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5 Page Essay Outline

Crafting a 5-page essay outline can be both a daunting and intricate task, requiring a delicate
balance of structure, coherence, and depth of content. The challenge lies not only in summarizing
complex ideas within a limited space but also in presenting a well-organized and compelling
argument that captures the reader's attention.

To begin with, the process demands a comprehensive understanding of the chosen topic.
Extensive research is often necessary to gather sufficient information, data, and relevant sources
to support the thesis statement. This initial phase can be time-consuming, involving sifting
through numerous articles, books, and scholarly publications.

Once the research is complete, the challenge shifts to organizing the information coherently.
Creating a detailed outline becomes crucial at this stage, as it serves as a roadmap for the essay.
Balancing the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion within the five-page limit requires
careful consideration of each section's purpose and content.

Transitions between paragraphs must be seamless, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. Maintaining a
clear and concise writing style is essential, as the limited space necessitates precision in
conveying thoughts and arguments. Every word must contribute meaningfully to the overall
coherence of the essay.

Moreover, the struggle lies in avoiding information overload. Selecting the most relevant and
impactful details while discarding unnecessary information is a skill that requires honing. The
challenge is not just in presenting facts but in doing so in a way that engages the reader and
persuades them of the essay's validity.

In conclusion, crafting a 5-page essay outline is no simple feat. It demands a meticulous

approach, from in-depth research to thoughtful organization and succinct expression of ideas.
The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between depth and brevity, ensuring that the final
product is not only informative but also captivating. It's a task that requires dedication, time, and
a thorough understanding of both the subject matter and the art of effective academic writing.

For those facing such challenges, seeking assistance is a viable option. Similar essays and much
more can be ordered on , providing a helping hand in navigating the
complexities of academic writing.
5 Page Essay Outline 5 Page Essay Outline
Bluebella Coupon Codes
Bluebella is a UK based store and has all items that match the female sex such as
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Summary Of The Sandwich Generation
David Kopec
Application Activities #1,
Sandwich Generation, G.
The Sandwich Generation
After reading the article The Sandwich Generation: Who is Caring for you? by Ruth
Tarantine I have learned what the Sandwich Generation is and how to assist
individuals in this generation. The Sandwich Generation was originally used to
describe baby boomers that were women in their 30s and 40s who cared for their
parents and their own children. This term was coined by Dorothy Miller. As time
passed, the term changed to include both male and females and the age range is
now 40 to 65 years old. Almost 50% of adults 40 50 years old care for a parent and
child. Caring for a parent and child can stress a caregiver. Adding a chronic disease
to either parent or child can put additional stress on the caregiver. To help relieve
some of this stress a caregiver will seek outside help, such as hospitalization, which
in reality can do more harm than good for the caregiver. The caregiver will think that
having their parent hospitalized will relieve this stress, but instead this will cause
them to feel guilty. ... Show more content on ...
There were plenty of options provided in the article but I decided to cover the ones
I believed would be most helpful to anyone. The first step you can take is to take
care of yourself. Many times when helping others we forget about ourselves. We
put things off to the side or don t pay attention to our own needs. We can forget to
eat right, sleep, get regular checkups, or even take a break. When you are
constantly taking care of someone you may go to a local fast food place because
you don t have time to cook a healthy meal. Some caregivers will turn to drugs or
alcohol to relieve stress. This can complicate their lives even more and make them
more irritable. All of these factors can add up and decrease your quality of
Essay about The Fokker Eindecker During World War One
In today s world, the use of airplanes in wars or in everyday life has become a part
of how we live as human beings. Removing the air forces of the world is like
taking a step back in time when wars were only fought on land or sea. WWI began
only eleven short years after the Wright brothers achieved powered flight in 19031
and yet aircrafts were being used for surveillance and eventually combat purposes. It
is understood that these aircrafts were primitive, but they laid down the foundation
for what we know today as fighter jets. The Fokker Eindeckerrevolutionized air
combat by successfully employing a synchronized forward firing machine gun
mounted on the engine cowling 2. Because this airplane became the first to
successfully use a... Show more content on ...
What was the importance to this plane? The French plane included a machine gun
attached to its propellers. Fokker went above and beyond the German s request by
creating a more reliable aircraft that wouldn t allow the propellers to be damaged by
the gun.6 What made Fokker s E series revolutionary was the synchronized machine
gun attached to the propellers. The gun attached to the French plane had metal plates
to protect it from the bullets but Fokker realized that they were not one hundred
percent protected. By devising a synchronizing machine gun with the propeller, there
would be no way for the aircraft to be damaged and all the pilot had to do was point
the aircraft in the direction he wanted to attact.4 The warfare of World War one was
the deadliest to date due to new fighting tactics and advancements in technology.
Machine guns and trench warfare became the new, and very deadly, technological and
He and A Jazz-Age Clerk
In He by Katherine Anne Porter and A Jazz Age Clerk by James Thomas Farrell,
two characters who struggle with the aspects of poverty express the significance of
how people view them in their lives; their primary concern is what people say and
think of them. Both characters, Mrs. Whipple and Jack, seem ashamed of their
current lives and continually attempt to impress others. Mrs. Whipple constantly
informs Mr. Whippleof the thoughts or ideas that people might have towards their
simple minded son, whereas Jack characterizes a materialistic and superficial person
whose main goal is to impress others. Furthermore, both characters are extremely
proud and overly self conscious. In He, Porter narrates the already mentioned
excessive... Show more content on ...
Mrs. Whipple clearly becomes uptight about what her own family has to say or
think about Him, to the point where she wishes she were dead: But they can t say
He wasn t dressed every lick as good as Adna oh, honest, sometimes I wish I was
dead! (439). Thus, it is evident that Mrs. Whipple feels stressed and under a lot of
pressure with His situation. After all, it is Mrs. Whipple s goal to make sure that
people understand that her family, including Him, is nothing more than an ordinary
family. Sadly, Mrs. Whipple s excessive concern about what others think or say, her
self consciousness, does not allow her to focus on what really is important: her
family, but more specifically, Him. She finally realized that the way she treated her
son was wrong; towards the end, she at last opens her eyes and sees the world from
His perspective, the cruel, uncaring, and lonely perspective:
Whatever it was, Mrs. Whipple couldn t bear to think of it. She began to cry,
frightfully, and wrapped her arms tight around Him. His head rolled on her shoulder:
she had loved Him as much as she possibly could, there were Adna and Emly who
had to be thought of too, there was nothing she could do to make up to Him for His
life. Oh, what a mortal pity He was ever born. (444 45) Jack in James T. Farrell s A
Jazz Age Clerk handles
Summary Of Saboteur By Ha Jin
Ha Jin s short story Saboteur tells of a man who seems discontent, idealistic, and
gravely ill. In Muji, Mr. Chui, is accused of sabotage and taken by force to jail after a
run in with railroad authorities. His crime is for speaking out against police
officers assaulting him and his bride during lunch in the city square. The reader is
lead to believe this is a simple case of excessive force by the police, therefore the
abuse of power is the catalyst of this short story, but the real story is about Mr. Chui s
contempt for all those around him and his utter lack of integrity.
Mr. Chui is thirty four, a lecturer at Harbin University, is gaunt, pale, and still
recuperating from hepatitis. His bride, a pale girl who wears glasses, is a ... Show
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At the railroad police station, he is interrogated for hours by the bureau chief, who
demands a confession. Professing his innocence, he is defiant about not signing a
letter of self criticism. Your police station owes me an apology (Jin). Feeling sick, his
hepatitis flairs under the stress, but he is left imprisoned until Monday when the chief
Monday morning his bride sends a former student of Mr. Chui, Fenji, a lawyer
from a small firm of two attorneys to get him out of jail. The young man confronts
and insults the chief, who sends him to the yard in the heat to learn some manners.
Mr. Chui sees Fenji from his window and feels nauseous Poor devil, he thought, as
he raised a bowl of corn glue to his mouth (Jin). He realizes he has to sign the
confession to get them out of jail. After signing, Mr. Chui is so sick he can barely
walk (Jin), if he were able to he would razed the entire police station and eliminated
all their families (Jin). Once outside, Mr. Chui and Fenji, begin to walk around the
station stopping at several restaurants to eat and drink small amounts of food. Fenji
watch his teacher mutter to himself and and for the first time Fenji thought of Mr.
Chui as an ugly man. (Jin). Muji City, a month later, has an outbreak of hepatitis. A
man of honor would not endanger others as he has. In conclusion, his contempt is
not a grand cause for the good of others it is how he feels about everything. His
bride, his
Candle Lab
The students were able to relit the candle because they followed the stream of smoke
was followed and carbon vapors and relights the already hot wick.
No experiment is perfect, during the candle lab many errors occurred. Some of the
common errors that occurred during this lab were human, random, and systematic
error. All of these errors could change the lab results. The appearance and physical
features of the candle made the quantitative data very different. When the students
were observing the fact that a candle needs oxygen to burn, they needed to place a
400mL beaker over the candle. One of the possible errors could be the beaker was
wet or it was placed too fast over the candle and this made the flame to go out. When
this process was repeated the candle flame lasted longer, this could have also ... Show
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After the flame of the candle was put off the condensation inside the beaker
disappeared this could have happened due to environment error. Another possible
error could be when the 15 mL of indicator solution Bromothymol Blue was taken
from the beaker that contains the substance. The students did not have an increment
of five on their beaker, the level ranged from 10 50mL when the students had to pour
the substance into their 50 mL beaker they had to use common sense to figure out
how much 15mL. When the students measured the substance they had to be precise,
so they could get an accurate result. To see if water is part of a products of a
combustion reaction practical errors like the wick of the candle was short and the
wick was getting thinner, so heat could not reach the bottom of the beaker this
Texas Election System
With respect to every election race, we are reminded that decisions are both
profoundly charged typical customs of a voting based system in a democratic
society and is a key procedural part of our political system. Both segments of the
political elections, typical and procedural, serve key functions at all levels of our
political system.

With any decision, both parties (republican and democratic) campaign over the state
to gain support from voters to increase their chances of being elected to the office that
they desire. When voting most voters arrive at polling stations to vote, first for
instance, they can be given a paper ballot on which they will select their choices and
which later will be checked by hand; second they can be given a ... Show more
content on ...
In 2003 the Democrats still figured out how to hold a 17 15 point of interest inside
the state s U.S. House delegation, a bonus to the new electoral map was intended to
undo. The Republicans manage to hang on to the administration and the Democrats
determination to recapture lost ground uncover however far the state has come since
the times of the democratic form of government. In 2004, both parties admonished
the committee to get out the vote through time regarded grassroots organizing on the
local and precinct levels, while at the same time using new innovations and methods
to expand partisan mobilization. As a quick come about, in numerous parts of the
state, turnout sailed above historic averages.

