CS 105 Questions

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Batch Number 1

1. Who is often credited as the "father of computers" for his work on the Analytical
a. Charles Babbage b. Alan Turing c. John von Neumann d. Ada Lovelace
Correct Answer: a. Charles Babbage
2. In which counting system is the base-8 used?
a. Octal b. Hexadecimal c. Binary d. Decimal
Correct Answer: a. Octal
3. What is the primary function of the Windows command "mkdir"?
a. Move a file b. Create a new directory c. Rename a directory d. Delete a file
Correct Answer: b. Create a new directory
4. At which layer of the OSI model do routers operate?
a. Data Link b. Network c. Transport d. Presentation
Correct Answer: b. Network
5. What networking methodology involves breaking down a network into smaller,
manageable parts to simplify design and troubleshooting?
a. Top-Down Design b. Bottom-Up Design c. Subnetting d. Load Balancing
Correct Answer: c. Subnetting
6. Which database management system is known for its use of a structured query
language (SQL)?
a. MongoDB b. Oracle c. Redis d. Cassandra
Correct Answer: b. Oracle
7. What type of cyber attack involves malicious software that self-replicates and
spreads to other computers?
a. Phishing b. Ransomware c. Worm d. Man-in-the-Middle
Correct Answer: c. Worm
8. What is the primary goal of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack?
a. Data theft b. System corruption c. Network disruption d. Unauthorized access
Correct Answer: c. Network disruption
9. Which vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code by overrunning a
a. SQL Injection b. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) c. Buffer Overflow d. Man-in-the-
Correct Answer: c. Buffer Overflow
10. What virtualization technology allows multiple operating systems to share the
same hardware resources without interfering with each other?
a. Containerization b. Hypervisor c. Emulation d. Parallelization
Correct Answer: b. Hypervisor
11. In the context of Cloud Computing, what does IaaS stand for?
a. Infrastructure as a Software b. Integrated as a Service c. Infrastructure as a
Service d. Intelligent as a Service
Correct Answer: c. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
12. What is ASCII an acronym for?
a. American Standard Code for Information Interchange b. Automated System for
Code Integration c. Advanced Standard Code for Internet Applications d.
Algorithmic Standard Code for Instructional Interfaces
Correct Answer: a. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
13. What formal language is commonly used to describe the structure and content of
documents, particularly in web development?
a. Python b. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) c. HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language) d. SQL (Structured Query Language)
Correct Answer: b. XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
14. Which processor architecture emphasizes a large set of instructions and complex
addressing modes?
a. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) b. CISC (Complex Instruction Set
Computing) c. MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) d. ARM
(Advanced RISC Machine)
Correct Answer: b. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)
15. What is the purpose of the Windows command "ipconfig"?
a. Display IP configuration b. Install new software c. Configure network protocols
d. Copy files and directories
Correct Answer: a. Display IP configuration
16. Who proposed the concept of a universal Turing machine, which laid the
foundation for the theory of computation?
a. Charles Babbage b. Alan Turing c. John von Neumann d. Ada Lovelace
Correct Answer: b. Alan Turing
17. What is the primary function of the OSI model's Transport layer?
a. Routing b. End-to-end communication c. Data link establishment d. Physical
network connectivity
Correct Answer: b. End-to-end communication
18. What is the purpose of the Windows command "del"?
a. Delete a file b. Display file content c. Create a new directory d. Rename a file
Correct Answer: a. Delete a file
19. Which networking device operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model?
a. Router b. Hub c. Switch d. Bridge
Correct Answer: c. Switch
20. In the context of databases, what is normalization?
a. Encrypting database content b. Optimizing database performance c.
Organizing data to reduce redundancy d. Connecting databases over a network
Correct Answer: c. Organizing data to reduce redundancy
21. What type of cyber attack involves deceiving individuals into providing sensitive
a. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) b. Phishing c. Ransomware d. SQL
Correct Answer: b. Phishing
22. What is the primary purpose of the SQL SELECT statement in a database?
a. Insert data b. Delete data c. Update data d. Retrieve data
Correct Answer: d. Retrieve data
23. What is the primary goal of virtualization?
a. Enhance network security b. Increase hardware cost c. Improve system
performance d. Consolidate multiple virtual instances
