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Received: 12 February 2019 Revised: 9 July 2019 Accepted: 16 July 2019

DOI: 10.1111/cid.12836


Influence of implant macrodesign and insertion connection

technology on the accuracy of static computer-assisted
implant surgery

Karim El Kholy Dr. Med. Dent., MS, DMSc, FRCD(C)1,2 | Supriya Ebenezer BDS, MDS1 |
Julia-Gabriela Wittneben PD, Dr. Med. Dent., MMSc3 | Rafael Lazarin DDS, MS1 |
Dominique Rousson DDS4 | Daniel Buser Dr. Med. Dent1

Department of Oral Surgery and
Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine, Abstract
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of three different
Division of Periodontology, School of Dental
macrodesigns and two different insertion devices on the accuracy of static
Medicine, Harvard University, Boston,
Massachusetts computer-assisted implant surgery (sCAIS).
Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Materials and Methods: Ninety implant replicas with three different macrodesigns:
Gerodontology, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Soft tissue level (TL), bone level (BL), and bone level tapered (BLT) were placed in
Division of Implants and Regenerative 30 dental models with two implant insertion devices: Guided adapter and guided
Medicine, Harvard School of Dental Medicine,
screwed-in mount. Preoperative and postoperative positions of implants were com-
Boston, Massachusetts
pared and the mean angular deviation, crestal, and apical three-dimensional
(3D) deviation were calculated for each implant macrodesign and each insertion device.
Karim El Kholy, Department of Oral Surgery
and Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine, Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, post hoc t-tests and Bonferroni-Holm's
University of Bern, Freiburgstrasse
adjustment method. P values less than .05 were considered statistically significant.
7, Bern 3012, Switzerland.
Email: Results: BLT implants had lower mean 3D deviation values at the crest and the apex
when compared with 3D deviations with BL and TL implants (P < .05). Also, BLT
implants had lower angular deviations, when compared with BL and TL Implants,
however, angular deviations were not statistically significant (P > .05). Considering
the insertion device method, no significant differences were noted between insertion
devices irrespective of the deviation analyzed.
Conclusion: The macrodesign of dental implants may have an influence on the accu-
racy of sCAIS, with tapered designs offering slightly better positional accuracy than
parallel-walled macrodesigns independent on the method of insertion used.

accuracy, computer-aided, computer-assisted, digital, guided surgery, implant, implant design,
implant surgery, implantology

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N efficiency.1 Digital technology in the field of implantology has

increased the use of computer-assisted implant surgery (CAIS). With
Benefits of digital workflow in dental medicine today are associated the use of this technology, clinicians are aiming for increasingly opti-
with high precision, simplification of fabrication procedures, and cost- mal results by positioning implants in the desired prosthetic and

Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2019;1–7. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

anatomical position.2-5 Additionally, CAIS aids in fulfilling patients' 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
increasing demand for improved esthetics in combination with less
invasive procedures, producing minimal intrasurgical and postsurgical This study was conducted using 30 duplicate acrylic models
discomfort. CAIS can be executed either using static or dynamic surgi- (BoneModels, Castellón de la Plana, Spain) simulating human bone with
cal guides. Static CAIS (sCAIS) surgery is performed using a surgical three selected sites for implant placement corresponding to FDI posi-
template to transfer the virtual implant position from the treatment- tions 15, 12, and 23 in each model (Figure 1). Study casts were scanned
planning software to the surgical site. The use of sCAIS provides the using an intraoral scanner (3Shape TRIOS 3; 3ShapeA/S, Copenhagen,
operator with more control and precision during osteotomy drilling and Denmark) and a cone-beam computed tomography (3D Accuitomo 170;
implant placement, when compared to nonguided implant surgery.2,3 J. Morita Corp, Osaka, Japan) was taken. A digital wax-up of the missing
Although expectations of efficacy and predictability have increased, the teeth was created using treatment planning software (DWOS, Den-
risk of inaccuracies resulting from different variables, generated during talWings, Inc, Montreal, Canada). All three digitally generated data sets
the various steps involved still remains considerable.6-8 The accuracy of were then imported into the same software and the implants were
sCAIS is defined as the deviation between the planned and the actual planned in the optimum three-dimensional (3D) prosthetic position. One
position of an implant.9 This deviation can be a result of multiple investigator (K.E.K.) performed all virtual planning. Surgical guides were
sources: from the imaging process, data transfer, template manufacture, designed and exported from the virtual planning and then 3D printed
inaccurate positioning of the guide in the mouth, and drill errors.10,11 using a Rapidshape P30 printer (Rapid Shape GmbH, Heimsheim, Ger-
These variables may influence the angulation, length, and diameter of many). All guides were produced using SHERAprint-sg transparent resin
the osteotomy as well as implant insertion that translates to deviations (SHERA Werkstoff-Technologie GmbH & Co KG, Lemförde, Germany).
in implant position.12-17 Material thickness was set to 3 mm and the “guide-to-teeth offset” value
A meta-analysis focusing on trials with patients, by Tahmaseb to 0.15 mm. Each operator visually checked guides for fit. Minor adjust-
et al,18 concluded that the accuracy of sCAIS is within the clinically ments were permitted, to the outer surface, in order to ensure full access
acceptable range in the majority of the cases, however, a safety mar- of the surgical handpiece but not to the inner surface of the guide.
gin of at least 2 mm should be respected. Inaccurate implant position-
ing can directly compromise the final prosthetic outcome and safety
of the surgical procedure. 2.1 | Implant placement
Currently, sCAIS is applicable for use with several implant systems,
Ninety implant replicas with three different macrodesigns and two
in the form of partially or fully guided procedures, as deemed needed
implant insertion devices were equally distributed to different sites
by the clinician. Partially guided systems allow only guided osteotomy,
while fully guided systems ensure guided osteotomy and guided for guided implant placement protocols.