There are numerous varieties of election races in Texas. The state Constitution and the
political society in Texas together have made a framework of our legal system that
welcomes Texans to pick applicants for a great numerous public offices in all levels
of the government inside the state. The Constitution needs direct election for
different state offices inside the executive branch and inside the legal system of the
judicial branch, likewise with respect to various county level offices. A few
legislative activities oblige changing the Constitution, that also needs special
established constitutional amendment elections. Numerous metropolitan and other
local offices are filled
True Wealth, She Presents, By Juliet Schor
In Juliet Schor s True Wealth, she presents, argues for, and envisions an economy,
which stresses on the conceptualization of plentitude. In her publication, the main
points can be broken down into three separate categories: challenges, the ideals of
plentitude, and the four fundamentals or solution towards plentitude. The collection
of formal analysis and insight towards key economical concepts and data serves as a
concrete foundation for her proposed framework of a sustainable economic and
environmental future.

In chapter 1, page 12 20, Schor present a series of statements to criticize on the

sustainability and concept of the BAU or defined as business as usual economy. She
emphasizes that the BAU economy will yield less of a return in profitability in the
coming decades with a possibility towards economic stagnation, and an increase in
unemployment rate as a result of industrial decline in profitability. Furthermore, she
illustrates how there will be an increase in environmental pollution and damages to
the world, and scarcities in resources due to abnormal climate change in relation to
the profitability of natural resource industries such as agriculture and so forth.

Throughout chapter 2 and 3, Schor condemns the notion of BAU growth and a higher
GDP. She presents an Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint, and Biocapacity on
page 60, and breaks down the basis of the Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC) on
page 73 75. Through the analysis of these figures, she
I Ll Tell You God s Truth In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby Can t repeat the past? he cried incredulously. Why of course you
can! (Fitzgerald ) says Gatsby. In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott
Fitzgerald tells a story of James Gatz mostly known as Jay Gatsby who struggles to
keep himself in reality. Gatsby who has dreams such as being with Daisy, thinks
that he can repeat his past, and make his new persona his true identity. He keeps
himself in an illusion where it distracts him from being in reality. The novel shows
how Illusion causes confusion to one s dream, which keeps an individual away
from reality. An individual who creates a false reality lingers to their thought with
uncertainty. Gatsby claims that he grew up in a rich family, trying to make people
believe that he is a wealthy. I ll tell you God s truth .. I am the son of some wealthy
people in the Middle West all dead now. I was brought up in America, but educated
at Oxford, like all my family before me. (Fitzgerald 65). The phrase I ll tell you
God s truth shows how Gatsby trying to prove a point of him being truthful, using
God s name to convince people that he is not lying, because Gatsby created a false
thought of his persona, drawing himself away from reality. Another phrase Fitzgerald
uses, I am the son of some wealthy people shows Gatsby portraying a false... Show
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Gatsby dream was to be with Daisy, and she told him that she loves him. He knew
that he still has a chance of winning her back She had told him that she loved him,
and Tom Buchanan saw. (Fitzgerald 119). The phrase she told him that she loved
him showing how Daisy told Gatsby that she loves him, making Gatsby think that
there still is a chance between them. This phrase caused a confusion to Gatsby and
his illusion of him and Daisy being together. Which kept him away from reality that it
was not true even when it came out from
Reformation In 15th Century Europe
In the 15th century Europe was controlled by the religious faction of the papacy.
Anything done against the papacy, more importantly the Pope, ended with the person,
or country, being excommunicated. Excommunication was an act of condemning or
forsaking an individual to hell. Only the Pope could forgive and allow them to be
redeemed. Selling of indulgences was also another common practice that the papacy
used during the time. They required all Catholics pay tribute to the papacy and in
return they were granted salvation. During this time there were little to no free
thinkers, due to the fear brought about by the papacy. Only a few individuals dared to
question the Church. Individuals like Martin Luther.
Martin Luther was a Catholic
Disappearing Of Arts In Schools
The arts are slowly disappearing before our eyes and this is a major problem that if
not solved could create some severe consequences for the United States as a nation
academically. Though there are multiple reasons the arts are being cut, the two main
reasons are the No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB), and funding cuts to schools and
public organizations. Those who oppose the arts believe that the arts have no
applicable use in real life, however there is mounting evidence that shows that the
arts are key factors in reading and language skills, mathematical skills, thinking skills,
social skills, motivation to learn, and promotes a positive schoolenvironment. The arts
have also been shown to help keep high risk dropout students in school.... Show more
content on ...
People are forgetting that math is taught when a child is playing an instrument.
English is taught when a child is reading or writing a script. Critical thinking is taught
when a child is analyzing art (Sabrina Holcomb). There is a significant correlation
between participating in the arts, and success in school. Multiple studies have shown
that there is a strong correlation between playing an instrument, and an increase in
scores in mathematical subject. In these studies, it was also noted that students who
were more creative were better problem solvers than students who were not as
creative. All of these characteristics are sought after in the work force, meaning that
the arts not only help during the school years, but in work and business as well (Ron
Whitehorne). Also, it is important to note that Low income students who had arts
rich experiences in high schools were more than three times as likely to earn a B.A.
as low income students without those experiences. And the new study from the
National Endowment reports that low income high school students who earned little
or no arts credits were five times more likely not to graduate from high school than
low income students who earned many arts credits (Tyleah Hawkins). The arts have
always been used as a form of expression and inspiration for people across the
world, the arts have also been shown to improve high risk student s outlook on their
schooling. Research has shown that the arts help improve standardized test scores
like the ACT or SAT (Tyleah Hawkins).People who support the arts believe that
quality art education can help engage at risk students in ways that other subjects such
as math, science, or reading cannot. This is why it is believed that the arts are a key
tool in the prevention of high school dropout. There are many studies that point to a
lower dropout rate for students who participate in
Research Paper On Raman Line Scan Mapping
5.3.2. Raman line scan mapping
Spatial line scans of the graphene Raman G and 2D modes were made across the
middle of the micro ring resonators for both 10Ојm and 20Ојm radius devices. The
spectra were taken using 100X objective lens, and the spatial measurements were
obtained with a step size of 0.1Ојm long a horizontal.
Typical Raman spectra at ON, and OFF of the waveguide are shown in Fig. 5.3 for
G peak and Fig 5.4 for 2D peak position, respectively. These clearly reveal the up
shift in peak frequency where the graphene sits on the underlying silicon waveguide
structure. The 2D peak is well described by a by a symmetric Lorentzian function, a
signature of single layer graphene [8]. Rather we found that the fit to the 2D peak was
... Show more content on ...
The second underlying scattering mode (G ), responsible for the asymmetry, also
exhibits a much more significant decrease in width of ~35% G G (G) from ~20cm 1
to~13cm 1 as we go from the suspended graphene to where the graphene sits on the
cavity waveguide structure. Asymmetry in the graphene Raman G peak has
previously been attributed to highly localised charge inhomogeneity within the laser
probe area [26], i.e. on the sub micron scale and it has also already been observed
when comparing Raman spectra of suspended graphene with that supported by a
substrate [22]. Recent studies of graphene supported by nanostructured surfaces [27]
have also revealed a multi peak fine structure in the G band, which was interpreted
as being the result of extreme curvature or wrinkling , similar to what is observed in
single wall carbon nanotubes. In this case, the doubly degenerate in plane E2g
optical mode can be split between phonons along the nanotube axis, and those that
are perpendicular to it, with the degree of splitting, being a strong function of the
nanotube size (i.e. degree of curvature), even in the absence of any externally
applied strain [28]. G peak splitting has also been observed in graphene under
uniaxial strain [5] and in isolated Carbon nanotube s under hydrostatic pressure [29]
where the curvature sensitive lower
Literary Differences In Beowulf And Grendel By John
Although both books are written about similar topics, it is expression that separates
the two. In the novel Beowulf by Seamus Heaney, and in the novel Grendel by John
Gardner, both books explore what it means to recreate ancient english stories. By
reading Beowulf or Grendel, one can distinguish the literary difference in each book
when it comes to style of writing, format, and common elements in each book,
therefore causing the reader to compare the overall purpose of each book.
The purpose of Beowulf shines through it s Old English roots. While reading the
novel, the reader may notice the use of Old English on the left side pages.
Although this may be confusing to some, to others it connects the book to the
original ancient story that was portrayed in song form long ago. This connection to
the past creates a sense of urgency to the new writing, as if the Old English writing,
though meaning the same thing as the new writing, has importance to the overall
story as a whole. Without the use of Old English in the novel, the overall purpose
and importance of the story that was once told hundreds of years ago would begin
to fade. The use of Old English also brings a seriousness to the novel, as though to
remind those who read it that the words were once true to those who believed the
stories. Thus leading the reader to believe that the story of Beowulf was made and
explained out of honesty and made to inform the people that it was told to.
When it comes to the writing style
Epictetus And His Father s Belief Of A Stoic Life
Lyle Henderson experienced all the hardships that came alongside his father s
belief of a Stoic life. The quotation by the Stoic philosopher, Epictetus illustrates all
the struggles Lyle s father faces while still hoping with strong morals that the trials
he faces would make his life meaningful in the end. Previously, his father refused to
take the charity box without earning it through hard work. Sydney placed himself in
a dangerous situation through his noble action of approaching the danger of
Samson and his deadly shovel. The magnitude of the danger is shown as Lyle
narrates If Samson swung he would split my father s head wide open (Richards 55).
Despite his efforts, they led to no reward when the Hendersons discovered that there
were... Show more content on ...
However, Lyle was blinded by vengeance and angered by Sydney s inability to
defend his family against their society. Through the violence he witnessed from
their community and their actions towards his family, he conformed to the
violence. The Forged Coupon suggested that the wrongdoings of his son cause
numerous chaotic evets to unfold which is comparable to Lyle being influenced
by those that brought pain to his family. In addition, the role of the father s in both
stories causes the protagonist to take matters into their own hands through their
refusal to assist their sons. The cause of Lyle s action lies between the faults in
both Sydney and Lyle. Sydney s passivity causes Lyle to discard his father s belief
s and ideals and Sydney s refusal to stand up to his own son allows Lyle to take
advantage of him and view him as weak and pathetic. As a result, Lyle strays from
the path of kindness and honesty, which is evident through his expressions of
violence and the theft of the chalice. Lyle is foolish for ignoring the advice his
father gave him as becomes overridden with guilt while citizens are on the hunt for
chalice. His numerous thefts from McVicer s store are incomparable to the chalice.
The chalice serves as a significant object that draws the entire town on the hunt. The
chalice is a symbol of the church and God which Lyle blatantly
Immigration Policy Issues
Mitt Romney in his speech to the RNC just four years ago would be considered near
traitorous to the republican party in the divisive politics of the present. In this
presidential campaign season, as in many previous ones, one of the largest issues
continues to be that of immigration. The fundamental disagreement is not whether an
issue exists, but as to how the United Statesshould react to the ones waking up at
night hearing that voice telling them to come to America. This paper will examine
the roles of federal, state, and local governments have regarding the question: should
state and local governments have the authority to draft and execute immigration
policies? First, it will delve deeper into this topic by studying the history of
immigration... Show more content on ...
This legislation required that an individual reside in the country for 14 years prior to
becoming a citizen, and, established one of the first deportation systems for the
United States. (Englund Svoboda 2007) Between 1790 and 1820 immigration begins
to gradually increase, and between the 1830 s and 1860 s there is an influx in
movement into America from Ireland and Western Europe. (Cannato 2012; Schultz
2010; Ewing 2012) Cannato writes that This pattern began to change in the 1830s,
which saw more than 500,000 immigrants arrive (again, almost entirely from Western
Europe, especially Germany and Ireland). (Cannato 2012) Ewing tells us that During
the 1840s, 50s, and 60s, approximately 6.6 million immigrants arrived in the United
States. (Ewing
Persuasive Essay On Canvas To Students
Canvas Update to Students Thank you, dear early adopters of Canvas! We appreciate
your skills at embracing the change. You are helping HSU shape this system and will
surely help your fellow students through the transition as well.

