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David Huron

Introduction Western aesthetics. First, he distinguished aes-

thetic pleasure from other forms of pleasure.
Aesthetics is commonly defined as the study of Aesthetic pleasure is not some other type of
beauty, and its opposite, ugliness. Some philos- pleasure in disguise: for example, art is not the
ophers conceive of aesthetics as applying solely sublimation of food, sex, warmth, companion-
to the arts or to artistic experience. However, ship, or some combination of other existing
most aesthetic philosophers construe the disci- pleasures. Second, Kant argued that aesthetic
pline as applying more broadly to beauty and emotions are ‘disinterested’; when we experi-
ugliness in general. The term ‘aesthetics’ first ence an aesthetic pleasure, there are no utilitar-
appeared in a book by Alexander Baumgarten in ian or ulterior motives underlying this
1735, yet philosophical discussions of beauty experience. A mother’s appreciation of the
extend back thousands of years. Commentaries beauty of her daughter cannot be regarded as a
on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ music can be found in both purely aesthetic appreciation, since her experi-
ancient Greek and ancient Chinese sources. ence is apt to be tainted by parental pride. Unlike
Beginning in the 1960s, the field of cognitive garden-variety emotions, for Kant, aesthetic
science became increasingly influential in the emotions serve no practical purpose.
philosophy of mind. While much of this influ- In music, Kant’s ideas were developed and
ence relates to the nature of thought, reasoning, extended by the famed Austrian music critic
and consciousness, the impact of cognitive sci- Eduard Hanslick (1825–1904). In Vom
ence has expanded to other areas of philosophy, Musikalisch-Schönen (On the beautiful in music)
including aesthetics. In this chapter, no effort (1854) Hanslick proposed a highly influential
will be made to provide a comprehensive survey view that would later prove to be compatible
of ideas related to musical aesthetics. Instead, it with a core concept in cognitive science.
focuses more narrowly on how cognitive science Hanslick challenged the (then) prevailing beliefs
has influenced—and continues to influence— that music somehow represents or expresses
modern thinking in musical aesthetics. This feelings. He proposed that sensation is imagina-
chapter concludes by arguing that cognitive tively interpreted by the listener, and that this
neuroscience is poised to overtake philosophical aesthetic contemplative process then leads to
aesthetics: rather than influencing aesthetic possible emotions. In short, aesthetic judgement
philosophy, aesthetic philosophy is receding to precedes and leads to aesthetic feelings. Until
a sideline ‘advisory’ role, while cognitive science recently, Hanslick’s views have defined the prin-
takes an unaccustomed leadership position. cipal parameters in debates concerning musical
aesthetics. All major philosophers in the aes-
thetics of music have started by engaging with
Philosophical antecedents Hanslick’s ideas: see for example Susanne Langer
In the West, the most influential writer on aesthet- (1942), Peter Kivy (1990), Roger Scruton (1997),
ics has been the German philosopher Immanuel Jerrold Levison (1990, 2003) and Stephen Davies
Kant (1724–1804). Kant laid out two pillars in (1994).
152 · CHAPTER 14 Aesthetics