Correct Answer: d. Consolidate multiple virtual instances
24. Which cloud computing model provides software applications over the internet?
a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) b. PaaS (Platform as a Service) c. SaaS
(Software as a Service) d. XaaS (Everything as a Service)
Correct Answer: c. SaaS (Software as a Service)
25. What is a characteristic of a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processor?
a. Large instruction set b. Complex addressing modes c. Single-clock cycle
instructions d. Emphasis on hardware complexity
Correct Answer: c. Single-clock cycle instructions
25. What is the purpose of a network firewall in cybersecurity?
a. Virus scanning b. Access control c. File storage d. System backup
Correct Answer: b. Access control
26. What is the primary benefit of using RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)
in a file system?
a. Increased storage capacity b. Faster data transfer rates c. Fault tolerance and
data redundancy d. Improved file compression
Correct Answer: c. Fault tolerance and data redundancy
27. In cybersecurity, what does the term "zero-day vulnerability" refer to?
a. A vulnerability that exists for zero days b. A vulnerability that is exploited on
day zero of its discovery c. A previously unknown software vulnerability d. A
vulnerability with zero impact on system security
Correct Answer: c. A previously unknown software vulnerability
28. What Windows command is used to display the contents of a directory?
a. dir b. ls c. show d. listdir
Correct Answer: a. dir
29. Which networking protocol is responsible for assigning IP addresses dynamically
to devices on a network?
a. DNS (Domain Name System) b. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) c.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) d. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Correct Answer: b. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
30. In the context of databases, what does the acronym ACID stand for?
a. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability b. Access, Control, Integrity,
Distribution c. Association, Concurrency, Isolation, Dependencies d.
Authentication, Configuration, Integration, Deployment
Correct Answer: a. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
31. Which cloud computing service model provides virtualized computing resources,
including virtual machines and storage, over the internet?
a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) b. PaaS (Platform as a Service) c. SaaS
(Software as a Service) d. DaaS (Data as a Service)
Correct Answer: a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
32. What is the purpose of the command "chmod" in a Unix-based system?
a. Change modification date b. Change ownership c. Change file permissions d.
Change file location
Correct Answer: c. Change file permissions
33. Which encryption algorithm is commonly used for securing web traffic through
a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) b. DES (Data Encryption Standard) c. RSA
(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) d. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5)
Correct Answer: a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
34. What type of network attack involves intercepting and altering communication
between two parties without their knowledge?
a. Phishing b. Spoofing c. Eavesdropping d. Brute force attack
Correct Answer: c. Eavesdropping
35. What is the primary purpose of the SQL UPDATE statement in a database?
a. Insert new data b. Delete existing data c. Modify existing data d. Retrieve data
Correct Answer: c. Modify existing data
36. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "multitenancy" refer to?
a. Running multiple instances of a virtual machine b. Simultaneous use of
resources by multiple users or applications c. Hosting multiple domains on a
single server d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy
Correct Answer: b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or
37. What is the primary function of the Windows command "xcopy"?
a. Move a file b. Copy files and directories c. Delete a file d. Rename a directory
Correct Answer: b. Copy files and directories
38. Which cloud computing service model provides a platform that allows developers
to build, deploy, and manage applications without worrying about the underlying
a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) b. PaaS (Platform as a Service) c. SaaS
(Software as a Service) d. XaaS (Everything as a Service)
Correct Answer: b. PaaS (Platform as a Service)
39. What is the purpose of the Windows command "netstat"?
a. Display network statistics b. Configure network settings c. Monitor network
traffic d. Test network connectivity
Correct Answer: a. Display network statistics
40. What is the primary advantage of using a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computing) architecture?
a. Lower power consumption b. Greater instruction set complexity c. Slower
execution speed d. Increased hardware resources
a. Lower power consumption