As you know, Humboldt State University is continuing the migration of our learning
management system from Moodle to Canvas. As we all learn this new system
together, it is exciting to know that this transition will provide dynamic tools for
students that have not been available in the past. Moodle Maintenance and Canvas
Building The transition to Canvas will be complete by Fall 2017. In the meantime,
most classes continue to be taught in Moodle during the Fall 2016 semester.
Instructors will continue to move their courses to Canvas throughout the 2016/2017
school year. During this transition we continue to maintain the Moodle system and
ensure that we have appropriate in house support for the system. For more details,
please visit the Canvas website at ... Show more content on ...
As we work through the complexities of implementing this LMS migration on the
back end of the system, we are committed to making this transition as easy as possible
for our campus community.
Continuing Canvas Contributor group meetings with faculty and starting to meet
with students who are early adopters of the system.
Increasing communications to campus about trainings, support, guides and templates.
And building a training support system to help faculty learn about the new tools that
make Canvas a more dynamic and engaging teaching and learning system.

Here are some of the exciting features that Canvas has to offer students and faculty:
Amazingly integrated and easy to use grading tools and set up within Canvas that
provide many opportunities for student
The Pursuit Of The American Identity Essay
Although through the trial and hardships, from 1492 to 1877 the core of the
American identity, the frontier had a constant presence through the years, but through
the founding of Jamestown and Plymouth, the American Revolution, Declaration of
Independence, Benjamin Franklin s virtues, letters, Abolitionist, such as William
Garrison, Fredrick Douglas, and the civil war, the definition of American identity as
the frontier , grew and developed into something that defines what it means to be an
American. The American identity started to develop in 1492 when Columbus set sail
west under Spanish authority to find a new, faster route to Asia, the indies, where the
riches of gold, pearls, and spice awaited. He ended up founding a vast new land full of
opportunity. In April 26, 1607, three small ships carrying colonists from England
settled out of Cape Henry, in a small town they soon called Jamestown, as an
opportunity for a new life. The first settlers who arrived on the east coast in the 17th
century acted and thought like Europeans. They adapted to the new physical,
economic, and political environment in certain ways eventually, as they became their
own. The land quickly turned out to be unfriendly, brutal, and unforgiving, with harsh
winters and intense heat that had taken a toll on the unprepared colonists and settlers
by surprise, causing the death of most of the original population. But through the
determination of building a successful settlement in the new world
Existential Nihilism In Gwen Harwood s Poetry
The awareness we have of our own mortality, the limitations of our flesh, bound only
to our nature through subjective perceptions of value and worth has thus far been the
driving force behind philosophy and its exploration of the human experience. My
interpretation of Gwen Harwood s poetry, through the two examples Triste, Triste and
At Mornington , is that it appeals to the key concepts of existentialism, namely
Despair, and the Other . Through addressing these key concepts, Harwood s poetry
contends the notions of existential nihilism. In turn, the human experiences of loss
and consolation are authenticated through her poetic exploration of the concrete and
the abstract realms within those key concepts. Although the statement concerning...
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Harwood explores the intersubjectivity between the individual and the Other
throughout At Mornington through the use of inclusive pronouns, such as we . The
line from stanza two, by your parents grave in silence expresses the potency of the
individual s empathy. The silence represents the acknowledgement of the Other,
through nonverbally inhabiting the same space. This representation of the comfort of
another being, conveys the extent of the acknowledgement, and contends the notions
of existential nihilism through the implicit values of dasein . The last stanza of the
poem contains the line the peace of this day will shine , this line reflects on the
consequences of death. We have one day, only one the epanaleptic repetition of one
emphasises the finite nature of our life and suggests an assertive tone to the
statement. The motif of the day represents the lifetime of the individual; the metaphor
of the day represents the cyclic nature of life and alludes to the biblical notion of
death and resurrection. The cyclical representation of life and death symbolises the
transition from loss to consolation, through the acknowledgement of the other, and
through the developed acceptance of the individual s
The Purpose Of The Morrill Act
Being both active on the college campus and in the community, ROTC can help fill
the civilian military gap through the education of the civilian population. Public
knowledge needs to be increased through positive experiences between the civilian
populace and the military. Being a programed designed for the commissioning of
officers, ROTC trains civilian students as militaryofficers equipped with the
knowledge to train future soldiers on civil military relations. Being such an important
bridge between the civilian and military world, this paper will cover the first
introduction of military training on the college campus through the Morrill Act.
Despite this Act being enacted before the official gathering of ROTC, the military
training it... Show more content on ...
These changes made a resubmit of the bill favorable. In April of 1861, the American
Civil War was being fought. This internal conflict had the Union army against the
eleven Southern secessionist states. During this time, the Union was desperate to
expand their army. With expansion of the army came the need for more officers to
lead the troops The Union army needed and estimated 20,000 more officers to lead
their troops in initial pace of war against the South. (Williams, 1948). At the time,
the only military schools producing army officers were WestPoint and Norwich.
These two institutions could not produce nearly enough officers needed at the
time. Because of the lack of available trained army officers, civilian officers with
little to no military training were being appointed. Although some of these civilian
officers performed exceedingly well, the majority of them became overwhelmed.
They lacked the proper training and deeper military understanding needed to train
soldiers. The Union army was left wondering how to get more qualified officers
trained. The Morrill act was then reconsidered, but this time with a few adjustments
to the original proposal. Morrill was friends with the founder of Norwich. There was
a general appreciation across the Union army of the quality of officers produced by
Norwich University. Together they altered the original
Student Life In The Hawkeye
The Hawkeye is the newspaper for the University of Louisiana in Monroe (ULM).
It is written by a few students at the University of Louisiana in Monroe and is
written mostly about Monroe and ULM, but also has information in it about other
cities and states. Every week the students write a paper and publish it, the paper has
stories from football games to the presidential election. Writing the Hawkeye is for
fun, but the students that do it also get paid. They have a few students who work
unpaid, so they gain experience. The Hawkeye might not seem like the most fun
thing to do, but students are able to write freely showing their own opinion, which is
something that every student that loves to write should want to do. Being apart of
the Hawkeye... Show more content on ...
The newspaper writers compete in a competition where advisers judge the
paper.and the students who work for the Hawkeye go to New York, which is
where they received third in the nation in 2015. The students involved in the
Hawkeye enjoy their job and says the environment is very family like. Olivia
Barfield, Editor in Chief and Senior Business major stated, Everyone here is doing
what they want to do later. This is simply informing students that working here is
not only working because the students can also gain friendships and have a fun
time. Their are students who help the main writers and editors write called
practicum students, but do not get paid. The editors and writers are able to be a
student while also having leadership and control over the newspaper. Megan
Henderson, a senior Journalism major and copy editor said, Working here is really
good for somebody in my major because it gives us real world experience for what
we want to do when we graduate. The paper is a great place to work if students are
interested in any business or writing major because it does give students the
experience without having to much pressure to make sure it is
Foreign Policy And Decision Making Simulation
Brief for General McMaster On behalf of the State Department I was involved in an
Israeli foreign policy and decision making simulation where members were to agree
upon various minimal peace terms and implementations. This brief for General H. R.
McMaster will provide the most thorough analysis of the outcomes from this
simulation to provide the best suggestions for the United States involvement in the
Israeli Palestinian conflict. The opening remarks by Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu were that the ministers must agree in consensus or the proposition shall
not pass, the cabinet must decide on their most minimal peace terms, and at the
conclusion of deliberations all ministers must agree or resign. (February 27 Minutes)
Netanyahu met... Show more content on ...
(February 27 Minutes, and March 6 at 2:35) Israel will also have full control of the
water infrastructure in the West Bank and will enable a policy of hot pursuit and
establish security control over all areas not annexed if Palestine oversteps their
confinements. (March 6 Minutes)
Section Two: Key Dynamics and Players Involved
Upon arrival on February 27th, Yoav Galant, Minister of Construction, stressed the
utmost importance of eliminating the housing crisis in Israel. Galant offered the
proposal of Mordot Arnona where there would be 2000 new housing units that will
aid growing populations inside the new territory added to Jerusalem. (Powerpoint for
Ministry of Construction, February 27 Minutes) This suggestion worried the
Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Erdan, because of its capability to threaten the
security of Israel. Galant s reasoning behind this proposal is the expansion of
housing in Jerusalem. The neighborhood will allow for the continuation of growth
and development, providing for the housing demand. With this implemented, it will
strengthen Jerusalem as the capital. The lack of housing is one of the highest
concerns for Galant. On the basis of needing 250,000 houses due to a shortage of
housing, there was a 75% increase in housing costs from 2008 2015. Galant
proposed the annexation of areas E1 and Ma ale Adumim located East of Jerusalem
in order to create more space to distribute housing. Over
Final Voting Patterns
The Problem

Merriam Webster online dictionary defines democracy as a form of government in

which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by the people
(www.merriam But the one big problem is that We the people are not
exercising their supreme power to determine the U.S. government. Less than half of
the eligible electorate showed up at the polls for the 1996 U.S. presidential election.
While lower turnout has marred previous presidential elections, 1996 s voter turnout
dipped below 50 percent for the first time in more than 30 years. It appears that the
people s increasing cynicism about politicians that they lie to get elected and the
perception that people have no respect or confidence in the ... Show more content on ...
Research Design

Data used for this term paper was obtained from Houghton Mifflin Company
through the 1996 Voter s Data Set found as part of the Crosstabs package. The
dependent variable (rows) I chose to highlight the 1996 U.S. presidential election
voting pattern was the Final Voting Choice. The independent variables (columns) I
chose were personal traits such as education, income, age, religious affiliations,
race, and gender. The data made available by the Crosstabs program was compiled
in a statistically scientific way by a national survey of citizens before and after the
1996 election. The objective of this research is to determine which of the personal
traits of the electorate has a positive, negative, or an indifferent impact on voter
turnout. Therefore, I have made the following five assertions in the below listed

Hypothesis 1: Voters with higher education (which generally results in higher

household incomes) are more likely to vote.