primarily from the relative frequency of expo-

Experimental antecedents sure to different sound combinations and the
Most aesthetics scholars have followed a rational- prevailing attitudes toward those sounds within
ist approach that emphasizes exegesis of existing a given social environment. By the 1970s, ample
theories and critical philosophical discussion. evidence pointing to both physiological and
Independent of this philosophical tradition, cultural factors influencing judgements of the
aesthetics questions have also been addressed by euphoniousness of a sonority had accumulated.
empirically oriented scholars pursuing various Regarding the physiological basis, a significant
avenues of scientific experimentation. In fact, breakthrough occurred in the 1960s with the
the advent of experimental aesthetics coincides work of Donald Greenwood (1961) and Reinier
with the start of modern experimental psychol- Plomp and Willem Levelt (1965). These and
ogy. One of the founders of modern experimen- subsequent researchers showed that at least some
tal psychology, Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) of the phenomenal experience musicians call
carried out a number of experiments related to ‘dissonance’ can be traced to mechanical inter-
aesthetic experience. Wundt (1863) showed that ference within the organ of hearing. Regarding
arousal is related to stimulus complexity and the influence of enculturation and familiarity
proposed that aesthetic pleasure is evoked when on stimulus preference, mainstream psychology
the art object is optimally complex—neither too remained unaware of the pioneering work of
simple nor too complicated. Meyer and Lundin. Experimental research by
Aesthetics experiments were similarly carried Wilson (1975, 1979) and others unwittingly
out by another early experimental psychologist, re-established what Zajonc (1980) later dubbed
Gustav Fechner (1801–1887). In his Vorschule the ‘mere exposure effect’. Over the past century,
der Ästhetik (Elementary aesthetics) Fechner over 200 experiments have shown that familiarity
suggested that ‘half of aesthetics’ originates in has a marked impact on preference—especially
learned associations (1876, pp. 89–90). A lullaby when the listener is unaware that the sounds are
may evoke feelings of comfort solely because familiar.
of a learned association between the tune and Among several notable empirically grounded
formative experiences of being comforted by a volumes on the science of aesthetics, perhaps
caregiver. A German émigré to the United States, the most comprehensive attempt is found in the
Max Meyer (1873–1967), carried out a key work of the Canadian psychologist Daniel
experiment showing that listeners prefer famil- Berlyne. In his 1971 book, Aesthetics and psycho-
iar music over unfamiliar music. Meyer (1903) biology, Berlyne extended Wundt’s observations
showed that repeated listening to a novel musi- concerning the relationship between complex-
cal work tends to increase reported satisfaction. ity, arousal, and pleasure. In particular, Berlyne
While the Gestalt psychologists carried out rela- linked Wundt’s observations with contemporary
tively few experiments, they did produce a neurophysiological research on pleasure. Berlyne
number of empirical demonstrations of various proposed how the phenomenal experience of
perceptual principles and suggested that these pleasure might be related to arousal and com-
principles can be observed in both visual art and plexity. He distinguished two pleasure-inducing
music (see, e.g. Koffka 1935). effects: one source of pleasure arises from mod-
A long-standing preoccupation in experimen- erate increases in arousal, while a second source
tal musical aesthetics relates to the perception of of pleasure arises from inhibition or reduction
consonance and dissonance. The ancient Greeks of arousal from an uncomfortably high level.
observed that euphonious sonorities appear to Together, these sources result in an inverted-U
involve component tones whose frequencies are function when hedonic value (pleasure) is plotted
related by simple integer ratios. Both Hermann against arousal level.
von Helmholtz (1877) and Carl Stumpf (1883) More recent experimental investigations by
speculated about possible physiological origins Vladimir Konečni and his colleagues have tested
for consonance and dissonance. Robert Lundin the common assumption that large-scale formal
(1947) proposed that consonance and disso- structures contribute to the aesthetic experience.
nance preferences are cultural in origin and arise For example, scrambling the order of variations
Cognitive revolution · 153

in JS Bach’s Goldberg Variations or the sections as types of reflexes, cognitive psychologists

