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Most traditional Filipino parents support getting married before moving into just one
home. Which is something I agree with since, in addition to being an act of devotion and
sacred practice to unite two people, marriage also lays the groundwork for guaranteeing
that both spouses can live harmoniously with each other. In my opinion, it should not be
forced to be done because it is something that should only be done if the two people are
certain of each other. However, even though it is not required because it is not the only
way to demonstrate love,we should also advocate it for new generations because it will
also give assurance to their children in the future as well.
Although people are more accepting of people of different gender identity, sexual
orientation, or gender expression in the 20th century, there is still disagreement on this
issue. Former President Corazon C. Aquino signed Executive Order No. 209, also
known as the Family Code, on July 6, 1987. The practices outlined in this order are
primarily based on historical circumstances, however they might alter in the current
generation. Article 2 states that a marriage can only take place between a man and a
woman, a statement to which many modern viewpoints are opposed. Even now, the
government of our nation does not support or recognize same-sex unions, which can
generate strife and division due to individual religious or won beliefs and perspectives.
Even if gender identity is officially acknowledged in the Philippines, some people still
restrict or reject gender identity, especially when it comes to some prevalent religions in
our nation.
A possible amendment I suggest is, (a) establishment of a civil union or other
marriage-like relationship with the primary goal of providing same-sex couples legal
recognition. It is not the same as marriage in that it upholds the rights of both genders
while also not breaking religious laws. It preserves men's and women's rights to
marriage while providing benefits to same-sex couples through civil unions. (B) in
particular, under Article 15, people who are between the ages of 21 and 25 are required
to consult their parents or guardians before planning a marriage. If they don't get this
guidance, the marriage license won't be issued until three months have passed and a
sworn statement has been made. According to me, this age is much above the national
average for adults, and persons in this range are probably mature enough to make
decisions about their marriage. Their guardian or marriage shouldn't be involved
because that might have a significant impact and cause their marriage license to be
delayed. They have the right to approve or make wishes, but that shouldn't become a
burden. When making decisions, some parents can be irrational and biased, particularly
if they don't want their child to leave them or don't like their child-in-law.
Numerous relationships may end for a variety of reasons, such as when partners fall out
of love, find new partners, experience abuse, or for any other valid reason. However,
some Filipino families do not support divorce or separation, maybe due to two different
reasons, if they are very religious they think that it is unacceptable because they
undergo sacred practice and second because they believe that the child will be the most
negatively impacted. That is absolutely true, but in my opinion, if a couple stays together,
the poison will do more harm than good. There are many occasions where a parent is in
such a terrible situation that they wish to divorce, but sadly, in the Philippines, we only
have the option of an annulment or legal separation instead.
I believe that the separation between a child's parents could have a serious negative
effect on the youngster, particularly if they chose to part ways on bad terms. The child is
under strain and stress, especially while determining what kind of foundation they should
have and who they should go to. Furthermore, Article 63(1) permits spouses to live
apart, but it also states that the marriage links cannot be broken. This can be a little
unjust, particularly if the reason for the separation is legitimate and acknowledged. Any
circumstance that puts their lives in jeopardy or an abuse of reason may result in a legal
separation. They won't give themselves the opportunity to completely cut off their past
since they are unable to marry someone who can truly value them, which indicates that it
would be tough to move on from their past if the split does not destroy the essence of
their marriage to their former spouse.
After reading this title, Article 55 (2), I understood that a request for a formal separation
can only be filed if there has been a breach by one of the partners; however, in order to
prove this, the circumstances surrounding and protection of the child must also be taken
into account. Not only can children be protected from prostitution and other abusive
activities, but they can also be protected from health problems of any type, particularly
physical harm inflicted by the parent, if the trauma the responder caused to the child
caused the innocent parent to sever their relationship with them. Furthermore, as stated
in Article 55 (6), a parent's gender sexual orientation or preference should not be a factor
in a legal separation because, in certain situations, a parent's attraction to someone of a
different or equal gender does not imply that they want to end their spouse's marriage;
rather, they may wish to keep it going while disclosing their orientation. Overall there are
no adjustments I would like to make because it benefits both parties without
compromising their rights or well-being. The regulations are set up depending on what
they need, and there is no gender bias and the outcome remains unchanged and
consistent for both parties.

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