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The benefits of AI

There are many ways to define artificial intelligence, but the more important
conversation revolves around what AI enables you to do.

End-to-end efficiency: AI eliminates friction and improves analytics and resource

utilization across your organization, resulting in significant cost reductions. It
can also automate complex processes and minimize downtime by predicting maintenance

Improved accuracy and decision-making: AI augments human intelligence with rich

analytics and pattern prediction capabilities to improve the quality,
effectiveness, and creativity of employee decisions.

Intelligent offerings: Because machines think differently from humans, they can
uncover gaps and opportunities in the market more quickly, helping you introduce
new products, services, channels and business models with a level of speed and
quality that wasn’t possible before.

Empowered employees: AI can tackle mundane activities while employees spend time on
more fulfilling high-value tasks. By fundamentally changing the way work is done
and reinforcing the role of people to drive growth, AI is projected to boost labor
productivity. Using AI can also unlock the incredible potential of talent with
disabilities, while helping all workers thrive.

Superior customer service: Continuous machine learning provides a steady flow of

360-degree customer insights for hyper personalization. From 24/7 chatbots to
faster help desk routing, businesses can use AI to curate information in real time
and provide high-touch experiences that drive growth, retention and overall

AI is used in many ways, but the prevailing truth is that your AI strategy is your
business strategy. To maximize your return on AI investments, identify your
business priorities and then determine how AI can help.

Identify your business priorities and then determine how AI can help.

The future of AI
According to Accenture’s report, AI: Built to Scale, 84 percent of business
executives believe they need to use AI to achieve their growth objectives. However,
76 percent acknowledge struggling with how to scale AI across their business. Until
now, there hasn’t been a blueprint to getting past proof of concept into production
and scale, a transition many struggle to make. At this inflection point, it’s
imperative businesses take the necessary steps to scale successfully.

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