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NOTE: As the website won’t go live so there is no issue to use copywrite

materials in the website. As I will be the only owner of the website and I
claim the responsibility in fully to protect the material, claimed by their
owners, used in the website.

1- Finalized Logo
Logo used throughout the entire website and the identity of the brand
will be visualized by, as below,

2- Platform to develop the website

Wix will be used as a platform to entirely develop the website.
3- Navigation bar
A total of four navigators to add to the front page of the website to
navigate through the whole website. Each navigator to open a specific page
and content. These navigators would be named as

• Home
• About Us
• Shop/Products
• Contact

4- Items and their categories

Each item will be allocated to its own specific category. All items will
be included in the Shop/Product page.

• Apparel (Category): Items included will be as follow,

1-A tracksuit
2-A sneaker
3-A hoodie
4-A P-Cap

• Sports equipment (Category): Items included will be as follow,

1-A football
2-A cricket bat
3-A tennis racket
4-A hockey stick

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