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5 Page Essays

Writing a five-page essay can be a daunting task, presenting its own set of challenges and hurdles
to overcome. The difficulty lies not merely in the length requirement but in the need for
conciseness, coherence, and depth of analysis within a limited space.

Firstly, condensing complex ideas into a concise format while maintaining clarity is no small
feat. Each paragraph must contribute meaningfully to the overall argument or thesis, requiring
careful planning and organization to ensure a logical flow of ideas.

Moreover, five pages might seem like a lot at first glance, but once you delve into the topic and
begin researching, you quickly realize the constraints it imposes. Choosing which information to
include and which to omit becomes crucial, as there's only so much that can be covered
effectively within the given space.

Furthermore, maintaining the reader's interest throughout a five-page essay requires skillful
writing and engaging content. Striking the right balance between providing sufficient detail and
avoiding unnecessary verbosity is essential to keep the reader engaged from start to finish.

Additionally, crafting a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument of the essay
becomes even more critical in a shorter format. Every word must serve the purpose of supporting
and reinforcing the thesis, leaving little room for tangents or irrelevant information.

Finally, revising and editing a five-page essay to perfection can be time-consuming and labor-
intensive. Every sentence must be scrutinized for clarity, coherence, and relevance, and revisions
may be necessary to ensure a polished final product.

In conclusion, while writing a five-page essay may seem straightforward at first glance, it
presents its own set of challenges that require careful consideration and meticulous attention to
detail. However, with proper planning, organization, and dedication, it is certainly a task that can
be accomplished successfully.

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5 Page Essays 5 Page Essays
Theme Of Rear Window And Disturbia
Sitting alone, trapped inside my home watching my neighbors movements day by
day. This setting is a description a scenes in the plot of the films, Rear Window by
Alfred Hitchcock (1954) and Disturbia by D.J Carusso(2007).These two films contain
many similar themes which are a part of the movie s plot but are slightly different.
The two films, both contain a vast amount of voyeurism presented in different ways.
In both films women are treated rude, disrespectfully and are victims of violence.
Both films also share the theme of isolationism which contributes to the plot, tone
and development of the films. The films are very similar and show strong
representation of these themes throughout the films while showing slight differences
in how the themes are presentedFirstly, let s discuss the theme voyeurism presented
in both of the films. In the films women were shown half dressed numerous times
throughout the films. In the filmRear windowJeff is shown on numerous occasions
watching a woman from his window while she was dancing and, changing in her
underwear while he was smiling at the sight. This form of voyeurism is shown in
Disturbia when kale is also shown watching his neighbor Ashley from his window
on many occasions while she is swimming and changing clothes. Kale was also
shown watching women in swimwear on his TV. The contrast of voyeurism in the
films is that in Disturbia it is shown more throughout the film more blatantly than
in Rear Window. The theme of voyeurism is presented almost the exact same way
between the two films without little to no differences.Secondly in both films
women are treated rudely, disrespectfully and are the objects in which violence is
inflicted upon. In a scene of the film Rear Window Lisa was telling Jeff that he
was scaring her due to his focus and suspicion on a possible murder(er) and his
reply to her was shush completely ignoring what she was saying to him. In the
film Mr.Thorwald was having an affair, not caring about his wife and eventually
killed her. In the film Disturbia Kale s mom tells him to clean up his room and he
replies to her telling her to check his schedule and doesn t proceed to clean up. Just
like in Rear window Kale s neighbor
Feminist Definition Essay
Feminism is a hot topic in this world. Many people, both women and men, identify
as feminists and fight for what they believe is right. But feminism is not a clear
cause. The dictionary definition of feminism is, the advocacy of women s rights on
the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men , but that does not
really clarify anything. That definition is backed up on, where
feminism is defined as, the policy, practice or advocacy of political, economic, and
social equality for women . Though both definitions are similar, they do not really
clarify what feminism really fights for. What are women s rights? How are women
able to be equal to men? What is equality? The definitions leave those questions
widely open to interpretation. This wide interpretation of feminism leads to a wide
variety of feminists, many with contradictory beliefs. This begs the question, which
is right? What are the right goals of feminism? What is the best way to achieve those
goals? Can both feminists be right? Does it matter how one achieves the end? Which
end should you fight for? Depending on a person s ethics, these questions... Show
more content on ...
It is such a personal decision and everyone chooses to have abortion for a different
reason some because they is [sic] a health concern, some because they already have
children and don t feel like they can be an adequate person to another children [sic],
some because they are so young and know they aren t mature enough to parent, some
because they learn that the child has a fetal abnormality and can t live beyond
gestation...and the list goes on. I think some people are more sympathetic to some of
these reasons than others and yet that s not really out [sic] reason we have to just
ensure that women have access to health care and to doctors that can help them make
the best choice they
Jamaican Music, Culture, And Music In Jamaican Culture
Reggae music was a big part of Jamaican culture. Many artists practiced the style of
reggae and some of the artists like Bob Marley influenced and showed people
internationally all about this music. It originated around the time that Jamaica was
being attacked by European countries like Spain and native people being taken into
slavery. Bob Marleywas born after the time of slave trading but whites still effected
the native people and this is how he got his inspiration for his music.
a)The music of Jamaica began five centuries ago, when Columbus colonized the
land of the Arawak Indians. This dates the start of oppression by first the Spanish
and then the English in this area of the Caribbean. Blacks were brought in as slaves
by the English, and although Jamaica has had it s independence since 1963, the
tension of authority and control still reigns. Jamaica is a story of injustice,
international influence, ineffective governing, and unequal distribution of wealth; all
of these elements provide a solid base for the theme of oppression and the need for a
revolution and redemption in Jamaican music. Reggae in particular reflects these
injustices, and the feelings, needs and desires to change the lifestyle that Jamaicans
have historically lived. Reggae music has two meanings. It s generic name for all
Jamaican popular music since 1960, West Indian style of music with a strongly
accented subsidiary beat. Reggae can also refer to the particular beat that was
extremely popular in
Ed Eagle Essay
Ed Eagle is the lead character in the Ed Eagle series of novels by American novelist
Stuart Woods. The first novel that introduced Eagle to readers was Santa Fe Rules
that was published in 1992. Set in Santa Fe in New Mexico the books are within
the mystery detective genre. Ed Eagle is a hotshot attorney based in Santa Fe New
Mexico from where he represents difficult and often vindictive clients. His take no
prisoners approach has made him many enemies, who often come back to haunt
him. At the beginning of the series, Ed Eagle is a divorced attorney with plenty of
experience dealing with organized crime, corruption and murder both south and
north of the border. The first title in the series, Santa Fe Rules, begins with the
story of a successful Hollywood producer whose life is turned upside down when a
brutal murder happens in his house. As the prime suspect in the murder, he turns to
Ed Eagle, one of the country s top attorneys to help him prove his innocence. Soon
after, the producer is arrested only for another gruesome murder to complicate his
life further. It is now up to Ed Eagle and a motley crew of characters that include ex
convict do Wold, and a sociopathic biker nicknamed Spider to unravel the peculiar
mystery. What follows is an intricate web that goes along at breakneck speed
culminating in an explosive finale that... Show more content on ...
Eagle is the man to see if you have any trouble that no other lawyer in Santa Fe
would touch. When a new client brings him a puzzling case of a murder in his
hacienda, Ed immediately gets to work. While he is busy unraveling the intricate
web of false identity, money and sex in the case, he forget to guard his flank, and a
formidable foe from his past is now looking to take him down. This time, she will
take nothing less than all out retribution and for Ed Eagle and his crew, it is hunt or
be hunted if they are to get out of this
Stakeholders of Mcdonalds and Leicester College
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Why their interest? How they are affected by
organisational decisions. DEFINITION OF A STAKEHOLDER A stakeholder is
someone or anyone who has an interest in the success of a business. A stakeholder
can affect the businesses processes and outcomes. MCDONALD S
STAKEHOLDERS CUSTOMERS One of the main stakeholders for McDonalds is
the customers. They have a stake in the business, because they buy food and bring
in the revenue. If people chose to buy food elsewhere and McDonalds would have
no customers and would fail as a business. Their interest as a stakeholder is the
quality of the service and food. Customers are affected by large organisation
decisions when there are changes in the business or product. This... Show more
content on ...
This helps the students get real life experiences and in exchange the community
get cheap services. PARENTS Parents are major stakeholders in a college. A parent
of a student will want the best education the college can offer for their children.
The way they college is run is tailored towards parent s needs for their children.
Parents can elect to be a governor and have their say put forward on a board of
governors. They attend parent s evening and talk to the tutors about their child s
progress. TEACHERS AND TUTORS Teachers and tutors have a stake in the
college organisation as they make up the majority of the employees of a college.
Teachers have meetings to discuss how the college is run. Ultimately it is down to
them how the specific education is delivered. As they are in charge of what
happens in a lesson. Teachers have their own union, and they have their own rights
in place and discuss how they can work in a college to their best ability. TAX
PAYERS The local tax payers have a large stake in the colleges business because
they are one of the main external finances that fund the college. Without the tax
payers funding, colleges would not be as successful. LOCAL GOVERNMENT The
local government are the people who have the most say in how the college is run.
They decide the curriculums that the colleges must deliver. They also give another
large amount of the
Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time
Messiaen s Quartet for the End of Time Quator Pour Le Fin Du Temps

Technical and Interpretative Challenges Presented to Performers in Messiaen s

Quartet for the End of Time

Olivier Messiaen (1908 1992) played a significant part in the evolution of twentieth
century music, influencing a number of other composers with his innovative
compositional techniques. The Quartet for the End of Time, is not one of Messiaen s
typical works due to the circumstances in which it was composed (his main outputs
were organ, orchestral and choral works), but it marks the start of the significant use
of some of these techniques.

