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Spectrum Power 7 v2.

30 SP2
Operator Training Simulator
1.1 Overview
Operator Training Simulator

Application Sheet

1 Operator Training Simulator

1.1 Overview
The Operator Training Simulator (OTS) enables operators to practice the following under simulated condi-

• System operation and restoration

• Response to simulated power system emergencies

The OTS has a user interface and application functions that are identical to the Energy Management System
(EMS). The simulator presents results to the operators that are realistic and as accurate as the results
observed by the EMS, using typical power system telemetry. The OTS enables training sessions when
required, either for newly-hired operators, or for refresher training. This feature reduces training time and
allows power system operators to maintain a high level of operational readiness.
The purpose of the OTS is to replicate real life power system scenarios to train operators to handle emergen-
cies in a non-critical environment.

1.2 Highlights
The OTS simulates a wide range of power system events or disturbances including the following:

• Black start and ill-conditioned network power flow convergence

• Voltage collapse

• Total or partial loss of a generator output

• System load changes (spikes and steps)

• Change in scheduled interchange transaction between Automatic Generation Control (AGC) control

• Circuit breaker trips and reclosures

The OTS supports the following:

• Efficient instructor environment

OTS provides a web-based User Interface (UI) and one-line diagram that enable the instructor to create
and control OTS training scenarios and training sessions. It also helps to monitor and interact with
trainees, and conduct trainee evaluations.

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AS-OTS-EN, Edition 07.2021
Operator Training Simulator
1.3 Conceptual Overview of the OTS

• Training scenario builder

To create a training scenario, the instructor defines base network conditions and creates groups of
events or system disturbances that are timed or conditional. Archived data and forecasted weather data
can be used as inputs for creating the scenarios. The instructor is enabled to create base cases from a
real-time snapshot or interactively during a simulation session. They can save, edit, or retrieve the base
cases. OTS permanently retains power system model base cases across network model changes.

• Trainees monitor tools

OTS provides tools for the instructor to monitor the trainee dispatching actions. It notifies the instructor
of any drastic changes in the power system model, for example, an island blackout, and relay trips. It
notifies any switching operations, including the time and frequency. OTS also sends messages to the
instructor to take certain actions or contact the trainee during certain situations.

• Role-play capabilities
The OTS enables the instructor to participate during a training scenario session. Features are provided
to allow the instructor to play the role of personnel who interacts with the operator, for example, power
plant operators, substation maintenance crews, and neighboring company operators. Role playing capa-
bility enhances the realism for scenarios, for example, power plant start-up and load restoration.
For example, using the tools, trainees practice starting up power plants and restoring loads to parts or
the entire network, while role-playing with the instructor.

• Trainee evaluation functions

The OTS provides the instructor with tools for debriefing the trainee. The instructor is enabled to initiate
a snapshot of the system manually or set it up to occur periodically. Then, the instructors resume the
session to review part of the scenario with the trainee. The OTS saves key data, which is displayed on
instructor and trainee logs to assist the instructor with analyzing the scenario.

• Test new grid elements without affecting normal operational data

Data Model (DM) changes can be activated into OTS from the real-time Information Model Management
(IMM) server. DM changes can also be activated from the Quality Assurance System (QAS) IMM into
OTS. This allows OTS to test DM changes without consequence to real-time operational data. The
instructor can operate and test the new DM elements in OTS without affecting real-time IMM.

1.3 Conceptual Overview of the OTS

The simulator is divided logically into four parts:

• Power System Model (PSM)

– Modeling Subsystem (MS)

• Control Center Model (CCM)

• Training Session Environment (TSE)

– Instructor Position (IP)
– Educational Subsystem (ES)
– Trainee Position (TP)

• PSM–CCM Data Communication

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AS-OTS-EN, Edition 07.2021
Operator Training Simulator
1.4 Power System Model

[dw_Conceptual Overview of the OTS, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-1 Conceptual Overview of the OTS

