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ability skill yetenek, beceri

abruptly suddenly aniden, birdenbire
absolutely certainly kesinlikle
access entry, admission erişim
acclaim praise alkış(lamak)
accompany escort eşlik etmek
account explanation açıklama, hesap
accurate precise, exact kesin, doğru
accurately precisely, exactly kesinlikle
achieve accomplish başarmak
achievement accomplishment başarı
acquaintance familiarity aşinalık
acquire obtain elde etmek
actually in fact, really aslında
adapt fit adapte etmek, uyarlamak
add sum eklemek
addition supplement eklenti
adequate sufficient yeterli
adequately sufficiently yeterli bş.
adherence devotion bağlılık
administrative executive idari
admiration adoration takdir, hayranlık
admire adore takdir etmek
admit accept kabul etmek
adopt choose to take up or follow benimsemek
adult mature, grown-up yetişken
adulthood maturity yetişkinlik
adventurous venturesome serüven dolu
adverse contrary, opposed karşıt, zıt
advertisement commercial reklam
affair relationship ilişki
affectionate loving, caring sevecen
afford be able to pay for satın almaya gücü yetmek
affordable inexpensive ucuz
agreement treaty, concurrence anlaşma
ahead of in front of önünde, ilerisinde
aid help, assist yardım (etmek)
aim at mean by, intend by niyetinde olmak
aircraft an aeroplane uçak
align straighten hizalamak
alike in the same manner aynı şekilde
allowance pocket money harçlık
amazingly surprisingly şaşılacak dercede
ambitious eager, aspiring hırslı, tutkulu
amount quantity miktar

Özgür Doğan 1
Bolu Final Dergisi Dersanesi İngilizce Öğretmeni

amuse entertain eğlendirmek

amusing funny, entertaining eğlendirici
anatomical relating to bodily structure anatomik
ancestor forefather ata
ancient antique, old eski
animation creation of cartoons animasyon
annoy irritate kızdırmak
annoying irritating sinirlendirici
annual yearly yıllık
antiquity ancient times ilk çağlar
any longer anymore artık
apparently evidently görünüşe göre, anlaşılan
başvurmak, hitap etmek,
plead, attract rica etmek
appearance impression görünüş
appliance tool, gadget alet
application implementation, act of applying uygulama, başvuru
apply to uygulamak, başvurmak
appointment rendezvous, date, nomination randevu, atama, tayin
takdir etmek, değerini
regard highly, esteem bilmek
appreciation esteem takdir, minnettarlık
approach come near to yaklaşmak
approve agree, concur, confirm onaylamak, uygun bulmak
architecture layout mimari, yapı
arctic north pole kuzey kutbu
argue dispute, claim tartışmak, savunmak
arise rouse, get or stand up yükselmek, kalkmak
aristocracy noble class aristokrasi, sooylular sınıfı
harekete geçirmek,
excite, stimulate, urge uyandırmak
arrogant conceited kibirli, küstah
article term, item, a piece of writing madde, makale
ash cinders kül
aspect point of view bakış açısı
assassinate murder, kill, execute, slaughter suikast yapmak, öldürmek
assessment evaluation, estimation değerlendirme
asset property, useful or valuable thing malvarlığı, yararli, değerli
assist aid, help yardım etmek
assistance aid, help yardım
associate connect, link ilişkilendirmek
assure affirm, ensure, guarantee temin etmek, güven vermek
astonish amaze, astound, surprise şaşırtmak
at all in any way hiç, hiç de, hiç bir şekilde
at any rate in any case, anyhow her ne ise, her neyse