of a sonata-allegro movement by Mozart does tended to view emotions as originating in cogni-
not produce less aesthetically pleasing experi- tive appraisals (Arnold 1960; Averill 1980). That
ences for listeners (Gotlieb and Konečni 1985; is, emotions were evoked by conscious or
Karno and Konečni 1992). Similarly, Nicholas unconscious evaluations that depend on under-
Cook (1987) carried out an experiment suggest- lying conceptualizations. According to this view,
ing that beginning and ending in the same key judgement precedes emotion.
(‘tonal closure’) fails to evoke a greater sense of Until the mid 1990s, cognitive science was
completion, coherence or pleasure for passages typically regarded as opposed to more biological
that are longer than roughly 2 minutes. Where approaches to understanding the mind. Early
Konečni and Cook have questioned existing cognitive science also excluded or sidelined the
ideas about form, other research has identified role of affect or emotion. However, over the past
large-scale structures that occur cross-culturally. two decades, the sciences of the mind have been
For example, Ollen and Huron (2004) carried converging into what Joseph LeDoux has
out an analysis of patterns of musical repetition referred to as ‘the united kingdom of cognition
in music from 50 cultures, and found a cross- and emotion’ (1996, p. 39). Cognitive science has
cultural preference for early repetition (e.g., moved away from a strictly cognitivist perspec-
AAABAABA rather than ABAABAAA). Huron tive to embrace insights from ethology, evolu-
(2006) noted that this pattern is consistent with tionary psychology, psychophysiology, genetics,
the twin goals of pursing increasing predictability biochemistry, and neuroimaging. The cognitive
while avoiding habituation. perspective remains an important component
Despite a long history, the experimental tradi- of contemporary cognitive science, but it no
tion in aesthetics has had comparatively little longer occupies the core to the exclusion of
influence among aesthetic philosophers. This is other perspectives. In short, cognitive science
especially true in the case of musical aesthetics, has become increasingly less cognitive.
where the influence of empirical approaches has This transformation of the field has repercus-
been negligible or irrelevant. Among many music sions for understanding the cognitive science of
scholars, empirical ideas regarding musical pleas- aesthetics. We can talk about two schools: the
ure have been regarded as naive, and indeed, first might be called the ‘old school’ or cognitiv-
some of the claims justify this wary reception. ist approach, while the second might be called
the ‘new school’ or cognitive neuroscience
approach. This distinction is important because
Cognitive revolution there are two contrasting aesthetic traditions
In contrast to the limited impact of experimen- that both claim to be influenced by cognitive
tal aesthetics on mainstream musical aesthetics, science.
the cognitive revolution has proved to be an The old school, or cognitivist view, has been
inspiration to a number of aesthetic philosophers especially congenial with Hanslick’s formalist
(e.g., Raffman 1993; Madell 2002; Butler 2004; aesthetics. The traditional cognitivist view has
Robinson 2005). Before discussing the relation- been that cognitive appraisal precedes emotion:
ship between cognitive science and aesthetics, it conscious or unconscious evaluation is the
is useful to distinguish two different conceptions immediate source of evoked emotion. This view
of cognitive science. is consistent with Hanslick’s argument that sen-
Prior to the cognitive revolution, Anglo- sations are imaginatively interpreted, and that a
American psychology was dominated by behav- contemplative process subsequently leads to
iourism, a perspective that emphasized possible emotions. Music evokes emotion only
sensation, motor behaviour, and learning. after passing through a cognitive/interpretive
Influenced by linguistics and computer science, filter. Musical meaning and aesthetic evaluation
cognitive psychologists juxtaposed themselves precede musical affect.
against behaviourism by emphasizing the This cognitivist view has become especially
thoughtful and imaginative aspects of mental popular in literary aesthetics. British literary
life. For example, rather than viewing emotions scholar Christopher Butler (2004), for example,
154 · CHAPTER 14 Aesthetics

has applied a cognitivist perspective in his com-

pelling account of the pleasures evoked by nar-
rative. However, such cognitivist approaches The idea that the principal appeal of art is the
appear to be more useful in accounting for lit- evoking of pleasure (hedonism) has not been a
erature and representative art than for abstract popular idea among Western aesthetics philoso-
art or instrumental music. For those art forms phers. However, recent cognitive neuroscience
in which narrative content is foremost, the has given new life to this old idea. Perhaps the
evoked pleasures do seem to align well with cog- most important achievement of cognitive sci-
nitive–appraisalist conceptions of emotion. ence has been the discovery that the mind, like
However, the cognitivist conception of emo- the body generally, holds a series of specialized
tion has been criticized by both psychologists structures (Fodor 1983). A popular metaphor is
and philosophers. Experimental studies have that the mind is structured like a Swiss army
provided ample demonstrations that at least knife. Many of the debates that have preoccu-
some emotions can be evoked without cognitive pied aesthetics philosophers arise from the
appraisals (Zajonc 1980; see Cornelius 1996, for empirically incorrect assumption that the mind
review). Criticisms of a purely cognitivist per- is unitary and homogeneous (see also Griffiths
spective on emotions have been echoed by some 1997). Since the mind is capable of proposi-
music philosophers, notably Malcolm Budd tional thinking, it is easy to suppose therefore
(1985) and Geoffrey Madell (2002). that musical experience must arise from pro-
The existing experimental evidence suggests positional thought; since the mind forms asso-
that emotions can be evoked with or without the ciations, musical experience must arise from
involvement of cognitive appraisals. On the one deciphering associations, and so on.
hand, emotions can be evoked through con- In modern cognitive neuroscience, such
scious ruminations (as, for example, when jeal- claims are regarded as cumulative rather than
ousy is evoked by interpreting a telephone bill as mutually exclusive. For any given stimulus, the
suggesting that one’s spouse has been talking to modular mind applies propositional, associa-
a former love-interest). However, emotions can tional, representational, empathetic, narrative,
also be evoked without the intervention of con- and other mental processes simultaneously.
scious thought (as in a startle response evoked While the experience of beauty and ugliness can
by the slamming of a door or hearing a tone of involve cognitive appraisals, not all such experi-
voice suggestive of aggression). ences require cognitive appraisal. In short, the
Such unconscious/automatic responses can cognitive appraisals of the sort envisioned
also be observed in behaviours that would nor- by Hanslick’s followers are sufficient though
mally be regarded as ‘higher level’ mental proc- not necessary conditions for the experience of
esses such as sympathy and empathy. Several musical beauty.
philosophers (e.g. Roger Scruton) have argued
that responding sympathetically to (say) grief is
not the same as feeling grief. However, modern Plural pleasures
neuroscience appears to contradict this claim. The idea of concurrent parallel mental processes
Watching someone cut their finger can generate has transformed our understanding of the phe-
‘gut feelings’ in the viewer that closely mimic nomenon of pleasure. There are many behav-
the negative feelings experienced by the person iours that can evoke pleasure, such as scratching
whose finger is injured. The discovery of so- an itch, quenching a thirst, solving a puzzle, suc-
called ‘mirror’ neurons suggests that some cessfully predicting a future event, feeling virtu-
complex emotions can be experienced with little ous, emptying one’s bladder, conversing with a
or no cognitive mediation (Rizzolatti and friend, receiving praise, putting cold hands in
Craighero 2004). In short, cognitive neuro- warm water, and so on. Physiologists have begun
science implies that there exist both cognitive to trace the unique neurological pathways asso-
and non-cognitive pathways to the evoking of ciated with different pleasures, from the pleasure
emotion. of eating chocolate to the ‘runner’s high’.
Neo-hedonism · 155

