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Sections 19.2 and 19.3 The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Its Applications
13. INTERPRET This problem requires us to calculate the efficiency of reversible heat engines that operate between
the given temperatures.
DEVELOP The maximum efficiency of a reversible engine, operating between two absolute temperatures, Th > Tc,
is given by Equation 19.3, eCarnot = 1 − Tc/Th. Apply this to each part of this problem to find the corresponding

EVALUATE (a) e = 1 − Tc Th = 1 − (273 K ) (373 K ) = 26.8%.

(b) e = 1 − Tc Th = ∆ T Th = ( 21 K ) ( 298 K ) = 7.05%.
(c) With room temperature at e = 1 − Tc Th = 1 − ( 293 K ) (1273 K ) = 77.0%.
ASSESS The engine with the largest difference in reservoir temperature has the largest efficiency.
14. INTERPRET This problem is an exercise in calculating the thermal efficiency of a heat engine, given the
temperature of the hot and cold reservoirs.
DEVELOP Assuming this cosmic heat engine were a reversible engine, its efficiency would be that of a Carnot
engine, given by Equation 19.3:
eCarnot = 1 −
EVALUATE Substituting the values given in the problem, we obtain
Tc 2.7 K
eCarnot = 1 − =1− = 1 − 4. 66× 10−4 ≈ 99.95%
Th 5800 K
ASSESS The engine efficiency is almost 100%. This is too good to be true.
15. INTERPRET This problem involves a reversible Carnot engine that runs between the boiling and melting point of
He. We are given the engine’s efficiency and are asked to find the temperature of its cold reservoir (i.e., the
melting point of He).
DEVELOP Apply Equation 19.3, which gives the efficiency of a Carnot engine. We are given eCarnot = 0.777 and
Th = 4.25 K, so we can solve for Tc, which will be the melting point of He.
EVALUATE The melting point of He is
eCarnot = 1 −
Tc = (1 − eCarnot )Th = (1 .000− 0.777)(4.25 K) = 0.948 K

ASSESS This agrees with the melting point of He found in the literature, so it seems to be a reasonable result.
16. INTERPRET This problem is about a Carnot engine that operates via the Carnot cycle. We are given the thermal
energy absorbed per cycle and the work done per cycle by the engine, and we are asked to find its efficiency.

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19-2 Chapter 19

DEVELOP By definition, the efficiency of an engine is

where W is the work done by the engine and Qh is heat absorbed from the hot reservoir per cycle. For part (b), the
work W is defined as the work done by the gas, so W = 350 J in this case. The heat transferred is Q = Qh − Qc.
Because the there is no net change in the internal energy of the engine over a cycle, the first law of
thermodynamics gives (note that W in Chapter 19 is defined contrary to W in Chapter 18!)
W = Qh − Qc
For part (c), Equation 19.2 gives
Th Qh
Tc Qc
so we can solve for Th given that Tc = 10°C = 283 K.
EVALUATE (a) From the equation above, the efficiency of the engine is
W 350 J
e= = = 38.9%
Qh 900 J
(b) The heat rejected each cycle is
Qc = Qh − W = 900 J − 350 J = 550 J
(c) The temperature of the hot reservoir is
⎛Q ⎞ ⎛ 900 J ⎞
Th = Tc ⎜ h ⎟ = (283 K )⎜ ⎟ = 463 K = 190°C
⎝ c⎠ ⎝ 550 J ⎠
ASSESS The maximum temperature Th is greater than Tc, as our calculation confirms. Note that Carnot’s theorem
applies to the ratio of absolute temperatures.
17. INTERPRET We are to find the coefficient of performance of a reversible refrigerator that operates between 0°C
and 30°C.
DEVELOP For a refrigerator, the coefficient of performance is given by Equation 19.4,
COPrefrigerator =
Qh − Qc
Use Equation 19.2, Qc/Qh = Tc/Th to convert this to an expression involving temperature:
Qc Q ⎛ 1 ⎞ Tc ⎛ 1 ⎞ Tc
COPrefrigerator = = c⎜ ⎟= ⎜ ⎟=
Qh − Qc Qh ⎝ 1 − Qc Qh ⎠ Th ⎝ 1 − Tc Th ⎠ Th − Tc

which we can solve given that Tc = 0°C = 273 K and Th = 30°C = 303 K.
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities into the expression for the COP gives
Tc 273 K
COPrefrigerator = = = 9.10
Th − Tc 303 K − 273 K

ASSESS Notice that the temperatures are absolute temperatures (i.e., Kelvin).
18. INTERPRET This problem requires us to find the work done by a refrigerator to freeze the given quantity of
water. The heat of transformation (Chapter 17) is involved in the liquid-to-solid phase change.
DEVELOP The amount of heat that must be extracted in order to freeze the water is (Equation 17.5)
Qc = mLf = (0.67 kg )(334 kJ/kg ) = 224 kJ
The work consumed by the refrigerator while extracting this heat is given by Equation 19.4, W = Qc /COP.
EVALUATE Inserting the given values, we obtain
Qc 224 kJ
W= = = 53 kJ
COP 4.2

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-3

ASSESS A COP of 4.2 means that each unit of work can transfer 4.2 units of heat from inside the refrigerator.
A smaller COP would mean that more work is required to freeze the water.
19. INTERPRET We want to know if the human body can be considered as a heat engine, which has stringent limits on its
DEVELOP If the human body were a heat engine, the maximum efficiency it could attain would be given by the
efficiency for a Carnot engine (Equation 19.3): e = 1 − Tc / Th .
EVALUATE Body temperature is Th = 37 °C = 310 K. So if we assume the ambient temperature is
Tc = 20 °C = 293 K, the maximum efficiency would be
293 K
e =1− = 5%
310 K
So under normal circumstances, the human body is far too efficient at 25% to be a heat engine.
ASSESS We often say the body “burns” calories, which sounds like it’s just releasing random heat from the food
we eat. But actually the process is more specific. Energy-storing molecules interact with other molecules to cause
precise chemical reactions that result in, for example, a muscle contracting or a neuron producing a current. Not all
of the stored energy is converted to useful work, however. Some of it ends up as heat.

Section 19.4 Entropy and Energy Quality

20. INTERPRET This problem requires us to calculate the entropy change involved with melting the given quantity of
ice at 0°C.
DEVELOP Because the ice is at 0°C, no temperature change is involved in melting it. Therefore, Equation 19.6
takes the form
∆S =
The change in heat is just the latent heat of water, which is given by Equation 17.5 (∆Q = mLf) and Table 17.1 (Lf
= 334 kJ/kg). The temperature is T = 0°C = 273 K.
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities into the expression for entropy change gives
∆ Q mLf (1.0 kg )( 334 kJ/kg )
∆S = = = = 1.2 kJ/K
T T 273 K
ASSESS Thus the water has more entropy than the ice, so it has a greater capacity to do work.
21. INTERPRET The problem concerns the entropy increase associated with metabolizing a hamburger.
DEVELOP We’ll assume the energy in the burger, Q, flows into the body as heat. Therefore, the entropy change
from state 1 (burger ingested) and state 2 (burger metabolized) is given by Equation 19.6: ∆ S12 = ∫ dQ / T .
EVALUATE The body temperature, T = 37 °C = 310 K, remains constant throughout, so
1 2 Q 650 kcal ⎛ 4.184 kJ ⎞
T ∫1
∆ S12 = dQ = = = 8.8 kJ/K
T 310 K ⎜⎝ 1 kcal ⎟⎠
ASSESS Although we assumed the burger’s energy went into heat, the answer would be the same if the body used
some of the energy to do work. In either case, the burger’s energy is no longer available to do work once it has
been metabolized.

22. INTERPRET This problem asks us to calculate the entropy increase upon heating up a given mass of water from
10°C to 95°C.
DEVELOP The change in heat content of the water is given by Equation 16.3, Q = mc∆T, where c = 4.184
kJ/(kg·K) for water (see Table 16.1). For a substance like water with constant specific heat (in this case at constant
pressure), we can differentiate this expression to find dQ = mcdT, so (from Equation 19.6) the change in entropy is

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19-4 Chapter 19
dT ⎛T ⎞
∆S = ∫ = mc ∫ = mc ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
1 T T1 T ⎝ T1 ⎠
The initial and final temperatures are T1 = 10°C = 283 K and T2 = 95°C = 368 K, respectively.
EVALUATE Inserting the given values, we have
⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 368 K ⎞
∆ S = mc ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = ( 0.25 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4.184 kJ/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 280 J/K
⎝ 1⎠ ⎝ 283 K ⎠
to two significant figures.
ASSESS The final entropy of the system has increased.
23. INTERPRET This problem requires us to find the mass of a block of lead given its entropy increase associated
with its solid-to-liquid phase transition (i.e., melting it).
DEVELOP The lead starts at its melting-point temperature, so there is no change in temperature associated with
the solid-to-liquid phase change. Therefore, Equation 19.6 for entropy change takes the form
∆S =
The heat change is given by Equation 17.5, ∆Q = mLf, where Lf = 24.7 kJ/kg (see Table 17.1). Insert this into the
expression for entropy change and solve for the mass m.
EVALUATE From the above equation, we find the mass of lead to be
∆S =
T ∆S ( 600 K )( 900 J/K )
m= = = 21.9 kg
Lf 24.7 kJ/kg
ASSESS As expected, the mass of the block is proportional to the change in entropy.
24. INTERPRET We are to find the energy that becomes unavailable during an irreversible isothermal process given
the entropy increase.
DEVELOP The energy that becomes unavailable is given by E = Tmin ∆ S (see section Entropy and the Availability
of Work), where Tmin is the lowest temperature available to the system. The change in entropy ∆S is ∆S = 25 J/K,
and the temperature is T = Tmin = 440 K.
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities in the expression for unavailable work gives
E = Tmin ∆ S = ( 440 K )( 25 J/K ) = 11 kJ
ASSESS Since this is an isothermal process, the minimum temperature is the maximum temperature is the
25. INTERPRET We’re asked to find the probability that 6 molecules are distributed in different ways inside a box.
This has relevance to the statistical interpretation of entropy.
DEVELOP Considering a single molecule, the probability that it is located on the left-side or the right side of the
box is ½. Considering 2 molecules, the probability for one particular left-right arrangement (microstate) is ¼.
Another way to say this is that there are 4 different ways to sort the molecules between the two sides. For 6
molecules, there are 2 =64 ways to sort, so the probability for one particular arrangement (microstate) is 1/64. We
now have to count how many of these microstates match the following macrostates (see Figures 19.18 and 19.19).
EVALUATE (a) There’s one microstate in which all of the molecules are found on the left side of the box, and
another one where all are found on the right side of the box. So the probability of this macrostate is 1/64 + 1/64 =
(b) It’s a bit harder to find the number of microstates with half the molecules on one side, half on the other. So let’s
label the molecules A, B, C, D, E, and F, and let’s identify a microstate by the 3 molecules on the left-hand side.
So for example, (ABC) is the microstate with A, B, C on the left-hand side, and the others on the right. We can