Özgür Doğan 2
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at first hand from a primary source ilk elden

at least at the minimum en azından
at once immediately, right away hemen
attach importance give significant associations önem vermek
girişmek, yeltenmek,
try, strive, venture, endeavour çalışmak, denemek
attend be present at, pay attention katılmak, dikkat etmek
attention notice, consideration dikkat, özen, bakım, ilgi
attitude standpoint, perspective duruş, tavır, görüş
attract attention draw attention dikkat çekmek
attraction pull, draw çekim, cazibe
attribute associate with, ascribe atfetmek, bağlamak
audience listeners dinleyici
authority power, control otorite, güç
availability accessibility elverişlilik
available accessible kullanılabilir
avoid refrain from, abstain from kaçınmak
award prize, bestow on ödül (vermek)
aware of conscious of farkında
background setting, social circumstances arka plan, geçmiş
ban prohibit, forbid, embargo yasaklamak
barefoot wearing nothing on one's feet yalınayak
barren unproductive, infertile, arid çorak, verimsiz
base on establish, support on dayanmak
basement cellar, vault bodrum katı
basis foundation, base, core, essence temel, esas
battle fight, war, clash savaş
be acquainted with know each other tanıdık olmak
be ashamed of be embarrassed utanmak
be based on on the basis of dayanmak
be in line with accordance with uymak
be lacking in sense be unaware farkında olmamak
be made of be composed of oluşmak
be made up of be composed of oluşmak
behave act correctly davranmak
bias prejudice, partiality taraf olma
blame accuse, hold responsible suçlamak, sroumlu tutmak
blazing burning, flaming cayır cayır yanan
blend mix, combine, merge karıştırmak, harmanlamak
blow up explode, detonate, go off patlamak
boredom weariness, dullness can sıkıntısı
bother disturb, trouble, harass rahatsız etmek
bow nod, arc selamlamak, yay
parçalamak, yıkmak,
break down
fail, collapse bozulmak

Özgür Doğan 3
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briefly in short/brief/sum kısaca

bring about cause neden olmak
bring out display, publicise ortaya çıkarmak
bring up raise, educate büyütmek
budget financial plan bütçe
by far by a great amount diğerlerinde kat kat
cancel call off iptal etmek
capable competent, proficient yetenekli
capture catch, entrap, take prisoner tutsak etmek
carry away drag sürüklemek
carry out perform yürütmek
cartoon caricature karikatür, çizgi film
carve engrave, form, shape oymak, kesmek
casting choosing actors oyuncu seçme
celebrate have a party, feast kutlamak
cell dungeon, room hücre
central middle, centre merkezi
certain sure, confident, definite kesin
certainly definitely, by all means, indeed kesinlikle
change one's mind decide something else caymak
characteristic feature, typical, trait özellik, tipik
enchant, attractiveness, beauty
charm büyülemek
charming pleasing, lovely çekici, büyüleyici
cheer up become more cheerful neşelendirmek
choir singers, chorus koro
circumstance influencing factor durum, koşul
citizen native, inhabitant vatandaş
civilization advancement, progress uygarlık, medeniyet
claim assert, argue, allege idda etmek
clarity clearness açıklık
cliff precipice uçurum
climatic pertaining to climate iklimsel
clump cluster, group küme
coal fuel made from carbon kömür
coastline a length of coast sahil şeridi
coherent consistent uygun, tutarlı
collaboration cooperation işbirliği
collection pile, accumulation toplama, koleksiyon
collide crash, hit çarpışmak
colloquial informal, conversational konuşma diline özgü
colonization establishing of colonies sömürge kurma
combat battle, fighting, warfare mücadele (etmek), çarpışma
combination amalgamation kombinasyon
combine integrate, merge birleştirmek

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come about happen, occur, take place olmak