Hypothesis 2: Young voters are least likely to vote when compared with their older

Hypothesis 3: Voters who have religious affiliations are more likely to vote.

Hypothesis 4: African Americans are less likely to vote than Caucasian Americans.

Hypothesis 5: There is no significant difference in the level of participation in an

election by men and women.

Data Analysis

Wandering Jew Chapter Summaries
The tale of the Wandering Jew is an interesting myth that originates during the 13th
century. On a surface level, it is an entertaining myth with roots back to early
Christianity. However neat the story is; there are illogical inconsistencies within the
myth, and the Wandering Jew falls victim to the one of us/ one of them fallacy and
the fallacy of Division, leaving us with a depiction of the views 13th century
Christians held, and how they portrayed them.
The myth begins as Jesus Christ is carrying the cross he is to be crucified upon,
Jesus stumbles under the weight of the cross in front of a Jewish shoemaker, the
shoemaker harasses Jesus, telling him to hurry up and get on with it; it is here when
the Jew is cursed to wander the ... Show more content on ...
The myth falls to the One of us/one of them fallacy because the myth divides people
into two parts, the ones who stood by Jesus s side, and the Jews who betrayed him.
The Wandering Jew depicts a Jewish man harassing the son of God, an analogy for
the blame the Jews received for the death of Jesus by medieval Christians. the
Jewish people have a long history of persecution by other religions, in the 11th
century, social and political standings all depended on your religious standing, as
such Jews were seen as lower class and forbidden from holding office in any
government. Jews often were forced to live in ghettos. Jewish people were blamed
for Jesus s crucifixion, as well as blamed for ritualistically killing Christian children
this goes to show how Christianity in the middle ages tended to view the Jewish
people (Michael Berenbaum, Anti Semitism ). This relates directly to the Wandering
Jew because of how Joseph is purposely made the antagonist of the story, and is
punished by God by being cursed, because of this it s clear how the one of us/one of
them fallacy ran rampant during this time period, including in the Wandering
Questions On High Performance Network Design
Table of Contents TASK 2: CCCU FM radio Catch up Service2 TASK 3: DNS3
TASK 4: The HTTP Protocol4 TASK 1: High Performance Network Design A
computer network is a communications network that permits CPUs to interchange
information. In computer networks, interacted computing devices pass information to
each other along data networks. Data is moved in the form of packets. The
connections (network links) between nodes are recognised using either cable media
or wireless media. The computer network that is best known is the Internet. Network
computer devices that instigate, route and dismiss the data are called network nodes.
Nodes can contain hosts such as private computers, phones, servers as well as
networking... Show more content on ...
Also is one CPU decides to fail, it won t affect the entire system tragically and the
network can keep operating at its normal level; it will also be easy to add or
remove a workstation at a later date if that is required. The box labeled IDS in this
network design is an invasion detection system which may be a computer or a
created design to log network movement and sense any distrustful movement. In
this diagram it is shown outside the firewall, on the semi private network and
defending the servers on the remote network. I think that it may be a good idea to
place an IDS just inside the firewall to safeguard the complete private network
since an attack may be first launched against a workstation before being launched
against a server. The IDS defending the servers could be changed to protect the
entire private network, but depending on cost and necessities it is also good to
defend your servers, particularly the mail server. Other network equipment used
includes: o Routers They are used to route circulation between physical networks.
Many routers deliver packet cleaning using access control lists (ACLs). This can
increase network safety when constructed properly. Routers can be constructed to
drop packets for some services and also drop packets subject to the source and/or end
address. Therefore routers can help
1sg Spencer Case Study
First Sergeant Randall J. Spencer enlisted into the US Army on February 20, 1986
as a 63T, Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems Mechanic. He attended Basic Training
and Advance Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Upon completion of
AIT in May 1986, 1SG Spencer went to his first duty assignment with Troop B, 3rd
Squadron 7th Cavalry, 3rd Infantry Division, in Schweinfurt, West Germany. 1SG
Spencer was quickly recognized for his mechanical expertise and was assigned as
the units M88A1 recovery vehicle operator. 1SG Spencer s first training exercise
was the annual Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER). 1SG Spencer also
spent three 45 day tours on the East/West German and Czechoslovakia Borders
during the Cold War. 1SG Spencer was chosen above his peers to be Border Trace
Certified, allowing him to make direct repairs and recover vehicles patrolling on the
Upon completion of his ... Show more content on ...
1SG Spencer was assigned to Company B, 2nd Battalion 5th Cavalry
(Mechanized), 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas, with additional duty as the
M88A1 recovery vehicle operator. In August 1990, 1SG Spencer s Unit was put
on alert and deployed to Saudi Arabia on Oct 15, 1990 in support of Operation
Desert Shield. In January 1991, 1SG Spencer s unit moved 500 kilometers to
another assembly area near King Khalid Military City (KKMC) in Northern Saudi
Arabia. This put them in position to defend the famous Wadi al Batin, a key
approach into Saudi Arabia, successfully deterring the Iraqi Army from attacking.
1SG Spencer moved with the entire Division Support elements during the ground
offensive until the cease fire was signed. Upon returning to Fort Hood in April of
1991, he obtained the rank of Sergeant. During the remainder of his tour at Fort
Hood, 1SG Spencer was involved in two rotations to National Training Center (NTC)
and one to Joint Readiness Center (JRTC) at Fort Chaffee,
C. Wright Mills s The Power Elite
Certain changes, which defy many of the fondest beliefs, have taken place in the
American society. People have retransformed from an independent thinking public
into a mass society manipulated by commanders of unequaled powers. Sociologist C.
Wright Mills carefully documented this phenomenon in his book entitled The Power
Elite, opening the debate with a meaningful sentence: The powers of ordinary men
are circumscribed by the everyday worlds in which they live, yet even in these
rounds of job, family and neighborhood they often seem driven by forces they can
neither understand nor govern .
What does Power Elite mean?
The Power Elite is a critical study of the American power structure, in which Mills
argued that a single elite (the ruler) decides for the nation as a whole, leaving minor
decisions for the middle level person to handle and almost nothing for the common
ones (the ruled). His theory suggests that power in the U.S. is concentrated in the
hand of a close knit group whose member s observations is conducted around 1960.
This elite is not an aristocracy argued Mills. It is not a political ruling group based
upon a nobility of hereditary origin. There is no obvious compact basis in a small
circle of great families whose members can and do consistently ... Show more content
on ...
A group of people subject to continuous glamour and publicity has taken the
spotlight, creating the American world of the celebrity . It does not seem to matter
what the man is the very best at; so long as he has won out in competition over all
others, he is celebrated (P. 74). Celebration is the basis of their existence. Propagated
by the mass media, they have become part of the national prestige shadow of money
and power. This competition for attention is joined
The Federal Reserve Board Of Governors
Being born in August 13th of 1946, she is the sixty nine year old that is the current
chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Since the Federal Reserve is
the central bank of the United States its responsibilities do include regulating other
banks and financial institutions as well as dictating the monetary policy. In order to
get into the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, one has to have a background in
Economics. From her undergraduate education, she showed an interest for
Economics, in 1967 she received her Bachelor of Arts from Brown University
where Yellen received distinction of summa cum laude. Few years later, continuing
the path towards pursuing Economics at the graduate level, she gained her Ph. D.
in Economics in1971 from Yale University. Afterwards, Yellen served as assistant
professor for Harvard University for its School of Business from 1971 to 1976 as
well for the University of California, Berkeley from 1980 to 2004. Teaching at the
Berkeley Hass School of Business involved teaching Macroeconomics, Introduction to
International Business International for undergraduate and graduate. In collaboration
with her husband George Akerlof, she published How Large Are the Losses from
Rule of Thumb Behavior in Model of the Business Cycle in 1991.
Afterwards, she started working as an economist with the Federal Reserve s Board
of Governors from 1977 to 1978 in the Division of International Finance specifically
the Trade and Financial Studies
Problems Facing The Us Today Research Paper
Most people will agree that there are many problems facing the U.S. today.
Everyone has their own opinions of what those problems are. Where you live, how
you were raised, and how you see the world are factors that will affect what you
believe are the most important problems. These factors will also affect how each
problem affects you personally. There are however, three problems facing the U.S.
today that have an impact on nearly everyone: self centeredness, divorce, and lack of
faith. There is a way that each of these problems can be solved. In today s society,
many people are very self centered, only caring about themselves. In order to be
successful and happy, people believe they must put themselves first. To have a
successful career,... Show more content on ...
America was formed by Christian moral truths. The Founders believed it proper
for elected officials to have religious debates in public squares and saw nothing
wrong with the government encouraging Christianity. Christian ideas had an
influence on America s Founders. Many historical documents use terms and
language associated with Christianity. Among these is the Declaration of
Independence which says, that they are endowed by their Creator. . . as well as
the laws of nature and of nature s God, and appealing to the Supreme Judge of the
world. The Founders believed these terms to refer to the God of Abraham. They
also believed that humans are created in the image of God. It was believed that
religious liberty was a right that needed to be protected and Christianity and morality
were necessary for happiness and political
The Oldest Jest by Jennifer Johnston
The Big Houses of The Old Jest and Good Behaviour were first of all, big physically,
in relation to the modest cottages...from the 18th century on, it was the center of
wealth, power, and influence. These Big Houses were normally inhabited by
Ascendancy families, Anglo Irish blood, and Anglican faith (Mortimer 209). In The
Big House in Ireland, SeГЎn O FaolГЎin s statement towards the Ascendancy sums
up the attitude of this society Ireland was their country, Ireland was never their
nation...they were far removed from their fellow countrymen in political loyalty,
religion, and education...their way of life and social outlook seemed to belong to
another world (Mortimer 209) and that world was Great Britain. O FaolГЎin here
describes how the characters in Good Behaviourlived while in The Old Jest describes
the characters living closer to the people in the village and surrounding community.
Keane and Johnston took radical opposite points of view in writing about the decline
of the Big House both bringing aspect of their personal lives into the novels to be a
type of biographical perspective of 1920 s Ireland. O FaolГЎin makes the distinction
between Johnston and Keane with the following [a]lthough Jennifer Johnstonis not a
daughter of the Big House, in the sense that Molly Keanemaybe thus classified, she is
closely linked to this world through family connections, friends, and personal tastes
(Mortimer 209). Yet each takes a different route to orient the reader to the realism
Percy Jackson Analysis
All of humanity comes from something, someone, and somewhere. For instance,
every human has a mother and a father. However, not everyone knows from where
they come, who they come from, or why they are where they are now. The series
Percy Jackson and the Olympians show the title character, Percy, learning who he
is after learning where he came from all the while dodging monsters while playing
Capture the Flag on the side. One asset of knowing where you come from is
finding people who care about and understand you. For example, Annabel (Percy s
maternal figure), Charon, Tyson, and Poseidon are looking out for Percy, even
though he sometimes feels isolated. Even though he is usually simple spoken,
Tyson made one of the deepest statements in the series, even if his grammar was
poor. In chapter 19 of The Sea of Monsters, Tyson proclaims to Percy, I prayed to
Daddy for help as I knew he was omnipotent. Soon the people at Merriment found
myself. Met my friend, the magnificent Percy Jackson. The biggest blessing ever to
come from our Father. The guilt made me ashamed that I snarled that Poseidon
was mean. A god sent me a brother, and not only that, a preeminent one. Once you
know where you come from, you will always find people who love you for who you
are, even if who you are is an ADD demigod who controls water. Every familyhas
history that gets passed down through the generations all while creating special
traditions that only that family understands; although some of
The Importance Of Supply Chain Management Of Heinz
The bestselling ketchup was introduced to the word over 140 years ago in 1876 and
by 1906 Heinz sold over 13 million bottles of ketchup per year. Today, Heinz ketchup
remains the bestselling ketchup selling 650 million bottles annually. From the tomato
fields to productions, to Heinz ketchup factories around the world, Heinz creates
America s favorite ketchup. As a result, it takes organizational managementand supply
chain to deliver and distribute Heinz Ketchup to restaurants, retailers, and customers
