the SEAL 1 Class Facilitator

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