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The “silent” pain of

Compassionate care can change the lives of women with this condition.
By Amanda Perkins, DNP, RN

Approximately 200 million women lining may grow on the vagina, cervix,
worldwide and more than 6.5 million bowel, bladder, posterior cul-de-sac be-
women living in the US have endome- tween the uterus and bladder, and/or
triosis, according to the Endometriosis rectum. In rare cases, it may even be
Foundation of America and the Office on found on the lungs, brain, and skin.
Women’s Health. The estimated annual The endometrial growths respond to a
cost of endometriosis in the US is $110 woman’s menstrual cycle and bleed in the
billion, including money spent as a result same way that the uterine lining bleeds,
of medical care and missed work/school. leading to swelling and pain. In the uterus,
The estimated annual cost of this disor- endometrial bleeding exits the body via
der can be determined, but what can’t be the vagina, whereas endometrial bleeding
determined is the cost to a woman’s life in other parts of the body won’t be able to
and emotional health. exit, causing pain and inflammation. In
Endometriosis can lead women to feel addition to bleeding, the tissue grows in
helpless and frustrated because it has no response to estrogen and progesterone.
known cause, no cure, and is hard to see, When the endometrial tissue grows out-
leading to misbelief in or misunderstand- side the uterus, inflammation develops
ing of symptoms. This article discusses because the immune system attempts to
the basics of endometriosis, signs and remove these cells. This inflammation will
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and eventually lead to the development of scar
complications. tissue, adhesions, internal bleeding, bowel
and bladder dysfunction, constipation,
The basics pain with sex, and infertility.
Endometriosis can affect any female The exact cause of endometriosis is
who’s started menstruating, although it’s unknown, although the following have
more common in women who are be- been identified as potential causes:
tween ages 30 and 40. With endometrio- • menstrual flow dysfunction, such as
sis, the uterine lining, also known as the retrograde menstrual flow in which tis-

endometrium, grows outside the uterus. sue shed during menstruation flows
In women with endometriosis, the uter- through the fallopian tubes and into
ine lining most commonly grows on the other areas of the body, leading to endo-
ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterosacral liga- metrial growth outside the uterus
ments supporting the uterus, and outer • genetics (If a woman’s mother or sister
surface of the uterus (see Common sites of has endometriosis, she’s six times more
endometriosis). Additionally, the uterine likely to develop the disorder.)

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Women’s Health Week

May 12-18

N rssi
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b yEa
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m May/June 2019 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 27

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Common sites of endometriosis

Fallopian tube Ovary

Ileum Pelvic colon


Rectus muscle

Appendix Uterine surface

Free peritoneal
surface Cervix

Urinary bladder septum


Source: Lippincott’s Nursing Advisor, 2012.

• immune system dysfunction in which the become activated until the first menstrual
immune system fails to find and destroy period.
endometrial tissue that grows outside the
uterus Signs and symptoms
• hormones (Estrogen appears to en- The following signs and symptoms are
hance the growth of endometrial tissue.) associated with endometriosis:
• giving birth for the first time after age 30 • pain (most common)
• surgery, specifically abdominal surgery, • bleeding/spotting between periods
can result in endometrial tissue being • long periods
picked up and deposited elsewhere in the • heavy menstrual flow
body. • bowel disorders
Certain risk factors have been identi- • urinary disorders
fied and associated with endometriosis, • infertility
including: • diarrhea
• having no pregnancies • constipation
• periods lasting longer than 7 days • bloating
• short menstrual cycles lasting 27 days • nausea
or less • vomiting
• family history • pain during sex
• medical conditions in which the flow • chronic fatigue
of menstrual blood is blocked. • neuropathy.
Interestingly, endometriosis can be The pain associated with endometriosis
present at birth, although it doesn’t may include pain in the lower back and

28 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2019

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pelvis, pain during/after sex, intestinal