around the globe. This document will examine the supply chain network and the
importance of operations management for Heinz Ketchup.
Heinz Ketchup Operations and Supply Chain Management Today, it is even more
important for a company to constantly identify and implement operational efficiencies
to protect their margins. The development of innovative supply chain strategies and
operational management enables world leading companies like The Kraft Heinz
Company (Kraft Heinz) to provide functioning solutions for the needs of the
company. Conversely, consumer spending continued to receive downward pressure at
checkout driven by an uncertain global economy. The Kraft Heinz Company is aimed
to tackle this challenge head on by streamlining the supply chain that supports its
brands in North America. This strategy would enable the digital transformation of
many business processes, integrating data flows across the company for greater
efficiency and advanced analytics. In
Amazing Grace Speech
Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost
but now I m found, I was blind, but now I see. John Newton, the writer of Amazing
Grace, was man in need of grace as he reminds us in these lyrics. Likewise this
powerful song reminds me of my own need for not just ordinary grace but Gods
amazing grace. But what is God s grace? Why do we need this grace? What impact
does grace have in our lives? Today I ve been given the card: Explain the meaning
and significance of the grace of God. I hope by that by the end of my talk, I will have
answered these questions and explained how God s grace is truly amazing.
1.Definition: What is grace? Grace by itself is often synonymous with mercy,
compassion or forgiveness.Similarly, the New Testament word for Grace comes
from the Greek word charis, which means favor, blessing, or kindness. We can all
extend grace to others; but when the word grace is used in connection with God, it
takes on a more powerful meaning. God s Grace chooses to bless us rather than
curse us as our sin deserve.This fact is very important as it relates to our salvation
which I will discuss in more detail in my next point.
2.Why do we need God s grace? Beginning with Adam and Eve we have all sinned.
Since God being holy and perfect, cannot be in the presence of sin, we are separated
from him. However, from the Garden of Eden when God made the sacrifice to cover
the sin of Adam and Eve to the ever backsliding Israelites, God
Who Is The Protagonist In 12 Angry Men
12 Angry Men is a play set in 1957 and is about a young delinquent that is on trial
for the assumed murder of his aggressive father. 12 Jurors are instructed to decide if
he is guilty or not guilty. If there is no reasonable doubt, the Jurors must unanimous
find the boy guilty and he will be sentenced to the electric chair. Throughout the play
the Jurors emotions run high as they cannot decide whether the boy is guilty or not
guilty in the first vote because one Juror votes not guilty. In the film adaptation of 12
Angry Men, Sidney Lumetchose to highlight how emotions can get the better of you
by displaying emotion in different ways. He demonstrations how emotions can
overpower you when it is connected to your past, highlighted through the... Show
more content on ...
For the entirety of the play, 12 Angry Men is set in the Jury Room. In the play it
describes it as A large, drab, bare room in need of painting. (p. 1) it s also A very
hot summer afternoon (p.1) which makes the Jury room even more unbearable
then it would be on a normal day. With the lack of working fans in the room the
Jurors are left in there hot, sweaty and irritated. This effects their emotions because
they are unconfutable which makes them not care what they say or do. In the
film, this is exaggerated because Sidney Lumet exemplifies how the Jury room as
drab and bare. He also exaggerates how hot the Jurors are. You know something; I
called the weather Juror this morning. This is going to be the hottest day of the
year. (7th Juror) Later on in the film the director really shows how hot it is in the
room by having the Jurors drenched in sweat. By exaggerating this, the audience has
a visual that helps them understand how hot the room is and they can understand
how awful it would be to be in the situation of the Jurors. With the room being hot
and uncomfortable it makes the all the Jurors angry and on edge. Most of the Jurors
take off their jackets, pull their ties down and undo the top button of their shirts as
soon as they walk in the Jury room. This mirrors they are feeling. Sidney Lumet has
exaggerated the setting of 12 Angry Men to show how settings and situations can
affect your
Raising The Drinking Age
The legal drinking age should be raised to the age of 21. Raising the age to 21 will
avoid drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is one of the massive reasons
why there are many car accidents and road deaths. In fact, according to the
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Over 5,000 people die due to
drinking and driving every year ( Underage Drinking ). However, when an
individual is 21 years of age or older they are considered more mature and
responsible since they have a handful of responsibilities like family duties so they
can create smarter and improved decisions and have the ability to identify what s
wrong and right by not drinking and driving at the same time. This way the rate of
car accidents and road deaths
Importance Of Prisons In Prison
On the 17th of June 2016, the prison population of the England and wales was
84,405 and since the 1990s it has risen by an overwhelming 92%! But why?
Prisoners often pass golden opportunities to escape because they would actually
rather be locked up than on the outside. This then gives us the question is the UK
justice system too lenient?
Prison sentences are given to punish offenders, to ensure that they are doing
something to make up for their crime against society and reduce the risk of them
reoffending. But is that really the case when reoffending rates are higher than ever
and prisoners are getting luxury items inside the jail? Nowadays, offenders are
allowed TVs Xboxes, they earn ВЈ12 per week for getting taught the basics and in
some prisons, offenders are even allowed to have pet birds! Personally I think that
this is beyond a joke. People who have hurt innocent people are being sent to a
place where they can be getting more luxuries than they had before they went in. this
is not okay and it needs to be stopped. 84,405 criminals are serving their time sitting
on Xboxes, watching their favourite programme while being served hot food that
many wouldn t have received before going to prison.
We go to school 5 days a week, 6 hours a day and we get no pay. Criminals who have
killed, stolen, abused and raped get paid ВЈ12 a week to learn the basics. They leave
prison with better qualifications than some get in school. How is this fair? Most
prisons offer courses that have a
Ubc Home Research Paper
UBC homes Preparing Your Home for Summer After a long a dreary winter and
spring, summer has finally arrived in Vancouver. I am sure that you are ready for the
season, but is your house? To fully enjoy the summer months, it is important that
your home is ready for the season. As the premier real estate agent for UBC homes, I
would like to offer the following tips on how to prepare your house for summer.
Indoors Check Your Air Conditioning Nothing can ruin your summer faster than a
broken air conditioner. Ensure that your air conditioning unit is running smoothly this
summer by getting it regularly serviced. Every three months, it is suggested that you:
Check and replace the filters. Flush out drain lines with a cup of bleach. Trim and
remove any vegetation around the outdoor unit to ensure that your air conditioner has
room to breathe.... Show more content on ...
It is important that your ceiling fan runs in a counterclockwise direction so that it is
pushing air down and not up. Upgrade or change your Thermostat If you haven t
already, think about replacing your thermostat with a smart version. This type of
thermostat will not only save you money on your monthly energy bills, it will also
allow you far more flexibility on how you cool your home. A smart thermostat will
allow you to cool only certain rooms if you choose and run your air condition during
the hottest times of the day. You can also operate your thermostat from your phone
giving you ultimate flexibility and control over your home s cooling. Outdoors Fix
The Disappearing Spoon Chapter Summary
The Disappearing Spoon Chapter 15 Review: An Element of Madness At first
glance, the Periodic Table of Elements seems large, complex, and randomly
organized. But if you take a closer look into the history of the elements that make
up the numerous columns and rows, you ll begin to see that there s more to the
table than just a jumble of numbers and symbols. In fact, each and every element on
that table has a story; some shrouded in mystery, others well known and widely
researched. In The Disappearing Spoon, Sam Kean explores the tales of madness,
love, and the history of the world gleaned from all the elements that miraculously
shape our very world we live in today. Every chapter is brimming with true stories
about the elements and how... Show more content on ...
The Disappearing Spoon will appeal to history buffs, science brainiacs, and even
just the average high schooler looking for a nonfiction book that won t actually put
them to sleep. Most importantly, Kean has a fun, complex, but still explanatory
way with words. There were only a few terms in here that were so obscure that
needed definition, especially the repetitive use of the word rube, but overall, Kean
explains difficult topics as if they were the mere ABCs. His casual yet informative
rhetoric is what really shapes this book and keeps the reader interested. In
particular, his word choice creates a lively tone by taking every single word into
account when crafting each sentence and using words that the average writer wouldn
t think of using; like . Of course, hypercritical writers would critique that his diction
is a bit too punctilious at times, but I found that his liberal use of interesting words
breathed life into an otherwise dull work of nonfiction. Without his extensive
vocabulary, this book would just be a recitation of elemental trivia that would not
hold the reader s attention for
The Effects Of Dietary Supplement Use On Heat Injuries...
My practical experience was done at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. I worked with
LTC Sheryl Bedno, who is the Chief of Preventive Medicine here at Ft. Bragg. My
role was as an observer on an ongoing study titled, Dietary Supplement use on Heat
Injuries among Military Personnel . The study was conducted by administering
surveys to soldiers that were being seen by medical staff at the Department of
Preventive Medicine.
The goals were to be able to understand what the possible effects of dietary
supplement use are on the body, especially during extreme heat, to find out why
soldiers decided on using supplements. To achieve these goals, I observed each
survey that was administered and took mental note of their responses (as I was
prohibited from writing in the participant s presence). I did additional research and a
literature review on methods of use, reasons for use, dangers of use and alternatives
to using. The intention of the study was to find a more effective way for physicians
to treat heat injuries.
The popular supplement ingredient, 1,3 dimethylamine (DMAA) was linked to
several fatalities and as a result was put on a medical hold in 2012 by the Food and
Drug Administration. The ingredient was later banned for use in any supplement. In
March of 2012, two Army soldiers died during a workout in which both had
reportedly taken supplements that had DMAA in it.1
Events like that cannot be allowed to occur on a continual basis. Unregulated dietary
supplement use is an
Persuasive Essay About Skydiving
I remember the night it all began. I was coerced out to drink beers with my friend
Justin and my brother Scott. After several cheaply priced libations, and just as if a
gaffer slammed down a marker, they both begin to heckle me about my
agoraphobic behaviors. Mortified, as usual, I began to slither down into the sticky
bar chair like a snake sliding into a dark crevice. The boys conversed in simple
chatter, then an idea came to fruition; it became more and more real as if I were
living in a nightmare. Regrettably, this idyllic conversation was that us three should
go skydiving. Skydiving? I suppose they both did not think that leaping out of an
airplane and freefalling to our death was such a bad idea, especially after slamming
four or five watered down drinks. Just the sound of the words together, sky, and
dive made my bones liquefy. On the other hand, skydiving was the last thing I
wanted to think about since I already had been tremendously scared about having
reconstructive shoulder surgery after being injured while on duty. The surgeon
told me I would not be able to use my entire arm for six weeks; there was a
possibility I could lose feeling in my hand and entire arm since the damage was so
severe. As a result, hearing those possible outcomes of the surgery made me not even
want to go through with it. Unfortunately, I was government property and the Navy
expedited the surgery, therefore I had no say so. Afterward, my fear began to build
strength. My telephone screamed
Essay on Fossil Fuels
Part One Introduction Fossil Fuels are the most important energy sources in our
world today. The overwhelming majority of the huge amount of energy used in the
world comes from the burning of three major fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and
natural gas. Fossil fuels are a non renewable source of energy, and there is no other
. They are formed over a very long period of time; the fossil fuels on earth today
were formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago. These
fossil fuels are found in deposits deep beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to
release the chemical energy that is stored within this resource. Energy is essential to
modern society as we know it. Over 85% of our energy demands are met by the...
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Bituminous coal is jet black, very dense, and brittle. This type of coal has high
heating value.
The main point of this is that all of these fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. It
may come as a surprise that these two elements, hydrogen and carbon, can create
many, many different compounds with unique characteristics. What makes
hydrocarbons valuable to our society is the stored energy stored within them. The
original source of this energy is all the solar energy the prehistoric organisms
trapped in their bodies millions of years ago, and the energy is released by simply
burning the fossil fuels.

