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Trap - a dangerous or unpleasant situation which you have got into and from which it is difficult

or impossible to escapebe
about to do something - to be going to do something very soon
turn (someone/something) into someone/something - to change and become someone or
something different, or to make someone or something do this
unfold - to open or spread out something that has been folded
crew - a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a
ship, aircraft, etc
rage - to happen in a strong or violent way
plunge - to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way
forward, down, or into something
wade - to walk through water or other liquid with some effort, because it is deep enough to
come quite high up your legs, or thick
grab - to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
initially - at the beginning
strap - to fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong
material around it
decompression chamber - a small room in which a very high air pressure is reduced slowly to
the normal level to prevent or treat decompression sickness

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