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Management Foundation (Minor Track) (First Semester)

Module I: Basic Concepts

1. Define management and its basic functions.
2. Explain features and objectives of management.
3. What are the different levels of management?
4. Write a detailed note on scientific management.
5. Describe the Administrative theory of management in detail.
6. What is the Systems Approach in organizational theory?
7. What do you understand by Howthorne Experiment? Explain.
Module II: Management Planning Process
1. Define planning. Also explain its features and objectives.
2. What do you mean by forecasting? Write its methods and how it is related to planning?
3. Explain the concept of Decision Making in management.
4. What is Management by Objectives (MBO). Write its advantages and limitations.
5. Discuss the hierarchies of planning in an organization and the role of forecasting in each
6. Elaborate on the decision-making process and its significance in strategic management.
Module III: Organization
1. What is departmentalization in management?
2. Write a detailed note on Span of Control and Delegation of Authority.
3. Explain the concept of Authority in an organization.
4. Analyze the different types of organization structures and their effectiveness.
5. Discuss the principles of organization.
Module IV: Staffing
1. Write a detailed note on job analysis?
2. Define recruitment? Explain its different methods.
3. What is the role of appraisals in management? Discuss any two methods.
4. Discuss the process of manpower planning and its importance in organizational success.
5. Evaluate the different methods of training and development in management and their
impact on employee performance.
Module V: Directing and Controlling
1. Define motivation? Describe its role in management.
2. Explain any three theories of motivation.
3. Define management control and its objectives.
4. How does coordination contribute to effective management?
5. Discuss the process and significance of directing in management, with a focus on
communication and coordination.
6. Analyze the objectives and techniques of management control and their impact on
organizational performance.

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