Part Three В– Uses of Fossil Fuels: Combustion, Drilling, and Refining

While Fossil fuels have been around long before humans even discovered fire, our
prehistoric ancestors had no use for them. Fossil fuels first major use was to
produce heat and light in the late 1800 s, as well as running steam locomotives.
There were early automobiles too, but these vehicles were more of a luxury than a
way of life. It wasn t until the 1940 s that fossil fuels were used for technological
processes. The reason fossil fuels uses were developed is that engineers and inventors
had government support and extra incentive to develop fossil fuel technologies, this
incentive was war. World War II because it was fought nearly exclusively by
mechanized warfare fossil fuel had to be developed to run the thousands of tanks and
planes that dominated the war. From then on, usage and development
Margaret Sanger Research Paper
Margaret Sanger is one of the top ten most influential women in united states history
for her role as an American Birth Control Activist. Margaret fought adamantly for
women s rights throughout her life, becoming the first to open a Birth Control Clinic
in the U.S.
One of 11 children, Margaret saw her mother have many miscarriages, leading to
her belief that this trauma had a negative impact on her mother s health, and
caused her to have an early death, at the age of 40 or 50. Shortly after moving to
New York City with her husband in 1910, Margaret joined the Women s
Committee of New York Socialist Party as well as the Liberal Club, becoming a big
supporter of the industrial workers of the world union. As a big advocate, Margaret
was known to have supported and been involved in several of the unions strikes. ...
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While also working as a nurse in a predominantly poor neighborhood, Margaret
treated many women who had attempted to self terminate pregnancies as well as
those who had gone through illegal back alley abortions.Around this time, Margaret
started to dream of an easier and safer alternative, envisioning a pill that could be
taken to prevent pregnancy from ever occurring, and thus saving these women from
being forced to undergo unsafe and illegal operations. It is because of these beliefs
that she began the fight to make birth control information and contraceptives widely
available to
Fear In The Chrysanthemums
The Touch of Fear