pain, painful bowel movements, pain with did you know?
urination, and menstrual cramps. In many Endometriosis has been poorly understood for
cases, painful bowel movements and uri- centuries. Research has shown that hysteria—a
nation are most prominent during men- disorder that was presumed to be psychologi-
cal in nature—was most likely endometriosis.
struation. The patient may report back
Treatment for hysteria consisted of bloodlet-
pain that travels down the back of her legs
ting, straightjacket use and/or committal to an
due to sciatica. It’s important to under-
asylum, chemical douches, genital mutilation,
stand that the pain a woman experiences being hung upside down, and, in some instanc-
may intensify over time. Women with es, executions. It was believed that pregnancy
endometriosis may also report chronic was the cure for hysteria. Women were urged to
fatigue, which isn’t a matter of simply get married and become pregnant as soon as
feeling tired at the end of a long day. possible after starting menstruation.
These patients feel physically exhausted
and may have difficulty completing because this disorder has some symptoms
everyday tasks as a result. that mimic endometriosis. Another com-
When endometrial tissue develops on mon misdiagnosis is when women are
the ovaries, blood can become embedded told that the symptoms they’re experienc-
in the tissue and surrounded by a fibrous ing aren’t real or that the symptoms are
cyst called an endometrioma, which is dif- normal. It’s important to understand that
ferent than a typical ovarian cyst. Endo- being diagnosed can bring a sense of re-
metriomas can encapsulate the ovaries, lief for the patient, validating the symp-
creating adverse signs and symptoms that toms she’s experiencing.
may lead to infertility and an increased Diagnosis may be made based on a pel-
risk of ovarian cancer. In some cases, vic exam, imaging, medications, and/or
surgical treatment may be necessary, laparoscopy. When a healthcare provider
including biopsy, drainage and coagula- completes a pelvic exam on a patient with
tion of the cyst, removal of the cyst from potential endometriosis, he or she feels for
the ovary, and laser ablation. cysts or scars located behind the uterus.
For some women, a reduction in symp- Imaging tests may include an ultrasound, a
toms may occur during pregnancy due to computed tomography scan, or MRI to
increased progesterone levels. Additionally, identify associated problems such as cysts.
once a patient goes through menopause, These tests are often performed before diag-
symptoms may improve as the level of nostic laparoscopy. Two medications used
estrogen declines. In some instances, a to aid in diagnosis are hormonal birth con-
woman may have silent endometriosis, trol and gonadotropin-releasing hormone
which is often associated with infertility. (GnRH) agonists. If pain improves when
The patient may not know that she has taking hormonal medications, a patient is
endometriosis until she has difficulty believed to most likely have endometriosis.
conceiving. However, the only way to make a definitive
diagnosis is via a diagnostic laparoscopy
Diagnosis with biopsy. Laparoscopy is a surgical pro-
The diagnosis of endometriosis often cedure that allows the healthcare provider
takes years, sometimes up to 10 years to look within the patient’s pelvis, find
or more. Often, the woman will be endometrial tissue, and biopsy the tissue for
misdiagnosed before the diagnosis of en- microscopic analysis. Currently, there’s no
dometriosis. In fact, some women are mis- lab test that’s diagnostic for endometriosis.
diagnosed multiple times. Irritable bowel Endometriosis has four stages: minimal,
syndrome is a common misdiagnosis mild, moderate, and severe. The staging of May/June 2019 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 29

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The symptoms of endometriosis can be

key points treated with the following:
When assessing a patient with known, or • low-dose oral contraceptives
suspected, endometriosis, ask the following • hormonal intrauterine device (IUD)
questions: • hormone (GnRH) therapy
• Do you have a family history of endometriosis? • pain medications
• Have you ever given birth? If yes, at what • acupuncture
age did you give birth to your first child? • chiropractic services
• Did your symptoms improve while you were
• herbs and supplements
• changes in diet
• Do you have any problems with infertility?
• Have your symptoms improved with
• surgery.
menopause? If a patient isn’t pregnant or trying to
• Have you ever had any surgical procedures? get pregnant, birth control is typically the
If yes, what type of procedure? first-line treatment. Birth control can be
• Do you have any problems with your men- given as an extended cycle, where the
strual cycle? If yes, describe the problems patient has a few periods per year, or on a
that you experience. continuous cycle, where the patient has no
• Do you experience chronic pain? If yes, periods. Both these options decrease
where’s the pain and how would you rate/ bleeding, often decreasing pain in the pro-
describe the pain?
cess. Another form of birth control that
• Do you frequently feel fatigued?
may be used to decrease bleeding and
• Do you have any urinary or bowel disor-
ders? If yes, describe the problems that you
pain is an IUD. Although IUDs can pre-
experience. vent pregnancy for up to 7 years, they
may not be effective at controlling pain
and bleeding for that amount of time.
endometriosis is dependent on location, Birth control can reduce heavy bleeding
how far the endometrial tissue has spread, and pain, shrink ovarian cysts for some
how deep the endometrial tissue is, the women, and slow down endometrial tissue
presence and size of endometriomas, and growth. However, it doesn’t cure endome-
the presence of adhesions. The level of pain triosis or prevent it from advancing. And
isn’t related to the stage and plays no role once birth control is stopped, any symp-
in determining the stage. toms that have improved will return. Addi-
tionally, the symptoms that return may be
Treatment worse than they were before the start of
Endometriosis can’t be prevented or cured, birth control because the endometrial tis-
so treatment is often based on the present- sue continued to grow during treatment.
ing symptoms. However, it’s believed The patient can also be given a GnRH
that the following can lower a woman’s agonist, usually for a short period of time,
chances of developing endometriosis: which will stop the body from making the
• taking hormonal birth control with low hormones responsible for ovulation and the
doses of estrogen menstrual cycle. This medication will basi-
• exercising regularly and for more than cally put the patient into a temporary
4 hours per week to decrease body fat, menopause, which is associated with nega-
which correlates with lower levels of tive adverse reactions such as hot flashes
estrogen and emotional fluctuations. Treatment with
• avoiding large amounts of alcohol and GnRH may also improve the likelihood of a
caffeinated drinks because alcohol and woman with endometriosis becoming preg-
caffeine have been shown to increase nant. Once the medication is stopped, the
estrogen. likelihood of becoming pregnant increases.

