Matura Czerwiec 2018

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1.1 B
1.2 C
1.3 B

2.1 C
2.2 A
2.3 B
2.4 E

3.1 A
3.2 B
3.3 D
3.4 B
3.5 D

4.1 C
4.2 C
4.3 B
4.4 A

5.1 E
5.2 D
5.3 A
5.4 B

6.1 B
6.2 A
6.3 C
6.4 D
6.5 A

7.1 C
7.2 D
7.3 B
7.4 A

8.1 thought
8.2 modernized
8.3 drivers
8.4 remarking

9.1 must have known
9.2 if you will be able
9.3 had missed her flight
9.4 turned out

1. Coraz częściej pojawiają się propozycje wprowadzenia zakazu wjazdu samochodów do

centrów miast. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony wprowadzenia
takiego zakazu.

Nowadays, most people have their own cars, and they drive these cars to work, shopping or on a
trip. In big cities, a large number of cars create traffic jams. To prevent this, there are more and
more suggestions to ban cars from entering city centers. This solution has both advantages and

The first, main advantage of this solution is that the air in the city center would be less polluted. The
city center is often a place where we have benches and fountains and people are there to walking
and relaxing. Thanks to this ban, the air which they breathe would be cleaner. In addition, the cars
make noise, it would be much nicer to spend time in the city center without traffic noise.

But such a ban also has several disadvantages. For some people it would be difficult to get to the
city center, and they would have to park elsewhere and walk the rest of the way. As a result, people
working in the city center would be late for work or have to leave home much earlier. Moreover,
such a ban would be opposed by many people and there could be problems.

To sum up, banning cars from entering the city center has advantages and disadvantages. This
would be beneficial solution for air and walkers, however, it would make life difficult for many
people working nearby.

2. Bieganie stało się bardzo popularne wśród osób dbających o swoją kondycję. Napisz
artykuł, w którym omówisz przyczyny popularności tej formy aktywności fizycznej i
zrelacjonujesz ciekawą imprezę dla biegaczy, w której brałeś(-aś) udział.

A popular sport for everyone.

Do you know that running is becoming more and more popular? A lot of people start their adventure
with sport from running. This sport is popular all over the world. Why is running so common
among people? What are the health benefits of running?

There are many reasons for the popularity of this sport. One of them is undoubtedly the fact that
anyone can run, without much knowledge of sports and professional equipment. In addition, it has
many health benefits, including weight loss, oxygenation of the brain, and works well for our legs.
Research shows that running also prevents us from depression.

Recently, runner events are more and more popular and can be attended by any beginner or
advanced runner. On Wednesday I took part in an event called "we run for health". Each participant
contributed a small amount to participate in the run, and all this money was donated to the
children's hospital. Running with a lot of people was a fun experience, I even managed to get third
place. All participants were pleased that they could run for a good cause.

I think this sport has only advantages, and everyone should try running. Running at least a few
times a week gives great results and helps you stay fit. Moreover, you do not have to run alone -
suggest running together with your friends, everyone will benefit from it!
1. Od kilku lat w wielu miastach Polski i Europy jest organizowana impreza kulturalna „Noc
muzeów”. Umożliwia ona darmowe zwiedzanie muzeów i galerii w godzinach nocnych. Napisz
rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz zalety i wady uczestnictwa w takiej imprezie.

For several years, the cultural event - "Night of museums"- has been organized in many Polish and
European cities. It allows free visits to museums and galleries at night. Many people consider it a
great occasion and participate in it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of participating in
such an event?

The main advantage of participating in such an event is the possibility to visit interesting museums
and galleries for free. Thanks to this, you can save money, and in addition, you do not have to waste
time queuing for a ticket! If there is a museum you would like to see, it is worth waiting for the
event and entering without paying for the ticket. Moreover, museums have very interesting
atmosphere at night.

But this event also has disadvantages. Everyone wants to take advantage of this opportunity, which
makes museums on the "night of museums" overcrowded, and there are a lot of people in them. You
cannot move freely around the facility, because with you there is a crowd of people who also
wanted to see the exhibition without paying for the ticket. In addition, you will have a difficulty
with taking any photos in this crowd.

To sum up, such an event has both advantages and disadvantages. However, it is good that
something like this is organized. It is a very interesting idea for a cultural event and people like it.
As you can see, such event is very popular. It is worth going to such an event.

2. Spędziłeś(-aś) tydzień na obozie sportowym, podczas którego obowiązywał zakaz

korzystania z urządzeń elektronicznych takich jak telefon, laptop. Napisz artykuł, w którym
wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat wprowadzenia takiego zakazu na obozie i opiszesz sytuację, w
której organizatorzy zdecydowali się zrobić wyjątek od tej reguły dla jednego z uczestników.

Strange rule

The summer season has just begun, and as every year, many camps for young and old are organized.
I had the opportunity to participate in such a sports camp. I thought there was a relaxed atmosphere
in the camps, however, this camp surprised me with its strict rules. What did the organizers expect
from us? Not having a phone and a laptop!

When I arrived at the hotel where I was going to spend this week-long camp, I was asked to hand
over my phone and laptop. It turned out that electronic devices were forbidden at the camp. In my
opinion, it was a very unnecessary and hopeless rule. No one uses the phone during sports games,
but after the games it is very useful. For example, to call the family or to relax with music.
Unfortunately, we did not have such a possibility. It was frustrating for everyone.

However, my roommate did manage to get permission for a phone. It turned out that his sister had
an accident, and he really wanted to call the family to find out if everything was okay. It was an
extremely urgent matter, so the organizers agreed to give him a phone call. Thanks to this, he found
out that it was nothing serious and he was able to continue enjoying the camp.

Despite the ban on phones and laptops, the camp was very nice. I believe that such a camp is a great
idea for spending holidays and relaxing. Sports, language and culinary camps, everyone will find
something for themselves. Only first find out if there are no stupid bans and rules there!

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