In 1940, Messiaen was called up to serve in the army as a hospital orderly, but was
soon captured by the Germans and taken to a ... Show more content on ...
Interpretative challenges presented by theological ideas behind the Quatuor
The Quatuor is based on Revelation 10.1 7, in particular the phrase there shall be no
more time. Time is represented musically in different ways throughout the Quatuor
and the addition of this theological basis to the piece may well have been prompted
by the prisoner of war conditions in which he found himself, in which time might
indeed have seemed literally endless, and the Apocalypse close at hand .

It is difficult to know, though, to what extent this theological basis must be

considered and portrayed when performing the Quartet for the End of Time. The
words that it is based on appear in the title and preface, but the challenge to the
performer is deciding to what extent the text should be interpreted as a narrative or
Similar challenges are presented by Romantic music; if a composer does not provide
an explicit programme e.g. Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique it is up to the performer to
interpret whether one was meant and to what extent it should be portrayed in a

The deciding factor in the case of the Quatuor is to consider movements 5 and
Golden Fleece And Revenge In Medea By Medea
Euripides Medea is a tale that hinges upon crime, punishment, and revenge. Jason,
Medea s husband, whom she helped rise to power and fame through the discovery of
the Golden Fleece, has decided to abandon his wife in favor of a woman who will
benefit his social position. Medea has given up everything to help her husband be
powerful and is, of course, very angry that he betrayed her so easily. Prior to Medea
and Jasons return to Corinth, Jason s father had died, and his uncle Pelias sat, without
right, on the throne. Desperate to help her husband, Medeaconvinced Pelias
daughters that she knew a way to restore the old king s youth. He would have to be
killed, cut into pieces, and then put together and restored to youth by Medea s
magic. The unwitting daughters did as Medea asked, but the sorceress then
explained that she couldn t really bring Pelias back to life. Unfortunately, rather than
winning Jason his throne back, this move forced Jason, Medea, and their children
into exile and to find refuge in Corinth. The action of the play begins here soon after
Medea learns of Jason s deceit and betrayal.
This epic begins with Medea s Nurse speaking of the sorrows facing Medea s
family. Eventually, the Nurse is joined by the Tutor and Medea s children, and the
pain and anguish Medea is feeling from Jason s betrayal are introduced, as well as
the imminent danger her children are in. The Nurse explains to the Tutor that she
fears for everyone s safety, as she knows of the
The Four Synoptic Gospels
When you first open the New Testament, the four canonical gospels, Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and John, are placed first. These gospels have been accepted as the
synoptic history of Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection and traditionally
regarded as a reliable biography on Jesus by most Christians. However, when we
take a closer look at the synoptic gospels and the conflicting (and similar)
narratives, we begin to see that these gospels may not be the accurate and reliable
source of historicity that many of us have been taught to believe in bible study.
Taking a small section of verses from Matthew, Mark, and Luke regarding the
healing of the blind man/men near Jericho, we will be able to dissect the material
from each gospelappropriately ... Show more content on ...
Matthew s miracle narrative focuses on the idea that God, in contrast to the
unsympathetic crowd, possesses everlasting mercy and kindness which allows
people to be saved from sin; therefore, allowing them to live righteously. Moreover,
Matthew places value on the cries given by the blind men by mentioning their
exclamations twice within this story similarly to Luke and Mark s rendition. The
repetition of have mercy on us, Son of David emphasizes the importance that the
people must acknowledge their own sins and pray for forgiveness. It is through this
self acknowledgement that one s inner eyes will be open, thus allowing them to
follow the way of the their Lord. In conclusion, readers of this passage are made
aware of the comforting fact that they too can be saved from blindness through the
miracle of Jesus
Analysis Of Perseverance By Maya Angelou
Perseverance You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In
fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you know who you are, what
you can rise from, how you can still come out of it (Maya Angelou). In all the
nonfiction books read in class perseverance is the main concept in each story. The
dictionary defines perseverance as continued effort to do or achieve something
despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of
persevering . In terms of usage, perseverance is a noun. Common synonyms for
perseverance include persistence and steadfastness . The antonyms of perseverance is
giving up and not trying. This is important because perseverance is having to keep
trying... Show more content on ...
Everyday Melba was taunted, spit on, yelled at, and had her heels walked on but
persevered through it all and never gave up. Malala Yousafzai persevered everyday
to try to get an equal education. Malala never gave up trying to get an equal
education and wanted to be treated no different because she was a girl. Coach
Thomas known as Ed demonstrated perseverance towards his family, friends, and
his AP football team. Ed always pushed the boys to their best ability and never
treated anyone negatively. He not only was a coach he was a role model,
inspiration, and a leader to the entire community. Each individual wanted to make an
impact on everyone s life. Nonfiction literature represents the understanding of
perseverance and connects to influencing readers by doing anything, no matter the
difficulty of achieving a certain goal and connects an individual by behavioral traits
and feelings they have. Melba Pattillo Beals in Warriors Don t Cry demonstrates
how she never gave up and looked at all the positives. Nine students including Melba
immigrated a school system, but did not get treated well. While the nine students
wanted to give up they did not let anyone stop them and kept going back to school. A
large crowd of jeering, pencil throwing students hovered around us menacingly. We
had no choice but to go forward (162). Perseverance is the author s purpose because
this demonstrates how the nine students never gave up even as they went through
Value of Flexible Management
Prior to researching this topic, my impression of management was limited. My
concept was meshed within the framework of business and economics. Therefore, my
definition of this construct was in error. For rectification, and foundational reference,
management is the process of directing resources towards the accomplishment of a
specific goal. This definition, one that I have derived from the compilation of many,
incorporates two key variables. The first operative word in this definition is
resources. Resources can mean anything from money, employees, athletes, students,
or just about any organized effort, group or cohort. The other functional variable in
this definition is goal. The goal or aim of the organized effort can ... Show more
content on ...
Also know as directive management, managers tell their subordinates what to do,
how to do it and when to have it completed by (Coye Belohlav, 1995, p 16). They
assign roles and responsibilities, set standards, and define expectations. Within this
style of management communication is one way, and go from management to
resources. For example, when the manager speaks the employee listens and reacts.
As defined above, the purpose of management is to direct resources toward a goal.
In autocratic management, the manager sets all goals with specific deadlines to
track progress. The autocratic manager is the principal of the decision making
process. When a problem arise the resources report to the manager and the manager
evaluates the options and makes the decision as to the direction and action that
should be taken (Coye Belohlav, 1995). In terms of management feedback, the
autocratic style of management calls for detailed instructions of changes that need to
be made to the final product. Any rewards and recognition bestowed by autocratic
managers are dictated by how well people follow directions.
A perfect illustration of a working application of the autocratic style of management
can be seen though the management employed in United States Military. Within the
military the ranking system sets a scene for the role of the manager. In accordance
with a strict chain of commands, members with a higher rank
My Reflection Of My Personal Experience In College
Being away from college for three years you forget the basic understanding of
particular material f or me it was writing. Luckily enough while on deployment I
came across a class call Introduction to Writing. Writing 101 help me familiarize
myself with the basic grammar and mechanics in college writing, this was an
opportunity that many military personnel are unfortunate to receive due to being
deployed, where most service members have to interact with their teacher via the
internet. I have the chance of being placed in a hybrid class; this afforded me the
opportunity to interact with both the students and teacher on a weekly basis and
give me a synopsis of what college life is like when I transition to becoming a full
time studen t. Because of Writing 101, I was able to distinguish the difference
between active and passive voicewhen writing my essays. I develop an
understanding of the placement of commas when writing my sentences. As well a
s, how to develop a well thought out research paper by using credible sources.
Introduction to Writing has given me the basic understanding on how to familiarize
myself in writing when it comes to active and passive voice, commas, and writing
research papers, with these writing skills to my access I m ready for the next step
forward in college writing. When I first started Introduction to Writing, I didn t
understand the difference active and passive voice. To my knowledge, I thought it
A Comparison Of Memento And Memento Mori
Unlike other pairs of literary work and their adaptations that the movie version is
published after the literary work, Memento and Memento Mori are created in the
inverse order. The main plot of the two stories is very similar: a man having no short
term memory finding and killing the murder of his wife. They are inspired by the
same idea, anterograde amnesia. For creators, the factors they need to look at when
presenting a story largely depend on the medium of story telling. The qualities of
different mediums and the characteristics of the audiences of that medium determine
many preferences of creators when designing the plotand the characters. Of course,
those preferences are not rigid rules, but we can easily find that there are many
common traits among the literary products or movie products of the same type. This
is also why some literary works and movies are criticized to be formulaic. In
MementoMori , the author deleted some elements that are presented in the movie to
make the story more suitable to be presented in the text. The first thing deleted from
the movie is a large proportion of the plot. In Memento , the director presented a
relatively complete story line, and explained how the whole event happens in detail.
Although the movie is not chronological and is rather obscure, audiences still can
have a thorough understanding of what happens at the end of the story. However, in
Memento Mori , the focus of storytelling is different. The author did not
Critical Commentary of Frantz Fanon
The issue of reading Fanon today, then, is perhaps not about finding the moment of
relevance in Fanon s text that corresponds with the world, but in searching for the
moments where Fanon s text and the world do not correspond, and asking how
Fanon, the revolutionary, would think and act in the period of retrogression.
A complete study of 1968 and its legacies in Europe can not solely deal with events
that occurred on the continent. 1968 was, in fact, a global phenomenon ; with ideas
perpetrated in Europe reaching as far as Mexico, China, and India, but to name a few
. The beginning of this mutualistic relationship between New Left groups on different
continents (which spawned the revolutionary feeling which would result in the events
... Show more content on ...
At first, the book attracted a considerable amount of attention purely because of its
author. For the first time a black anti colonial activist used a word coined by white
French social scientists... in an affirmative manner , arguably more affirmative than
anyone had before . Certainly, Jean Paul Sartre, who wrote the preface for The
Wretched of the Earth and was one of Fanon s literary influences, approved of his
work, as Robert Bernasconi confirms in his piece Fanon s The Wretched of the
Earth as the Fulfilment of Sartre s Critique of Dialectical Reason, Sartre would
have found The Wretched of the Earth closer to the dialectical concrete than
anything he had written . The backdrop to the book is the seven yearlong Algerian
War of Independence of which Fanon was a great supporter. A lot of the theoretical
concepts for dealing with the process of de colonisation that Fanon speaks of in
Concerning Violence are his recommendations to the nations of Algeria and Kenya,
both of whom were, during 1961 striving to gain independence from France and
Britain. Motivated by, what he deemed to be an urgent call for an international
redistribution of wealth , Fanon calls for solidarity among the rural masses, which he
believes can only be gained through them and by violent means . Rejecting the
opulence of European powers as literally scandalous , Fanon establishes a
Skeletal Findings And Their Impact On Anthropology Essay
Important Skeletal Findings and their Impact on Anthropology Biological, (also
known as physical) anthropology works to identity species, mainly through the
analysis of bones, and teeth, and strives to further learn about their way of life. In
anthropology today many scientific discoveries have been made through skeletal
findings in the field. Although, from the many discoveries that have been made there
are a few that stand out as having ground breaking effects for the world of biological
anthropology. Such findings include, the Taung child who displayed signs of early
humanbipedalism, Lucy, which gave rise to the species of Australopithecusafarensis,
and Turkana boy, which is the most complete Homo erectus skeleton. Anthropology
has worked to answer questions about human evolutionand our early ancestors. The
Taung child, Lucy, and the Turkana boy have all provided anthropologists with
scientific proofs and evidence that will help to further understand our ancestry.