Batch Number 2
1. What is the primary role of the Data Link layer in the OSI model? a. Network
communication standard b. Error detection and correction c. End-to-end
communication d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: b. Error detection and correction
2. In which numbering system is the base-16 used? a. Octal b. Hexadecimal c. Binary
d. Decimal
Correct answer: b. Hexadecimal
3. What Windows command is used to change the current directory? a. cd b. dir c.
mv d. rd
Correct answer: a. cd
4. At which layer of the OSI model does the TCP protocol operate? a. Transport b.
Network c. Data Link d. Application
Correct answer: a. Transport
5. What networking methodology involves assigning IP addresses to devices based
on their physical location within a network? a. Subnetting b. VLAN c. CIDR d.
Correct answer: d. Geolocation
6. Which database management system is known for its schema-less design and
flexible data models? a. MySQL b. PostgreSQL c. MongoDB d. SQLite
Correct answer: c. MongoDB
7. What type of cyber attack involves altering the content of communication
between two parties? a. Spoofing b. Eavesdropping c. Man-in-the-Middle d.
Correct answer: c. Man-in-the-Middle
8. What is the primary objective of a SYN flood attack in cyber security? a. Data
theft b. System corruption c. Network disruption d. Unauthorized access
Correct answer: c. Network disruption
9. Which vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code by injecting
malicious SQL statements? a. Buffer Overflow b. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) c. SQL
Injection d. Phishing
Correct answer: c. SQL Injection
10. What virtualization technology allows multiple instances of an operating system
to run on a single physical machine? a. Hypervisor b. Containerization c.
Emulation d. Paravirtualization

