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Basic rules for employees

1. Time of arrival is: 10 minutes before the official start.

2. Always call before coming to the bar, to confirm time of entry.
3. Scan the personal card at the entry time marked on the schedule.
4. Dress: Tracksuit is not allowed, no hats or sunglasses inside the premises.
5. Comfortable and adequate footwear for work.
6. Facial piercings to be removed before working. Watches or bracelets for cooks. 7.
Smoking: Only in the back street, under no circumstances on the terrace. 8. Register
in the system before and after the PAUSE: eat, smoke and rest. 9. Cell phones have to
remain in the workers' room while you are working. 10. Each worker should take care
of their own hygiene: deodorant, oral hygiene, etc. 11. The uniform should be
washed, cleaned and ironed by the employee.
12. Two women should never close the premises alone, therefore a man will always stay
until the end regardless from the kitchen or bar.


1. All beverages consumed during working hours must be noted on the schedule or put
into the ipad system list BEFORE being served.
2. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed during working hours
3. Hot drinks Will only be prepared only by the waiters
4. After a shift of more than 5 hours the worker will be entitled to one free drink of Tap
Beer, Sangria, Juice or Softdrink. It must be noted on the schedule BEFORE being


1. Those workers who have been working for more than 4 hours on that shift will be
allowed to have a snack/dinner. You can't get to work and want to eat something
straight away.
2. A maximum of three montaditos per person. And taking into account the
recommendations of the cooks in case we go wrong with any product. It should be noted
in the planning BEFORE being served.

Wasted / Burnt / Broken

1. Any food that is burnt, broken bottles, missing utensils, or anything similar should be
reported to the person in charge of the bar so that it can be noted on the Planning page
on the back as these losses must be accounted for in order to replace them.
2. The cooks will write down on a list in the kitchen everything that expires, burns, is lost, is
broken and will give that list to the person in charge of the bar every night.
“La Fammilia interna” and the established rules

This guide has been created in order to create a clear and concise procedure of how a
Muchos Más should work at the operational level. It has been created in order to avoid
misunderstandings and to support good teamwork and team companionship at a
professional level. Therefore, each person who decides not to follow this set of rules step by
step will be disrespecting his or her team in general.

Non-compliance with these previously explained basic rules and failure to follow each and
every step of the following guide will mean the following:

1st Infraction: Verbal warning. Mündliche abmahnung.

For workers who have contracts and no longer have a probation period (Probezeit) they will
be given an verbal warning which they will sign as they have received it For workers within
the probation period it may result in immediate dismissal.

2nd Violation: Written notice. Written notice.

For workers who have contracts and are no longer on probation (Probezeit), a written notice
will be given as a last warning which they will sign as they receive it
For workers within the probation period it will result in immediate

dismissal. 3rd Infraction: Dismissal. Vertragskündigung

Whether an employee is inside or outside the Probezeit, committing a third infraction will
signify the immediate termination, without any review, of the contract with its
corresponding dismissal period (2 or 4 weeks)

Any employee who discovers that a co-worker has violated one of these basic rules or has
not followed all the steps of his or her task to be performed will have the duty to
communicate it to the manager or person in charge at that time. If this colleague decides not
to report it and such failure or breach comes to light, it will have the same consequences as
his or her colleague.

Full name and Signature:


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