placement. Several authors recommend fully guided sCAIS procedure The implant macrodesigns assessed were (Figure 2):

to improve accuracy of the final implant position.3,10,19,20 Several

studies compared different implant systems and planning systems 1. Thirty soft tissue level, standard plus implants (TL; Institut Straumann
to identify deviations in actual and planned positions of AG, Basel, Switzerland) featuring a parallel walled, non-self tapping
implants.6,9,12,14,21 However, no study provides a comparative evalua- design with an endosseous portion of 10 mm length. All implants
tion of implant macrodesign as a determinant for accuracy in position. used were 4.1 mm in diameter with a 1.8 mm machined collar.
The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the accuracy 2. Thirty bone level implants (BL; Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Swit-
achieved while placing implants with three different macrodesigns zerland) featuring parallel walled, self-tapping design, with no
and two different sCAIS insertion devices. polished collar, 10 mm length, and 4.1 mm diameter.

FIGURE 1 Model design and guide design used in the investigation


F I G U R E 2 Diagrammatic
representation of the implant
macrodesigns assessed. A, TL, BL, and
BLT implants entering the osteotomy.
Note that the BLT implant is guided by
the osteotomy walls only after the apical
portion has entered the osteotomy. B, TL,
BL, and BLT implants within the
osteotomy. TL, tissue level; BL, bone
level; BLT, bone level tapered

F I G U R E 3 Guided insertion devices. A, Guided portable adapter

(GPA) fitted onto the standard transfer piece. B, Guided screwed-in
mount (GSM) that fits into a handpiece adapter

F I G U R E 4 Diagrammatic representation of measurements of 3D

3. Thirty bone level tapered implants (BLT, Institut Strauman AG, Basel, deviations, at crest and apex, as well as, angular deviations between
virtually planned and actual implant positions
Switzerland), tapered design, self-tapping, self-cutting apical portion,
no polished collar, 10 mm in length, and 4.1 mm in diameter. 1. Guided portable adapter (GPA) fitted onto a standard transfer
piece with a universal connection (Loxim; Institut Straumann AG,
The insertion devices assessed were (Figure 3): Basel, Switzerland; Figure 3A)

2. Handpiece adapter fitted onto a guided screwed-in mount (GSM; previously mentioned. Standard tessellation language (STL) files were
Guided Transfer Piece, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland; then imported into the coDiagnostiX (DWOS) software containing the
Figure 3B). previous digital plan. STL files containing virtually planned and actual
implant positions were superimposed using the same occlusal/incisal
A total of 30 fixtures of each implant design were equally placed landmarks as a reference. Treatment evaluation tool in the above-
in three different sites. The selection of the insertion device was also mentioned software was used to measure angular and 3D deviations,
divided, ensuring that 15 models used the first insertion device (GPA) at crest and apex, between virtually planned and actual implant posi-
and the other 15 used the second device (GSM). In each model, the
tions (Figure 4).
same insertion device was used for all three sites.
Two experienced operators (K.E. and R.L.) performed guided osteo-
tomy drilling and implant insertion procedures. Sequential drilling of all 2.3 | Statistical analysis
osteotomies, according to manufacturer's recommendations for guided
The statistical analysis was performed with the software package R, Ver-
surgery protocol corresponding to each macrodesign (Institut Straumann
sion 3.5.1 (R Core Team 2013. R: A language and environment for statis-
AG, Basel, Switzerland), to receive one of the three different implant
tical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria
designs was performed using standard sCAIS protocol. The implants were
(URL The effects of both the implant
then placed using a handpiece (Bien Air, Bienne, Switzerland) with the
macrodesign and the insertion method on three outcomes were ana-
respective implant insertion device through the surgical guide using a
lyzed with an analysis of variance after checking its assumptions such as
speed of 30 rpm and a torque force of 35 Ncm. The placement was com-
pleted manually, when necessary, using a torque wrench and the assigned the normal distribution of the residuals. In case of significant effects, post
insertion device, to the desired vertical position. hoc t-tests were performed comparing every pair of levels of the signifi-
cant factor. Additionally, descriptive statistics as means, and standard
deviations were computed and box-plots were drawn illustrating signifi-
2.2 | Evaluation
cant differences. P values less than .05 were considered statistically sig-
Corresponding scan bodies were then hand tightened, and postopera- nificant. All P values of post hoc tests were corrected for multiple testing
tive digital impressions were taken using the intraoral scanner using Bonferroni-Holm's adjustment method.