The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck is telling the reader the story of Elisa
Allen. Elisa is on her 35 years old and throughout parts of her life in a Garden. She
feels in her garden strong and she believes she had the potential to change her life
base of her garden, but beside her garden she had a weak personality. Elisa is like a
cat because she is tender and hides herself of her reality and what is happening
around her. She is a kind person who is believes if she is going to change how she
likes, but at the end of everything she would go back at the same person that she
was in the beginning. Elisa does not change at all in the story because she thought
that a man she knew for hours would change her life. Elisa is a ... Show more content
on ...
When Elisa was working in her garden suddenly look up to see who was coming on
the road and it was an old wagon with a man. This man is called the tinker. The
tinker begins to interact with Elisa. He tells Elisa about all his adventure on the
road and he experience of lot excited things. We noticed that Elisa would not
change her attitude is when she began to act pleasant with him. The narrator states
Elisa took off her gloves and stuffed them in the apron pocket with the scissors
(Steinbeck 4). Then, Elisa was changing her voice tone and she was demonstrating
to the tinker that she needs someone to love her. However, she demonstrates her
weakness because she was acting confidently with someone who did not know at
all. They were having a comfortable conversation until he begins to talk bad about
her flower smell. When he states a bad comment of her flowers, she quickly reacts
and had the potential to deal with him. Elisa states It s a good bitter smell, she
retorted, not nasty at all (Steinbeck 5). After all he tried to solve the problem that he
had with Elisa and told her of a woman he knew on the road who likes
chrysanthemums too. He began to explain that she had a flower garden; but she
didn t know how to grow chrysanthemum flowers. Then he convinced her to give
some chrysanthemum flowers to him. Elisa does not have the potential of changed
because the tinker manipulated her with the story of the woman of the
chrysanthemum. However, he manipulated her because he wanted something to fix
because he wanted money or something to eat. Elisa found two pans in the back of
the house. And she gave the two pans to him for fix it and the tinker begins fixed
in a professional way. However, Elisa gifts the two pans to the tinker with some
flowers planting. Now, it was time to say Good Bye. Elisa sways herself
Essay on Understanding Phonics
In the academic world reading is like breathing is to life; an absolutely necessary
component not only to succeed but to survive. To teach a child to read is to give
them an opportunity to achieve their potential and realize their dreams. As teachers
we should not only strive to teach children to read but more importantly we should
ignite a passion inside of them so that each child wants to read; craving books as if
they were food (or video games). Unfortunately in any given group of students a good
percentage of them will struggle with reading. The best way to prevent a child from
falling behind is early identification and intervention, coupled with a comprehensive
scientifically based literacy program (Sousa, 2005). There are five... Show more
content on ...
A range of systematic programs have been designed such as synthetic phonics,
analytic phonics, analogy phonics, and phonics through spelling (DeGraff, Bosman,
Hasselman Verhoeven, 2009). Synthetic phonics teaches students to translate letters
into sounds and blend the sounds to form words (NRP, 2000). Analytic phonics
teaches students to examine letter sound relationships in words they already know to
avoid saying sounds in isolation (NRP, 2000). Analogy Phonics teaches students
unfamiliar words by comparing unknown words to known words (NRP, 2000).
Phonics through spelling teaches students to break words down by phonemes and
spell them according to the phonemes they hear in the word (DeGraff, Bosman,
Hasselman Verhoeven, 2009).
Incidental phonics instruction does not follow a planned sequence of phonics
elements to guide instruction but highlights particular elements opportunistically
when they appear in text (NRP, 2000, p.8) Incidental phonics instruction is embedded
in ongoing reading and writing activities. The National Reading Panel recommends
the use of systematic and explicit phonics instruction rather than incidental. The
National Reading Panel
Workplace Diversities
Workplace Diversities The Value of Communicating Working environment grouped
qualities insinuates the blended pack of differences between people in an affiliation.
That sounds direct, however varying qualities fuses race, sexual introduction, ethnic
social affair, age, character, scholarly style, residency, various leveled limit,
preparing, establishment and the sky is the point of confinement from that point.
Contrasts incorporate how people see themselves, and additionally how they see
others. Those observations impact their associations and correspondences. For a wide
blend of delegates to work effectively together and partner, human resource
specialists need to deal reasonably with issues. For instance, these affiliations or
issues could... Show more content on ...
Some of those challenges are: perceptual correspondence, social and tongue
preventions, impenetrability to change, and contrasting qualities in workplace
ventures. Insufficient correspondence of key individuals or subjects achieves
perplexity, nonattendance of participation, and low resolve. Contrasts in
correspondence measures can influence correspondence, and consideration ought to
be taken when perusing in the middle of the lines of content correspondence. There
are continually going to be delegates who will decay to recognize the way that the
social and natural beauty care products of their working environment is advancing.
The we ve for the most part done it thusly mentality quiets new considerations and
curbs progress. This can prompt a stagnant domain, that doesn t develop or change,
and that at last comes up short despite movement. Execution of contrasting qualities
in the workplace methodologies can be the overriding test to all assorted qualities
advocates. Outfitted with the outcomes of specialist evaluations, consistent audits,
and examination data, they should frame and complete an altered framework to
support the effects of grouped qualities in the workplace for their particular affiliation
and to succeed in any working environment
Paris Attack Journal Entry
November 13th, 2015 Beginning at 21:20 CET, was when the Paris Attacks occurred.
I was coming from America feeling thrilled to see Paris,France for my first time ever,
along with me came 2 of my roommates Cheryl and Jackie, we were only 21 years
old during the time that this tragic event took place. Little did I know, Jackie was
destined to die by 21 and Cheryl to become handicap and never to walk again, I was
the one who got the lucky break minus my psychological damage I got off pretty
easy , was it fate or was I bound to die by some other age that I would never even
expect like poor Jackie. I remember getting on the plane with Cheryl and Jackie
feeling ecstatic and anxious because this would be the first time I d ever be on a
plane and the... Show more content on ...
The smell of panic deep within all of us , it was so unexpected, one minute Cheryl,
Jackie, and I are fine and next we are all panicking for our lives trying to protect
each other from dying , where did our savings go? I was scared and we were all
screaming and running, I couldn t hear a damn thing and the things I seen I would
ve never expected to , kids being shot that were enjoying celebrating their birthday
, couples going on a date, us chatting about what we were excited to see next half
injured and half of them dead. Me and Cheryl ended up running so fast from the
shooter that we lost Jackie so we were crying hysterically looking for her then when
we found her she was dead on the ground , I would ve never have expected to see a
best friend of mines dead by 21 , we had so many plans and now here she was on the
floor shot and dead, that s when Cheryl grabbed me like a mad person , she told me
that we needed to go now but me I couldn t just leave Jackie dead like that and that
was when the shooter took his last shots before feeling in a car , shooting Cheryl in
her two legs leaving her handicapped for
The Influence Of Roman Ruins In Spain
A chance to see timeless beauty at its best , a phrase used to describe Spain s
Roman ruins. The ruins still standing offer rich history and show the influence of
the Roman Empire. Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see Roman
ruins because its full of history, culture, and impressive sites. Spain has a rich
history on Roman ruins. For example, the Calat Alhambra was built as a small
palace but was left abandoned. In the 13th century, Muhammed ben Al Amar rebuilt it
and later in 1333 Yusuf I turned it into a royal palace. Mid 1500s came and
Alhambra was abandoned again but was never destroyed. The Calat Alhambra went
through the Spanish War of Independence and later ended up being declared a
national monument .
College At Arizona State University
Imagine Time Square in New York City on the busiest day of the year or the Great
Barrier Reef with hundreds of fish swimming around you. Those two remarkable
places resemble that of the Memorial Union (MU) at Arizona State University (ASU).
Not everyone loves crowded, cramped, and/or cluttered places. In fact, some people
want a space that is calm, inviting, and their own. For the students that attend Barrett,
The Honors Collegeat Arizona State Universityit is just that, a secluded welcoming
part of ASU. Not only is Barrett a portion of ASU that seems distant from other
dorms, it has its very own unique feel. You can walk into Palo Verde East or West,
Manzanita, or even the University Tower and not have the open space that surrounds
the... Show more content on ...
One thing remains true; the living spaces are phenomenal. From either living in
Cottonwood, Cereus, or any other hall at Barrett you are definitely in for a treat.
Each hall has a unique characteristic that makes them exceptional. From the floor
theme, to the lounge area each hall brings something different to the atmosphere at
Barrett. When walking around the various halls you tend to feel like you re in a
three out of four star hotel because everything is well kept, and refined, but also
individualistic. Every hall has a multitude of floors, and each floor has a different
theme. Themes could range from Toy Story to The Lego movie, or one could stand
out and have a Harambe memorial in front of their living space. These various
themes bring the multitude of living spaces together. Barrett is a distinct place on
campus that has a lot to be discovered.
While sitting and observing from one of many lounge areas, I observed that Barrett
has a very strong community of students. In the span of time while I was there I did
not notice anyone sitting and/or walking by themselves. Everyone had someone to
communicate with, and make an everlasting bond with. That does resemble what
could possibly happen in the Memorial Union, during a lunch or dinner rush, but at
Barrett it is in a much more controlled setting with more space to breath. I came to
notice that outside the dorms people would socialize, and really be themselves, but
once entering their dorm room it felt like
Brine Shrimp Case Study
3.Brine shrimp have survived successfully since the Triassic period, around 200
million years this has been possible through their unique adaptations which have
enabled them to avoid predators and suit their environment. They are pretty good
at surviving except in space (who knew radiation isn t good for shrimp). One of the
best adaptations the brine shrimp have is their ability to survive in waters of very
high salinity (up to 25%). There optimal levels of salinity are 3 3.5% but they are
rarely found in waters below 6 8% salinity for the same reason this adaptation is so
good, no predators occupy waters with this level of salinity. With this adaptation
they are protected from much predation and have very few predators except for
birds. Another reason there environment is good for their survival is that it is so
widespread. Salt water lakes are found all over the world. They also use autotomy in
defence... Show more content on ...
Firstly adult female brine shrimp ovulate approximately every 140 hours and in
optimal conditions the fertilised eggs can almost immediately hatch, even over a
relatively short lifetime of a year this is a lot of young. They have another brilliant
reproductive adaption; while in extreme conditions, such as low oxygen level or
salinity above 15‰, female brine shrimp produce eggs with a chorion coating
which has a brown colour. These eggs, also known as cysts, are metabolically
inactive and can remain in total stasis for two years while in dry oxygen free
conditions, even at temperatures below freezing. The shrimp have also been able
to survive dangerous salinity levels as the eggs wait to hatch if the salinity levels
are too high. Once placed back in briny water the eggs hatch within a few hours.
This ability also has enabled them to spread the population by the eggs travelling on
the feet of birds. They have also been known to reproduce asexually by
parthenogenesis in the absence of
What Was The Treaty Of Versailles Wilson s Fourteen Points
In the fourteen points, Wilson arranged out the concept of getting nations not try and
attempt to take benefit of different nations that was terribly realistic. However, the
Treaty of Versailles was extremely meant to penalize Germany in an exceedingly
heap of the way. As an example, it took a great deal of land manner from Germany
even supposing the folks living on those bits of land were German. One of the main
distinction is that the fourteen pointswere idealistic and conciliatory whereas the
treaty of Versaillestried to penalize Germany ruthlessly. I suppose that one different
factor to point out is that the treaty of Versailles failed to do away with colonies the
manner Wilson would have found more suitable. Wilson s Fourteen Points were
very idealistic, in this he felt Great Britain and France would embrace his plans to
prevent war for the good for everyone by following his... Show more content on ...
This momentum was caused due to various reasons and one of those reasons was
also the steady growth of achievements in legislation of blacks due to all the
campaigns and marches carried out by black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and
Philip Randolph. Their efforts brought rapid progress in the civil rights movement.
In 1941, an executive order 8802 was issued by the FDR which stated the prohibition
of racial discrimination among people in the industries. Another main reason was
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) which made the civil rights momentum to be
persistent. The Supreme Court ruled that desegregation in public school was not
constitutional. This brought new motivation to the civil rights movement. In 1948,
the EO 10730 was encouraged to unify the black and white schools after the armed
forces were desegregated by Truman. The Civil Rights Act gained more importance
in 1957 after Eisenhower got nine black students to their classes at Little Rock
Central High
Summary Of The Destruction Of Turtle By Barbara
At this point in the novel, Taylor has recently gained custody over Turtle, and the
two have decided to spend a day at the Oklahoma City Main Library. In the
beginning of the passage, Kingsolver establishes a connection between Turtle and
wisteria vines, something she did previously when describing the garden in dog
doo park (Kingsolver 118 119). Indeed, just as the vines often thrive in poor soil,
Turtle manages to live through her early years in an abusive home, and eventually
thrives under Taylor s care. The use of the word thrive is significant here; although
Dr. Pelinowsky had previously diagnosed Turtle with a failure to thrive (129), the
young girl continued to grow and learn each and every day, never once faltering amid
Rhetorical Devices In Patrick Henry s Speech To The...
Patrick Henry His Uses of Rhetorical Devices In Patrick Henry s Speech to the
Virginia Convention , Patrick Henry persuades colonists to fight Britain through
several rhetorical devices: Imagery, appeal to ethos, rhetorical questions and
metaphor. These rhetorical devices worked to help gain trust and to soften the
message. Patrick Henry wanted to approach them emotionally and question their
logic and morality. One of the most important rhetorical devices he used was
imagery. One example of imagery he used on his speech was We are apt to shut our
eyes against a painful truth which meant to tell them that they believe in a hope that
doesn t exist because they rather live in lie than to suffer from the truth. Another
quote is... Show more content on ...
To make them react so they could take action on the problem that might ruin them
all if they don t act fast. To make them know if they were smart enough or were
capable of making the right decisions. Patrick Henry also wanted to make them
choose between liberty and slavery. It s logical to choose liberty because then you
are free to make your own decisions and live without reserve. There was a part of
his speech where Patrick Henry used sarcasm as part of his rhetorical question part
of his speech was And what have we to oppose them? Shall we try argument? The
explanation is that the Colonist don t really have anything to defend themselves
against the British but to fight them. Sarcastically, he asked them if they wanted to
try to argue with the British so they could make them reason. But, sincerely, talking
their problems out wasn t going to really work. Another example of a rhetorical
question was But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week or the next
year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be
stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? The
purpose of this was to ask every Colonists when will it be that they suggest they
should become stronger and stand up for themselves or if they were just going to wait
until they were totally defenseless and unprepared to actually start thinking what is it
The Truth About Marijuana Legalization
Nick Foley
English 101
Professor Burch
December 12, 2014
The Truth About Marijuana
Ever since 1930 marijuana has been an illegal drug in the United States. Somehow
even though it is illegal, it is the countries number one cash crop with the most
margin for profit. Users of cannabis are not the only supporters of the legalization of
marijuana, many people who do not use the drug are supportive due to the fact that
they know that the prohibition of it does more harm than good. They also can see
that making it legal would be useful in many ways to those people who have
diseases, that way they could use it as a medicine as well as a relaxant. One more
reason people are pro legalization of marijuana is due to the fact that it could really
help ... Show more content on ...
For example, Pharmaceutical companies lobby against cannabis because at a
lower price, there are so many drugs such as pain killers or sleep medication it
could replace. Another group that benefits greatly from prohibition are the drug
cartels. Legalize marijuana and you cut a huge percent of their profits, army
strength, and political power (truth about cannabis). When talking about the
legalization of marijuana a lot of people will say it is bad for your health, which is
true in the aspect of inhaling the drug and harming your lungs or even the
possibility of brain cells being killed. If people want to argue that then you would
need to explain alcohol and tobacco because scientifically speaking those two
substances are equal to, if not worse for you than marijuana is. 79,000 people die
per year from alcohol poisoning but 0 people have ever died from over dosing on
marijuana (truth about cannabis). The government and many people tend to think
that if marijuana becomes legal then this drug will be much more accessible to
children and teens. But when looking at it children and teens have a much harder
time getting their hands on alcohol or tobacco because a cashier or store clerk will
check for an ID but a drug dealer will not care about the person s age, they just want
the money. Another controversial reason to keep marijuana illegal is that many state
it is a
Catch-22 I Can See Clearly Now Essay
I Can See Clearly Now
Flannery O Conner argued that [Distortion] is the only way to make people see .
This famous statement is initially contradictory and incongruous, but in Joseph
Heller s Catch 22 it is easy to see the truth of this paradox. The pages of Catch 22 are
lined with distortion and each instance provides for a new kind of clarity. Catch 22 is
simply a war story illustrated by ridiculous behavior and illogical arguments and told
in a flatly satirical tone. Though the book never states outright that matters are funny,
the reader is always aware of how outrageously bizarre the characters and situations
are. Heller uses out of sequence narration, a confused distinction between appearance
and reality, and the irrationally ... Show more content on ...
With Snowden lying dead in his arms, the truth of war becomes even more frightening
and real and Yossarian becomes truly paranoid. Without the focus that the scattered
and repeated storyline of Snowden provides, one may not have been able to grasp its
true significance.
Often times Catch 22 is characterized by a very loose grip on reality. The line
between what is apparent and what is real is continually indistinguishable, even to
readers. One aspect that contributes greatly to this effect is the distortion of justice
and the military technicalities. In the military world created by Heller, what is
written on paper is what is true, even if it can be defied by reality. Throughout
much of the book, Yossarian is found complaining that there is a dead man (24) in
his tent. When the concept of the dead man is first introduced, the readers are led
to believe that there is an actual dead soldier sitting in Yossarian s tent, which the
military refuses to remove. However, later clarification shows that is not the case
at all, but rather, after setting his luggage down, the soldier was killed in the air
before he even got the chance to sign in. The grim irony of the situation is that
according to the appearance based logic of the military, it is as if the man was never
there at all, and his things can therefore not be processed. Another example of such
distorted reality is found in McWatt s
Arete And Nemesis
Arete, Hubris, Ate, and Nemesis are the four elements of the Ancient Greek
Homeric Cycle and explain the fundamental aspects of human nature. For example,
Arete (excellence), often leads to one becoming arrogant or over confident
(Hubris). This confidence gives rise to recklessness (Ate) and eventually one is
punished (Nemesis) for their injudicious actions. These four traits can be linked to
the actions of many famous historical figures including Bill Clinton who held the
prestigious role of president of United States and because of this felt that he could
do anything, so he recklessly had an affair and eventually was impeached from
office. Plato s Allegory of the Cave, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Epic of Gilgamesh
are ancient stories with
Gospel Of Mark Analysis Essay
In the Gospel of Mark, which provides the gospel passage for most Sundays this year,
we heard at the Easter Vigil less than a week ago, Mark s account of the discovery of
the empty tomb.