come across meet/find by chance rastlamak
gelmek, varmak, gözde
come in
enter, arrive olmak
come into being exist varolmak
come round regain consciousness, come to ayılmak
celestial body with a luminous
comet kuyrukluyıldız
command order, tell, direct emretmek, komut etmek
commanding officer military commander komutan
trade, business, dealing,
commerce ticaret
commercial advertisement ticari, reklam
commission share komisyon, iş, görev
communicate exchange information or ideas görüş alış verişi yapmak
community population topluluk
comparatively relatively bir dereceye kadar, oldukça
compare with measure between karşılaştırmak
compel force, influence zorlamak
compete contest yarışmak, rekabet etmek
competent capable, proficient yetenekli
competitive ambitious, pushy, combative rekabetçi
compile put together derlemek
complain grumble, whine şikayet etmek
complex complicated, intricate karışık
complicated complex, intricate karışık
composer melodist, songwriter besteci
compound combined bileşik
comprehension understanding, awareness anlama, kavrama
comprehensive inclusive, complete, thorough etraflı, geniş, çok yönlü
compression pressing sıkıştırma
comprise include, be composed of kapsamak, olusmak
compulsion coercion zorlama, baskı
compulsive compelling zorunlu
conceive imagine, devise in the mind tasarlamak, düşünmek
konsantre olmak, bir yerde
focus, collect in one place toplamak
concern with worry ilgili olmak
conclude deduce, finish sonuç çıkarmak
condemn convict, denounce kınamak, mahkum etmek
condition state, accustom koşul(lamak)
confess admit guilt itiraf etmek
confident certain, self-assured kendine güvenen
confine limit, restrict kısıtlamak
conflict clash, fight, quarrel çatışmak

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confront challenge, oppose yüzleşmek, karşı koymak

congratulate praise kutlamak
conquer defeat, beat fethetmek
conquest seizure, takeover fetih
conscious aware bilinçli, farkında
consecutive sequential, successive ardışık, peşpeşe
consecutively sequentially ardışık olarak
consent permission rıza
conservation preservation, protection koruma
consider think over, regard düşünmek
considerable substantial, important büyük ölçüde
consist of be composed of oluşmak
consistency uniformity, firmness tutarlılık, sabitlik
consistent coherent, constant sabit, düzenli
conspiracy intrigue, plot, secret plan komplo, tezgah
conspirator plotter, intriguer komplocu
constantly always, all the time, continually sürekli
construct build inşa etmek
constructive helpful, productive encouraging yapıcı
consume use up, deplete tüketmek
consumption depletion tüketim
contain include içermek
contaminant substance that pollutes kirletici
modern, person living at about
contemporary çağdaş, modern
the same time as another
contented satisfied, pleased memnun
contest competition, match, tournament yarışma
continent mainland, self-disciplined kıta, kendine hakim
continually successively, sequentially sürekli olarak
birbirini tutmamak,
deny, refute, conflict with çelişmek
contrary to as opposed to tersine
contrast compare, difference karşılaştırmak, tezat
contribute to donate to katkı sağlamak
contribution donation katkı
controversial disputable tartışmalı
controversy debate, disagreement tartışma
convenient comfortable uygun, elverişli, müsait
convention conference, treaty, agreement toplantı, anlaşma, uzlaşı
conversation chat sohbet
convert transform, change, alter döndürmek, çevirmek
convince persuade, convict, assure ikna etmek
convincingly persuasively ikna edici bş.
cope with deal with, handle başa çıkmak

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yazışmak, -in karşılığı

exchange letters, be equivalent olmak
correspondent reporter, journalist muhabir
corruption decay, immorality yozlaşma, boz(ul)ma
cosmos universe evren
count calculate saymak
courage bravery, boldness cesaret
courageously bravely, fearlessly cesurca
crash smash, wreck çarpışma
creature living thing yaratık
crew sailors, mariners mürettebat
critic commentator, analyst eleştirmen
critical crucial, important ciddi, kritik
critically in a critical manner thelikeli olarak
criticism censure, critique, disapproval eleştiri
crossroad intersection ara yol, kavşak
mess, flock, herd, large group of
crowd kalabalık
crucial very important önemli
crucially critically önemli bş.
curiosity interest, inquisitiveness merak
currency money para birimi
currently presently, most recently şu anki
curricula syllabus müfredat
cushion pillow yastık
costumes clothing giysiler
cut off behead, break off kesmek
date back to have existence since dayanmak,
deadline time limit son gün
deadly fatal öldürücü
deal distribute, trade anlaşmak, dağıtmak
dearly very much, at a high price çok, pahalı bir biçimde
decade a period of ten years on yıl
deceive cheat, trick, betray aldatmak
determination, verdict,
decision karar
decisive strong-minded, determined kararlı, kesin
declare proclaim, announce, state ilan etmek
decline refuse, decrease reddetmek, azalmak
decrease reduce, lessen, decline, diminish azaltmak
deed act, doing, legal document eylem, belge
defeat beat, failure yenmek, yenilgi
defence protection, guarding savunma
deficiency lack, shortage, defect eksiklik, kusur
define describe, explain tanımlamak