TABLE 1 ANOVA results showing effects of implant macrodesign, insertion device, and their combination

Factor Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value P value
Angular deviation
Implant type 2 12.415 6.208 17.843 .426
Insertion method 1 2.601 2.601 7.476 .643
Interaction implant type: insertion method 2 1.353 0.677 1.945 .149
3D deviation at crest
Implant type 2 5.756 2.878 268.639 .017
Insertion method 1 0.171 0.171 15.999 .083
Interaction implant type: insertion method 2 0.406 0.203 18.956 .535
3D deviation at apex
Implant type 2 0.798 0.399 39.403 .033
Insertion method 1 0.004 0.004 0.4178 .104
Interaction Implant type: insertion method 2 0.000 0.000 0.0163 .981

Abbreviation: ANOVA, analysis of variance.

TABLE 2 Means for 3D and angular deviations of different implant macrodesigns and insertion devices

Implant macrodesign Insertion device 3D deviation at crest (mm) 3D deviation at apex (mm) Angular deviation ( )
BLT GSM 0.825 ± 0.167 0.974 ± 0.14 2.747 ± 0.306
GPA 0.713 ± 0.092 0.891 ± 0.179 3.62 ± 0.275
TL GSM 1.073 ± 0.181 1.328 ± 0.226 3.656 ± 0.538
GPA 1.225 ± 0.359 1.193 ± 0.305 4.319 ± 0.642
BL GSM 1.203 ± 0.106 1.352 ± 0.192 3.614 ± 0.497
GPA 1.132 ± 0.201 1.282 ± 0.281 3.876 ± 0.232

Abbreviations: GPA, guided portable adapter; GSM, guided Screwed-in mount.



The results of the multivariate analysis (Table 1) showed no significant Previous studies found that fully guided implant surgeries (guided dril-
interaction between the combinations of implant macrodesign and ling and guided implant placement) provide superior accuracy, than
insertion device in any of the measurement categories. Therefore, partially guided systems.2,3,6-8,10,19 This in vitro investigation focused
direct comparisons between different insertion device groups and on the influence of the macrodesign of the implant and the insertion
implant macrodesigns groups were performed. device used for implant placement on positional accuracy when using
sCAIS. The choice of a non-clinical model was based on the principal
that isolating technology variables is better scientifically accomplished
3.1 | Effect of macrodesign on accuracy of sCAIS
through in vitro research models than clinical studies. One can ques-
Result analysis of different implant macrodesigns (Table 2 and Figure 5) tion the appropriateness of using a clinical model, to investigate basic
revealed that BLT implants had lower mean 3D deviation values at the technology variables.
crest and the apex, when compared with 3D deviations with BL and TL The results of the present investigation confirm that both tested
implants. These differences were statistically significant (P = .017 at insertion devices yielded acceptable results in sCAIS protocols. Cur-
crest and P = .033 at apex). BLT implants had also lower angular devia- rently, implants are available in guided and nonguided variations.
tions, when compared with BL and TL Implants. However, angular devi- Guided implants are supplied from the manufacturer attached to a
ation differences were not statistically significant. GSM specifically for sCAIS placement. However, a GPA was intro-
duced, that can be mounted onto the standard transfer piece (Loxim)
of a standard nonguided implant and used for sCAIS. The above
3.2 | Effect of the insertion device on sCAIS
results are evidence that implants could be placed with similar accu-
The effects of the insertion device are summarized in Figure 6 and racy with use of either insertion device, and therefore clinicians can
Table 2. No significant differences were noted between insertion benefit from the flexibility offered by using the portable guided adap-
devices in 3D deviation or angular deviation values. tor with a standard (stock) Loxim mount.

FIGURE 5 The effect of the implant macrodesign on the 3D deviation and angular deviation. TL, tissue level; BL, bone level; BLT, bone level tapered

F I G U R E 6 The effect of the guided insertion device on the 3D deviation and angular deviation. GPA, guided portable adapter; GSM, guided
Screwed-in mount

To the best of the authors' knowledge, no studies in the existing CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
literature have evaluated the influence of the implant macrodesign on
the accuracy of sCAIS procedures. The finding that deviation values
associated with BLT implants were significantly lower than BL and TL
implants was a significant and novel one. A possible explanation might OR CID
be differences in drill designs. The drills for TL and BL implants are
Karim El Kholy
straight twist drills, while the BLT drills, except the pilot drill, are verti-
cally fluted tapered drills. It is plausible that the drill design, that is, Julia-Gabriela Wittneben

straight or tapered geometry and its sharpness has an influence on

the accuracy of the osteotomy and hence an influence on the devia-
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