Correct answer: b. Containerization

11. In the context of Cloud Computing, what does PaaS stand for? a. Platform as a
Software b. Public as a Service c. Platform as a Service d. Parallel as a Service

Correct answer: c. Platform as a Service

12. What is the ASCII code for the letter 'A'? a. 65 b. 66 c. 97 d. 98

Correct answer: a. 65

13. What formal language is commonly used for defining the structure and
presentation of web content? a. Java b. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) c.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) d. Python

Correct answer: c. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

14. Which processor architecture emphasizes a small set of simple instructions for
improved performance? a. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) b. RISC
(Reduced Instruction Set Computing) c. MIPS (Microprocessor without
Interlocked Pipeline Stages) d. ARM (Advanced RISC Machine)

Correct answer: b. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)

15. What is the purpose of the Windows command "copy"? a. Copy files and
directories b. Move a file c. Display file content d. Create a new directory

Correct answer: a. Copy files and directories

16. Who is known for developing the first high-level programming language,
FORTRAN? a. Alan Turing b. John McCarthy c. Grace Hopper d. Donald Knuth

Correct answer: c. Grace Hopper

17. What is the primary function of the OSI model's Network layer? a. Data link
establishment b. End-to-end communication c. Physical network connectivity d.
Error detection and correction

Correct answer: b. End-to-end communication

18. What is the purpose of the Windows command "ren"? a. Rename a file b. Display
file content c. Create a new directory d. Delete a file

Correct answer: a. Rename a file

19. Which networking device operates at the Physical layer of the OSI model? a.
Router b. Hub c. Switch d. Bridge

Correct answer: b. Hub

20. In the context of databases, what is denormalization? a. Encrypting database

content b. Optimizing database performance c. Organizing data to increase
redundancy d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy

Correct answer: c. Organizing data to increase redundancy

21. What type of cyber attack involves gaining unauthorized access to a system by
pretending to be a legitimate user? a. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) b.
Spoofing c. Ransomware d. Brute force attack

Correct answer: b. Spoofing

22. What is the primary purpose of the SQL DELETE statement in a database? a. Insert
new data b. Delete existing data c. Modify existing data d. Retrieve data

Correct answer: b. Delete existing data

23. What is the primary goal of application virtualization? a. Run multiple instances of
a virtual machine b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or
applications c. Facilitate cross-platform compatibility d. Enable dynamic allocation
of system resources

Correct answer: c. Facilitate cross-platform compatibility

24. Which cloud computing service model provides raw computing resources such as
virtual machines and storage over the internet? a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a
Service) b. PaaS (Platform as a Service) c. SaaS (Software as a Service) d. DaaS
(Data as a Service)

Correct answer: a. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

25. What is a characteristic of a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)

processor? a. Single-clock cycle instructions b. Large instruction set c. Simple
addressing modes d. Emphasis on hardware complexity

