PSY491 Research 1 Spring 2022

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Course Code: PSY 491

Semester Hours: 3

Instructor: Syazana Sari Binti Mohamed Ridzwan

Phone: 03-6145 9888

1. Monette, D.R., Sullivan, T.J. & Dejong, C.R. (2014). Applied Social Research:
Tool for the Human Services. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
2. American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). USA: American Psychological
3. Jackson, S. L. (2016). Research Methods and Statistics: A critical thinking
approach (5th ed.). Belmont: Cengage
4. Neuman, W. L. (2014). Understanding Research. Boston: Pearson.
Grading criteria:

Grade Marks Point

A 90-100 4.00
B 80-89 3.00
C 70-79 2.00
D 60-69 1.00
F 59 and below 0.00

Breakdown of Evaluation:
Final Proposal 100%


A. Late Submission

 A 10% deduction per day (excluding weekends and public holidays).

 Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total marks.
 Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% .

B. Deliverables

 The proposal must be done individually and must be entirely your own work.
Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are
unclear about them, please consult your lecturer.

Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying

information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material;
submitting joint proposal as an individual effort; copying another student’s
proposal; stealing proposal from another student and submitting it as your own.
Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt
with according to the procedures set down by the university/college.

 The proposal should exhibit formal research skills i.e. with a table of content,
proper citations, references, and appendices.
 The proposal must be able to demonstrate critical analysis and application of
both theory and practical issues to the selected research issue.
 Your proposal should not be more than 10,000 words.
 A diskette containing the softcopy version of your coursework should be
submitted as well (if required).

C. Coursework Requirement

You have to prepare a research proposal which consists of the following chapters:
 Chapter 1 Introduction
 Chapter 2 Literature Review
 Chapter 3 Research Methodology

Chapter 1 – Provides an introduction to the main issues that this research will address. It
also describes the aims and objectives of this research. Provides a description and
discussion of the theory surrounding the issues to be investigated within the research.

Chapter 2 – By discussing the issues, a context for the research is provided. These
arguments provide a basis for the research topics to be investigated and determined in
chapters 4, 5 and 6 of your future research project paper.

Chapter 3 – Discusses the reasoning behind the research methods. The inherent problems
within the various research methods are stated and the suitability to this research is
provided. The research strategies existing within the selected field are also described and
discussed within this chapter.

The title of your research proposal must be approved by the lecturer first.

D. Written Research Proposal

General writing guidelines are as follows:

 You will be working on this proposal individually.

 The proposal will be in dissertation format of not more than 10,000 words.
 Appropriate APA style will be employed where applicable.
 Your proposal should be type written, double spaced, font 12 Times
New Roman.
 Please provide an executive summary, table of content, page number,
proper heading title for each part answered and references.
 Use the provided proposal front cover.
 Please attach a copy of the grading scheme at the front of your proposal
(after the Cover Page) during submission.
 The assignment will be submitted by 11th APRIL 2022 (MONDAY) by 4pm.

Your research proposal should include:

 Cover Page
 Student Particulars
 Assignment Report Allocation of Marks
 Table of Content
 Chapters 1, 2 and 3
 List of References/Bibliography
 Appendices (if relevant)
 Turnitin Report

E. Supervision

Upon meeting with supervisor, students are advised to fill in the particulars of the
meetings in the log sheet.





Student Particulars

IC Number
Student Number
Subject Title
Subject Code
Mode of Study
 Full-Time  Part-Time
Name of Lecturer

Declaration by student:
I, , hereby declare that the attached proposal is my own
work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or another form of
cheating, my work will be referred to the course supervisor who may, as a
result recommend to the Examinations Board that my enrolment in the course
be discontinued.

Acknowledgement of receipt

Date Received Signature of Receiving Officer


Proposal Allocation of Marks

Research Project
Criteria Proposed Marks Comments
Marks Rewarded
Chapter 1 (32%)
1 Research Background 4

2 Problem Statement 4

3 Research Objectives 2

4 Research Questions 2

5 Research Hypothesis 2

6 Significance Of The Study 4

7 Underpinning Theories 4

8 Research Framework 4

9 Definition 4

10 Conclusion 2

Sub Total 32

Chapter 2 (24%)
1 Introduction 2

2 Literature Review of the Variables 20

3 Conclusion 2

Sub Total 24

Chapter 3 (34%)
1 Introduction 2

2 Research design 6

3 Research Instrument/Measurement 6

4 Data Collection 6

5 Pilot study 6

6 Data Analysis 6

7 Conclusion 2

Sub Total 34

Others (10%)
1 APA format 5

2 Overall Presentations 5

Sub Total 10

Total 100


Name of student


Project title

Year & Semester

Date Time Place Area discussed Next


Supervisor signature Student signature

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