At the close of the narrative, Mark depicted the women disciples fleeing in
amazement, not saying anything to anyone out of fear (Mark 16.8).

Other scenes at that first Easter find the apostles cowering behind locked doors,
afraid of being exposed as followers of Jesus of Nazareth (John 20.19) that will be
this Sunday s gospel.

John has chosen the painting of Jesus accompanying two disciples on the Road to
Emmaus by Robert Zund for the memorial card of his ordination. The image recalls
how we can have all the details of Easter morning and yet be unable to ... Show more
content on ...
We might say that, in this text, their original Galilee experience of their call is

Shortly after this episode Jesus asks Peter three times whether he loves Him and, each
time, entrusts to him the task that He had performed for the seven of them on the
seashore, namely to feed My sheep, that is, guiding them, teaching them and
sanctifying them.

Renewed by Jesus ministrations and fellowship, Peter and the others go forth and,
after Pentecost, boldly proclaimed the Name of Jesus to all in Jerusalem and beyond,
as we see throughout this Easter season in the readings from the Acts of the Apostles.

John chose the second reading for this occasion. In it, we hear part of an early
baptismal homily attributed to St. Peter. It speaks of Christ constructing the
Church, with all of his disciples having a role to play in becoming a royal priesthood,
a holy nation. As God s own people, they are to proclaim to everyone God s
marvellous deeds. We witness this evening a marvellous deed in God s call to John
later in his life to embrace a new family, and a new, spiritual
Making Music For Autistic Children
Autism is a term for a group of complex disorders that affect brain development.
Around 1 in every 68 American children is on the autism spectrum, and tens of
millions of individuals affected by autism worldwide. Autism can be associated with
difficulties in motor coordination, communication challenges, and a tendency to
engage in repetitive behaviors. Although autismis a life long condition, autistic
children and adults all benefit from interventions, or therapies, that can increase skills
and reduce symptoms (Autism Speaks: 2014). Music whether it be musical
instruction or simply listening to music has been shown to improve cognitive
abilities. Making music is a complex process that requires the tuning of fine motor
skills, which... Show more content on ...
Recall that Group A is composed of autistic children while Group C is not.
Specifically, the children will have hour long piano lessons once a week for a year.
In these piano lessons, the children will spend a portion of the time simply
listening to the piano. They will spend the rest of the time learning to read music,
play basic scales, position their fingers correctly, tap their feet to the beat of the
music, and eventually play basic songs. Group B and Group D, meanwhile, will
not undergo any musical training. They will not learn any musical techniques, and
they will just continue on with their everyday lives for a year. They are free to
listen to music if they wish, but the amount of music they listen to during this year
will not have changed from the amount listened to in any previous years of their
lives. These groups essentially act as control groups. At the end of the year, all
four groups will take a post test. The post test will be made up of similar tasks as in
the pre test (the tasks will not be exactly the same to prevent bias, but they will be of
the same nature and difficulty). The childrens individual performances will once
again be assessed and then compared to their previous scores.
Making the Pre-School Setting a Supportive and Safe...
Cache Level 3 Diploma in Pre school Practice Core unit 3 Making the pre school
setting a supportive and safe environment. The 1981 Warnock Report and Education
Act highlighted the concept of children having special educational needs. This means
each setting needs to have an inclusion policy that states that all children and their
parents are included regardless of there race, religion or disability. Our admissions
policy reflects this. The UN Convention on the rights of the child (1989) added to the
Warnock Report by stating that disabled children have the right to be included in
mainstream education, allowing the child to achieve the fullest possible social
integration and individual development. The ramifications for... Show more content
on ...
The home corner can also be a good place to promote anti biased attitudes as it
lends its self to a variety of different cultural cooking and house keeping methods,
as does the dressing up box. It is also important to consider the needs of all the
children when doing your planning to ensure that the activities are suitable.
Prejudice: An attitude, opinion, or feeling formed without adequate prior
knowledge, thought ,or reason. Prejudice can be prejudgment for or against any
person, group, or sex. (Dermon Sparks and the A.B.C Task Force, 2000 p10). Each
setting should have and Inclusion/anti discrimination policy in which the
procedures of the settings are clearly written down for staff to follow. It is
important to have carefully written policies in place in our settings as this not only
conforms to current legislation (Statutory Framework for the Early Years
Foundation Stage), but also makes sure that staff know what to do in any given
situation and helps us to provide a safe and healthy environment for all the
children in our care. Policies to be included would be: A Heath and Hygiene policy,
which would detail such things as actions to be taken when dealing with body
fluids, and hand washing procedures. A Food Handling Policy which would deal
with all aspects of food hygiene and preparation, and provision for such things as
fresh drinking water being available to
Globalisation In Australia Essay
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Australia was indeed the lucky country. It
had a small population, plentiful natural resources and the highest per capita income
in the world. By the late 1980s however, Australia had fallen to 15th in the world in
terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person. (Banks, 2005) Rod Sims,
Chairman of the Australian Competition Consumer Commission, described Australia
in the early 1980s as an insular, highly regulated economy, with many public sector
monopolies, contributing to low productivity and growth, and poor comparative
economic performance . (Sims, 2013)
The 1980s saw the globalisation of the Australian economy. (Kelly, P, 2000). During
this period, a number of significant economic decisions were made which would ...
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The Changes in Global Economy
There are a number of aspects to globalisation that have led to the greater
interconnection between economies; improvement in technology, communication
and information flow, as well as increased trade, investment and capital flows.
Improvements in transport have made it easier for people to live, study, travel and
work abroad. As the effects of globalisation have increased, so has Australia s
integration with the world economy.
Australia s prosperity is more connected than ever to developments in the global
economy. Our trade with the world is equivalent to 41 per cent of our GDP (Trade
and Investment, Australia s Economic Diplomacy, 2017)
The Rise of Asia

The past 20 to 30 years have also seen the rise of Asian developing economies, such
as China, India and the Republic of Korea, in the global economy. Since the early
1980s, Asian economies have had faster economic growth than the US and Europe,
expanding by an average of around 9 per cent for the past 3 decades, with India at
around 5 per cent. (Morris,

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