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-5

switch out C in three different ways: (ABD), (ABE) and (ABF). Similarly we can switch out B in three different
ways and switch out A in three different ways. That gives us 10 microstates. We count another 10 microstates if we
start with (DEF), and switch out D, then E, then F. The total number is 20 microstates.
So the probability of the macrostate with the molecules split evenly between the sides is 20/64.
ASSESS It is 20 times more likely that the 6 molecules will be spread out evenly between the two sides of the box
vs. all on one side. In general, if there are n molecules, the probability that k of them will be on one side and (n–k)
on the other side is given by the coefficients from the binomial theorem:
⎛n⎞ 1 ⎡ n! ⎤ 1
P = ⎜ ⎟⋅ n = ⎢ ⎥⋅ n
⎝k ⎠ 2 ⎢⎣ k !( n − k )! ⎦⎥ 2
In the case above, n = 6 and k = 3, so the probability is P = 6!/ ( 3!⋅ 3!) 26 = 20 / 64, as we found.

26. INTERPRET This problem is about a Carnot engine, its work, efficiency and power output.
DEVELOP For a cyclic operation, the change in internal energy is zero, ∆ U = 0. From the first law of
thermodynamics, we have W = Qh − Qc . Once the work W is known, its efficiency can be obtained as e = W /Qh .
For a Carnot engine, Qc /Qh = Tc / Th .
EVALUATE (a) The work done by the engine during each cycle is
W = Qh − Qc = 745 J − 458 J = 287 J
(b) The efficiency of the engine is
W 287 J
e= = = 38.5%
Qh 745 J
(c) For a Carnot engine,
⎛Q ⎞ ⎛ 458 J ⎞
Tc = ⎜ c ⎟ Th = ⎜ ⎟ (592 K) = 364 K
⎝ Qh ⎠ ⎝ 745 J ⎠
(d) The work from (a) is per cycle, so the mechanical power output of the engine is this divided by the cycle
period, which is equivalent to multiplying by the frequency ( f = 1 / T ) :
Pout = = Wf = ( 287 J/cycle )(18.6 cycles/s ) = 5.34 kW
ASSESS The cool reservoir temperature is cooler than the hot reservoir temperature (Tc < Th ), as expected. And
the efficiency can be verified by using Equation 19.3: e = 1 − Tc / Th = 38.5%.
27. INTERPRET This problem requires us to find the thermodynamic efficiency of a nuclear power plant in winter
and in summer, when the temperature of its cold reservoir is 0°C and 25°C, respectively.
DEVELOP From Equation 19.3, the thermodynamic efficiency of a Carnot engine is
eCarnot = 1 −
where the temperatures are in Kelvin.
EVALUATE Inserting the given temperatures for summer and winter gives
298 K
esummer = 1 − = 47.7%
570 K
273 K
ewinter = 1 − = 52.1%
570 K

ASSESS The plant is more efficient in winter than in summer because there is a greater heat difference. However,
as explained in Section 19.3, irreversible processes, transmission losses, and so on make actual efficiencies less
than the theoretical maxima.

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19-6 Chapter 19

28. INTERPRET You want to calculate the minimum coefficient of performance for a heat pump that’s to be installed
in a new house.
DEVELOP For a heat pump, what you want is heat, and what you put in is work in the form of electricity, so
COP = Qh / W . In this case, you are dealing with rates, that is, the rate that the house needs to be heated, H, and the
electric power, P, that the solar voltaic system supplies to the heat pump. The coefficient of performance can
therefore be written as COP = H / P.
EVALUATE The minimum COP needed to keep the house warm on a cold day is
H 6.85 kW
COP = = = 2.95
P 2.32 kW
ASSESS This is entirely reasonable for a heat pump. It might seem impossible to obtain more heat energy than
you put in, but the heat pump is not generating heat but only “moving” it from outside to inside. (see Figure 19.12).

29. INTERPRET This problem involves a nuclear power plant and asks us to calculate the rate of energy extraction,
the efficiency, and the highest temperature the plant attains.
DEVELOP From Equation 16.3, Q = mc∆ T , we see that to raise the temperature of the cooling water by 8.5 K,
heat must be exhausted to it at a rate of
dQc ⎛ dm ⎞
= c⎜
⎝ dt ⎠
⎟ ∆ T = ⎡⎣ 4.184 kJ/( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ 2.8 × 10 kg/s ( 8.5 K ) = 996 MW )
We take this to be the rate of all the heat rejected by the power plant. Since the rate of work output dW/dt is also
given, the heat input to the plant (extracted from its fuel) is
dQh dQc dW
= +
dt dt dt
where we have used the first law of thermodynamics (see Problem 19.16). In terms of the rates, the efficiency of
the plant is
dW dt
dQh dt
If we consider the plant to operate like a Carnot engine, then its highest temperature can be calculated using
Qc Qh = Tc Th (from Equation 19.2).
EVALUATE (a) Substituting the values given, we obtain
dQh dQc dW
= + = 996 MW + 750 MW = 1.75 GW
dt dt dt
where the negative sign corresponds to the energy being extracted from the fuel.
(b) The plant’s efficiency (from the definition of efficiency in terms of rates) is
dW dt 750 MW
e= = = 43.0%
dQh dt 1.75 GW
(c) With the assumption that the plant operates like an ideal Carnot engine, then
Th Qh dQh dt 1.75 GW
= = = = 1.75
Tc Qc dQc dt 996 MW
(Note that the energy rate per cycle and the energy rate per second are proportional.) If Tc = 15 °C = 288 K, then
Th = 1.75Tc = 1.75 ( 288 K ) = 505 K = 232°C
ASSESS The actual highest temperature would be somewhat greater than this, because the actual efficiency is
always less than the Carnot efficiency.
30. INTERPRET This problem requires us to calculate the efficiency of an electrical power plant, given the
temperature of its hot and cold reservoirs. From this, we are to find the power discharged as waste heat and the
number of houses we could heat with this waste heat.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-7

DEVELOP The maximum efficiency of the plant as a function of the temperature of its hot and cold reservoirs is
given by Equation 19.3
eCarnot = 1 −
which we are to compare with the actual efficiency which is
e= = 0.29
The actual efficiency may also be expressed as e = 1 − Qc/Qh (Equation 19.1). In this chapter, W is defined as the
work done by the system (as compared to W in the first law of thermodynamics, Equation 17.1, which is the work
done on the system). Thus, W is equal to the net heat,
W = Qh − Qc ⇒ Qh = Qc + W
where Qc is the heat rejected by the system to the cold reservoir and Qh is the heat absorbed by the system from the
hot reservoir. Using this result to eliminate Qh in the expression for the plant’s actual efficiency gives

Qc = W
(1 − e )
Differentiating this with respect to time gives the waste power dQc/dt in terms of the power output dW/dt = 800
MW and the actual efficiency of the plant e:
dQc dW ⎛ 1 − e ⎞
dt dt ⎜⎝ e ⎟⎠
Finally, the number of houses that can be warmed with this waste power is simply the waste power divided by the
power requirement of a single house, or
dQc dt
N houses =
where Phouse = 23 kW.
EVALUATE (a) The maximum possible efficiency for the power plant is
Tc 273 K + 30 °C 303 K
eCarnot = 1 − =1− =1− = 45.2% > e
Th 273 K + 280 °C 553 K
(b) The waste power is
dQc dW ⎛ 1 − e ⎞ ⎛ 1 − 0.29 ⎞
= = ( 800 MW ) ⎜ ⎟ = 2.2 GW
dt dt ⎜⎝ e ⎟⎠ ⎝ 0.29 ⎠
(c) The number houses that could be heated by the waste power is
dQc dt 2.2 × 109 W
N houses = = = 9.4 × 104
Phouse 23 × 103 W

ASSESS As expected, the maximum efficiency eCarnot is greater than the actual efficiency e.
31. INTERPRET This problem asks us to find the rate (i.e., kg/s) at which all the power plants in the USA use cooling
water. We are given the actual efficiency of the power plants and the temperature rise in the cooling water.
DEVELOP For a cyclic operation, the change in internal energy is zero, ∆ U = 0. From the first law of
thermodynamics, we have W = Qh − Qc , where W is the work done by the system (contrary to the definition of W
in Chapter 18), Qh is the heat absorbed by the system, and Qc is the heat rejected by the system. Therefore, the total
rate at which heat is exhausted by all the power plants is
dQc d dW ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
= ( Qh − W ) =
dt ⎜ − 1⎟ = 2 × 1011 W ⎜
dt ⎝ e ⎠
⎝ 33% ⎠
− 1⎟ = 4.06 × 1011 W