1.4 Power System Model

The Power System Model (PSM) component of the OTS provides capabilities to simulate the behavior of the
power system network. The OTS has its own dedicated data source. OTS data can be modified as required, to
simulate past or future networks, or to simulate hypothetical network conditions. This action helps in using
the OTS for planning or testing of production system applications under hypothetical conditions.
PSM simulates transmission lines, transformers, relays, circuit breakers, and various energy sources or power
plants, for example, for example, fossil fuel, wind farm, and hydro. It also simulates the response of load,
generation, and network conditions, for example, flows, frequencies, and voltages to control actions. Models
to simulate fast-acting protective relays (for example, distance and differential relays) are included in the
PSM. When the relay type is modeled in the OTS, SCADA-generated alarms for relay operation in the produc-
tion system are also replicated. The simulation of the power system network is achieved through the
modeling component of the PSM.
The modeling component of the PSM consists of the following:

• Models for the electrical network

• Generating units

• Prime movers

• Loads

• Station supplies

• Relays

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AS-OTS-EN, Edition 07.2021
Operator Training Simulator
1.4 Power System Model

• Local controls for the system

• AGC systems of external companies

The OTS PSM has the following additional features:

• Cold load effect

• Impact of island electrical frequency

• Automatic control of VAR resources, for example, synchronous condensers

• Several levels of modeling complexity for the prime mover models

• Ability to define an Automatic Generation Control (AGC) controller for each external control area, which
includes an interchange transaction scheduler for that control area, an economic dispatch function, and
a load frequency controller.

• Import archived and forecasted weather data while creating a new scenario.

Modeling Subsystem
The simulation of the power system is divided into two key phases:

• Static solution
The static solution models the phenomena, which are static in nature.
For example, the change in voltage and line flows due to equipment outages and those phenomena
that occur too fast to be observed through the SCADA system, for example, voltage regulation by a

• Dynamic solution
The dynamic solution simulates the long-term dynamic behavior of the power system.
For example, the responses of the prime movers and external AGC controllers.

Educational Subsystem
The educational subsystem provides the following tools:

• Monitor the progress of the simulation.

• Control the course of the simulation.

• Create required power system conditions suitable for the training objectives.
The educational subsystem allows creation of training scenarios and the initial state of the simulation. The
user interface to the educational subsystem combined with data entry provides monitoring and control capa-
bilities. The educational subsystem is the collection of tools available to assist the instructor in the three
phases of a training session:

• Pre-session
Pre-session activities consist of creating base cases, that is, the initial simulation state. In this phase, a
scenario of activities suitable for the training objective can be created using the instructor user inter-
face. Events are then defined and used in combination with the base case which makes up the training

• Session
These activities consist of trainee monitoring and simulation control. Simulation control is achieved
using instructor displays, which allows the instructor to role play the personnel that interact with the
trainee function.

• Post-session
These activities consist of the evaluation of the training session and session review. The instructor
performs the evaluation using the data provided by the trainee performance measures function.
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AS-OTS-EN, Edition 07.2021
Operator Training Simulator
1.5 Control Center Model

1.5 Control Center Model

The Control Center Model (CCM) is a replica of the production system. It provides an environment that is
recognizable and familiar to the trainee. The main difference is that the measured data reaches the control
center through Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and front-end communication on the production system, while
the PSM simulated data is sent to the CCM using the PSM-CCM interface. A subset of applications that run in
real-time systems is available in the CCM.
The following suite of applications is the common set that constitutes the CCM:

• Front-End


• Automatic Generation Control (AGC)

• Transmission Network Application (TNA)

• Historic Information System (HIS)

• Current Operating Plan (COP)

• Other applications depending on project

The CCM consists of the EMS software executing in the simulation operating mode.

1.6 Training Session Environment

OTS users, namely the instructor and the trainee, interact with the OTS through the user interface. The user
interface in the OTS environment includes the instructor position and the trainee position.

Instructor Position
An instructor accesses the OTS Instructor Position (IP) through the user interface main menu. On successful
logon, the user interface is made available to the trainer. This position has access to all applications in the
OTS. Educational system includes base case and scenario development, session control, monitoring, and
instructor one-lines.

Trainee Position
A trainee selects the OTS trainee position through the user interface main menu. On successful logon, the
CCM user interface is made available to the trainee. This position has access to all applications in the OTS
CCM, except applications reserved for the instructor.

1.7 PSM–CCM Data Communication

The PSM–CCM data communication provides an interface between the PSM and the CCM through a message
communication mechanism for commands and data transfer using database access. This interface replaces
the normal communication interface that provides measurement and control data between the ECS and field
devices. It consists of pre-session data communication and session data communication.

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AS-OTS-EN, Edition 07.2021

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