Discovered in 1924 the Taung child gave rise the genus Australopithecus . A mining
company (Northern Lime) was directed to send any intriguing fossils found to
Raymond Dart .This was an interesting request, but it came to be by a student of
Darts informing him of a family friend who had a rare baboon skull that was found at
this mining site in Taung . The skull (later named the Taung Child) arrived to
Raymond Dart from the mining company in 1924 and after careful examination he
named the new species
Human Nature And Science Corrupts Human Beings
Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that technology, knowledge and science corrupts
human beings, and that human nature is good. The more knowledge a person has,
the more greed they have or the more money a person has they believe they are
better than another person. Some also believe the more money they have, the more
problems they will have in their life. There is a saying that goes it s better to be
poor and happy than being rich and miserable. I believe that the experiences that one
is to have matter the most in the world, I rather be poor and happy than rich and
miserable. If you have all the money in the world and you are not happy with
yourself, the money does not mean anything. In the case of technology, it is
something that corrupts humanbeings. People do not think for themselves anymore,
they have become inadequate thinkers. Human beings rely on technology so much,
that it is something we have become attached to. In life, it is better to strive for a
simple life. Once a person has enough, they should try to keep the simplicity that
keeps them happy. Striving for more does not necessarily mean you will have the
happiness that you been looking for. Having just what you need, many do not depend
on material objects to bring them happiness, as in some many think that these
material items will bring happiness into their life, which is not true. Striving for
happiness in the sense of striving for more in money does not matter in the end. In
the end, we all end up
Story Of An Hour Situational Irony Analysis
The Story of an Hour vs. The Machine that Won the War These two short stories,
The Machine that Won the War and The Story of an Hour seem quite different but
show some similarities, they show examples of irony and foreshadowing from the
beginning to the end. These stories show multiple examples of irony. An example
of irony from The Story of an Hour demonstrates situational irony. Situational irony
occurs when the opposite of what you think is supposed to happen. When the
doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of the joy that kills. when your
reading you think that she will have a long life after her husband dies but when you
find out that he is still alive she suddenly dies of heart disease . In the story The
Three Major Theories Explaining The Extinction Of The...
The Three Major Theories Explaining the Extinction of the
There are many theories explaining the extinction of the dinosaur. The Most probable
theories are: a massive meteor hit the earth causing the extinction. B. A chain of
volcano s erupted and caused acid rain, shortage of sunlight and any other number of
atmospheric problems that brought about the extinction of dinosaurs. C. Rapid
Climate Change in a short period of time would have brought the dinosaurs to
extinction because of an inability to evolve to the new environment. All these
theories are possible but it is clear that it was a combination of all three theories
working together that produced a worldwide extinction event.
Around 65 million years ago; there was barely ... Show more content on ...
But there s more new studies say that there could have been more then one impact
that was left undiscovered because of continental drifting

So as the planet cools the cloud of ash dissolving in the years to come what is left
of the dinosaurs? Well almost all natural drinkable waters are polluted leaving no
water for the dinosaurs, even the rainwater is made of poison acid and dust so if
they find a watering hole inside a cave or water seeping out of the ground the area
is most likely to be a trap the air around it could be poisoned with hydrogen sulfide
(it will stop your muscles from working and ultimately suffocate
Feminism, Abortion And Contraception
I recently spoke with the doctor who delivered me into this world nearly eighteen
years ago. He s been a friend of the family years, even before I was born. Now
retired, he had delivered newborns for over thirty years. I recently asked him what
the ratio was between older and younger women giving birth these days. He
replied, More older women than you d think... every once in a while, you might
see some poor 16 year old girl having a rough time, but usually 20 to 30 year old
women with an occasional 40 year old having another kid. That was the answer I
was expecting. Between 1970 and 1986 the women in the United States 30 to 39
years of age having their first child doubled, and the number of women 40 to 44
years old having their... Show more content on ...
Children were seen as a cause of women being interpreted as secondary citizens,
and that a woman could be her best if she at least chose to have children later in
life. As most feminists at this time were white, educated women, feminists seeking
encouraged women to become educated, go to college, and/or start a career
(Welles Nystrom). A 1982 poll conducted found that 86% of women who gave
birth after 28 years of age, were quoted agreeing they wanted it all, and desired to
become a career woman and a housewife (Poelker and Baldwin). Though a career or
college education may not necessarily be the top priority for all women, today, it
usually comes first as financial stability for anyone is obviously important. Who
wants to take care of a kid in college anyway? School is hard enough. That s a good
two to eight years where a kid is going to get in the way; especially if one doesn t
have any other family for support, and starting a career can also be equally as
difficult. I wouldn t want a kid either if I was a woman seeking a college education
or a career. Having a child later in life gives a woman the option of having a child
when she is ready, not the child. Furthermore, in the early seventies, the Supreme
Court in the case of Roe v Wade made abortion legal. Just twenty five years later, the
total number of abortions totaled nearly 37 million. During those years
Research Paper On Mobility Scooter

A mobility scooter is a mobility aid similar to a wheelchair but configured like a

motor scooter. It is often referred to a power operated vehicle or electric scooter.