30 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2019

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Symptoms may be managed with pain

medications such as ibuprofen or naprox- did you know?
en, acupuncture, chiropractic services, Endometriosis can be found in men in rare
and herbs and/or supplements. Research cases. The cause of endometriosis in men is
has shown that acupuncture is effective, unknown, but it’s believed that estrogen plays a
safe, and well tolerated by patients with role. A man’s estrogen levels may be increased
if he’s taking estrogen for cancer treatment,
endometriosis and is associated with very
has liver damage, or is obese. Endometriosis
few to no adverse reactions. At this time,
can be very difficult to diagnose in female
it’s recommended that more research be patients and is likely more difficult to detect in
conducted on the use of acupuncture for male patients. In most cases, endometriosis in
patients with endometriosis. the male patient will develop on the bladder,
Proper nutrition is often an important lower abdominal wall, and/or inguinal region.
facet of symptom management, with many Treatment for endometriosis in men includes
healthcare providers recommending the surgery and/or stopping hormonal treatment.
avoidance or elimination of gluten and Sources: Endometriosis News. Endometriosis in men. 2019.
dairy. The following foods have been iden-
Jabr FI, Mani V. An unusual cause of abdominal pain in a male
tified as inflammatory foods and should patient: endometriosis. Avicenna J Med. 2014;4(4):99-101.
be avoided by those with endometriosis: Park Y. Endometriosis in a man as a rare source of abdominal
• white sugar pain. EndoNEWS. 2018.
• dairy
• common cooking oils
• deep-fried foods the removal of the entire lesion. If surgery
• processed foods doesn’t include removal of the tissue below
• red meat the surface, the patient’s symptoms will
• gluten. often return quickly. Once surgery has been
Foods with anti-inflammatory proper- completed, the patient will be started back
ties that can be beneficial include: on hormonal birth control unless she’s try-
• cumin ing to become pregnant.
• turmeric Other types of surgical procedures that
• berries may be performed are ablation and cau-
• pineapple terization. Ablation involves the use of
• papaya lasers to destroy endometrial tissue. Cau-
• broccoli terization is when the tissue is burned off.
• cauliflower These procedures aren’t ideal because it’s
• sweet potatoes preferred to use minimal heat and elec-
• olive oil tricity, which can’t be avoided with abla-
• shiitake mushrooms tion and cauterization. Additionally, these
• salmon procedures only remove the tissue at the
• green tea surface and, as a result, aren’t effective for
• nuts. a prolonged period of time. They also lead
Surgery is used as a treatment for endo- to the development of scar tissue, which
metriosis when the patient has severe can increase the patient’s symptoms.
symptoms, if hormonal birth control isn’t Many women believe that having a
working, or if the patient is having prob- hysterectomy will cure endometriosis, but
lems with fertility. The gold standard for this isn’t factual because it doesn’t remove
surgical treatment is laparoscopic excision the lesions found outside the uterus. A
surgery. Because most of the endometrial hysterectomy will work for adenomyosis,
tissue is found below the surface, deep exci- a sister disease in which endometrial cells
sion must be performed, which involves develop in the muscle tissue of the uterus May/June 2019 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 31