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19-8 Chapter 19

The mass rate of flow at which water could absorb this amount of energy, with only a 5 °C temperature rise, is
dQc dm
= cwater ∆ T
dt dt
where cwater = 4184 J/(kg·K) (see Table 16.1). This equation can be solved to give the mass rate of cooling water
EVALUATE Solving the equation above for dm/dt, we obtain
dm dQc 4.06 × 1011 W
= cwater ∆ T = = 2 × 107 kg/s
dt dt ⎡⎣ 4184 J/( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ( 5 K )
or about 1 Mississippi (a self-explanatory unit of river flow).
ASSESS To absorb the power output of 2 × 1011 W with only an increase of temperature of 5°C, we expect the
mass flow rate to be large.
32. INTERPRET For this problem, we are to show that the overall efficiency of a two-stage heat engine is the same as
a single-stage engine operating between Th and Tc of the two-stage engine.
DEVELOP Let the heat exhausted Qi by the first engine equal the heat input to the second. Then,
Qh = W1 + Qi and Qi = W2 + Qc, where Qc is the heat exhausted to the environment. For a single-stage engine
operating between Th and Tc, the actual efficiency is the total work W1 + W2 divided by Qh, (Equation 19.1), which we
can evaluate to compare with the Carnot efficiency of the two-stage engine, which is e = 1 − Tc/Th (Equation 19.3).
EVALUATE The actual efficiency of the single-stage engine is
W1 + W2 Qh − Qi + Qi − Qc Q T
e= = =1− c =1− c
Qh Qh Qh Th
which is the Carnot efficiency of the two-stage engine.
ASSESS In the last equality, we used Equation 19.2, Tc/Th = Qc/Qh.
33. INTERPRET This problem involves finding the COP of a freezer for which the highest and the lowest
temperatures are Th = 32 °C = 305 K and Tc = 0 °C = 273 K . In addition, we are to find how much water at 0°C the
freezer can freeze in one hour.
DEVELOP The coefficient of performance (COP) of a reversible freezer is given by Equation 19.4:
Qc Qc Tc
COP = = =
W Qh − Qc Th − Tc
where we have used Equation 19.2, Tc/Th = Qc/Qh for the last equality. Once the COP is known, we can solve for
Qc and the amount of water the freezer can freeze in one hour, which is m = Qc Lf with Lf = 334 kJ/kg (see
Equation 17.5 and Table 17.1).
EVALUATE (a) The COP of the freezer is
Tc 273 K
COP = = = 8.53
Th − Tc 305 K − 273 K
(b) The heat rejected in one hour is Qc = COP W = 8.53 × (12 kWh ) = 369 MJ , so the water we can freeze is
Qc 369 MJ
m= = = 1.10 × 103 kg.
Lf 334 kJ/kg
ASSESS Typical freezers have a COP lower than 8.53. Thus, more electrical energy is needed to freeze the same
amount of water.
34. INTERPRET We are to use an energy-flow diagram to analyze whether using a refrigerator to cool the low-
temperature reservoir of a Carnot can increase its overall efficiency.
DEVELOP In order to lower the temperature of the cold reservoir, the combination must remove more heat from
the cold reservoir than it puts into the reservoir. Since both the engine and the refrigerator are at the Carnot
efficiency, they are reversible.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-9

EVALUATE As shown in the figure below, the best that this can do is zero work output while the temperatures
stay the same. If the temperature of the cold reservoir is to become lower, then the heat extracted from the cold
reservoir must be larger, which will require more work than the engine produces.

ASSESS Might as well do nothing at all!

35. INTERPRET This problem requires us to find the monthly cost of using all the incoming electrical energy to power a
heat pump with COP = 3.4 to heat a house. We are given that the electrical energy costs $230 per month in the winter.
DEVELOP The same electrical energy W used for direct conversion in electric heating would produce heat
Qh = W + Qc . Using Equation 19.4 allows us to express this as
Qh = W + Qc = W + Qh (1 − 1 COP )
Qh = W ( COP )

Thus, the heat pump can produce a factor COP more heat than if the electrical energy is converted directly to heat.
EVALUATE Because the heat pump is a factor COP more efficient, the cost will be reduced by this same factor,
so the monthly heating bill would be
$230 $230
= = $68
COP 3.4
ASSESS The savings are significant, which is why electrical heating is not recommended.
36. INTERPRET This problem requires us to find the power needed to run a refrigerator that leaks heat at the given rate
to its cold reservoir (i.e., the environment). The refrigerator operates as a reversible heat engine, so we know its COP.
DEVELOP The rate at which heat leaks from the refrigerator is dQc dt = 340 W . For a reversible refrigerator, the
COP is given by Equation 19.4:
Qc Tc 277 K
COPrefrigerator = = = = 10.65
W Th − Tc 26 K
Differentiating this expression with respect to time gives the power needed to run the refrigerator.
EVALUATE The power needed to run the refrigerator is
dW dQc ⎛ 1 ⎞ 340 W
= = = 32 W
dt dt ⎜⎝ 10.65 ⎟⎠ 10.65

ASSESS The cooling capacity of the refrigerator is not given, so 340 W is the minimum heat leakage, which
means that this power is the minimum power required to run the refrigerator.
37. INTERPRET We are to find the minimum COP required to save money if we switch from an oil furnace to an
electrically powered heat pump, considering the cost of oil and of electricity. We will do this by calculating the
cost of the heat delivered by both the oil-burning heater and the electric heat pump.
DEVELOP The coefficient of performance (COP) is the relationship between the heat sent to the cold reservoir
and the work done. Set the heat Qc to be the same for both heating mechanisms, and solve for COP. The cost of oil
is $oil = 30$1.75
= $0.0583 kW ⋅ h −1 , and the cost of electricity is $electric = $0.165 kW ⋅h −1. The heat delivered is
Qc = W × COP

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19-10 Chapter 19

(see derivation of Equation 19.4), and we are paying for the work done, so the COP must exceed the ratio of the
costs (COP > $electric/$oil).
EVALUATE The COP must satisfy
COP > $electric/$oil = 2.83
So in order to be cost-effective, the heat pump must have a COP of greater than 2.83.
ASSESS Most heat pumps have a COP much higher than this value, so it’s probably a good idea to switch.
38. INTERPRET For this problem, we are to show that the Clausius statement (i.e., the second law of
thermodynamics) would be violated by the existence of a perfect heat engine, which would allow the construction
of a perfect refrigerator.
DEVELOP If it were possible to construct a perfect heat engine (one which would extract heat and perform an
equivalent amount of work), then it could be coupled to a real refrigerator in such a way that the work output of the
engine equals the work input to the refrigerator, as shown in the figure below.

EVALUATE The net effect of this arrangement is to produce a perfect refrigerator (a cyclic device whose sole
effect is the transfer of heat, Qc + Qh − Qc = Qh , from a cold reservoir to a hot one), in violation of the Clausius
statement of the second law.
ASSESS This completes the proof of the equivalence of the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements in Section 19.2.
39. INTERPRET We are asked to find the COP, power usage, and operating cost compared to that of an oil-burning
heater of a heat pump. We will assume that the heat pump is a Carnot heat pump.
DEVELOP The maximum COP of a heat pump (when its heating, not cooling) is given in Equation 19.4b:
COP = Th / (Th − Tc ) . In this case, Tc = 10 °C = 283 K and Th = 70 °C = 343 K. In general, the COP for a heat
pump is the heat supplied divided by the work input. In terms of rates, that can be written as COP = H / P, where
H is the supplied heat rate and P is the electric power consumption.
EVALUATE (a) Assuming the heat pump is maximally efficient,
Th 343 K
COP = = = 5.72 ≈ 5.7
Th − Tc 343 K − 283 K
(b) The power consumption needed to supply heat at 20 kW is
H 20 kW
P= = = 3.5 kW
COP 5.72
(c) Given the utility rate for electric power, the heat pump’s hourly operating cost is
Cpump = ( Pt ) Rutility = ( 3.5 kW )(1h )(15.5¢ / kWh ) = 54.2¢
In comparison, an oil furnace, supplying the same heat, would have an hourly operating cost of
20 kW (1h )
Coil = ( $3.60 / gal ) = $2.40
30 kWh/gal
ASSESS The cost per kWh of oil is actually less than that of electricity: Roil = 8.7¢ / kWh. But the heat pump has
such a high COP that it cost three times less to heat the house.

40. INTERPRET This problem involves a reversible engine that contains a given volume of monatomic gas. The
system goes through the four thermodynamics processes indicated in the problem statement, and we are to find net

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-11

work done by the system and the net heat added to the system over a complete cycle, and the engine’s efficiency as
defined by the ratio of the work done by the engine to the heat absorbed over a complete cycle.
DEVELOP The pV diagram for the cycle is as shown below. Let us calculate the work and heat absorbed for each
stage of the cycle. For the isothermal expansion AB the change in internal energy of the system is zero (∆U = 0), so
the first law of thermodynamics gives
⎛ 4.84 L ⎞
QAB = WAB = nRTA ln (VB VA ) = ( 0.35 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ( 586 K ) ln ⎜ ⎟ = 1182 J
⎝ 2.42 L ⎠
where QAB is the heat absorbed and WAB is the work done by the system (note that this definition of W is contrary to
the definition used in Chapter 18). The second equality above is from Equation 18.4. For the isovolumic cooling BC,
the volume does not change so no work is done. The heat absorbed is given by Equations 18.5 and 18.13, which give
WBC = 0 and
3 3
QBC = nCV ∆ TBC = nR (TC − TB ) = ( 0.35 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ( 292 K − 586 K ) = −1283.3 J
2 2
For the isothermal compression CD,
⎛ 2.42 L ⎞
QCD = WCD = nRTC ln (VD VC ) = ( 0.35 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ( 292 K ) ln ⎜ ⎟ = −589 J
⎝ 4.84 L ⎠
and for the isovolumic heating DA,
WDA = 0 and
QDA = nR (TA − TD ) = −QBC
For these processes, we are given that VB = 2VA = VC = 2VD = 4.84 L, TA = TB = 586 K, and TC = TD = 292 K , so we
can sum up the contributions to work and heat to find the total for each for a complete cycle.