Correct answer: b. Large instruction set

26. What is the purpose of a network proxy in cybersecurity? a. Data compression b.

Load balancing c. Anonymizing user requests d. Disk encryption

Correct answer: c. Anonymizing user requests

27. What is the primary benefit of using RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)
in a file system? a. Increased storage capacity b. Faster data transfer rates c. Fault
tolerance and data redundancy d. Improved file compression
Correct answer: c. Fault tolerance and data redundancy

28. In cybersecurity, what does the term "zero-day exploit" refer to? a. An exploit that
occurs on day zero of its discovery b. An exploit that exists for zero days c. A
previously unknown software vulnerability d. An exploit with zero impact on
system security

Correct answer: a. An exploit that occurs on day zero of its discovery

29. What Windows command is used to display the current IP configuration settings
of a device? a. ipconfig b. ifconfig c. netstat d. ping

Correct answer: a. ipconfig

30. Which encryption algorithm is commonly used for securing email

communication? a. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) b. AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) c. DES (Data Encryption Standard) d. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm

Correct answer: a. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)

31. What type of network attack involves overwhelming a system with a flood of
traffic to make it unavailable? a. Phishing b. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
c. Eavesdropping d. Spoofing

Correct answer: b. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)

32. What is the primary function of the Windows command "xcopy"? a. Move a file b.
Copy files and directories c. Delete a file d. Rename a directory

Correct answer: b. Copy files and directories

33. Which cloud computing service model provides a comprehensive set of tools and
services for building, deploying, and managing applications? a. IaaS
(Infrastructure as a Service) b. PaaS (Platform as a Service) c. SaaS (Software as a
Service) d. DaaS (Data as a Service)

Correct answer: b. PaaS (Platform as a Service)

34. What is the purpose of the Windows command "netstat"? a. Display network
statistics b. Configure network settings c. Monitor network traffic d. Test network

Correct answer: a. Display network statistics

35. In the context of databases, what does the acronym CRUD stand for? a. Create,
Retrieve, Update, Delete b. Control, Retrieve, Understand, Design c. Connect,
Retrieve, Update, Deploy d. Compute, Report, Update, Design

Correct answer: a. Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete

36. What is the primary advantage of using a containerization technology such as

Docker? a. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or applications b.
Improved system performance c. Isolation of applications and their dependencies
d. Dynamic allocation of system resources

Correct answer: c. Isolation of applications and their dependencies

37. What networking protocol is commonly used for secure file transfer over the
internet? a. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) b. SSH (Secure Shell) c. HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol) d. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Correct answer: b. SSH (Secure Shell)

38. What type of cyber attack involves tricking individuals into disclosing confidential
information through deceptive emails or websites? a. DDoS (Distributed Denial of
Service) b. Spoofing c. Phishing d. Ransomware

Correct answer: c. Phishing

39. What is the primary purpose of the SQL JOIN operation in a database query? a.
Retrieve data from multiple tables b. Modify existing data c. Insert new data d.
Delete existing data

Correct answer: a. Retrieve data from multiple tables

40. Which cloud computing deployment model involves a combination of private

and public cloud services? a. Public cloud b. Private cloud c. Hybrid cloud d.
Community cloud
Correct answer: c. Hybrid cloud

