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Maj 2019

1.1 B
1.2 C
1.3 C

2.1 D
2.2 C
2.3 E
2.4 A

3.1 C
3.2 A
3.3 C
3.4 A
3.5 D

4.1 B
4.2 A
4.3 C
4.4 B

5.1 E
5.2 C
5.3 A
5.4 B

6.1 C
6.2 B
6.3 B
6.4 D
6.5 C

7.1 D
7.2 D
7.3 B
7.4 A

8.1 been
8.2 since
8.3 thumbs (?)
8.4 turned

9.1 to avoid spilling
9.2 be encouraged to take
9.3 make my mind
9.4 must have invented

1. Coraz więcej firm umożliwia swoim pracownikom wykonywanie pracy zawodowej w domu,
zamiast w siedzibie firmy. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety takiego

There are many proffesions that can be done at home, such as translator, designer, and architect. It is
enough to have the equipment, like adequate computer, and you do not have to work at the
company's quarter. For this reason, more and more employers allow employees to work from home.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

The first and most important advantage of this solution is that employees do not have to waste time
and money commuting to work. Thanks to working at home, they do not have to get up much
earlier to get to the company's quarter. It is a very convenient solution for them. In addition, at
home, the employee feels more comfortable and is not distracted by anyone during work. There
they have peace, quiet and can focus on their work.

However, this solution also has disadvantages. No contact with other employees weakens the
relations between them. Working from home, we also become lazy and rarely go outside. And when
it turns out that you have to go back to work at the company's quarter, it is difficult to switch to the
daily commute. And working from home, we do not have as much mobilization as at the company's

In conclusion, working from home instead of company’s quarter has many advantages, but also
some disadvantages. Much depends on the preferences of employees - whether they want to work at
home or at the company's quarter. But it's great that companies are giving employees the
opportunity to work from home. I guess that's the perfect solution for most people.

2. Zwiedziłeś(-aś) wystawę fotograficzną, która dotyczyła problemu zaśmiecania środowiska

naturalnego plastikiem. Napisz artykuł na temat tej wystawy. W swoim artykule opisz zdjęcie z
wystawy, które wywarło na Tobie największe wrażenie, i wyraź swoją opinię na temat skuteczności
takich wystaw w walce z tym problemem.

Nowadays the problem of littering the environment with plastic is common. People throw away
huge amounts of plastic without realizing how it affects the environment. Last Friday, there was a
photo exhibition to present this problem. I personally went to this exhibition. What caught my
attention the most?

This photo exhibition presented a lot of photos showing rubbish dumps and littered forests or
beaches. However, I was most impressed by the photo of a turtle stuck in a plastic bag and
swimming in an ocean full of plastic bottles. It made me realize that the huge amounts of plastic we
throw away not only harm people but also poor animals. This photo caught the attention of many
people because it was the saddest of the whole exhibition.

In my opinion, this photo exhibition was a great idea because it made many people aware of how
polluted our environment is. The tones of plastic in the photos made everyone think about this
problem. I think that these types of events should be in every city because they are effective. Maybe
it would make people to think twice before buying a lot of plastic again.
I encourage everyone to go to such an exhibition, because these exhibitions are interesting and
make you think. In addition, it is worth seeing photos that are professionally taken and perfectly
show the problem of littering the environment with plastic.

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