EVALUATE (a) The net heat added to the system is


QABCDA = QAB + QBC + QDA + QCD = 1182 J + ( − 589 J ) = 593 J

The net work done by the system is

WABCDA = WAB + WBC + WDA + WCD = 1182 J + ( − 589 J ) = 593 J

(b) The ratio of the work done to the heat absorbed is
= = 24.0%
QAB + QDA 1182 J + 1283 J

ASSESS A Carnot engine operating between 586 K and 292 K has efficiency 1 − 292/586 = 50.2%. This is not
a contradiction of Carnot’s theorem, because the engine in this problem does not absorb and exhaust heat at
constant temperatures.
41. INTERPRET Our engine cycle consists of four paths, two of which are isochoric and two of which are isobaric.
We are to determine the efficiency, defined as the work done per unit heat absorbed, and compare the result with
the efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between the same temperatures. Finally, we need to explain any
difference between the two efficiencies.

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19-12 Chapter 19

DEVELOP Label the states in Fig. 19.22 A, B, C, and D going clockwise from the upper left corner. The work
done and the heat absorbed during the isobaric segments AB and CD are
WAB = p A (VB − VA ) = ( 6 atm )( 6 L − 2 L ) = 24 L ⋅ atm
WCD = pC (VD − VC ) = ( 3 atm )( 2 L − 6 L ) = − 12 L ⋅ atm

⎛ 5 ⎞⎛ p V pV ⎞ 5
QAB = nCP (TB − TA ) = n ⎜ R ⎟ ⎜ B B − A A ⎟ = ( 36 − 12 ) L ⋅ atm = 60 L ⋅ atm
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ nR nR ⎠ 2
5 5
QCD = nCP (TD − TC ) = ( pDVD − pCVC ) = ( 6 − 18 ) L ⋅ atm = −30 L ⋅ atm
2 2
where we have assumed an ideal monatomic gas (see Equation 18.13).
For the isochoric segments, we have
QBC = nCV (TC − TB ) =
(18 − 36 ) L ⋅ atm = −27 L ⋅ atm
QDA = nCV (TA − TD ) = (12 − 6 ) L ⋅ atm = 9 L ⋅ atm
and WBC = WDA = 0. The net heat added for one cycle is therefore
QABCDA = QAB + QBC + QCD + QDA = ( 60 − 27 − 30 + 9 ) L ⋅ atm = (12 L ⋅ atm )(101.3 J/L ⋅ atm )
= 1.22 kJ
and the net work done is W = ( 24 + 0 − 12 + 0 ) L ⋅ atm = 12 L ⋅ atm = 1.22 kJ . Note that the first law of
thermodynamics, applied to a cyclic process, requires that W = Q when using the definition that W is the work done
by the system (which is opposite to the definition used in Chapter 18).
EVALUATE (a) Since the heat absorbed is Q+ = ( 60 + 9 ) L ⋅ atm = 69 L ⋅ atm, the efficiency is
W 12 L ⋅ atm
e= = = 17.4%
Q+ 69 L ⋅ atm
(b) The maximum and minimum temperatures are TB = pBVB nR and TD = pDVD nR so the efficiency of a Carnot
engine operating between these temperatures is
TD pV 6 L ⋅ atm
eCarnot = 1 − =1− D D =1− = 83.3%
TB pBVB 36 L ⋅ atm
This is not a contradiction of Carnot’s theorem, because the given engine does not operate between two heat
reservoirs at fixed temperatures.
ASSESS The efficiency of a real engine is always less or equal to that of a Carnot engine.
42. INTERPRET For the given Carnot cycle, we are to find the heat absorbed, the heat rejected, and the work done per
cycle. We are then to find the efficiency of the engine and the maximum and minimum temperatures, and show
that the efficiency as given in Equation 19.1 equates to the Carnot efficiency of Equation 19.3.
DEVELOP See Figure 19.5 and the accompanying discussion of the Carnot engine. The heat absorbed is in the
isothermal expansion is
⎛V ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
Qh = nRTA ln ⎜ B ⎟ = PAVA ln ⎜ B ⎟
⎝ A ⎠ ⎝VA ⎠
where we have used the ideal-gas law (Equation 17.2) pV = nRT for the last equality, state A = (8.000 atm, 1.000 L),
and state B = (4.000 atm, 2.000 L). The heat rejected during isothermal compression is
⎛V ⎞
Qc = PCVC ln ⎜ C ⎟
⎝VD ⎠

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-13

where state C = (2.050 atm, 3.224 L) and state D = (4.100 atm, 1.612 L). Because the internal energy of the engine
does not change, ∆U = 0, so the first law of thermodynamics states that
W = Qh − Qc
where W is the work done by the system. From these results, we can calculate the efficiency using Equation 19.1,
e = W/Qh. The maximum and minimum temperatures may be found from the ideal-gas law (Equation 17.2),
TA = PAVA /nR and TC = PCVC /nR
EVALUATE (a) The heat absorbed is
⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 101.3 J ⎞
Qh = p AVA ln ⎜ B ⎟ = ( 8.000 atm )(1.000 L ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ( 2 ) ⎜ ⎟ = 561.7 J
⎝VA ⎠ ⎝ atm ⋅ L ⎠
(b) The heat rejected is
⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 3.224 L ⎞ ⎛ 101.3 J ⎞
Qc = pCVC ln ⎜ C ⎟ = ( 2.050 atm )( 3.224 L ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 464.1 J
⎝VD ⎠ ⎝ 1.612 L ⎠ ⎝ atm ⋅ L ⎠
(c) The work done by the engine is
W = Qh − Qc = 561.7 J − 464.1 J = 97.66 J
(d) The efficiency is
W 97.66 J
e= = = 17.39%
Qh 561.7 J
(e) The maximum and minimum temperatures are

Th = TA =
(8.000 atm )(1.000 L ) = 487.4 K = 490 K
nR ( 0.20 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K )⎤⎦
Tc = TC =
( 2.050 atm )( 3.224 L ) = 402.6 K = 400 K
nR ( 0.20 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K )⎤⎦
to two significant figures. The Carnot efficiency is thus
Tc 402.6 K
eCarnot = 1 − =1− = 17.39%
Th 487.4 K
which is the same result as for part (d).
ASSESS For a Carnot engine, the actual efficiency is the Carnot efficiency.
These imply a Carnot efficiency of e = 1 − TC / TA = 0.1739, exactly as before. Equations 19.1 and 19.3 are identical
because Qc /Qh = TC / TA = 0.8261, explicitly.
43. INTERPRET This problem is about the increase in entropy as the ice is melted and heated up.
DEVELOP The entropy increase is given by Equation 19.6: ∆ S12 = ∫ dQ / T . We consider the entropy increase in
two steps. First, the heat needed to melt the lake ice is Q = mLf , where Lf = 334 kJ/kg from Table 17.1. The
temperature is constant during the melting, T0 = 273 K. In the second step, the heat input raises the water
temperature according to dQ = mcdT , where c = 4.184 kJ/kg ⋅ K from Table 16.1. Here, the temperature is not
constant, so we will have to integrate.
EVALUATE The entropy increase during melting is
2 dQ mLf ( 94 Mg )( 334 kJ/kg )
∆ S melt = ∫ = = = 115 MJ/K
1 T T0 ( 273 K )
The entropy increase during warming is
mcdT ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 288 K ⎞
= mc ln ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ( 94 Mg )( 4.184 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln ⎜
∆ S warm = ∫ ⎟ = 21.0 MJ/K
T0 T ⎝ T0 ⎠ ⎝ 273 K ⎠

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19-14 Chapter 19

So the total entropy increase is

∆ S tot = ∆ Smelt + ∆S warm = 115 MJ/K + 21.0 MJ/K = 136 MJ/K ≈ 1.4 × 102 MJ/K
ASSESS As expected, the entropy change is positive in both melting and warming processes.

44. INTERPRET You want to know the rate at which your body’s entropy increases during normal metabolism.
DEVELOP The normal calorie intake is about 2000 kcal/day for women and about 2500 kcal/day for men. We’ll
split the difference and assume a metabolic rate of 2250 kcal/day. Temperature of metabolism rate (or basal
metabolic rate) for males is about 1300 kcal/day and for females is about 1200 kcal/day. Q flows into the body as
heat. Therefore, the entropy change from state 1 (burger ingested) and state 2 (burger metabolized) is given by
Equation 19.6: ∆ S12 = ∫ dQ / T .
EVALUATE The body consumes food energy and converts it to work and heat at a constant body temperature of
T = 37 °C = 310 K, so the rate of entropy increase is
∆S 1 2 dQ ∆Q / ∆ t 2250 kcal/day ⎛ 4.184 kJ ⎞
∆t ∆t ∫1 T
= = = ⎜ 1 kcal ⎟ ≈ 0.4 mW/K
T 310 K ⎝ ⎠
ASSESS One could say this is the rate at which we create disorder.