Half baked batch

3(many repeats)
1. Who is often credited as the "father of computers" for his work on the Analytical
Engine? a. Charles Babbage
b. Alan Turing
c. John von Neumann
d. Ada Lovelace
Correct answer: a. Charles Babbage
2. At which layer of the OSI model do routers operate? a. Data Link
b. Network
c. Transport
d. Presentation
Correct answer: b. Network
3. Which database management system is known for its use of a structured query
language (SQL)? a. MongoDB
b. Oracle
c. Redis
d. Cassandra
Correct answer: b. Oracle
4. What type of cyber attack involves malicious software that self-replicates and
spreads to other computers? a. Phishing
b. Ransomware
c. Worm
d. Man-in-the-Middle
Correct answer: c. Worm
5. What is the primary goal of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack? a. Data
b. System corruption
c. Network disruption
d. Unauthorized access
Correct answer: c. Network disruption
6. What is ASCII an acronym for? a. American Standard Code for Information
b. Automated System for Code Integration
c. Advanced Standard Code for Internet Applications
d. Algorithmic Standard Code for Instructional Interfaces
Correct answer: a. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
7. Who proposed the concept of a universal Turing machine, which laid the
foundation for the theory of computation? a. Charles Babbage
b. Alan Turing
c. John von Neumann
d. Ada Lovelace
Correct answer: b. Alan Turing
8. What is the primary function of the OSI model's Transport layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data link establishment
d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: b. End-to-end communication
9. Which networking device operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model? a.
b. Hub
c. Switch
d. Bridge
Correct answer: c. Switch
10. What is the primary goal of virtualization? a. Enhance network security
b. Increase hardware cost
c. Improve system performance
d. Consolidate multiple virtual instances
Correct answer: d. Consolidate multiple virtual instances
11. What is a characteristic of a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processor?
a. Large instruction set
b. Complex addressing modes
c. Single-clock cycle instructions
d. Emphasis on hardware complexity
Correct answer: c. Single-clock cycle instructions
12. What is the purpose of a network firewall in cybersecurity? a. Virus scanning
b. Access control
c. File storage
d. System backup
Correct answer: b. Access control
13. Which networking protocol is responsible for assigning IP addresses dynamically
to devices on a network? a. DNS (Domain Name System)
b. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
c. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
d. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Correct answer: b. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
14. In the context of databases, what does the acronym ACID stand for? a. Atomicity,
Consistency, Isolation, Durability
b. Access, Control, Integrity, Distribution
c. Association, Concurrency, Isolation, Dependencies
d. Authentication, Configuration, Integration, Deployment
Correct answer: a. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
15. Which encryption algorithm is commonly used for securing web traffic through
HTTPS? a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
b. DES (Data Encryption Standard)
c. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
d. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5)
Correct answer: a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
16. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "multitenancy" refer to? a.
Running multiple instances of a virtual machine
b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or applications
c. Hosting multiple domains on a single server
d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy
Correct answer: b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or
1. What influential mathematician and logician is often considered the precursor to
modern computers for his work on the concept of a logical machine? a. Blaise
b. Georg Cantor
c. Kurt Gödel
d. Charles Babbage
Correct answer: d. Charles Babbage
2. What is the primary function of the Windows command "ren"? a. Move a file
b. Rename a file or directory
c. Create a new directory
d. Delete a file
Correct answer: b. Rename a file or directory
3. At which layer of the OSI model does the TCP protocol operate? a. Data Link
b. Network
c. Transport
d. Presentation
Correct answer: c. Transport
4. What networking methodology involves designing a network from the top,
starting with the overall structure and then breaking it down into smaller
components? a. Top-Down Design
b. Bottom-Up Design
c. Subnetting
d. Load Balancing
Correct answer: a. Top-Down Design
5. Which database management system is known for its schema-less data model
and flexibility in handling unstructured data? a. MongoDB
b. Oracle
c. MySQL
d. PostgreSQL
Correct answer: a. MongoDB
6. What type of cyber attack involves encrypting a user's files and demanding
payment for their release? a. Phishing
b. Ransomware
c. Worm
d. Spoofing
Correct answer: b. Ransomware
7. What is the primary goal of an SQL injection attack? a. Network disruption
b. Unauthorized access
c. Data theft
d. Database corruption
Correct answer: b. Unauthorized access
8. Which virtualization technology allows multiple virtual machines to share the
same OS kernel, leading to better performance? a. Containerization
b. Hypervisor
c. Emulation
d. Parallelization
Correct answer: a. Containerization
9. Who developed the concept of the stored program computer and is often
considered one of the key figures in the development of electronic computers? a.
John von Neumann
b. Charles Babbage
c. Alan Turing
d. Ada Lovelace
Correct answer: a. John von Neumann
10. What is the primary function of the OSI model's Presentation layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data encoding and translation
d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: c. Data encoding and translation
11. Which networking device operates at the Network layer of the OSI model? a.
b. Hub
c. Switch
d. Bridge
Correct answer: a. Router
12. What is the primary purpose of the Windows command "rd"? a. Move a file
b. Create a new directory
c. Delete a file
d. Rename a directory
Correct answer: b. Create a new directory
13. What is the primary goal of virtualization in a data center environment? a.
Enhance network security
b. Increase hardware cost
c. Improve system performance
d. Consolidate multiple physical servers into virtual ones
Correct answer: d. Consolidate multiple physical servers into virtual ones
14. In the context of databases, what does the term "indexing" refer to? a. Encrypting
database content
b. Optimizing database performance by creating a data structure for faster
c. Organizing data to reduce redundancy
d. Connecting databases over a network
Correct answer: b. Optimizing database performance by creating a data
structure for faster retrieval
15. Which encryption algorithm is commonly used for securing email
communication? a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
b. DES (Data Encryption Standard)
c. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
d. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
Correct answer: d. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
16. What is the primary purpose of the OSI model's Session layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data link establishment
d. Managing sessions and dialogues between applications
Correct answer: d. Managing sessions and dialogues between applications
17. What Windows command is used to display the routing table on a computer? a.
route print
b. tracert
c. netstat -r
d. ipconfig
Correct answer: a. route print
18. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "elasticity" refer to? a.
Running multiple instances of a virtual machine
b. Scaling resources up or down based on demand
c. Hosting multiple domains on a single server
d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy
Correct answer: b. Scaling resources up or down based on demand
19. What is the primary function of the Windows command "attrib"? a. Display file
b. Change file permissions
c. Rename a file
d. Create a new directory
Correct answer: a. Display file attributes