Pleasure centres in the brain were discovered Hedonism implies that pleasures are inter-
accidentally half a century ago by James Olds and changeable—implying, for example, that a sex-
Peter Milner (1954). In addition to these neuro- ual orgasm is equivalent to so many chocolate
anatomical discoveries, a number of endogenous cookies. The most common argument against
molecules have been implicated in the experi- hedonism is that the positive emotions evoked
ence of pleasure. These include dopamine, by feeling virtuous are simply incommensurate
oxytocin, serotonin, alpha-, beta-, and gamma- with a sensory pleasure, such as viewing a flower.
endorphins, alpha-, and beta-neoendorphin, Geoffrey Madell summarizes this anti-hedonic
dynorphin A and B, big dynorphin, methionine argument by noting that the pleasure of listen-
enkaphalin, leucine enkaphalin, and others (e.g. ing to good music is phenomenologically differ-
Pert 1997). Each endogenous molecule evokes a ent from the pleasure of gorging on junk food
subtly different form of pleasure, and each is (2002 p. 89). However, two discoveries have
released under a number of unique circum- given new life to the hedonic argument: (1) evo-
stances. For example, oxytocin is released in lutionary psychologists have offered compelling
various interpersonal situations associated arguments that all emotions (including jealousy,
with pleasure, including hugging, romantic eye shame, pride, etc.) are evolutionary adaptations
contact, breast feeding, and sex. that promote survival and procreation, and (2)
In crafting a pleasurable event, people rarely neurophysiologists have assembled evidence
confine themselves to evoking one form of that the brain contains multiple pleasure sys-
pleasure. The most common pattern of behav- tems. The neo-hedonic rejoinder to the classic
iour is to combine several pleasures into a single objection to hedonism is that the biology of
experience: a person might drink a beer and pleasure is not unidimensional and has multiple
smoke a cigarette and converse with friends and independent sources. Pleasures can be equated
watch a football game—all at the same time. only when they engage the same endocrine or
Current neuroscience indicates that the pleas- neurotransmitter pathways.
ures evoked by imbibing alcohol, inhaling nico- If pleasures are multidimensional, it is likely
tine, reinforcing social bonds, and prevailing that musically evoked pleasure is itself multifac-
over a perceived enemy have different neuro- eted. Consider some of the ways by which sounds
logical origins. Yet all may be evoked concur- are thought to evoke pleasure:
rently in the environment of the sports bar.
◆ Listeners prefer stereo reproduction over
A useful metaphor for this hedonic pluralism
monaural reproduction.
is the dinner party. You might decide to cook an
especially nice meal, but it is unlikely that you ◆ Familiar sounds are preferred over unfamiliar
will stand alone at the kitchen counter feasting sounds (Meyer 1903; Zajonc1980).
on your carefully prepared Coquille Saint ◆ Novelty-seeking is a rewarded behaviour in
Jacques. Instead, you will probably invite a many circumstances (Berlyne 1971).
friend to share in the meal (social pleasure), ◆ Infant-directed singing has many features
purchase flowers to embellish the table setting in common with infant-directed speech and
(visual pleasure), light scented candles (olfac- these features are known to be preferred by
tory pleasure), put on recorded music (auditory infants (Unyk et al. 1992).
pleasure), and so on. What begins as the crafting
◆ The traditional practice of voice-leading is
of a gustatory pleasure quickly expands into a
thought to capitalize on brain rewards for
multifaceted hedonic experience. When given
successful parsing of auditory scenes (Huron
the opportunity, we heap pleasure upon pleasure
upon pleasure.
The discovery of multiple pleasure pathways ◆ People experience pleasure from displays
has repercussions for philosophical debates con- of extraordinary musical skill or virtuosity
cerning hedonism. Among aesthetic philoso- (Kubovy 1999).
phers, the standard rebuttal of hedonism is that ◆ Experienced listeners regularly take pleasure
it suggests that all pleasurable experiences can be in recognizing musical quotations or allu-
reduced to a single value (see e.g. Kagan 1998). sions to other works.
156 · CHAPTER 14 Aesthetics

