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Verb + infinitive
Verb + infinitive
Verb + object + Verb + gerund
Verb + object + verb in Verb + gerund
Verb + infinitive Verb + gerund preposition + gerund / With
infinitive With difference in
noun difference in
Afford Appreciate Advise Advise Begin Forget
Ask Allow Blame (for) Bother Mean
Decide Authorize Discourage Continue Regret
Drive Cause Dissuade (from) Hate Stop
Expect Consider Convince Forgive (For) Prefer
Fail Enjoy Encourage Interest (in) Start
Hasten Get through Instruct Keep (from}
Intend Give up Permit Suspect (of)
Learn Keep Persuade Thank (for)
Like Keep on Require
Need (Not) Mind urge
Prepare Miss
Proceed Postpone
Refuse Put off
Seek Risk
Seem Suggest

*Note: There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms. The -ing form emphasises the action or experience. The to-infinitive gives
more emphasis to the results of the action or event. We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it), and the to-infinitive form to express
habits or preferences. Example:

I prefer listening to the news on radio than watching it on TV.

He prefers not to wear a tie to work.

Be + Adjective + preposition and verb + Verb + preposition + gerund

Be + Adjective + infinitive

Be amazed Be bored with Apologize for

Be ashamed Be convinced of Complain about
Be determined Be good at Object to
Be eager Be used to Participate in
Be happy Be worried about Take part in
Be hesitant Think of
Be lucky
Be ready

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