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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 sand molecules gain KE OR 2

vibrate more OR hit (other)
molecules (when heated) OR
(thermal energy is transferred
by) conduction (1)
Energy is transferred to
molecules of plastic pot in
contact with sand (through
collisions) OR Energy OR
(lattice) vibrations transferred to
neighbouring molecules (1)

2 A 1

3 1
C - metals only

4(a) at least two arrows pointing in B1

correct direction

4(b) convection B1

5 conduction B1

6(a) water expands when heated B1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

density (of warm water) B1

OR reverse argument

warm water rises B1

6(b) convection B1

7(a) reduce heat losses B1

OR to act as insulation

7(b) any two from: B2

- economic reason: lower costs
OR cheaper OR more efficient
- environmental reason: less
greenhouse gases OR maintain
fuel reserves
- reason to do with system:
maintain temperature of water
OR less energy needed to keep
water hot OR water stays hotter
for longer

8 conduction B1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9 warm(ed) liquid expands B1 NOT particles expand

density of warm(ed) liquid B1 NOT particles become

decreases less dense

less dense liquid/warm liquid B1 NOT heat rises


10(a) wax melts (faster) on copper rod B1

wax melts less (far) / not at all / B1

slower on plastic rod
comparison needed

10(b) copper is a (good) (thermal) B1 IGNORE any

conductor statements about
conduction of electricity

plastic is an insulator / poor B1


11 any idea of insulation / lagging B1

condone any sensible method
for keeping drink warmer
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

12 top box ticked B1


second box ticked B1 –1 e.e.o.o.


[Total: 25]

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