◆ Musically induced ‘shivers’ or frisson is evoked by the music. For most psychologists,
reported by listeners as distinctly pleasurable there is nothing in the world that is objectively
(Sloboda 1991; Panksepp 1995; Gabrielsson ugly or beautiful. Humans find darkness threat-
and Lindstrom 1993; and others). Huron ening and sunshine pleasant, but a bat will have
(2006) has suggested how such experiences the reverse experience. We enjoy the smell of
might evoke pleasure. roses more than the smell of a dead carcass, and
◆ Listeners are consoled by and take pride in are disgusted to discover that our pet dog has
music whose style or genre is consistent with the opposite experience. In the words of Donald
a sense of self-identity or social belonging. Symons (1992), ‘Beauty is in the adaptations of
the beholder.’
This list represents only a partial catalogue of
Feelings have a deep structure in evolution by
plausible pleasures that might be evoked (in
natural selection. The feelings evoked on any
various combinations) by music. As with stud-
given occasion can be traced to proximal causes;
ies investigating the specific pleasures involved
but the feelings themselves are generated by
in chocolate consumption or the ‘runner’s high’,
brain mechanisms that evolved so as to improve
it seems likely that future research will trace the
the organism’s adaptive fitness. We love life and
particular neurological pathways involved in
fear death because these feelings contribute to
each of the various forms of musically evoked
our survival. We fall in love and protect our
pleasure. It appears that musical sounds are
children because these feelings contribute to
capable of activating multiple pleasure pathways
reproductive success. According to current
in the brain. In the manner of the dinner party,
orthodoxy in biology and evolutionary psychol-
musicians can assemble a unique mixture of
ogy, the feelings evoked by art ought to be trace-
pleasures into a single musical experience.
able to one or more underlying evolutionary
Indirect evidence in support of this ‘plural
mechanisms. This logic has led a number of
pleasures’ hypothesis can be found in an experi-
scholars to offer evolutionary accounts of aes-
ment by Avram Goldstein (1980). Goldstein
thetic experience (see Chapter 1).
exposed listeners to frisson-inducing musical
Charles Darwin himself launched a history of
passages and had them rate the pleasantness of
speculation regarding the possible evolutionary
the experience. Half of the listeners received an
benefits of music and art. In the past half cen-
injection of an inert saline solution while the
tury, new evolutionary aesthetics theories have
remaining listeners received injections of
appeared almost monthly. Evolutionary theories
naloxone, an opiate receptor antagonist.
of art are both speculative and controversial.
Goldstein’s results suggest a reduction in musi-
Part of the controversy arises from the ease of
cally induced pleasantness for the naloxone-in-
‘storytelling’. As Paul Griffiths has noted, ‘adap-
jected listeners compared with the control
tive hypotheses are too easy to form and too dif-
group. However, the pleasantness of the musical
ficult to test’ (1997, p. 71). While evolutionary
experience was not entirely eliminated, suggest-
theorizing appears to be an open invitation to
ing that musically induced pleasure is not
unbridled speculation, as Jon Elster has noted,
restricted to neural mechanisms that result in the
‘The first step toward finding a positive answer
release of endogenous opiates. The implication is
is telling a plausible story’ (1989, p. 8).
that there may be more than one way for music
In recent decades, many evolutionary stories
to evoke pleasure.
regarding art have been proposed. Eibl-Eibesfeldt
(1989), for example, has argued that people tend
to prefer landscapes that resemble the primor-
Evolutionary aesthetics dial savanna environments of hominid evolu-
For Hanslick, the principal problem in musical tion. Cross-cultural studies suggest that aesthetic
aesthetics is explaining musical beauty rather preferences favour environmental conditions
than explaining musical feeling. For the psy- that have been conducive to survival, not in the
chologist, however, Hanslick’s views imply an contemporary world, but in the Pleistocene
‘essentialist’ conception of music. For Hanslick, world of human evolution. Other theories have
the beauty is somehow in the music, rather than been proposed by Ellen Dissanayake (1988),
Conclusion · 157