A mobility scooter has a seat over two rear wheels, a flat area for the feet and
handlebars in front to turn one or two steerable wheels. The seat may swivel to
allow access when the front is blocked by the handlebars. Mobility scooters are
usually battery powered. A battery or two is stored on board the scooter and is charged
via an onboard or separate battery charger unit from standard electric power. Gasoline
powered scooters are also available; through they are rapidly being replaced by
electric models.

Assistive and small sit down motor scooters provide important advantages to people
with mobility problems throughout the world. A scooter is useful for persons without
the stamina or arm/shoulder flexibility necessary to use a manual wheelchair. Also,
swiveling the seat of an electric scooter is generally easier than moving conventional
wheelchairs. A mobility scooter is very helpful for persons with systemic or whole
body disabling conditions who are still able to stand and walk a few steps, sit upright
without torso support and control the steering tiller.
Herbert Fingarette s The Secular As Sacred
The comprehensive text of Confucian ideology, the Analects, is a complex work
aiming to teach followers of Confucianism how to live a moral life in human society.
In Herbert Fingarette s The Secular as Sacred, Confucius s philosophy consists of
ideas the author calls Human Community as Holy Rite, the Way Without a
Crossroads, and the Holy Vessel, metaphors which explain the complex, community
based teachings of the Analects. In order to understand Confuciuss teachings,
Fingarette asserts that one must first recognize each human social interaction as a
form of sacred ritual through the metaphor of Human Community as Holy Right.
Fingarette exemplifies Confucius s use of the term li to mean a holy rite through an
analogy about handshaking. Two people hold each other s hands and know how and
when to move them up and down in a ritualized way that indicates a formal greeting
(9). This example is analogous to the social ritual described by Confucius in the
Analects where a ruler merely placed himself gravely and reverently with his face due
South...that was all, indicating that all... Show more content on ...
When a man named Tzu Kung asks his Master What would you say about me as a
person? the Master calls him a utensil, and upon further prompting, continues to
describe him as a sacrificial vase of jade (5:3). Fingarette explains the paradox
apparent in the sacrificial vase in that while it is beautiful and complete on the
outside, the inside remains empty, as it is not for utilitarian use (75). The Master s
dualistic description of the follower Tzu Kung shows the need for harmony and
balance between the opposing aspects of everyday life. Fingarette s Holy Vessel is a
symbol of one who is in harmony with all other members of humanity. This ultimate
need for a strong community which resonates throughout the Analects shines through
in this final
A Study On Norwich University Essay
Norwich University Norwich University is a military college located in Vermont.
This private university is the oldest military college in the country. The university
was founded in the early 1800 s and was followed by only five other military
colleges. The Department of Defense recognizes Norwich University as the birthplace
of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). Norwich University creates a
supportive learning environment by maintaining an average student faculty ratio of
one to 12. The Academic Achievement Center employs professionals who regularly
connect with students to offer academic, study skills and social networking support.
Norwich University does not employ teaching assistants, so instructors offer better
quality classes. Norwich University s student body is predominately made up of
military personnel, veterans and family, but civilian students are completely
integrated in the classrooms and in extracurricular activities. Civilian and pre military
students, such as those from the Corps of Cadets program, have separate residences.
Norwich University offers over 30 academic programs, 20 varsity sports teams and a
large amount of clubs and organizations for students. They have nationally
recognized academic programs and departments. This includes the nationally
recognized David Crawford School of Engineering, the Army ROTC approved
Nursing program, the Emmy award winning Communications program and the
National Security Agency approved Computer
What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Comcast
Strengths and Weaknesses Comcast has maintained strong operating base through
which its operations are well integrated from programming to distribution of services.
Comcast presently provides video, Internet and phone services, expanding its signal
reception sites by building antenna towers and head ends, microwave facilities, fiber
optic cables and related equipment. Additional regional data centers were opened and
equipped with devices that provide e mail, news and web services to customers with
high speed Internet and digital phone services. Also, Comcast maintains two network
operations centers with equipment that monitors and manages the company s high
speed Internet network. Generally, Cable service provider, including Comcast operate
their cable systems through contractors granted by local or state franchising
authorities. This franchising approach not only allows flexibility, but broadens the
accessibility of cable services to larger populations. Comcast s strengths also include
its Innovative culture, financial leverage, and new technology also contribute to
Comcast s strength. Comcast innovative culture allows the production of distinctive
products and services that meet the consumers satisfaction and maximize the
company s profits. The financial leverage how Comcast could expand its operations
with a... Show more content on ...
Programming expenses to continue to be Comcast s largest single expense item in
the foreseeable future. The company s video programming expenses involves the
license fees charged by cable networks and fees for retransmission of local broadcast
television stations signals and by the number of video customers the company serves
and the amount of content it provides. In recent years, the multichannel video
programming distribution industry has continued to experience an increase in the
cost of sports
Suspense In Agatha Christie s And Then There Were None
Most people would thoroughly enjoy a stay on an exotic private island and then
afterwards return to their normal life. However, this is not the case for the ten
main characters of Agatha Christie s novel And Then There Were None. While
they have been invited to Indian Island, an island off the Devon Coast of England,
they are never again able to leave it. Each of the ten people has murdered
somebody and has not received consequences for it. Justice Wargrave, the killer,
feels that it is his duty to serve justice on them. He carefully develops a plan to lure
each person to Indian Island, an island off the Devon Coast of England, in order to
round everyone up in one place and ultimately kill them. Through the use of direct
quotations from the... Show more content on ...
To begin with the nursery rhyme, Ten Little Indian Boys , that hangs on the wall
in each of the characters rooms creates suspense. Each person dies in a way similar
to one of the deaths in each verse of the rhyme. The nursery rhyme is scary, as it
speaks of death, and foreshadows that the characters on the island may die soon.
At first the people on the island laugh and call the nursery rhyme remarkably
childish. (39) However, they soon start fearing it. If one person dies the same way
as in the nursery rhyme, it may just be a coincidence. As more people die similarly
to the nursery rhyme the reader realizes that the deaths are not accidental. In this
way, Christie turns a fun and lighthearted rhyme into a dark and ominous one. This
creates a sense of unease as the reader and the characters begin to wonder who the
next person will be to die and how their death will connect to the rhyme.
Additionally, the mysterious disappearances and reappearances of Philip Lombard
s revolver instill feelings of fear. When the revolver is not with Lombard, it could
mean that somebody is hiding the gun and might be planning to use it. see this
disappearance as being ominous. Moreover, after a while being on the island, Vera
Claythorne notices a hook on the ceiling of her room after imagining that some
seaweed hanging from it is a cold clammy hand touch[ing] her
Joseph Frankl s Man s Search For Meaning
Renowned Psychiatrist and author, Viktor E. Frankl, chronicles his imprisonment
and survival in Auschwitz and Dachau concentration camps throughout his
memoir, Man s Search for Meaning. Frankl describes his life in captivity during
the holocaust and how he overcame grotesque and egregious circumstances by
surviving through spiritual composure. Frankl s theory logotherapy, is the
certitude that humans are compelled to seek meaning in one s life over the drive
for pleasure. His theory has contributed greatly to the study of leadership and
influenced the lives of individuals by aiding them in the search for meaning and
purpose. Last of The Human Freedoms Frankl describes the last of the human
freedoms as the choice of one s attitude in any situation or circumstance along with
the freedom to select one s path from then forward. His view embodies the idea
that no matter the hardships one encounters, it is always possible to overcome and
prosper based solely on one s perspective. I agree with Frankl s view of the last of
the human freedoms particularly due to his concept regarding suffering. Suffering is
regretfully inevitable, however we may choose how to survive it, seek significance in
it, and eventually overcome it. Frankl states, Everything can be taken from a man but
one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one s attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one s own way (Frankl, p. 66). The Ultimate Human Goal
The ultimate human goal to
Leadership From A Natural Sciences Standpoint
There have been many studies and papers written about leadership by looking at all
sorts of perspectives. More recently, researchers have started to look at the keys to
leadership from a natural sciences standpoint. The world is starting to understand that
our views of leadership in organizations have to be consistent with the nature of the
world outside. Richard Wielkiewicz and Stephen Stelzner go so far to say that the
key to effective leadershipis by looking at and having a fair representation of all
perspectives, that includes an environmental perspective. They not only give
assertions about leadership as a whole, but they also give criteria for looking at
leadership from an ecological standpoint as to better understand it.
In the ... Show more content on ...
A third assertion says organizations are more adaptive when diversity of input is
present. This is an easy statement to understand. If people with different
backgrounds give input, there will be a wider range of thoughts and ideas. If an
organization takes these diverse perspectives into account, they will be better able
to adapt to changing thoughts and societal norms. The final assertion given is
related to Wheatley s notion of new and old science. Wheatley suggests that old
science is a mechanistic view that is no longer relatable and that her idea of new
science is one that needs to be followed (Wheatley, 2006, pg. 15). On the other hand,
Wielkiewicz and Stelzner say that instead of just rejecting old science, there should
be a tension between the two approaches. One needs to find a resolution between the
traditional industrial approach and the lesser known neglected ecological approach .
There are four ecological principles than can help explain organizational leadership.
They are interdependence, open systems and feedback loops, the cycling of
resources, and adaptation. By looking at each principle, one can relate it back to their
organization and hopefully be able to integrate the things learned with previous
notions in order to make leadership more efficient. While it is an interesting idea to
use scientific
Lee de Forest
Lee De Forest