45. INTERPRET We are to derive the formula given in the problem statement that describes the entropy change for n
moles of an ideal gas that undergoes an isovolumic temperature change from T1 to T2.
DEVELOP From the first law of thermodynamics (dQ = dU + dW ) and the properties of an ideal gas
(dU = nCV dT and pV = nRT ), an infinitesimal entropy change is
dQ dT p dT dV
dS = = nCV + dV = nCV + nR
Integrate from state 1 (T1 , V1 ) to state 2 (T2 , V2 ), and apply the isovolumic constraint to obtain the given formula.
EVALUATE Integrating the expression above gives
⎛T ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
∆ S = nCV ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ + nR ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ 1⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠
For an isovolumic process V1 = V2 so ∆ S = nCV ln (T2 T1 ) .
ASSESS Of course, we could have started with dQ = nCV dT at constant volume, but we wanted to display ∆ S for
a general ideal-gas process, for use in other problems.
46. INTERPRET We are to derive the formula given in the problem statement that describes the entropy change for n
moles of an ideal gas that undergoes an isobaric temperature change from T1 to T2.
DEVELOP From the first law of thermodynamics (dQ = dU + dW ) and the properties of an ideal gas
(dU = nCV dT and PV = nRT ), an infinitesimal entropy change is
dQ dT p dT dV
dS = = nCV + dV = nCV + nR
Integrate from state 1 (T1 , V1 ) to state 2 (T2 , V2 ), and use Equation 18.9, CP = CV + R, to obtain the given formula.
Note that when the pressure is constant, the ideal-gas law gives V2 V1 = T2 T1 .
EVALUATE Substituting the second equation into the first one yields
⎛T ⎞ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛T ⎞ ⎛T ⎞
∆ S = nCV ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ + nR ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = n ( CV + R ) ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = nCP ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ T1 ⎠
ASSESS The same expression can also be obtained by using dQ = nCP dT at constant pressure. Note that ∆ S > 0
if T2 > T1 , as expected.
47. INTERPRET This problem involves the entropy change in an ideal diatomic gas heated under three different
conditions: constant volume, constant pressure, and adiabatically.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-15

DEVELOP From Problem 19.45, the entropy change at constant volume is ∆ SV = nCV ln (T2 T1 ) , where CV = 5R/2
for a diatomic gas (see discussion after Equation 18.13). From Problem 19.46, the entropy change at constant
pressure is
∆ S P = nCP ln (T2 T1 ) = n(CV + R ) ln (T2 T1 )

For an adiabatic process, consider the discussion accompanying Figure 19.16. The entropy change is
⎡ 1

⎛ V2 ⎞ ⎢ ⎛ T1 ⎞ γ −1 ⎥ nR ⎛ T1 ⎞
∆ S = nR ln ⎜ ⎟ = nR ln ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ V1 ⎠ T γ − 1 ⎝ T2 ⎠
⎢⎣⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
γ −1
where we have used the relation for an adiabatic process TV
1 1 = T2V2γ −1 (Equation 18.11b). For a diatomic gas,
CP CV + R 5 R 2 + R 7
γ= = = =
CV CV 5R 2 5
EVALUATE (a) At constant volume, the entropy change is
⎛5⎞ ⎛ 552 K ⎞
∆ SV = nCV ln (T2 T1 ) = ( 6.36 mol ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 86.0 J/K
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 288 K ⎠
(b) At constant pressure, the entropy change is
⎛7⎞ ⎛ 552 K ⎞
∆ S P = nCP ln (T2 T1 ) = n ( CV + R )ln (T2 T1 ) = ( 6.36 mol ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎡⎣8.314 J/ ( mol⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 120.4 J/K
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 288 K ⎠
(c) For an adiabatic process, Q = 0 (no heat flow between system and environment) and the entropy change is ∆ S = 0 .
ASSESS The entropy change is greater in isobaric (constant pressure) process than isochoric (constant volume)
process since CP > CV .
48. INTERPRET This problem involves the entropy change that results from mixing the given amount of hot and cold
water. We are to find the entropy change for the hot water, the cold water, and the entire system.
DEVELOP When mixing two liquids that are initially at different temperatures, the thermal energy change in both
liquids must be the same, assuming all the thermal energy lost by the hot liquid is gained by the cold liquid. Thus,
∆ Qhot + ∆ Qcold = 0
mhot chot ∆ Thot + mcold ccold ∆ Tcold = 0
For this problem, mhot = mcold and chot = ccold, because the hot and cold liquids are both water. Thus,
∆ Thot = −∆ Tcold
Because the equilibrium temperature of the mixed liquid is the same for the (previously) hot and cold portions, we
also have
Thot + ∆Thot = Tcold + ∆ Tcold
Thot − Tcold = ∆Tcold − ∆ Thot
∆ Tcold − ∆Thot = Thot − Tcold = 70 K

Combined with the previous expression gives ∆Tcold = − ∆Thot = 35 K and the equilibrium temperature is Tcold + ∆Tcold =
(10°C + 273 K) + 35 K = 318 K. For this problem, the entropy change given by Equation 19.6 takes the form
∆S = ∫
T1 T

From the argument above, we have dQ = mcdT, so Equation 19.6 gives

dT ⎛T ⎞
∆ S = mc ∫ = mc ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
T1 T ⎝ T1 ⎠
where m = 0.250 kg and c = 4184 J/kg, so we can solve for the entropy change for each case.

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19-16 Chapter 19

EVALUATE (a) For the hot water, T1 = 353 K and T2 = 318 K, so the entropy change is
⎛ 318 K ⎞
∆ Shot = ( 0.250 kg ) ⎣⎡ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎦⎤ ln ⎜ ⎟ = −109 J/K
⎝ 353 K ⎠
(b) For the cold water, T1 = 283 K and T2 = 318 K, so the entropy change is
⎛ 318 K ⎞
∆Scold = ( 0.250 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4.184 kJ/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 122 J/K
⎝ 283 K ⎠
(c) The total entropy change is the sum of these two, so
∆ S tot = 121.97 J/K − 109.22 J/K=12.7 J/K

ASSESS Note that the results are given to three significant figures because we assumed the data were valid to
three significant figures. The total entropy of the system has increased, which conforms with the second law of
49. INTERPRET You want to find the entropy change in going from one state to another state that lie on the same
D EVELOP We’re told that the system goes from state p1 ,V1 to state p2 ,V2 , where the two states are related by the
adiabatic equation: p1V1γ = p2V2γ . Our first inclination would be that the entropy change would be zero, since there
is no heat exchange in the adiabatic process that connects these two states. However, we’re told that the system
goes between the two states in two segments: one a constant pressure process (going from p1 ,V1 to p1 ,V2 ) and the
other a constant volume process (going from p1 ,V2 to p2 ,V2 ). See the figure below.

This is an ideal gas, so the temperatures of the three endpoints are: T1 = p1V1 / nR, T12 = p1V2 / nR, and
T2 = p2V2 / nR. From Table 18.1, the differential heat flows for these two processes are:
dQ = nC p dT for constant pressure
dQ = nCV dT for constant volume
Recall that γ = C p / CV .
EVALUATE For the constant pressure process, the entropy change is
T12 nC p dT ⎛T ⎞ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
∆S p = ∫ = nC p ln ⎜ 12 ⎟ = nC p ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = nγ CV ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
T1 T ⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠
For the constant volume process, the entropy change is
T2 nCV dT ⎛T ⎞ ⎛p ⎞ ⎛Vγ ⎞
∆ SV = ∫ = nCV ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = nCV ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = nCV ln ⎜ 1γ ⎟
T12 T ⎝ T12 ⎠ ⎝ p1 ⎠ ⎝ V2 ⎠
The total entropy is the sum:
⎡ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛ V ⎞⎤
∆ S = ∆S p + ∆ SV = nCV ⎢γ ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ − γ ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ = 0
⎣⎢ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎦⎥

( )
where we have used the mathematical identity: ln x a = a ln x. The total entropy change is zero as we expected,
since the system could have gone from state 1 to state 2 by an adiabatic process for which Q = 0.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-17

ASSESS As explained in the text, the entropy is a state variable, which doesn’t depend on how a system arrived at
a particular state. Note that this separates entropy from the heat, Q, absorbed or expelled by a system. You can’t
say that a system contains a particular amount of heat, but you can say that it contains a particular amount of

50. INTERPRET This problem asks about the energy quality resulting from a thermodynamic process (an adiabatic
free expansion in this case) during which entropy has increased. The system consists of a given quantity of ideal
gas, and we are given the initial and final volume occupied by the gas.
DEVELOP From the discussion accompanying Figure 19.16, we know that the change in entropy during the
adiabatic free expansion is
⎛V ⎞
∆ S = nR ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ V1 ⎠
where V2 = 15V1. The energy made unavailable is E = T ∆ S .
EVALUATE Substituting the values given in the problem statement, the energy that becomes unavailable to do
work in the free expansion of an ideal gas (T remains constant), is
⎛V ⎞
E = T ∆ S = nRT ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ = ( 6.36 mol ) ⎡⎣8.314 J/ (mol ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ( 305 K )ln (1 5 ) = 43.7 kJ
⎝ V1 ⎠
ASSESS This is the work that could have been recovered from a reversible isothermal expansion. However, due to
the irreversible nature of the process, we give up the possibility of extracting this work.
51. INTERPRET This problem asks for the entropy change of the pan-water system, when thermal equilibrium has
been reached after a hot pan has been plunged into the given amount of cold water.
DEVELOP Assume all the heat lost by the pan is gained by the water. The equilibrium temperature is given by
Equation 16.4, or

( 2.4 kg ) ⎡⎣900 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ ( 428 K ) + ( 3.5 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ ( 288 K )

Teq = = 306 K
( 2.4 kg ) ⎡⎣900 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ + ( 3.5 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦
Using the result of Exercise 48, the change in entropy for the pan is
⎛T ⎞
∆ Span = mpan cpan ln ⎜ eq ⎟
⎜ Tpan ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Similarly, the change in entropy for the water is
⎛ T ⎞
∆ S water = mwater cwater ln ⎜ eq ⎟
⎝ Twater ⎠
The sum of these two terms is the change of entropy of the pan-water system.
EVALUATE The entropy change of the pan and water together is
⎛T ⎞ ⎛ T ⎞
∆ S = ∆S pan + ∆ S water = mpan cpan ln ⎜ eq ⎟ + mwater cwater ln ⎜ eq ⎟
⎜ Tpan ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ Twater ⎠
⎛ 306 K ⎞ ⎛ 306 K ⎞
= ( 2.4 kg ) ⎡⎣900 J/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ + ( 3.5 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 160 J/K
⎝ 428 K ⎠ ⎝ 288 K ⎠
to two significant figures.
ASSESS The entropy change for the pan is negative, while that of the water is positive. The total entropy change
is positive, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics.
52. INTERPRET This problem is about the efficiency of an engine operating between two temperatures.
DEVELOP We assume the engine is reversible and operates between the two given temperatures (Th = 420 K and
Tc = 273 K). The efficiency can then be computed using Equation 19.3, eCarnot = 1 − Tc Th .

