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SOC-2126 Lab Assignment #2: Questionnaire Design


Develop a 40-item (question) questionnaire on any topic of your choice. Be sure to include all
the following:

1. At the beginning of the questionnaire provide a brief introduction of your topic to

potential respondents.

2. Have at least three different subsections (remember to provide an introduction for

each of the subsections).

3. Include both open and closed-ended questions (remember to provide instructions on

how to answer the questions – generally at the beginning of the survey or at the start
of a new subsection).

4. Include at least three contingency questions (skip patterns).

5. Include at least one matrix response set (each question in the matrix counts toward
your 40 items).

6. Include at least three different types of response sets (e.g., yes-no, strongly agree-
strongly disagree, etc.).

10 marks: Answering the six requirements.

10 marks: Clarity of questions, question wording, questionnaire formatting, relevance of the

questions to your topic, mutually exclusive and exhaustive response

20 Marks
Due 9:30am Monday February 26th

How to submit your assignments:

Rough Drafts:
Due Monday February 12th

Final Draft:
Please email all lab assignments by the deadline to the lab marker:
Ben Schroeder Hubert: (note you must email
through NEXUS for the email to work).

Due Monday February 26th at 9:30am


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