Survey Questionnairre

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1. General Information: a. What is your age?

- 18-24 - 25-34 - 35-44 - 45-54 - 55 and


b. What is your gender? - Male - Female - Prefer not to say

c. How frequently do you travel through NAIA? - Rarely - Occasionally - Frequently

2. Airport Delay Factors: a. How often have you experienced delays at NAIA? - Rarely -
Occasionally - Frequently

b. Which factors do you believe contribute the most to delays at NAIA? (Select all that
apply) - Aircraft schedules - Passenger demographics - Security processes - Others
(please specify)

c. How satisfied are you with the communication and information provided during
delays at NAIA? - Very Satisfied - Satisfied - Neutral - Dissatisfied - Very Dissatisfied

3. International Air Transport Association (IATA) Guidelines: a. Are you aware of the
International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidelines for passenger waiting times? -
Yes - No

b. To what extent do you think NAIA complies with the IATA guidelines for waiting
times? - Fully Compliant - Partially Compliant - Not Compliant

4. Influence of Various Factors on Wait Times and Terminal Capacity: a. How would
you rate the influence of aircraft schedules on passenger wait times at NAIA? - High
Influence - Moderate Influence - Low Influence - No Influence

b. In your opinion, how do security processes impact passenger wait times and overall
terminal capacity at NAIA? - Positively - Negatively - No Impact

5. Passenger Satisfaction and Queueing Time: a. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied

are you with the overall service and queueing time at NAIA? - 1 (Very Dissatisfied) - 2
(Dissatisfied) - 3 (Neutral) - 4 (Satisfied) - 5 (Very Satisfied)

b. What factors do you believe most significantly affect your satisfaction with NAIA's
services and queueing time?

6. Passenger Flow and Waiting Periods: a. How would you describe the current
passenger flow at NAIA terminals? - Smooth - Moderate - Congested
b. How long do you typically wait at various points across NAIA terminals, such as
check-in, security, and boarding?

c. What reasons do you think contribute to delays and congestion at NAIA?

7. Suggestions for Improvement: a. What measures do you think NAIA could

implement to reduce waiting times, improve overall passenger experience, and minimize

8. Additional Comments: Please provide any additional comments or suggestions

regarding factors influencing wait times, passenger satisfaction, and overall airport
experience at NAIA.

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