Practice Worksheet Deep Water 3

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1.The correct answer is d) Tragedy.

2.The correct answer is c) Physics.

3.The correct answer is a) Geography.

4.The correct answer is a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.

5.The correct answer is A. Overcame and defeated.

6.The correct answer is A. Dangerous and unpredictable.

7.The correct answer is A. Overcame my embarrassment.

8.The correct answer is B. Float effortlessly.

9.The correct answer is C. Unfortunate incident.

10.The correct answer is B. Immobilized and unable to move.

11.The correct answer is B. Persistent and disturbing fear.

12.The correct answer is B. Fearful and anxious.

13.The correct answer is C. Small and lingering traces.

14.The correct answer is A. Lingering uncertainties.

15.The correct answer is a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.

16.The correct answer is a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.

17.The correct answer is b) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is true.

18.The correct answer is a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.

19.The correct answer is D. To know for sure that he had overcome his fear of drowning in water.

20.The correct answer is D. Lake Wentworth is connected via docks to New Hampshire.

21.The correct answer is C. Prior drowning experiences.

22.The correct answer is B. on a small scale.

23.The correct answer is A. Addressed it.

24.The correct answer is C. (2) and (5).

25.The correct answer is a) Geography.

26.The correct answer is b) Irresponsible.

27.The correct answer is b) It intensifies the will to live.

28.The correct answer is d) All of the above.

29.The correct answer is b) Miniature old terror.

30.The correct answer is d) All of the above.


1.Douglas became scared of water due to two incidents: almost drowning in a local irrigation canal and being
tossed into a pool by a big boy, which was a traumatic experience.

2.Douglas removed his residual doubts about his fear of water by swimming across Lake Wentworth in New
Hampshire, covering two miles and using various swimming strokes.

3.The experience at the YMCA swimming pool initially revived unpleasant memories for Douglas, but
eventually, he felt at ease in the water and enjoyed swimming.

4.Douglas was determined to get over his fear of water because he wanted to join his friends at the pool, and
he also desired to be like other boys who could swim without fear.


1.Douglas started fearing water after two incidents in his early life. The first incident involved almost drowning in
the California beach when he was about three or four years old. The second incident, which further
strengthened his fear, was being tossed into a pool by a big bruiser when he was around eleven years old.
These traumatic experiences left a lasting impact on his mind and personality.

2.The story "Deep Water" illustrates the theme that determination and perseverance can lead to the
accomplishment of the impossible. Douglas, through positive attitude and courage, overcame his deep-seated
fear of water. This serves as a powerful lesson on how facing and conquering one's fears can pave the way for
success in life. The narrative highlights the transformative journey from fear to triumph, encouraging readers to
approach challenges with resilience and determination.

3.Childhood fears are deeply entrenched in our minds, and overcoming them requires determination, hard
work, and the right training. In the context of Douglas's effort to overcome his fear of water, we see that his
initial experiences were marked by terror and hesitation. However, through persistent efforts, training, and
facing his fears head-on, he eventually triumphed over his fear.This underscores the idea that confronting and
overcoming childhood fears is a process that demands commitment and the right mindset.

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