(kinda waste of time
not entirely)
1. At which layer of the OSI model does the HTTP protocol operate? a. Data Link
b. Network
c. Transport
d. Application
Correct answer: d. Application
2. What database model organizes data in tables with relationships defined
between them? a. Hierarchical
b. Network
c. Relational
d. Object-oriented
Correct answer: c. Relational
3. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "scalability" refer to? a.
Running multiple instances of a virtual machine
b. Adapting to workload changes by adding or removing resources
c. Hosting multiple domains on a single server
d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy
Correct answer: b. Adapting to workload changes by adding or removing
4. What is the purpose of the Windows command "copy con"? a. Copy files and
b. Concatenate files
c. Create a new file
d. Rename a file
Correct answer: c. Create a new file
5. Which numbering system uses the characters 0-9 and A-F, representing values
from 0 to 15? a. Octal
b. Hexadecimal
c. Binary
d. Decimal
Correct answer: b. Hexadecimal
6. What networking device operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model? a.
b. Hub
c. Switch
d. Bridge
Correct answer: c. Switch
7. What type of cyber attack involves exploiting software vulnerabilities to gain
unauthorized access or control over a system? a. Ransomware
b. Phishing
c. Malware
d. Exploit
Correct answer: d. Exploit
8. What is the purpose of the Windows command "xcopy"? a. Move a file
b. Copy files and directories
c. Delete a file
d. Rename a directory
Correct answer: b. Copy files and directories
9. What is the function of the OSI model's Network layer? a. End-to-end
b. Data link establishment
c. Physical network connectivity
d. Routing
Correct answer: d. Routing
10. Which file system is commonly used in Linux-based operating systems? a. NTFS
b. FAT32
c. ext4
d. HFS+
Correct answer: c. ext4
11. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "load balancing" refer to?
a. Distributing network traffic evenly across multiple servers
b. Running multiple instances of a virtual machine
c. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or applications
d. Scaling resources up or down based on demand
Correct answer: a. Distributing network traffic evenly across multiple servers
12. What is the primary purpose of the Windows command "format"? a. Display disk
format information
b. Format a disk or drive for use
c. Change file format
d. Display file format information
Correct answer: b. Format a disk or drive for use
13. What is the purpose of the OSI model's Transport layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data link establishment
d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: b. End-to-end communication
14. Which encryption algorithm is commonly used for securing wireless network
traffic? a. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
b. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
c. DES (Data Encryption Standard)
d. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
Correct answer: b. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
15. What is the primary function of the Windows command "attrib"? a. Display file
b. Change file permissions
c. Rename a file
d. Create a new directory
Correct answer: a. Display file attributes
16. What is the primary purpose of the Windows command "tasklist"? a. Display a list
of running processes
b. Schedule tasks
c. End a running process
d. Display system information
Correct answer: a. Display a list of running processes
17. What is the purpose of the OSI model's Presentation layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data encoding and translation
d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: c. Data encoding and translation
18. Which cloud deployment model involves using a single instance of a software
application to serve multiple organizations? a. Public Cloud
b. Private Cloud
c. Hybrid Cloud
d. Community Cloud
Correct answer: d. Community Cloud
19. In the context of cloud computing, what does the term "multitenancy" refer to? a.
Running multiple instances of a virtual machine
b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or applications
c. Hosting multiple domains on a single server
d. Storing data in multiple locations for redundancy
Correct answer: b. Simultaneous use of resources by multiple users or
20. In the context of networking, what does the term "subnet" refer to? a. A small
network within a larger network
b. A protocol for secure file transfer
c. A type of denial-of-service attack
d. A method of encrypting data for secure transmission
Correct answer: a. A small network within a larger network
21. Which networking protocol is responsible for translating IP addresses into
physical MAC addresses? a. DNS (Domain Name System)
b. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
c. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
d. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Correct answer: c. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
22. What is the primary function of the OSI model's Data Link layer? a. Routing
b. End-to-end communication
c. Data link establishment
d. Physical network connectivity
Correct answer: c. Data link establishment
23. In the context of computing, what does the acronym API stand for? a. Advanced
Programming Interface
b. Application Programming Interface
c. Automated Protocol Interface
d. Advanced Protocol Integration
Correct answer: b. Application Programming Interface