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19-18 Chapter 19

EVALUATE (a) Substituting the values given in the problem statement, we find the efficiency to be
Tc 273 K
eCarnot = 1 − =1− = 35.0%
Th 420 K
(b) The total heat the block of ice can absorb as it melts at 273 K is

( )
Q = mLf = 1.00 ×103 kg (334 kJ/kg ) = 334 MJ
Then the melt-water temperature will rise and the engine’s efficiency will drop. While running at the original
efficiency, the engine exhausts heat at the rate
dQc dQh dW ⎛ 1 ⎞ dW ⎛ 1 ⎞
= − =⎜ − 1⎟ =⎜ − 1⎟ ( 8.5 kW ) = 15.8 kW
dt dt dt ⎝ eCarnot ⎠ dt ⎝ 0.35 ⎠
(combine the first law with the definition of efficiency). Thus, it can operate between the original temperatures for
a time
Q 334 MJ
t= = = 2.12 × 104 s = 5.88 h
dQc dt 15.8 kW
ASSESS For real engines in which e < eCarnot, heat is exhausted at a greater rate. This shortens the duration for
which the engine can maintain its efficiency.
53. INTERPRET This problem is about the increase in entropy as water is vaporized at 100 °C.
DEVELOP The entropy increase is given by Equation 19.6: ∆ S12 = ∫ dQ / T . The heat needed to vaporize the
water is Q = mLv , where Lv = 2257 kJ/kg from Table 17.1. The temperature is constant during the vaporization
process, T = 373 K.
EVALUATE The entropy increase during the vaporization process is
∆ Q mLv ( 2.0 kg )( 2257 kJ/kg )
∆S = = = = 12.1 kJ /K
T T 373 K
ASSESS As expected, the entropy change is positive in both melting and warming processes.

54. INTERPRET We will calculate the efficiency of the Otto cycle, on which gasoline engines are modeled.
DEVELOP The engine absorbs heat ( Qh ) during combustion, and expels heat to the environment ( Qc ) during the
exhaust segment. Both these processes are at constant volume, so Q = nCV ∆T , and the efficiency is:
W Q ∆T
eOtto = =1− c =1− c
Qh Qh ∆ Th
We can find the respective temperature changes assuming the gas mixture in the engine is ideal: T = pV / nR.
EVALUATE (a) The hot temperature change is between point 2 and point 3 in Figure 19.24:

∆ Th = T3 − T2 =
1 ⎡
nR ⎣
3 p2 ( V ) − p ( V )⎤⎦ = 25pnRV
5 1 2
5 1
2 1

where we use the values for the pressure and volume given in the figure. The cold temperature change is between
point 1 and point 4 in the figure, but the pressures aren’t given in this case. However, point 1 and point 2 are on the
( ) ( ) , and similarly for point 4 and point 3: ( ) . Therefore,
γ γ
same adiabat pV γ = constant , so: p1 = p2 1
p4 = 3 p2 1

the cold temperature change can be written:

1 2p V
∆ Tc = T4 − T1 = ⎡⎣ p4V1 − p1V1 ⎤⎦ = γ 2 1
nR 5 nR
From these temperature changes, the efficiency of the Otto cycle is:
∆ Tc
eOtto = 1 − = 1 − 51−γ
∆ Th

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-19

(b) The minimum temperature occurs at point 1 at the end of the exhaust segment:
Tmin = T1 =
5γ nR
The maximum temperature occurs at point 3 at the end of combustion:
3 p2V1
Tmax = T3 = = 3 ⋅ 5γ −1Tmin
(c) A Carnot cycle working between minimum and maximum temperatures would have an efficiency of (Equation 19.3):
eCarnot = 1 − = 1 − 13 51−γ
So, the Carnot cycle efficiency is greater than that of the Otto cycle: eCarnot > eOtto , as we’d expect since the Carnot
cycle has the maximum efficiency for an engine.
ASSESS If we assume γ = 1.4, just for argument sake, then eOtto = 47%, while eCarnot = 82%. In this light,
gasoline engines are woefully inefficient. Much of the combustion energy is lost as exhaust heat.

55. INTERPRET This problem is about the efficiency of the Otto cycle as a function of the compression ratio.
DEVELOP As argued in the previous problem, the efficiency of the Otto cycle is: eOtto = 1 − ∆ Tc / ∆Th . We will
write this in terms of the compression ratio, r = V1 / V2 , where V1 and V2 are the volumes before and after the
adiabatic compression in Figure 19.24. In this case V2 = 15 V1 , but we’ll derive the expression for the general case
EVALUATE The hot temperature change is between point 2 and point 3 in the figure:
1 V
∆ Th = T3 − T2 = ( p3V3 − p2V2 ) = 2 ( p3 − p2 )
nR nR
The cold temperature change is between point 1 and point 4 in the figure:
1 V
∆ Tc = T4 − T1 = ( p4V4 − p1V1 ) = 1 ( p4 − p1 )
nR nR
Since pV γ = constant for points 1 and 2 and for points 3 and 4, we have p1 = p2 r −γ , and p4 = p3r −γ . Therefore,
the efficiency reduces to

eOtto =1−
V1 p3r −γ − p2 r −γ )
= 1 − r 1− γ
∆ Th V2 ( p3 − p2 )

ASSESS Since the efficiency increases for larger r, one might assume engineers would try to maximize the
compression ratio. In practice, however, the compression ratio cannot be too large, otherwise the fuel pre-ignites,
which results in “knocking” that reduces engine performance.
56. INTERPRET This problem is about the work done by the Diesel engine as a function of the compression ratio.
DEVELOP As in the previous problem, the cycle consists of 4 steps. We calculate the work done in each step in
terms of the compression ratios, r = V1 / V2 , α = V3 / V2 = r (V3 / V1 ). The work done by gas and heat absorbed during
the four processes comprising the diesel cycle are:
1 → 2 (adiabatic) W12 = 1 1 2 2 , Q12 = 0,
γ −1
2 → 3 (isobaric) W23 = P2 (V3 − V2 ), Q23 = nCP (T3 − T2 ) ≡ Qin ,
3 3 − PV
( PV 4 4)
3 → 4 (adiabatic) W34 = , Q34 = 0,
γ −1
4 → 1 (isovolumic) W41 = 0, Q41 = nCV (T1 − T4 ) ≡ −Qc .

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19-20 Chapter 19

For the whole cycle, the work done is

p1V1 − p2V2 + p3V3 − p4V4 γ ( p3V3 − p2V2 ) − p4V4 + p1V1
W= + p3V3 − p2V2 =
(γ − 1) (γ − 1)
EVALUATE From p1V 1γ = p2V 2γ and p3V3γ = p4V4γ , in terms of p1V1 , the compression and cutoff ratios, we have
p3 = p2 = p1r γ ,
p4 = p3 (V3 / V4 )γ = p3 (V3 / V1 )γ = p3 (α / r )γ = p1α γ
V2 = r −1V1
V3 = α r −1V1
V4 = V1
which, upon substituting into the expression for W, gives
1 pV
W= ⎡γ ( p3V3 − p2V2 ) − p4V4 + p1V1 ⎦⎤ = 1 1 ⎡⎣γ r γ −1 (α − 1) − α γ + 1⎤⎦
(γ − 1) ⎣ γ −1
ASSESS In a diesel engine, the isobaric process (from 2 to 3) is where combustion takes place.
57. INTERPRET This problem is about the efficiency of the Diesel cycle as a function of the compression ratio.
DEVELOP As in the previous problem, the cycle consists of 4 steps. We calculate the work done in each step in
terms of the compression ratios, r = V1 / V2 , α = V3 / V2 = r (V3 / V1 ). The heat added is
Qin = nCP (T3 − T2 )
We use the ideal-gas law pV = nRT, and the relations CP / R = CP /(CP − CV ) = γ /(γ − 1) to calculate the efficiency
in terms of r and α.
EVALUATE (a) Combining the expressions above, we find he heat flowing into the engine to be
nγ R ⎛ p3V3 p2V2 ⎞ γ ( p3V3 − p2V2 ) γ p1r γ (V3 − V2 ) γ p1V1r γ −1 (α − 1)
Qin = nCP (T3 − T2 ) = − = = =
γ − 1 ⎜⎝ nR nR ⎟⎠ γ −1 γ −1 γ −1
(b) Using the result obtained in Problem 19.56 for W, we find the efficiency to be
W ( p4V4 − p1V1 ) γ r γ −1 (α − 1) − α γ + 1 r1−γ (α γ − 1)
ediesel = =1− = = 1 −
Qin γ ( p3V3 − p2V2 ) γ r γ −1 (α − 1) γ (α − 1)

ASSESS Due to the high compression ratio, diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines (Otto cycles).
58. INTERPRET In this problem we compare the efficiency of a Diesel engine to a gasoline engine (Otto cycle) of a car.
DEVELOP From the previous two problems, the efficiencies of the two engines can be written in terms of the
compression and cutoff ratios as
eOtto = 1 − r1−γ
r1−γ (α γ − 1)
ediesel = 1 −
γ (α − 1)
EVALUATE Combining the expressions above, with γ = 1.4 for diatomic gas, r = 8.3 for Otto cycle, and r
=19 and α = 2.4 for diesel cycle, we obtain
eOtto = 1 − r1−γ = 1 − (8.3)1−1.4 = 0.571 = 57.1%
r1−γ (α γ − 1) (19)1−1.4 (2.41.4 − 1)
ediesel = 1 − =1− = 1 − 0.378 = 0.622 = 62.2%
γ (α − 1) 1.4(2.4 − 1)
The diesel engine is more efficient.
ASSESS Even though diesel engine is more efficient, diesel fuel is more expensive than regular gasoline. So you
need to factor the fuel price into consideration when you make your purchase.
59. INTERPRET Find the maximum efficiency of a power plant, given the temperature range of its cycle. We will
calculate the Carnot efficiency, and compare this with the actual efficiency.
DEVELOP The high temperature Th = 950 °F = 783 K. The low temperature is Tc = 90 °F = 305 K. The Carnot
efficiency is given by e = 1 − Thc .