Nancy Aiken (1998) and others. In the case of problematic. Similarly, the idea that music is a
music, possible evolutionary origins for music non-adaptive form of pleasure-seeking (like
have been discussed by Geoffrey Miller (2000), cocaine use) is equally unsavoury. Finally, the
Ian Cross (2001/2003), David Huron (2001/ idea that music is a physiological accident (like
2003), and Steven Mithen (2006). the non-functioning appendix) is anti-climactic.
Most of the evolutionary accounts that have While these ideas invite opinion, the origin or
been offered regarding the origin of music pro- purpose of music is ultimately an empirical
pose a single function (such as sexual selection). question that will be resolved only through
This makes sense. If music does indeed have an future scientific research.
evolutionary origin, it would have begun by
conferring a single pre-eminent adaptive advan-
tage. However, as we have seen above, there is a
tendency to amalgamate multiple pleasures into a
single human experience. Modern music-making Cognitive science has brought into relief what
is apt to engage a plethora of pleasure-evoking appears to be a fundamental disagreement
mechanisms and so it may prove difficult to between modern psychology and traditional
untangle any presumed original purpose from Western aesthetics. The bedrock of conven-
the agglomerated mix of hedonic mechanisms tional Western aesthetics has been the notion,
assembled in modern music-making. promulgated by Kant, that there are unique aes-
From a life sciences perspective, there are a thetic pleasures that exist aside from utilitarian
limited number of stories that can be told that pleasures. Evolutionary psychologists and biolo-
will reconcile art with biology. One story is that gists argue that the brain mechanisms that gen-
music and art might have originated as adaptive erate emotions represent evolved adaptations.
pleasures, where the art-related activity increased Over the past two decades, a number of aes-
adaptive fitness in some (non-obvious) way. For thetics philosophers have been inspired by the
example, music might have played an adaptive ‘old school’ cognitive revolution. In particular,
role through social bonding, sexual selection, or early cognitive science lent credence to the con-
by facilitating language learning. In this case, we templative–appraisalist view of musical aesthet-
would have to conclude that Kant was wrong: ics advocated by Hanslick. However, the
aesthetic pleasures are indeed utilitarian. A subsequent development of cognitive science is
second alternative story is that music-related raising significant challenges for aesthetic phi-
behaviours might be non-adaptive forms of losophy in general. From the perspective of
pleasure-seeking. Music might simply comman- modern cognitive neuroscience, the disembod-
deer a pleasure pathway that is intended to serve ied, non-utilitarian notion of aesthetic pleasure
some other purpose. In this case, music would posited by Kant cannot easily be reconciled with
be akin to nicotine or heroin addiction. Art is biology (see also Huron 2006).
just a fancy way of tickling pleasure mechanisms Over the course of history, many of the prob-
that exist to reward other behaviors. A third lems addressed under the rubric ‘philosophy’
alternative story is that music-related behav- have been ceded to newly emerging scientific
iours are biological ‘spandrels’. That is, they are disciplines. Questions formerly considered part
incidental artefacts that necessarily accompany of ‘natural philosophy’ have shifted to the realm
other adaptive behaviours. Music might be akin of biology and geology. Cosmology was taken
to a benevolent form of sickle-cell anaemia over by physics and astronomy, and questions
(which is an artifact of a heterozygotic genetic regarding human behaviour passed to the
strategy to protect against malaria infection). domains of the social and behavioural sciences.
Music, for example, might simply be a non- If evolutionary psychologists are correct, then
functional artefact of brain mechanisms whose questions concerning the experience of beauty
purpose is to promote language development. and ugliness may soon slip from the grasp of
For many people, none of these ideas is philosophy. Only time will tell whether we are
especially appealing. The idea that music is witnessing the passing of the aesthetics baton
biologically ordained seems far-fetched and from philosophy to empirical science.
158 · CHAPTER 14 Aesthetics

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