waste of time not
1. What does CPU stand for? a. Central Processing Unit
b. Computer Processing Unit
c. Central Processor Unit
d. Computer Processor Unit
Correct Answer: a. Central Processing Unit
2. Which programming language is known for its high performance and is
often used for system programming? a. Java
b. Python
c. C++
d. Ruby
Correct Answer: c. C++
3. What is the purpose of an operating system? a. Running applications
b. Managing hardware resources
c. Providing internet connectivity
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d. All of the above
4. Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle? a. Queue
b. Stack
c. Linked List
d. Array
Correct Answer: b. Stack
5. What does HTML stand for? a. HyperText Markup Language
b. HyperTransfer Markup Language
c. High-Level Text Markup Language
d. HyperText Modeling Language
Correct Answer: a. HyperText Markup Language
6. Which protocol is used for secure communication over a computer network?
b. FTP
c. TCP
Correct Answer: d. HTTPS
7. What is the purpose of the 'else' statement in programming? a. To handle
b. To execute a block of code when a condition is false
c. To define a loop
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: b. To execute a block of code when a condition is false
8. What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 25? a. 10101
b. 11001
c. 11101
d. 10011
Correct Answer: d. 10011
9. Which sorting algorithm has the best average-case time complexity? a.
Bubble Sort
b. Quick Sort
c. Insertion Sort
d. Selection Sort
Correct Answer: b. Quick Sort
10. What does SQL stand for? a. Structured Query Language
b. Simple Query Language
c. System Query Language
d. Standardized Query Language
Correct Answer: a. Structured Query Language
11. Which data type is used to store whole numbers in programming? a. Float
b. Double
c. Integer
d. Char
Correct Answer: c. Integer
12. In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation? a. Combining data
and methods that operate on that data into a single unit
b. Storing data in a secure manner
c. Hiding implementation details from the user
d. Allowing multiple inheritance
Correct Answer: a. Combining data and methods that operate on that data
into a single unit
13. What is the purpose of a compiler? a. To execute code
b. To translate high-level code into machine code
c. To debug programs
d. To manage memory
Correct Answer: b. To translate high-level code into machine code
14. Which of the following is not a programming paradigm? a. Procedural
b. Declarative
c. Imperative
d. Sequential
Correct Answer: d. Sequential
15. Which of the following is a type of network topology? a. Loop
b. Tree
c. Sequence
d. Mesh
Correct Answer: d. Mesh
16. What is the purpose of the 'break' statement in programming? a. To exit a
loop prematurely
b. To skip the current iteration of a loop
c. To terminate a program
d. To create a new process
Correct Answer: a. To exit a loop prematurely
17. Which data structure is used to store elements in a sorted order? a. Queue
b. Stack
c. Linked List
d. Binary Search Tree
Correct Answer: d. Binary Search Tree
18. What is the primary function of an assembler? a. To execute machine code
b. To translate assembly code into machine code
c. To manage memory allocation
d. To optimize code
Correct Answer: b. To translate assembly code into machine code
19. Which of the following is a non-volatile memory type? a. RAM
b. Cache
c. ROM
d. Virtual Memory
Correct Answer: c. ROM
20. What does DNS stand for? a. Domain Name System
b. Dynamic Network Server
c. Data Naming Service
d. Digital Naming System
Correct Answer: a. Domain Name System
21. In object-oriented programming, what is inheritance? a. Creating objects
from classes
b. Extending the functionality of a base class
c. Combining data and methods into a single unit
d. Hiding implementation details
Correct Answer: b. Extending the functionality of a base class
22. Which of the following is a key characteristic of a linked list? a. Contiguous
memory allocation
b. Random access to elements
c. Linear data structure
d. Fixed size
Correct Answer: c. Linear data structure
23. What is the purpose of an index in a database? a. To sort data alphabetically
b. To improve query performance
c. To encrypt data
d. To store metadata
Correct Answer: b. To improve query performance
24. Which programming paradigm focuses on declaring what needs to be done
rather than how to do it? a. Procedural
b. Declarative
c. Object-Oriented
d. Imperative
Correct Answer: b. Declarative
25. What is the primary role of a firewall in network security? a. Virus protection
b. Unauthorized access prevention
c. Data encryption
d. Hardware optimization
Correct Answer: b. Unauthorized access prevention
26. What is a mutex in the context of multithreading? a. A type of data structure
b. A synchronization primitive
c. A programming language
d. A hardware component
Correct Answer: b. A synchronization primitive
27. Which programming language is often used for web development on the
client-side? a. PHP
b. JavaScript
c. Python
d. Ruby
Correct Answer: b. JavaScript
28. What is the purpose of a constructor in object-oriented programming? a. To
destroy objects
b. To create objects
c. To update objects
d. To hide objects
Correct Answer: b. To create objects
29. Which of the following is a relational database management system? a.
b. MySQL
c. Redis
d. Cassandra
Correct Answer: b. MySQL
30. What is the function of the 'malloc' function in C programming? a. Memory
b. Input/output operations
c. File manipulation
d. Mathematical calculations
Correct Answer: a. Memory allocation
31. Which protocol is commonly used for sending emails? a. FTP
d. TCP
Correct Answer: b. SMTP
32. What is the purpose of a pointer in programming? a. To store characters
b. To store integers
c. To store memory addresses
d. To store floating-point numbers
Correct Answer: c. To store memory addresses
33. What is the role of a version control system, such as Git? a. Code optimization
b. Code compilation
c. Code distribution
d. Code management and tracking changes
Correct Answer: d. Code management and tracking changes
34. Which algorithm is used to find the shortest path in a weighted graph? a.
Breadth-First Search
b. Depth-First Search
c. Dijkstra's Algorithm
d. Quick Sort
Correct Answer: c. Dijkstra's Algorithm
35. What does API stand for in the context of software development? a.
Application Programming Interface
b. Advanced Programming Interface
c. Automated Programming Interface
d. Application Process Interface
Correct Answer: a. Application Programming Interface
36. What is the purpose of the 'elif' statement in programming? a. To handle
b. To execute a block of code when a condition is true
c. To define a loop
d. To check multiple conditions in sequence
Correct Answer: d. To check multiple conditions in sequence
37. Which of the following is not a type of database model? a. Relational
b. NoSQL
c. Hierarchical
d. Linear
Correct Answer: d. Linear
38. What is the role of a router in a computer network? a. Data storage
b. Data encryption
c. Data transmission between networks
d. Data processing
Correct Answer: c. Data transmission between networks
39. What is the purpose of the 'try' and 'catch' blocks in exception handling? a.
To execute a block of code unconditionally
b. To define a loop
c. To handle and recover from exceptions
d. To skip the current iteration of a loop
Correct Answer: c. To handle and recover from exceptions
40. Which of the following is a dynamic programming language? a. C++
b. Java
c. Python
d. C#
Correct Answer: c. Python

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