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-21
EVALUATE The maximum efficiency is e = 1 − Thc = 61%.
ASSESS The actual efficiency of this plant is given as 25%, which is considerably lower due (at least in part) to
having to evaporate moisture out of the wood-chip fuel.
60. INTERPRET We are to find the final temperature and entropy change for a system in which two objects at
different temperatures are brought into thermal contact and allowed to come to thermal equilibrium.
DEVELOP To find the final temperature, use Equation 16.4, which may be expressed as
mW cWT0,W + mCu cCuT0,Cu
Tf =
mW cW + mCu cCu
The entropy change is dS = dQ T (Equation 19.6), so we can integrate to find the change in entropy for the water
and for the copper. The initial temperature and the mass of the copper are T0,Cu = 80°C = 353 K and mCu = 0.5 kg.
The initial temperature and the mass of the water are T0,W = 10 °C = 283 K and mW = 1.0 kg. The specific heats cW
and cCu can be found in Table 16.1.
EVALUATE (a) Inserting the given quantities gives
mW cWT0,W + mCu cCuT0,Cu
Tf =
mW cW + mCu cCu
(1.0 kg ) ⎡⎣4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ ( 283 K ) + ( 0.50 kg ) ⎡⎣386 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ ( 353 K )
= = 286 K
(1.0 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦ + ( 0.50 kg ) ⎡⎣386 J/ ( kg ⋅ K )⎤⎦
(b) The change in entropy for the water and copper are, respectively:
dQW mW cW dTW
dS W = =
dT ⎛ T ⎞ ⎛ 286 K ⎞
∆ S W = mW cW ∫ = mW cW ln ⎜ f
⎜ T0,W ⎟⎟ = (1.0 kg ) ⎡⎣ 4184 J/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = 44.1 J/K
T0,W T ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 283 K ⎠
dQCu mCu cCu dTW
dSCu = =
dT ⎛ T ⎞ ⎛ 286 K ⎞
∆ SCu = mCu cCu ∫ = mCu cCu ln ⎜ f
⎜ T0,Cu ⎟⎟ = ( 0.50 kg ) ⎡⎣386 J/ ( kg ⋅ K ) ⎤⎦ ln ⎜ ⎟ = − 40.6 J/K
T0,Cu T ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 353 K ⎠
The total change in entropy is ∆ S = ∆S W + ∆ SCu = 3.1 J/K .
ASSESS The entropy of the copper actually decreases, but this decrease is more than offset by the increase in
entropy of the water. This is an irreversible process, and entropy always increases in irreversible processes.
61. INTERPRET We are asked to calculate the entropy change in an object whose heat capacity is inversely
proportional to its temperature.
DEVELOP By definition, the heat capacity relates the heat flowing into an object to the change in its temperature:
dQ = CdT . In this case, C = C0 (T0 / T ) . We can plug this into Equation 19.6 for the entropy change:
∆ S = ∫ C0T0 dT / T 2 .
EVALUATE Performing the integration from T0 to T1 :
T1 C0T0 dT ⎛ −1 ⎞
⎛ T0 ⎞
∆ S01 = ∫ = C T
0 0⎜ ⎟ = C0 ⎜1 − T ⎟
T0 T2 T
⎝ ⎠ T0 ⎝ 1 ⎠

ASSESS For T1 > T0 , the entropy change is positive. For T1 ≈ T0 , the entropy change becomes constant: ∆ S01 ≈ C0 .

62. INTERPRET This problem deals with a Carnot engine for which the temperature of the heat reservoir varies with
time. We are to express instantaneous temperature of the hot reservoir as a function of time and find the time it
takes for the engine’s power to reach zero.

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19-22 Chapter 19

DEVELOP In time dt, the engine extracts heat dQh = − mcdTh from the block, and does work dW = Pdt. Equation
19.1 gives the definition of the actual efficiency e:
⎛ T −T ⎞
dW = edQh = ⎜ h c ⎟ (− mcdTh ) = Pdt
⎝ Th ⎠
where for the second equality we have used e = eCarnot = 1 − Tc/Th. The power is also assumed to be proportional to
Th − Tc, so this equation becomes
dTh P dt
− mc = 0
Th Th0 − Tc
Integrating this expression yields Th as a function of time t. For (b), note that the power output becomes zero when
Th = Tc.
EVALUATE (a) Integrating from t = 0 and Th0 to t and Th gives
dTh′ ⎛T ⎞ t
P0 dt ′ − P0t

Th 0 Th′
= ln ⎜ h ⎟ = − ∫
⎝ Th0 ⎠ 0 mc (Th0 − Tc )
mc (Th0 − Tc )
⎛ − P0t ⎞
Th ( t ) = Th0 exp ⎜ ⎟
⎜ mc (Th0 − Tc ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠
(b) The power output is zero for Th = Tc. This occurs at time
mc (Th0 − Tc )
⎛T ⎞
t0 = ln ⎜ h0 ⎟
P0 ⎝ Tc ⎠
ASSESS We find the instantaneous temperature of the hot block to decrease exponentially with time. At t = 0,
Th ( 0 ) = Th0 . However, for P0t >> mc (Th0 − Tc ) Th becomes very small. Note that the expression for P was
originally assumed to be valid for Th ≥ Tc , or for times t ≤ t0 . If we allow Th < Tc , or t > t0, then dW = Pdt < 0
becomes work input to an “engine” which acts like a refrigerator that cools the block.
63. INTERPRET You have an infinite heat reservoir, but a finite cool reservoir. The question is how much work can
you obtain with an engine placed between the reservoirs before the cool reservoir is “exhausted.”
DEVELOP The infinite heat reservoir will maintain its temperature, Th , no matter how much heat, Qh , you extract
from it. The cool reservoir, on the other hand, will not maintain its initial temperature, Tc0 , as heat from the engine
is expelled into it. The temperature will rise in the cool reservoir according to dQc = CdTc . But once the cool
reservoir temperature is equal to Th , no more work can be extracted.
EVALUATE You can assume that the engine cycles fast enough that during a single cycle the cool reservoir
temperature is approximately constant. To maximize the amount of work that you extract, place a Carnot engine
between the reservoirs so that the work extracted during one cycle is:
⎡T ⎤ ⎡T ⎤
dW = d ( Qh − Qc ) = dQc ⎢ h − 1⎥ = CdTc ⎢ h − 1⎥
⎣ c ⎦ T
⎣ c ⎦
where Qh / Qc = Th / Tc for a Carnot engine. To find the total work, integrate this expression from Tc0 to Th ,
⎡T ⎤ ⎛T ⎞
W = ∫ CdTc ⎢ h − 1⎥ = CTh ln (Tc ) − CTc = CTh ln ⎜ h ⎟ − C (Th − Tc0 )
Th Th

⎣ Tc ⎝ Tc0 ⎠
Tc0 T
⎦ c0

If we let x = Th / Tc0 , then W = CTh ( ln x − 1 + 1 / x ) .

ASSESS The work is proportional to the heat capacity, as you might expect. The heat capacity is a measure of
how much heat the cool reservoir can accept, so the larger the heat capacity, the more work that can be extracted.
You might worry that the work could be negative for some value of x = Th / Tc0 . For x 1, the work is
approximately W ≈ CTh ln x, which is positive. For x ≈ 1, ln x ≈ x − 1, and the work is approximately

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-23

W ≈ CTh ( x − 2 + 1 / x ) , which is positive as well. Therefore, the work extracted is positive for all possible
temperature differences.

64. INTERPRET You want to know how much the temperature of a river will increase when heat exhaust from a
power plant is absorbed by the water.
DEVELOP Since the plant has an efficiency of e = W / Qh = 35%, the rate at which it is generating waste heat
must be:
⎛1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
Qc = Qh − W = W ⎜ − 1⎟ = 750 MW ⎜ − 1⎟ = 1390 MW
⎝e ⎠ ⎝ 0.35 ⎠
where the dots here signify that these are rates, for example, Qc = dQc / dt. The rate at which water is flowing past
the plant is given by the volume rate: V = 110 m3 /s. To better understand how the heat flows into the flowing
water, it might help to “freeze” both flows and just imagine what is happening over a short period of time, ∆ t. In
this case, the plant expels a finite amount of heat, Qc = Qc ∆t , into a volume of water V = V ∆ t. See the figure below.

This volume of water will rise in temperature according to: Qc = mc∆ T = ρVc∆T , where ρ is the density of water
and c is the specific heat. You can use the equations formulated here to check that the temperature rise is below the
environmental regulation.
EVALUATE Solving for the temperature change of the water:
∆T = c = c =
Q (1390 MW ) = 3.0o C
ρVc ρVc 1000 kg/m3 110 m3 /s ( 4184 J/kg ⋅ K ) )( )
The temperature rise is below the regulated limit.
ASSESS The river makes for a good reservoir, since the flow will constantly bring cool water that has yet to be
heated by the plant’s exhaust.