Lee De Forest was born Aug. 26, 1873, Council Bluffs, Iowa. De Forest was the son
of a Congregational minister. His father moved the family to Alabama and there
assumed the presidency of the nearly bankrupt Talladega College for Negroes.
Excluded by citizens of the white community who resented his father s efforts to
educate blacks, Lee and his brother and sister made friends from among the black
children of the town and spent a happy although sternly disciplined childhood in this
rural community. (Kraeuter, 74). As a child he was fascinated with machinery and
was often excited when hearing of the many technological advances during the late
19th century. He began tinkering and inventing things even in high school, ... Show
more content on ...
The audion helped AT amp;T set up coast to coast phone service, and it was also
used in everything from radios to televisions to the first computers. (A Science
Odyssey: People and Discoveries, 1999). By the time he died he had over 300
patents, but few of them ever had much success. In fact, De Forest seemed to have
a long streak of failures. He was regularly involved in patent lawsuits (indeed, he
spent his fortune on legal bills). He went through four marriages, had a number of
failed companies, was defrauded by his business partners, and was even once indicted
(but later acquitted) for mail fraud. (Kraeuter, 79).

With the audion, however, De Forest had a solid success. De Forest has been labeled
one of the fathers of the electronic age, since the audion helped start the explosion of
electronics earlier this century. American inventor of the Audion vacuum tube, which
made live radio broadcasting possible and became the key component of all radio,
telephone radar, television, and computer systems before the invention of the
transistor in 1947. (Kraeuter, 79). Forest passed away on June 30, 1961 in
Hollywood, CA. De Forest wrote an autobiography entitled Father of Radio, but did
not get that recognition from the rest of the world. He is remembered as one
contributor to an industry that was, truth, the work of many people. (Kraeuter, 79).

Kraeuter, David W. (1992). Radio and Television Pioneers.

