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Aim: To identify various features found on the Wag Water River

and describe how change downstream.
This SBA is about the features found along the Wag Water River In St
Mary. The river is approximately 36.2 km long and flows Northwards from
the Blue Mountain Range through the parishes of the St Andrew and St
Mary where it empties out into the Caribbean Sea.

Reason for the river to be chosen was that it’s more accessible from to
school and was filled with a lot of features for the completion at SBA.
On Thursday, January 3rd, 2020, my classmates and I conducted a study on
the Wag Water in St Mary. The stops that were made were Golden Spring,
Castleton and Broad Gate. There were few instruments used to gather
information. In each study stops, we made a few observations being where
the velocity, sediments, channel dimensions, river features and water flow
and vegetation.

Firstly, we placed a pole downstream and another upstream 10 meters apart

from each other. A stopwatch was used to time how long it took the
downstream pole to float away from the upstream. The process was repeated
6 (six) times in total. The average time was calculated by using the number 6
(six) and then divided by the number 6 (six). The velocity was found by
dividing the 10 meters from the average time.
Thirty sediments were chosen from the 10 meters distance with a tape
measure to find out the shape, size and rock type of the sediments, were was

Smartphones, cameras were used to take pictures of the different features.

These photos were used to show a visual presentation for this SBA.
Stage 1: Upper course – Golden Spring
Recordings Times in seconds
1 81
2 82.8
3 82.2
4 82.3
5 80.4
6 79.8
Average 81.4
Velocity 8.14 ms -2
Channel Dimensions

Dimensions (meters)

Width of channel 4.9

Depth of west bank 2.8
Depth of east bank 2.2
Depth of center 4
Sketch of the Channel
River Features

Features Description
Rapids Are formed due to the boulders in the channel, several small rapids
were identify. Average size (27cm)

Potholes Potholes were found close to the rapids, depth of the pothole

Spur Estimated to be (300m) in height subjected to mass movements.

The Description of the water flow
Golden spring is at the base of the course, at this point the river is shallow
and narrow, the water flows slowly. The channel is surrounded by tall grass,
which would help to reduce the spread of the water. The channel has an a-
symmetrical shape……
Stage 2: Middle course- Castleton

Recordings Time in seconds

1 54
2 64
3 58
4 66
5 57
6 54
Average 58.8
Velocity 5.9 ms -2
Channel Dimensions (meters

Dimensions (meters)
Width of channel 11.17
Depth of west bank 0.58
Depth of east bank 1
Depth of center 1.3
Sketch of the Channel
River Features

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