PHY125 Temperature and Thermomter

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THERMOMETERS The temperature of a body is a quantitative
measure of its degree of hotness or coldness.

PHY 125: HEAT, SOUND AND OPTICS Temperature is measured by the use of

Dr. Oyewumi, K. J. The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K). Kelvin is

Physics Department, University of Ilorin
defined as 1/273.16 of thermodynamic
P. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria. temperature of triple point of water.

 Kelvin Scale: This uses the absolute zero of

temperature as its zero.


This is the temperature reached when no more  Other units of temperature are:
heat can be removed from a body. Absolute zero 1. The Centigrade Scale (℃)
temperature 0K = -273 ℃.  This scale was suggested by a Swedish Astronomer
Anders Celsius in 1742 and is also known as Celsius scale.

In general, absolute zero, or the thermodynamic  The ice point is 0℃ and steam point is 100℃, under
normal pressure (76 cm of mercury).
temperature T, is given as = + 273, where =
Celsius temperature.  The interval between the two fixed points is divided into
100 equal parts, each part being called a degree
centigrade or Celsius.
The concepts of temperature forms basis for
thermodynamics, which is often defined as the  The thermometer using this scale is known as centigrade
study of temperature, heat, and exchange of or Celsius thermometer.



2. The Fahrenheit Scale (℉) 3. The Reaumur Scale (° )

 Suggested by a German Physicist, Fahrenheit in  Suggested by a French Scientist, de-Reaumur in

1720. 1731.

 The ice point is 32℃ and steam point is 212℃.  The ice point is 0 ° and steam point is 80 ° ,
 The interval between the two fixed points is divided
into 180 equal parts, each part being called a degree  The interval between the two fixed points is divided
Fahrenheit. into 80 equal parts, each part being called a degree
 Such a thermometer is known as Fahrenheit
thermometer.  Such a thermometer is known as Reaumur


Figure 2. Relationships among Kelvin (K), Celsius (C), and

Fahrenheit (F) temperature scales. Temperatures have been rounded off to
Figure 1. A comparison of the three thermometric scales the nearest degree.
indicating the ice and steam points



 Conversion of Temperature:
 , that is
 From Figure1., it is clear that between the two fixed
points (ice and steam points) there are 100  = =
Centigrade degrees, 180 Fahrenheit degrees, and 80
Reaumur degrees, that is
 = =

 100 ° = 180 ° = 80 ° .  or

 If C, F and R are actual reading on Centigrade,

Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales for the same  = =
temperature, we have the following simple relation
for converting reading from one scale to another:


Scale of temperature: this is the quantity used to Thermometric properties: These are the
define a thermometer. properties that are sensitive to temperature
Every scale of temperature measurement variations.
(thermometer) needs:
Different types of thermometers have
I. A property which increases continuously with different thermometric properties (that is,
temperature (thermometric property).
what they actually measure).
II. Two fixed points, ice point and steam point
Liquid-in-glass thermometer measures
which are the temperatures of pure melting ice
and saturated steam at normal atmospheric height or length.
pressure, respectively. Water-Vapour Thermometer measures
III. A numerical scale. saturated vapour pressure (SVP).



Constant-Volume gas thermometer measures
volume (V).
Optical pyrometer measures colour changes, the
principle is based on Planck’s radiation law. It
Constant-Pressure gas thermometer measures measures the quality of electromagnetic
pressure (P). radiations emitted by a very hot object.

Resistance thermometer measures electrical

resistance (R). Fundamental Interval: The fundamental interval
of a thermometer is the difference between the
two fixed points, that is, ice and steam points.
Thermocouple thermometer or thermoelectric
thermometer measures EMF (E).


Triple point of water and the ideal gas scale:
Water can exist simultaneously in solid, liquid or The temperature in absolute scale on the ideal
gaseous form at only one temperature and gas scale, also called the thermodynamic
pressure, this point is called the triple point of temperature scale is defined by the relation:

 = 273.16 , where is the thermometric

This point is chosen because, it can be
established with great precision and all property at temperature T and is the
thermometers have the same readings at this thermometric property at triple point of water.


Comparison between Mercury and Alcohol as Comparison between Mercury and Alcohol as
Thermometric liquids. Thermometric liquids Cont’d.
1. Mercury is opaque and it is easier to read its 3. Mercury expands regularly, while Alcohol does not
temperature, while Alcohol is transparent and it is expand regularly, though, it expands about six times as
difficult to read its temperature unless it is coloured. Mercury does for the same temperature rise.
Alcohol wets of the sides of the capillary tube of the
thermometer. 4. Mercury does not vapourize easily and its vapour is
poisonous, while Alcohol vapourizes easily.
2. Mercury is a good conductor of heat and easily takes
of the temperature of the surrounding, that is, high
coefficient of expansion, while Alcohol is a poor 5. The cubical expansivity of Mercury is 0.00018 (very
conductor of heat. The whole of the Alcohol do not all small), while that of alcohol is 0.00104 (relatively
come up to the temperature of the surrounding quickly higher than Mercury).
at the same time.

Comparison between Mercury and Alcohol as

Thermometers Cont’d.
Thermometric liquids Cont’d.
6. The specific heat capacity of Mercury is Errors due to Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers.
138 (very small), while that of alcohol is 1.Change of zero.
25200 (relatively big). 2.Recent heating.
3.Non-uniformity of the bore of the capillary tube.
7. Relative density of Mercury is high, that is, 13.6, while 4.Due to exposed stem
that of Alcohol is low, that is, 0.8. 5.Internal pressure and position.
Why Water is bad Thermometric Liquid.
8. Mercury has low freezing point (-39 ℃) and high boiling 1. It has irregular expansion and contrast when warmed from
0 ℃ to 4 ℃ .
point (360℃), while Alcohol has a lower freezing point (-
112 ℃) and boiling point (78℃). 2. It is colourless.
3. It wets glass.
4. It has low temperature range 0 ℃ to 100 ℃ .
9. Mercury is expensive, while Alcohol is comparatively 5. It is a poor conductor of heat.


Thermal equilibrium: When two bodies
at different temperatures are placed in
thermal contact, heat energy flows
from the body at higher temperature to
the one at lower temperature, until a
final uniform temperature is reached or

 This state of equal temperature of two

bodies is called thermal equilibrium.

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