New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press,

Great Depression Myth
The article compares the myths about the Great Depression and the reality about the
depression. According to the article, the Great Depression is viewed as one.
However, the reality as indicated in the article are that there were four factors that
contributed to the Great Depression. Factors in this case refer to the areas of the
economy that failed all of which led to the Great Depression. They occurred in phases
and hence as opposed to the myth that it occurred as one Great, Great, Great, Great
Depression, it occurred in four phases (Reed, 2012).
As noted in the article, policies in the business cycle is one of the factors that aided
the great depression. In the article, it provided that from the year 1921 to mid of the
year 1929 there is a 60% increase in the money supply (Reed, 2012). As a result, there
was an inflationary effect that was considered by the then government of the United
States of America a threat to the economy. The government was thus to intervene to
save the economy.
It utilized contractionary monetary policy with an aim of reducing the amount of
money that was circulating in the hands of the public. The specific strategy that the
government commenced was to increase the interest rates ... Show more content on ...
For instance, at a personal level I have acknowledged that use of policies
inappropriately by relevant stakeholders in the economy in attempts to correct the
situation when it first went wrong worsened the situation. For instance, the
contractionary monetary policy undertaken by the government to counteract the
inflationary effect caused by the increased money supply was not effectuated
accordingly and as a result, led to depression due to reduced investments and reduced
productivity by industries. In addition, can be determined from the article while the
government appeared to be putting measures in place to correct the situation, its
action actually worsened the situation in some
Comprehensive Eye Makeup
Eye makeup is a fun way to make your eyes really pop, but it s important to
consider eye safety when getting dolled up. At Comprehensive Eye Care in
Washington, Missouri they specialize in tending to eye injuries as well as
prescribing contact lenses and fashion frames. As the area s leading eye doctor,
Comprehensive Eye Care also reminds patients about the importance of eye
protection. Here are five eye makeup safety tips from the experienced eye doctor at
Comprehensive Eye Care: Don t Share: Sharing with friends is a great practice, but
keep your eye makeup out of the sharing equation, especially when it comes to
mascara and eyeliner. It s easy for unwanted bacteria to spread this way. If It s Old,
Toss It: It s tempting to hold on to expensive
Mystery Bar Research Paper
There s nothing more exciting than pushing a secret door and finding a cool
hangout place where you d least expect it. Here are 10 of the must visit places if you
are looking for an extra ordinary place to have a drink.
Located inside the storage room of a 7/11 branch is this hidden bar which offers a
wide selection of alcoholic drinks, as well as delicious bar chows like truffled fries
and salted egg rock shrimp.
Fancy going through a classic British red telephone box and being transported to a
dimly lit room with classy interiors? OTC exactly gives you that experience. But
don t expect local beers as they only offer classic imported cocktails, spirits, wines,
and beer.
The casual urban vibe of the place makes it a perfect spot to meet up ... Show more
content on ...
The secret lounge (which is password protected, so make sure to get your hands on
the password to get in) is located behind a large wooden door inside Lazy Bastard.
Tip: Ask for the Bible if you can t find anything you like in the menu. It has a more
extensive list of drinks.
It s tucked away behind an actual fire exit door inside a cafГ© in Corinthian Plaza
building. Exit Bar has a very dim lighting and dark interiors with a cool and laidback
vibe. Tip: You can ask the bartender to make a custom drink.
The coffee shop by day, cocktail bar by night is tucked inside a chic wine bar. Inside,
the bare concrete walls, minimalistic wooden furniture and warm lighting set the
mood for an elegant yet homey ambiance.
Don t let the fire exit fool you. Located inside Dillingers is this 1920s themed bar
with a classy and chic vibe, perfect for a fun ladies night out. About us : Owned and
managed by the company behind Bugsy s and Dillingers 1903, composed of partners
from various industries, Timeless Bar and Restaurant Concepts Inc. is dedicated to
giving guests an unforgettable nightlife experience. The success of our
establishments has resulted in our team growing to bring forth more exciting projects
from the end of 2012 thru
The Concept of Protesting with Non-Violence
The concept of Protesting with Non Violence is to bring some shame to your
oppressor so they can realize the wrong they are doing without violence. Without
violence there is no urge for retaliation only acceptance of friendship. Some felt that
this was a cowardice way to protest, and had to be taught those who resisted it
without fully understanding it. They taught that this method is nonaggressive
physically but strongly aggressive spiritually. It is not meant to humiliate or
challenge the whites, but to win over their friendship, and respect as human beings.
This was a movement awaken the philosophy of love. With this method of
boycotting it involves not only avoiding external aggression, but also internal
aggression on the spirit. To love and accept others who have wronged you, you must
first love yourself. Martian Luther believed that believing in nonviolence means you
believe the universe recognizes injustices and through freewill comically fixes them.
The sit ins were another important part of the movement. The one that started it all
was in North Carolina in Greensboro. These sit ins were very successful they were
the spark that started desegregation. Four college student went into Woolworth for
lunch, and were refused service. So they refused to leave. This act got African
American talking why didn t they stand up and say enough is enough? It was then
they realized segregation only exists because they allowed it to. They had verbally
opposed it, but hadn t
The Farming Of Bones And The Brief Wondrous Life Of
Oscar Wao
Past history reveals the various tragedies of many lives lost while under the rule of
the dictator, Trujillo. The Farming of Bones and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
Wao were two different stories of innocent characters who lived and were affected
during Trujillo s reign. These stories targeted the central problems that the characters
went through and the amount of impact it caused them through this cruel leadership.
During that time, many were oppressed and were forced to cope with the life style
that Trujillo created. Oppression played a significant role in the characters because
it led to a loss of identity; however, the two stories shared the various characters
power of hope, belief, and silence as a means of reconstructing... Show more content
on ...
Not only just for these two characters, other minor characters were able to cope
with their loss of identity through different mechanisms. Hope is a reassuring
feeling reflected in both Amabelle and Oscar. Regardless of how oppressed and
different they were, they were able to have hope, knowing that it would be a strong
foundation to live on. Amabelle rebuilt her identity through hope by remembering
her past. Her memories acted as a resistance against oppression and remained
strong and faithful. She stated, for so long, this had been my life, but it was all the
past. Now we all had to try and find the future (Danticat, 184). Even though she was
going through so much, she remained optimistic. She shifted her attention towards
water, a tangible object and remembrance of her past, which to her, represented
Heaven my heaven is the veil of water that stands between my parents and me. To
step across it, and then come out is what makes me feel alive (Danticat, 264).
Rather than seeing water as a destructive force that took away her parents,
Amabelle was able to acknowledge and embrace it. Throughout the novel,
Amabelle was able to divert from sulking in oppression and be hopeful for the
future in order for her to fully accept and move on. Oscar s hope was more evident
towards the end of the novel. Oscar was able to finally develop some sort of
romantic relationship with a girl named Ybon. Although he was beaten and warned
Supernatural Aid In Le Morte D Arthur
What is a supernatural aid? According to, a supernatural aid is
defined as help given to the hero from someone who is endowed with abilities
beyond the normal. They may or may not give the hero some talisman to help him
on the journey. Merlin from Le Morte D Arthur is a supernatural aid who
circumlocutory helps the hero by using his abnormal abilities to protect and give
advice. Merlyn from from The Once and Future Kingis also a supernatural aid who
uses his anomalistic abilities to protect and give advice, but he directly helps the hero.
Both stories involve supernatural aids, but each help the hero in a contradistinctive
way. Although Merlinappears as Arthur s metaphysical aid in both Le Morte D Arthur
and The Once and... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, Merlyn had remembered to give him the proper smell for the nest for if
he had smelled of any other nest, they would have killed him at once. This illustrates
how Merlyn protected Arthur by equipping him with essential aromas to avoid
injuries or ruination. Lastly, Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur protects Arthur by causing
the Archbishop to surround Arthur with knights until he is accepted. The author
states, that we let purvey ten knights, men of good fame, and they to keep this sword
which shows how Merlin counseled the Archbishop into providing protection for
Arthur. Nevertheless, Merlyn in The Once and Future King protects Arthur by
removing Arthur and transforming him back before the ants go to war. To further
illustrate, The horrible armies were on the point of joining battle, to dispute the
imaginary boundary between their glass trays when Merlyn came to be there. As
far as protection, Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur provides indirect protection through
others; whereas, Merlyn in The Once and Future King provides more direct or
hands on advice. Direct protection, in my opinion, is better than indirect protection
because it is more reliable, and it goes through less people which lessens the chance
of alterations. Second of all, both Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur and Merlyn from The
Once and Future King provide advice. Merlin in
Beast Vs Beauty And The Beast
Since the first movie has been made you can guarantee there will be a remake of it
at one point in time. Some of the remakes are good and other times they re so bad
you re not entirely sure why they even released it. Some movies just aren t meant
to be remade. Although one version of remake has become suddenly popular,
turning a cartoon into a live action movie. This has become very popular with
Disney movies now, movies like Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast was
first an animated movie made by Disney in 1991, 26 years later they did a live
action remake of it. We have the obvious main characters, Belleand the Beast, but
what about the supporting characters? In this filmthe supporting characters make up
most of the movie and are not to be overlooked. It is hard to pick just one character
but in this movie Gaston plays a significant role involving Belle, the Beast, Belles
dad, and almost every other character. Gaston is one of the many strong male
characters in this story. In both the animated and live version of the movie he is the
dreamy, strong, and most desired male in the village. We can always see Gaston
with his dedicated acquaintance, LeFou, in both versions of the film. He is also the
character trying hard to win Belle s heart and ask for her hand in marriage. It is very
obvious in both films that Gaston has eyes for Belle, and only her. Although he cares
so much for her she isn t the least interested in him. One of the
The Value of Technology at Home and School
Students whether they are in kindergarten, high school, or college all value
technology, not only in their own personal lives but in their school and when they
learn (Swan and Hooft 653). All learners want technology integrated into their schools
to make for a more diverse learning experience throughout their schooling. All levels
of students want the learnings and lectures to be more challenging, with meaningful
instructional activities that require multiple technological aspects (653). Most
students do not like the way many teachers are currently trying to integrate
technology because the tools and approaches the teachers are using are not the ones
that the students use or have found on their own, which are usually simpler and more
user friendly (654). There are many ways students can learn and process information.
One of these ways is called the cognitive approach; the cognitive approach uses digital
technology to extend how students think (Swan and Hooft 651). There are six
different categories of digital tools that are affected in this approach: semantic
organizing, dynamic modeling, information interpretation, visualization,
conversation, and knowledge construction tools (652). This approach, along with
technology, stimulates one s deep critical thinking about any content that is studied
(652). This way of teaching takes students to a whole new level of learning above the
standard textbook, pencil, pen, and paper. The cognitive approach puts students back
into their
Joan Of Arc, By Jeanne D Arc
Contents Introduction1 Body3 Conclusion7 References8 Introduction Jeanne d
Arc, better known as Joan of Arc, was born on the 6th of January in Domremy,
which is a village in France. At the time France was in conflict with England. This
encounter was better known as The Hundred Years War. The Hundred Years War
was a series of conflicts which took place from 1337 to 1453 by the House of
Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of Valois, rulers
of the Kingdom of France, for control of the Kingdom of France. Both of Joan s
parents were farmers, she was not taught to read or write, but her god loving
mother instilled in her a deep love for the Catholic Church and its teachings which
is what played a role in Joan being known as the heroine of France by playing a
very significant role in the Hundred Years War. She received visions from St
Michael and from God regarding the war in which she promised Charles, who was
heir to the throne at the time, that she would give him his rightful seat on the throne.
At the time there were false accusations that Charles was not supposed to be King,
so Henry V was king over both England and France. In 1429 Joan convinced Charles,
the Dauphin (heir to the crown) to send her to the battles, saying she had received
visions from God telling her to drive out the English. Joan brought an inspiring spirit
to the battle that increased the soldiers morale to take the battle
Is Guantanamo Wrong
Is it ever acceptable to torture a man to the point of inflicting suicidal thoughts and
actions on him? This instance commonly takes place at the Guantanamo Bay
detention camp, or GTMO ( Gitmo ). Only 6 of the 166 current detainees have been
formally charged, which leaves the possibility that over 96% of the prisoners there
are innocent. In fact, more men have died at Guantanamo than have ever been
convicted. GTMO s existence is a controversial topic because of the treatment of
detainees, various Supreme Court rulings, and the lasting impact on people who are
lucky enough to be released. The only way to ensure that guiltless people are not both
physically and mentally traumatized at Guantanamo Bay is to cease its
unconstitutional and inhumane... Show more content on ...
The Supreme Court ruled that if someone is detained by the American government,
then they are entitled to basic constitutional rights, which does not allow the
detainment of a person before bringing them before a court or a judge. Since this
injustice is taking place in Guantanamo, innocent men are being placed there.
Everyone being taken to GTMO is also protected from cruel and unusual
punishment regardless of what they have been accused of. Therefore, the CIA s use
of various torture methods and brutal interrogations are not acceptable by law.
Lakhdar Boumediene was one of many men who were taken away from their family
and punished for a crime they did not commit. He will forever be affected by the
seven years of mental and physical abuse that he endured at Guantanamo Bay
Detention Camp. After 14 years, why is the U.S. still forcing faultless men to go to a
place that makes them want to end their
Understanding Of Complex Concepts Of Information
Information systems Demonstrate understanding of complex concepts of information
systems in an organisation

Julius Stoerrle
Wanganui High School

Achievement Standard 91632

Wanganui High School Information System

Wanganui High School is a modern, state funded, co educational school of

approximately 1600 students and 160 staff. The school is located in Wanganui in the
region of Wanganui Manawatu, New Zealand and occupies 12 hectares and consists
of 12 single storey teaching blocks. It is the largest school in the lower North Island
and one of the 30 largest schools in New Zealand. There are many different people
involved with the information systems at Cleveland College, they include, the
administrative staff, the Bursar s, Teachers Deans, Principal and Deputy Principals,
Students and parents/caregivers. Those numbers require a huge information system
for Management Communication. Fortunately there are 5 on site tecis? system
network administrators in charge of software hardware.

