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Equity theory focuses on the concept that individuals strive for fairness and

equity in their relationships, particularly in the workplace. Here's a script for a

team of 5 members applying equity theory:

Title: "Balancing the Scales"

Scene: Weekly Team Meeting





DIVYANSH : Good morning, team. Let's start with a quick check-in on our projects. Jamie,
how are things going on your end?

YASH : Overall, things are progressing well. However, I've noticed that the workload is a bit
heavier on my plate compared to others.

DIVYANSH : Thanks for bringing that up. Let's dive into it. Taylor, Jordan, Casey, any thoughts
on the workload distribution?
NEELANJANA I've been managing fine. No complaints here.
KHUSHI : It's been steady for me too.

ADITI : Likewise, no major issues on my end.

YASH : I understand we all have different roles, but I've been putting in extra hours to meet
our deadlines. It's starting to feel a bit imbalanced.

DIVYANSH : I appreciate your honesty, Jamie. Equity is crucial for our team's success. Let's
address this. Are there specific tasks or projects causing this imbalance?

YASH : It's mostly the additional responsibilities I've taken on for the upcoming client

ADITI : I see. Maybe we can redistribute some tasks to even things out a bit.

NEELANJANA : Yeah, that sounds fair. We're a team, after all.

KHUSHI : I'm willing to take on more if that helps.

DIVYANSH : Great. Let's reevaluate the distribution to ensure everyone feels their
contribution is valued and fair. We want to create an environment where everyone can learn
and grow.

YASH : I appreciate that, Alex. It's not about doing less work, but making sure we're all
contributing equitably.

DIVYANSH : Absolutely. Equity promotes a positive team culture and fosters individual
learning and development. Let's work together to strike that balance.

The team proceeds to review and adjust their workload, ensuring a fair and equitable
distribution of tasks.
In this scenario, individual learning is facilitated by recognizing and addressing the
imbalances in workload distribution. Through open communication and a commitment to
equity, team members can learn about each other's perspectives, enhance collaboration,
and contribute to a positive learning environment within the team.


Divyansh’s Learning: Open communication and honesty about workload

imbalances can lead to a more equitable distribution of tasks within a team.

Yash’s Learning: Recognizing and addressing inequities in workload distribution

fosters a positive team culture and promotes individual learning and

Neelanjana’s Learning: Equity theory encourages team members to support

each other and work together to create a fair and balanced work environment.

Khushi’s Learning: By valuing fairness and equity, team leaders can promote a
collaborative and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels their
contributions are valued.

Aditi’s Learning: Embracing the principles of equity theory can lead to a more
harmonious and productive team dynamic, where individuals are motivated to
perform at their best.


Equity theory suggests that individuals strive to maintain a balance between

their efforts and rewards in comparison to others. Here are scripts representing
the perspective of five hypothetical members, each experiencing different
levels of perceived equity:

1. KHUSHI JOSHI - Perceived Equity:

"I feel content and motivated because my contributions align well with the
rewards I receive. It seems fair, and I believe everyone benefits fairly from their

2. ADITI - Overpayment Inequity:

- Script: "I can't help but notice that I seem to be putting in more effort than
others, yet the rewards don't quite match up. It feels a bit imbalanced, and I
hope things can be adjusted for fairness."

3. NEELANJANA - Underpayment Inequity:

- Script: "I've been putting in a lot of effort, and I feel like the rewards I
receive don't quite match up. It's a bit frustrating, and I hope there's a chance
to discuss and rebalance things."

4. YASH - Balanced but Concerned:

- Script: "I feel fairly compensated for my efforts, but I've noticed some
disparities among the team. It's important to maintain a sense of fairness for
the overall team morale and productivity."

5. DIVYANSH - Observer, No Inequity:

- Script: "From my perspective, things seem relatively balanced within the
team. Everyone appears to be contributing and benefiting in a way that aligns
with their efforts. It's crucial to maintain this equilibrium for a positive team
These scripts illustrate how different members might perceive equity or
inequity in their contributions and rewards, emphasizing the importance of
fairness and balance within a team to foster a positive work environment.


KHUSHI’S LEARNING : Perceived equity in contributions and rewards can lead

to contentment and motivation within a team.

ADITI’S LEARNING : Overpayment inequity can lead to feelings of imbalance

and a desire for fair adjustments within the team.

NEELANJANA’S LEARNING: Underpayment inequity can result in frustration and

a need for discussions to rebalance contributions and rewards.

YASH’S LEARNING : Maintaining a sense of fairness is crucial for overall team

morale and productivity, even for members who feel balanced but are
concerned about disparities.

DIVYANSH’S LEARNING: Observing and maintaining a sense of balance and

fairness within the team is essential for promoting a positive work

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