65. INTERPRET We’re asked to find the entropy change when hot and cold water are mixed together. Since the hot
and cold water can’t be unmixed, Equation 19.6 doesn’t apply directly, but you can find a reversible process that
mimics this irreversible mixing.
DEVELOP Before mixing, imagine cooling the hot water and warming the cold water until they are both at Tf , which
is the final temperature when the water volumes are irreversible mixed. After the temperatures are equilibrated, the
two water samples can simply be added together. This is a reversible process, since we could easily divide the mixed
water in half and re-warm one sample and re-cool the other to the original temperatures. But as the final state is the
same as in the irreversible mixing case, we claim that the entropy change applies to both system paths.
EVALUATE The differential heat flow in both the warming and cooling processes is dQ = mcdT . The entropy
change, therefore, in cooling the hot water from Th to Tf is
Tf dQ ⎛T ⎞
∆ S hf = ∫ = mc ln ⎜ f ⎟
Th T ⎝ Th ⎠

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19-24 Chapter 19

Similarly, the entropy change in warming the cold water from Tc to Tf is

Tf dQ ⎛T ⎞
∆ Scf = ∫ = mc ln ⎜ f ⎟
Tc T ⎝ Tc ⎠
Adding these entropy changes together for the total gives:
⎛ T2 ⎞
∆ S tot = ∆ S hf + ∆ Scf = mc ln ⎜ f ⎟
⎝ ThTc ⎠
This is positive when Tf2 > ThTc , or equivalently when Tf2 − ThTc > 0. Since the sample masses are equal, the final
temperature will be at the midpoint between the temperature extremes: Tf = 1
2 (Th + Tc ). Therefore,
(Th − Tc )
Tf − ThTc = T − ThTc + T =
2 1
4 h
2 1
4 c
2 1

This shows that the total entropy change is positive, as we would expect.
ASSESS Using the final equation above, we can rewrite the total entropy as:
⎛ (T − T )2 ⎞
∆ S tot = mc ln ⎜1 + h c ⎟
⎜ 4ThTc ⎟
⎝ ⎠
What this shows is that for a given Th the entropy change will be greater the smaller that Tc is. In other words, the
entropy change is greater when the initial temperature difference is made greater. This is what we would expect.

66. INTERPRET We are to find the change in entropy for a sample of copper at low temperatures, where the specific
heat changes with temperature.
The specific heat of copper at low temperatures is given as c = 31( 343T K ) J/ ( g ⋅ K ) . From Equation
19.6, we have dS = dQ
, and from Equation 16.3 we have dQ = mcdT . We find the change in entropy by
integrating from T1 = 25 K to T2 = 10 K. The mass of the copper is m = 40 g.
dS =

∆S = ∫

dT = ∫
( T 3
m 31( 343 ) ) T
31m 2 3
3 ∫
dT = T dt
T1 T T1 T 343 T1
31m ⎡ 1 4 ⎤ 31( 0.040 kg ) ⎡ 1 3⎤
3433 ⎢⎣ 4
T 2 − T14 ⎥ =

) 3433

4 4

( −3
⎢ 4 10 − 25 K ⎥ = − 2.9 × 10 J/ K )
ASSESS This change is negative because the temperature goes down. To satisfy the second law of
thermodynamics, somewhere in this cooling process, the entropy of something else must have gone up by more
than 2.9 mJ/K.
67. INTERPRET We are to find the entropy change for a sample of gas with the given temperature change, where the
specific heat of the gas changes with temperature.
DEVELOP We are given an equation for the molar specific heat: c p = a + bT + cT 2, where a = 33.6 J/ ( mol ⋅ K ) ,
( ) ( )
b = 2.93 × 10−3 J/ mol ⋅ K 2 , and c = 2.13 × 10−5 J/ mol ⋅ K 3 . The amount of gas is 2 moles, and the temperature
changes from T1 = 293 K to T2 = 473 K. From the definition of the molar specific heat (see discussion preceding
Equation 18.3), Q = nCp∆T, which we use to express the heat change in terms of temperature and specific heat.
Insert this into Equation 19.6 to find the entropy change.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-25

dS =
T2 T2 T
nC p ( a + bT + cT 2 ) 2
⎛a ⎞
∆S = ∫ dT = n ∫ dT = n ∫ ⎜ + b + cT ⎟ dT
T1 T T1 T T1 ⎝ T ⎠
⎡ ⎛T ⎞ c ⎤
= n ⎢a ln ⎜ 2 ⎟ + b(T2 − T1 ) + T 22 − T 12 ⎥ = 36.2 J/K )
⎣⎢ ⎝ T1 ⎠ 2 ⎦⎥
ASSESS The entropy increases as the temperature increases, as we would expect.
68. INTERPRET We’re asked to consider the statistics of N molecules distributed among two halves of a closed box. This
is the general case of Figures 19.18 and 19.19, as well as Problem 19.25.
DEVELOP The molecules have equal probability of being in the left-side or right-side of the box. If each
molecule were different from the rest, then we could distinguish each arrangement (or microstate) of the molecules
in the box. But the molecules are identical, so they can be switched (or permutated), and the overall macrostate will
be the same.
EVALUATE (a) Let’s assume that X N is the number of microstates for N molecules. If we now add one more
molecule to the box, then for each of the X N microstates, the new molecule can either be put in the left-hand or
right-hand side of the box. That means the new number of microstates is X N +1 = 2 X N . Since a single molecule in
the box has X 1 = 2 microstates, the number of microstates for any N must be X N = 2 N .
(b) Of the 2N microstates, we’ll call YN / 2 the number that have half of the molecules on one side of the box. We
showed in Problem 19.25 for N=6 how one can do permutations of the molecules to find all the combinations
where the molecules are split equally between the two sides. For any even N, the number of combinations that will
have N/2 on one side of the box is given by the coefficients from the binomial theorem:
⎛N ⎞ N!
YN / 2 = ⎜ ⎟=
⎝ N / 2 ⎠ ( N / 2 )!( N / 2 )!
(c) The probability of a given macrostate is the number microstates that match the macrostate divided by the total
number of microstates. So, the probability of having an equal number of molecules on each side of the box is:
Y N!
PNN / 2 = N / 2 =
X N 2 ⎡( N / 2 )!⎤ 2
⎣ ⎦
There are two microstates with all of the particles on one side of the box, all on the left, or all on the right, each
with PNN = 1 / 2 N . So the ratio of these probabilities is:

2 PNN 2 ⎡⎣( N / 2 )!⎤⎦


PNN / 2 N!
(d) For N=4, this probability ratio is
2 P44 2 ⎡⎣2!⎤⎦ 2 ⋅ 22 1
= = =
P4 4! 24 3
For N=100, the factorials become unwieldy. We can use Stirling’s approximation for large n: ln n! ≈ n ln n − n.
⎡ 50!2 ⎤
ln ⎢ ⎥ ≈ 2 ( 50ln 50 − 50 ) − (100ln100 − 100 ) = − 100ln 2
⎣ 100! ⎦
So the probability ratio is approximately
2 P100 2 ⎡50!⎤
= ⎣ ⎦ ≈ 2e −100 ln 2 = 2−99 ≈ 10−30
P100 100!

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19-26 Chapter 19
ASSESS This says that for 100 molecules, it’s 10 times more likely that the molecules will be evenly distributed
in the box versus all of them on one side. One can imagine how impossible it would be for a room full of 10
molecules to suddenly evacuate one side for the other.
69. INTERPRET We are given the data of the COP of a heat pump at different outdoor temperatures Tc. We would
like to compare the pump’s COP with its theoretical maximum.
DEVELOP The maximum COP of a heat pump (when its heating, not cooling) is given in Equation 19.4b:
COPmax = Th / (Th − Tc ) . In our case, Th = 52 °C = 325 K.
EVALUATE (a) A plot of COP versus Th / (Th − Tc ) gives a straight line. (b) The plot is shown below. The best-
fit line has a slope of 0.62, showing that the heat pump achieves 62% of the theoretical maximum COP.

ASSESS The COP of the pump goes up as the difference between Th and Tc gets smaller.

70. INTERPRET We will consider the energy consumption of a typical refrigerator.

DEVELOP To get a sense of how the refrigerator works, we can look at Figure 19.6. In the course of a day, an
amount of heat, Qc = 30 MJ, is drawn from the fridge’s cold interior. But this requires work to be done,
W = 10 MJ. Specifically, electricity is needed to pump refrigerant through the system.
EVALUATE Both the heat drawn from the fridge interior and the work done by the electrical energy are expelled
as heat: Qh = Qc + W . So, the work effectively ends up as waste heat rejected to the kitchen environment.
The answer is (d).
ASSESS This might sound wasteful: turning high-quality electrical energy into heat that gets dumped out of the
backside of your fridge. But according to Clausius’ statement of the second law of thermodynamics, it’s impossible
to construct a perfect refrigerator whose sole effect is to transfer heat from a cooler object to a hotter one. An
external energy source is needed. However, it’s not necessary to use electrical energy. For example, solar
refrigerators use sunlight to evaporate water and thus draw heat from the fridge interior.

71. INTERPRET We will consider the energy consumption of a typical refrigerator.

DEVELOP The COP for a refrigerator is defined as what we want (heat drawn from fridge contents) divided by
what we put in (work from electricity), that is, COP = Qc / W .
EVALUATE We’re told that it takes 10 MJ of electrical energy to draw 30 MJ of heat from the fridge contents, so
COP = 30 / 10 = 3.
The answer is (c).
ASSESS This is a typical COP for a refrigerator. However, refrigerators are often rated not by COP, but by the
average amount of electrical energy, W, they use in a year. Guidelines are adjusted for the volume of the fridge
interior, which is easier to measure than, say, the amount of heat drawn from the fridge contents, which probably
varies widely.

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics 19-27

72. INTERPRET We will consider the energy consumption of a typical refrigerator.

DEVELOP We’re told the coal-fired power plant has an efficiency of e = 40%. In contrast to the COP, the
efficiency is defined as what we want (electrical energy to do work) divided by what we put in (heat from the
burning of coal), that is, e = W / Qh .
EVALUATE To make 10 MJ of electrical energy, the power plant has to burn enough fuel to generate
Qh = W / e = 25 MJ.
The answer is (b).
ASSESS Notice what this says: it takes 25 MJ of heat from coal burning to extract 30 MJ of heat from the fridge

73. INTERPRET We will consider the energy consumption of a typical refrigerator.

DEVELOP As we argued in Problem 16.5, the heat drawn from the fridge interior and the work from the
electricity are both expelled as heat into the relatively warmer environment: Qh = Qc + W .
EVALUATE Over the course of a day, the refrigerator expels Qh = 40 MJ of heat into the surrounding kitchen.
The answer is (c).
ASSESS It might be interesting to compare this to the waste heat expelled by the power plant in order to supply
the 10 MJ of electricity the refrigerator needs. In the plant’s case, the exhaust is Qc = Qh − W = 15 MJ.

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