Software Management
The Main Software Components of the WHS Information System
Student Management System (SMS)
Event Planner/Calender
Student Details/Medical/Pastoral
Academic Credits/Entries
Bursar s/Fees
Online Student/Parent Portal
Learning Management System (LMS)
Google Classroom
Google Drive
Google Docs/Sheets/Slides
Google Apps
Oprah Winfrey Erin Phillips

Oprah Winfrey Erin Phillips

Oprah Winfrey is more than just a talk show host, a celebrity or a cultural figure.
She is a genius entrepreneur. She has made some of the smartest decisions. Every
now and then in history, we find a life story that is truly remarkable. Oprah Winfrey
ventured forth from the agonizing childhood that was her world of common day to a
region of supernatural wonder. Oprah s road to success was not an easy task. From
her early childhood, Oprah challenged many fabulous forces that she encountered.
Oprah Winfrey tells the life story one of America s richest and most successful show
business personalities. When Oprah Winfrey told her ... Show more content on ...
She would make the show a local hit and would soon be called what is now known,
The Oprah Winfrey Show . The Oprah Winfrey Show s first national appearance was
on September 8, 1986 and it quickly became highest rated talk show in national
syndication in less than a year. It remained the number one talk show for 19
consecutive seasons and is seen by 49 million viewers a week in the United States
and is viewed internationally in over 117 different countries. The Oprah Winfrey
show talks about personal problems in everyday life that most people never hear
from each other. Whether it s an ordinary person or a guest celebrity, Winfrey s
public therapy entices the viewer s minds. Her personal life has been an essential
part to her talk show s style of public therapy. From her childhood abuses,
experiment with drugs, and weight loss problems, audience can try to relate to
Oprah and almost see her as family. TV familiarity with her audience is a key
element to her show and success. Her show influences many, like the example
where the cattle industry lost over millions of dollars because a simple little quote
she made about the mad cow disease. Her Book of the Month feature in her show
raises arcane books into national best sellers. Because of her lavish success from
her hit talk show, Oprah was able to advance her talents to be an entrepreneur. In
April 2000, Oprah introduced O, The Oprah Magazine, a magazine for women s
Where The Wild Things Are Book
Sendak, Maurice. (1963) Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Harper Row
PreK 5th Fiction Picture Book Fantasy and Animals as People A young boy named
Max decides to miss behave and gets sent to his room without eating supper. While
in his room, he starts to imagine a forest growing around him and a special boat
just for him. The boat takes him to the land where the Wild Things are. Max
becomes king of the Wild Things and controls them for a while. He soon gets
lonely once they go to bed and decides he wants to go back home. He then snaps
back to reality and smells his mother supper she made. This story is set in the Max s
house and room. He imagines the Wild Thing island while being stuck in his room.
This story is all about imagination. Max is sent to his room and he beings to imagine
... Show more content on ...
Max is just a young boy who wants to be wild. When he is not allowed to in the
real world, he imagines a world where he can. The Wild Things are also important
imaginary characters in this story. They are the wild monsters that Max becomes
king of. They are upset when their leader decides he wanted to leave and go back
to reality because they liked him going wild with them. The fun and interesting
style of this book involves imagination and escaping from reality. This book is
written to spark the imagination of the reader and makes them think of their own
imaginary world. This book also shows that even when you don t think so, you do
need the love and comfort of your loved ones no matter how independent or wild
you are. This story is told in third person or the narrators point of view. The narrator
is telling the story and describing the imaginary world that Max imagines. The
book, Where the Wild Things Are is interesting and relatable. The book encourages
and sparks children s imaginations and makes them thing even after reading. It is
also relatable because when we can t do somethings, we do tend to imagine a world
where we
Compare And Contrast To Kill A Mockingbird And A
Compare and Contrast

Harper Lee and Ernest J. Gaines both do an exceptional job in writing about the
closing arguments by the two lawyers to the jury. In both To Kill a Mockingbird , and
A Lesson Before Dying there are two different cases that these authors are writing
about. The authors both use similar tone, persuasive techniques, and diction, but at
the same time they are very distinct at the same time.

In the closing argument of To Kill a Mockingbird the lawyer tone is very serious and
passive aggressive . He expresses different facts throughout his speech which is one
of his persuasive techniques. The lawyers diction is very formal and factual. His
persuasive techniques consist of using facts, turning on other people to
The Effects Of Physical Activity On Children
This teaching session is conducted to educate both parents and children ages of 6
through 12 about the importance of physical activity in children with the goal of
increasing physical activity levels. Cardiovascular and pulmonary problems are
two growing issues in relation to an increase in the obesity rate of today s society.
An unhealthy lifestyle begins in the early stages of life in result of lack of
education about the topic. Physical activity is becoming a concern for not only
adults but also a concern for young children. Technology is evolving daily and
children are taking full advantage of the new technology such as gaming consoles
and flat screen televisions which leads to a decrease in the amount of physical
exercise. Children... Show more content on ...
These benefits can include maintaining a healthy weight for one s age group,
essentially making everyday life easier, and lowering the risks of many diseases
that can occur anytime throughout life such as coronary heart disease (CHD),
diabetes, cancer, and even depression (NHLBI, 2011). Weight problems, either
overweight or obese, are issues many struggle with in today s society which can
result in long term effects such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and overall
unhealthy lifestyle. Being physically active for even a small amount a day can
decrease the risks of having these common problems. If physical activity is taught to
be a lifestyle early on in life, then it will become a routine and create a more active,
healthier society as a whole.
Target Audience
As mentioned earlier, physical activity can be performed by everyone and can
benefit everyone no matter the gender, race, or age. In today s society, lack of
physical activity is occurring all throughout people s lifetime because they are not
being adapted to the active lifestyle in the early ages. What does this mean for
children? There is a concern about the low physical activity level of children ages 6
12 as a result of sedentary pursuits such as watching television and playing video
games and an increase risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (Gomes, dos Santos, Zhu,
Eisenmann, Maia, 2014). Many children prefer to stay inside with their electronic
devices rather than participating
Dr. Randy Computer Science At Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Randy Pausch, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University
who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, educated me with his powerful
inspirational message. Dr. Randy Pausch, 47 years old man who has terminal
cancer with a life expectancy of a few months gave me a life lesson. He thought me
how to achieve dreams also how to face death. Being diagnosed with any kinds of
cancer is devastating and despairing, but for him it was opposite; he was happy and
cognitively healthy during his final lecture at Carnegie Mellon University. He even
said, If I don t seem as depressed or morosed as I should be, sorry to disappoint you
(Video) and continued lecturing. He hadn t show any sadness or depression during
his lecture... Show more content on ...
For instance, rather than turning inwards, grieving and sad, I have to take this
chance and make the most out of it. I ll use my time properly and focus more on
my family and friends as much as I can help them out with their needs. For
instance, I m also a mother of two children who are 7 and 6. Having young children
and approaching death is so difficult, but the necessary preparations must be made
for the children I m going to leave behind. For instance, I would discuss my
predicament with them because I don t want them to wonder where I go and why
they are relocating. I ll arrange their leaving arrangement with family or friends.
Besides, I ll be an inspiration to people diagnosed with terminal cancer. I ll instill
hope and encourage them that it is still possible to feel positive, to enjoy life, to
laugh, have fun, and not give up hope. Additionally, it was stipulated in the text book
that [middle aged] adult attitude about death are often irrational. Logically, adults
should work hard to change the society (Berger, 2014, p. 766). According to
psychosocial developmental theorist Erikson, Randy achieved his adulthood stage of
generativity by working hard. Adults need to care for the next generation, ether by
raising their own children or by mentoring, teaching and helping others (Berger, 2014,
p. 632). Randy accomplished many of his dreams
Economic Systems Essay