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(see Understanding adenomyosis). If the patient on the web

does undergo a hysterectomy, it’s important
American College of Obstetricians and
to provide emotionally supportive care.
Associated conditions and complications Cleveland Clinic: https://my.clevelandclinic.
The following medical conditions have org/health/diseases/10857-endometriosis
been associated with endometriosis: Endometriosis Association:
• infertility
• allergies Endometriosis Foundation of America:
• asthma
• chemical sensitivities
Johns Hopkins Medicine: www.hopkins
• autoimmune diseases
• chronic fatigue syndrome
• fibromyalgia
Mayo Clinic:
• certain cancers, such as ovarian and conditions/endometriosis/symptoms-causes/
breast cancer. syc-20354656
As many as 50% of women with fertility MedlinePlus:
problems have endometriosis. The length of endometriosis.html
time a woman has endometriosis is rela- National Institutes of Health: www.nichd.nih.
tional to her risk of infertility. The longer the gov/health/topics/endometriosis
endometrial tissue grows, the higher the Office on Women’s Health: www.womenshealth.
risk of infertility. In addition to problems gov/a-z-topics/endometriosis
with infertility, it isn’t uncommon for
women with endometriosis to report pain
with sex, which may be due to adhesions
that occur in the vagina and rectum. As a Research has shown that chronic pain can
nurse, it’s important to address this topic lead to changes in the brain, including neu-
with the patient, understanding that it may ral networks and brain morphology. Because
be an uncomfortable topic for her to discuss. the woman may experience changes to the
Endometriosis can negatively affect a midbrain—the area responsible for the inner
woman’s life, leading to problems with persona—endometriosis can literally lead to
school, work, finances, social life, relation- personality changes. In some instances, a
ships, and overall well-being. Women with lack of awareness or understanding by
endometriosis experience chronic pain. loved ones is associated with little to no sup-
port, which can lead to negative emotional
consequences for the patient. Due to the fact
Understanding adenomyosis that this disorder presents with symptoms
Adenomyosis occurs when endometriosis develops in the uterine muscle. that can’t be seen, it can negatively affect
Patients with adenomyosis have uterine thickening because endometrial tis- nearly every aspect of a woman’s life, often
sue grows in the outer muscular walls of the uterus. This condition is most with those around her unaware of the pain
common in women who’ve had multiple births. Patients can have both with which she’s struggling.
adenomyosis and endometriosis.
Signs and symptoms of adenomyosis include painful menstruation, Raising awareness
heavy bleeding, prolonged bleeding, and an enlarged uterus. Patients with It’s essential for women with endometrio-
adenomyosis may develop adenomyomas—masses or growths inside the sis to know that they have an advocate,
uterus. Diagnosis can be made with ultrasound, MRI, or after a hysterec-
especially because many young women
tomy. Treatment may include pain medications and hormone therapy to
are told that the pain they’re experiencing
decrease pain and bleeding. If pain medications and hormone therapy don’t
is normal. Education needs to be provided
control symptoms effectively, the patient may opt for a hysterectomy.
to adolescent girls so they know what’s

32 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2019

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normal and abnormal when it comes to Cleveland Clinic. Adenomyosis. 2017. https://my.cleveland
menstruation and associated pain. It’s also
Endometriosis Foundation of America. What is endome-
recommended that adolescent boys be ed- triosis? Causes, symptoms and treatments. 2018. www.
ucated about menstruation so they have
an understanding of what’s normal and Johns Hopkins Medicine. Endometriosis. www.hopkins
abnormal. It’s believed that this education health/endometriosis_85,p00573#stages.
will lead to healthier relationships and Nezhat C. History of endometriosis. 2018. www.nezhat.
better understanding for women who de- org/endometriosis-treatment/history-of-endometriosis.
Nezhat C, Nezhat F, Nezhat C. Endometriosis: ancient dis-
velop endometriosis. Additionally, we ease, ancient treatments. Fertil Steril. 2012;98(6 suppl):S1-S62.
need to understand that the family and Office on Women’s Health. Endometriosis. 2018. womens
significant others of women with endome-
triosis can be emotionally affected. Be Seckin MD Endometriosis Center. What is endometrio-
sis? Stages, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment.
ready and available to provide support
for these individuals as needed. Seckin T. The Doctor Will See You Now: Recognizing and
Endometriosis is a silent disease—one Treating Endometriosis. New York, NY: Turner Publishing
Co.; 2016.
that can’t be seen or heard—yet it affects Xu Y, Zhao W, Li T, Zhao Y, Bu H, Song S. Effects of
millions of women worldwide. Nurses can acupuncture for the treatment of endometriosis-related
pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One.
help shed light on this condition through 2017;12(10):e0186616.
education and by providing understand-
ing, empathetic care. ■ Amanda Perkins is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Vermont
Tech in Randolph, Vt., and a Nursing made Incredibly Easy! Editorial
Board Member.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Deep ovarian endome- The author and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of
interest, financial or otherwise.
triosis (endometriomas). 2019. www.brighamandwomens.
deep-ovarian-endometriosis. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000554597.81822.03

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