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Table of contents

-What is visual pollution?

-Causes of visual pollution

-Effects of visual pollution

-Prevention of visual pollution

• Planning
• Education

-What is visual pollution?
Visual pollution is an aesthetic issue, referring to the impacts of pollution
that impair one's ability to enjoy a view. Overcrowding and excessive
advertising are both causes of visual pollution.

-Causes of visual pollution

1. Haze due to dust and air pollution 4. Barren lands and deforestation 7. Graffiti

2. Garbage heaps and landfills 5. Urban Jungle- Houses with bad design

3. Electric wires and poles 6. Smoke spewing chimneys of factories

Effects that visual pollution has on life quality of people could be discussed form few aspects. Not only that visual
pollution has influence on users of the space as individuals, it also damages the atmosphere of a certain space as a
whole and has great influence on loss of its identity.
1.Loss of architectural identity

Islamic Cairo Al-Korba Abbas Al-Akkad street

2.Eye fatigue
3.Decreases in opinion diversity
5.Increase biological stress responses and impair balance.
6. Accidents:
a. A building that is made entirely of glass can reflect sunlight, which is dangerous for the people driving by
b. Billboards and advertisements on highway roads can distract drivers and cause accidents.
7. Loss of tourism income
8. Crime- Studies show lower crime rate in areas with less visual pollution
There are two basic approaches to solving visual pollution – planning and education. Though it is difficult to change
habits with people and expensive to redesign and replace what already exists.
A.Planning: to create harmonious and peaceful surroundings
-Moderate advertising at public place
-Local authorities of urban areas must have rules and regulations to protect natural Environment
-Reduce the no of graffiti at public place
-Government intervention is needed to make the environment of urban areas natural by setting strict rules regarding
B. Education: The more people understand the importance of beautiful surroundings, the faster change will be seen.
-Make public aware of the causes of visual pollution. Specially kids and Minors because they are the next generation
who must face it even more.
-Educate people to know the importance of natural healthy environment and self motivate to change the habit.

-Visual pollution is as dangerous as other pollutions are. Unpleasant and unnatural visuals can harm our
mental health and also it can harm our thinking power. It is our responsibility to prevent visual pollution
by making more people aware about its dangers. Technology can make our life easy but natural
environment and natural beauty is our life. We can survive one day without using Smartphone of big
brand or without expensive jewelry, but can we survive one single moment without oxygen. To make
human life healthy, peaceful and positive we must create and preserve the natural environment of earth.
More trees should be planted rather than mobile tower. We must build more green jungles that
constructing the cement buildings. To protect the healthy and happy human generations it is very
important that we control visual pollution and protect the natural environment

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