Economic systems are organized way in which a state or nation allocates its
resources and apportions goods and services in the national community. An
economic system is slackly defined as country s plan for its services, goods
produced, and the exact way in which its economic plan is carried out. There are
three types of economic systems exist, they are command economy, market economy,
and mixed economy. Command economy is also sometimes called planned economy.
The expectations of this type of economy is that all major decisions that related to the
construction or production, distribution, commodity and service prices are all made
by the government. However, in market economy, national and state governments
play a ... Show more content on ...
Businesses can decide which goods to produce and in what quantity and
consumers can decide what they want to purchase and at what price. The role of
the state is limited to ensure right precision in the prices charged by the sellers.
Prices also have the function to allocate and distribute a country s resources.
Market leads to complete effectiveness bringing about the best possible distribution
of a country s resources in a perfect world. This would only happen in a state of
equilibrium and there is a unique price for every commodity. But in a realistic
world which is imperfect by nature, prices are never at equilibrium and very
unstable depending upon the vagaries of the market forces. This generally harms
people living below the poverty line. It is impossible for them to pay high prices in
cases of demand shortage. Thus, the free market model is not a viable option in
developing countries which has a large number of poor. Besides, producers are aim
to minimize profit and maximize rent of production. Examples of countries that are
using this economy system are Hong Kong, USA, and UK. Many developing
countries like India and China are moving towards totally free market economy. The
command economy is government directed. The market forces have very little say in
such an economy. There is no private property. On the other hand, a command
economy aims at using all available resources for developing either
Historical Perspective Essay
Running head: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ESSAY Historical Perspective
Essay Melissa Ortiz Hernandez UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Analysis of Research
Reports NUR/518 Elizabeth Esterl April 22, 2013 Historical Perspective Essay
Nursing theories guide nursing research, they have been long used and intergraded as
part as the nursing profession. The nursing profession, past, present, and future will
incorporate research. The way nurses implement nursing care is guided by research.
Hospitals implement policies incorporated by nursing theories and research. Many
theorists contributed to the practice known as professional nursing. The first
professional nurse or noted theorist was Florence... Show more content on ...
Environment could be altered to improve conditions so that natural laws could allow
healing. An environmental model was created to view the manipulations of physical
environment as major components of care (George, 2011).Persons are perceived as
the patients of nursing (Selanders, 2010). She perceived people as multidimensional,
being compared of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual components
(Selanders, 2010).Health is viewed as the best ultimate health at any given point in
time. One must maximize optimal potential to be in a healthy state (Selanders, 2010).
Nursing is the place that the patient is in the best condition for nature to act
(Selanders, 2010). Nightingale s models continue to guide practice and give a
pictorial view of how nursing care is planned and rendered (Selanders, 2011). Nurses
continue to practice nursing without realizing that their action and goals are based on
Nightingale s principles (Selanders, 2010). The principle of environmental
manipulation serves as a framework for many research studies. In 1985 Dennis and
Prescott identified the continuing utility of the Nightingale Model as an example of a
qualitative study (Selanders, 2010). Studies that have incorporated Nightingale s
environmental manipulation include practice settings in Labor and Delivery and in
the treatment of insomnia (Selanders, 2010). Nursing theories like Nightingale s
Environmental Model and Notes on Nursing will continue to guide research and guide
Computer Aided Systems Into Establishing Formulation
This chapter of the study is in accordance to the concluding results of this study, the
results are to be obtained through a numerical approximate solution and Computer
aided systems into establishing formulation of Finite Element Method of a 2
Dimensional Kirchhoff Plate. This study investigate the behavior of plates based on
Kirchhoff theory of thin plates in plane stress, the study established the formulation
of the FEM to the plate in the previous chapter there for this chapter will show the
results and discussion of the formulation by implying it on an actual case study to
verify the accuracy of the formulation and the developed algorithm by two methods
in FEM solution using analytical integration and numerical integrations of the
stiffness matrix form parametric comparison. 4.2IDEALIZED PLATE MODEL
The plate under study is a rectangular plate simply supported at four ends with load
force at it extremes, the study aims to find the nodal displacement of the plate
caused by the load. Also the plate was modeled in FEA software for comparison
reason and to check the algorithm accuracy, the plate specification is as follows:
Material Density ПЃ = 7840 Poisson ratio = 0.3 Plate thickness = 0.01 Load = 1*105
N a = b = 1 m Figure 7 4.1 idealized plate model 4.3PLATE FEM WITH
NUMERICAL INTEGRATION RESULTS The FEM model was discretized into
several schemes to verify the efficiency of the FEA solution as well as the
Self Esteem And Self-Esteem
Self esteem, also known as self respect, is the confidence in one s worth or
abilities. Low self esteem is the opposite or lack of confidence in one s own worth.
Self esteem is shaped throughout one s life, it will increase and decrease throughout
life but with essentially remain at the same level. Self esteemhas both positive and
negative affects depending on if an individual has low or high self esteem. There
is more research on the effects of low self esteem because it usually has to most
negative effects on someone s health. Self respect can also influence one s decision
making, people with low self esteem generally make poor or unwise decisions due
to lack of confidence. Bullying can be caused by low self esteem or causes the
development of low self esteem. Someone who does not have high levels of self
confidence may try and belittle others to feel better about themselves; being
bullied can in turn cause someone to feel bad about themselves, therefore, causing
low self esteem. Ultimately, low self esteem has been known to negatively affect
someone s health, it can cause anxiety, depression, or lead to drug usage. Self
esteem has been studied for decades, by focusing on the development, self imagery,
effect on decision making, bullying, and the negative effects that follow the high
or low levels of self esteem we are able to unravel how self esteem effects our lives
and how we can change our own self esteem. In a research article, done by Ulrich
Orth and Richard
Foreshadowing in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily
Foreshadowing in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily William Faulkner paints
a tragic tale about the inevitability of change and the futility of attempting to stop it
in A Rose for Emily . This story is about a lonely upper class woman struggling
with life and traditions in the Old South. Besides effective uses of literary
techniques, such as symbolism and a first plural person narrative style, Faulkner
succeeds in creating a suspenseful and mysterious story by the use of foreshadowing,
which gives a powerful description about death and the tragic struggle of the main
character, Miss Emily. In general the use of foreshadowing often relates to events in
a story, and few are attempted to describe character. Faulkner has effectively... Show
more content on ...
The smell that upsets the community is the next foreshadowing of the death of
Homer. The smell comes a short time after her sweetheart...had deserted her (509).
The manner of Homer s death is implied in the conversation between Miss Emily
and the pharmacist as she is buying arsenic, a poison used to kill rats, as well as the
picture of skull and bones , which is exactly what the town people find left of
Homer (511). The use of foreshadowing to describe the changes in Emily physical
and emotional life is subtler and relies heavily on symbolism. The descriptions of
the decaying house symbolize Miss Emily s physical and emotional decay, and as
well as her mental problems. It foretells of her downfall, a fallen monument (507).
The house is full of dust and dark shadows, It smelled of dust and disuse a close,
dank smell , and symbolizes the death filled environment that Emily lives in (508).
To describe Emily s life, Faulkner effectively uses foreshadowing in conjunction
with structure in the chronology of events. He opens the story with her death, goes
backward in time when she is old, goes backward again to the foreshadowed death
of Homer, and then backward again to her romance with Homer and finally to her
death. Her first description is dark; black was her color, a representation of death,
depression and gloom. Her second mention is an upright torso motionless figure
Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis
Marjane Satrapi s graphic novel Persepolis is an expressive memoir of her growing
up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, the fall of the Shah s regime and the Iran
Iraq War. Unlike conventional memoirs, she uses the black and white comic book
form to find her identity through politics and her personal experiences in Iranand it
has become effective and relevant in today s society because she is a normal person
that has had to live through extreme circumstances. Marjane has contributed to a
whole new way of writing memoirs that may last for many generations to come. She
effectively demonstrates how she is just like anybody else by expressing herself
through rebellion, truth and being at the threshold of a changing nation. What further
makes it her book relevant is that the revolution is still going on today. In the novel,
Marjane, Marji for short, is living in Tehran, the capital of Iran, during the late 70 s
and early 80 s. She is smart and outspoken for her age and for a long time she was
very religious which is a bit skeptical due to her parents being Marxists. Persepolis
illustrates a memorable story of Marji s life in Iran. Throughout the history of Iran, it
has been a great public figure of turmoil. The title of the novel, Persepolis, which is
translated to, the City of Persians , is important because it was the original capital of
Persia (part of the Iranian Empire), and fell to destruction. I believe Satrapi is trying
to compare the ancient city to what is
Social Networking and the Untimely Death of Intelligence...
Because people have no thoughts to occupy theor minds, they occupy their minds
with Facebook and social media. We have a nickname of these people, we call them
idiots. Daniel Albright Professor Of Literature, Harvard Over the past decade,
technological innovation has brought us into an era in which the social networking
revolution is prominent in almost everyone s life. The social networking revolution
is a phenomenon that many people see as a breakthrough in technology that allows
for simple communication and an easy way to keep in touch. In reality, this
revolution has created a multitude of issues in our society, which people often
overlook. This is an especially prominent issue amongst children born from the 1990s
to... Show more content on ...
First, social networking removes a lot of face to face interaction among
individuals. This effectively creates less social beings that rely on social
networking for communication and are less competent when it comes to in person
interaction. Social networking also allows for a sense of anonymity, which creates
reckless morals and gives people the ability to say harmful things with no
consequence. Finally, social networking is a major distraction and a huge waste of
time. Children and adults often opt to spend their time on social networking sites
rather than being productive members of society. These problems continue to get
worse and will escalate if they are not addressed and solved immediately The first
problem with social networking is that it takes away the aspect of face to face social
interaction. When people have the access to social networking, they communicate
through these means rather than traditional methods, including phone calls, letters,
and even e mails. We are able to take the easy way out by talking to people through
Facebook, twitter, text messaging and many other convenient, yet less personal
means of communication. Social networking may be convenient when time and
distance are issues, but it simply is not the same and cannot replace phone calls and
face to face communication (Coyle 15). Many people see the convenience aspect of
social networking and overlook the fact

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