Özgür Doğan 7
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absolutely, clearly, specifically,

definitely kesinlikle
certainly, surely
delay postpone ertelemek, geciktirmek
intentionally, purposefully, on
deliberately kasıtlı olarak
purpose, willfully
delicate fragile hassas
delight joy, pleasure, happiness zevk
delightfully with a pleasure memnuniyetle
deliver hand over, transport dağıtmak, teslim etmek
demand request, call for talep etmek
demanding difficult, challenging, tough çaba, dikkat gerektiren
demonstrate exhibit, display, show, illustrate göstermek, gösteri yapmak
densely crowded closely together yoğun olarak
inkar etmek, yadsımak,
refuse, turn down yalanlamak
department division, section bölüm
bağımlı olmak, güvenmek,
rely on, trust, be dependent on bel bağlamak
dependable reliable, trustworthy güvenilir
dependent on unable to do without bağımlı
depress sadden, upset üzmek, içini karartmak
derive stem from türemek
description depiction tanım, tasvir
desert abandon, leave; wasteland, arid terketmek, çöl
deserve be worthy of, merit haketmek
design make plans for, plan tasarlamak
desirable worthwhile hoş
desire wish for arzulamak
desperate hopeless umutsuz
destiny fate, fortune kader
devastating, disastrous,
destructive yıkıcı
catastrophic, calamitous
detect discover saptamak, ortaya çıkarmak
determine decide karar vermek
develop improve, grow, expand, broaden geliştirmek
regional language, local
dialect lehçe
soyu tükenmek, ortadan
die out
become extinct, disappear kaybolmak
differ be different farklı olmak
dig excavate kazmak
digest break down and absorb (food) sindirmek
dimension measure, size boyut
disagreeable unpleasant hoşa gitmeyen
disappointment sadness hayal kırıklığı

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disbelief lack of belief inançsızlık

discontent displeasure, dissatisfaction memnuniyetsizlik
discover find, gain knowledge, learn of- keşfetmek
discovery finding, uncovering keşif
discussion debate, conversation, talk tartışma, konuşma
display show, exhibit göstermek
disregard neglect, ignore, pay no attention gözardı etmek, aldırmamak
dissatisfied displeased, unsatisfied memnun olmayan
dissolve melt, change into liquid çözülmek
distance remoteness mesafe
distant remote, far uzak
distil purify, refine damıtmak
distinct different, separate farklı, ayrı, açık, belirgin
distinction difference ayrım
differentiate, discriminate
distinguish ayırt etmek
distinguishable recognizable farkedilebilir
distort falsify, deform çarpıtmak
disturb bother, interrupt rahatsız etmek
disturbance distraction, interference rahtatsızlık
diverse different, varied çeşitli
diversity variety çeşitlilik
domain field alan
dome vault, cupola kubbe
living quarters for residents of an
dormitory yurt
doubt be uncertain şüphe etmek
doubtful uncertain şüpheli
doubtfully unsurely, skeptically şüpheli bş.
draw attention attract dikkat çekmek
draw up stop, compose durdurmak, yazmak
drawback disadvantage engel
dreadful terrible, horrible, awful, frightful korkunç
dream of imagine düşlemek
be carried slowly by a current of
drift sürüklenmek
air or water
drop fall, let go of düş(ür)mek
drought lack of rain, shortage of water kuraklık
eager keen, enthusiastic kararlı
eagerly passionately, avidly kararlı bş.
education instruction eğitim
effectiveness efficiency, productivity, success etki, tesir, geçerlilik
etkili, yüksek verimli,
effective, organized, competent becerikli
efficiently in an efficient manner verimli

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effort labor, energy çaba

elderly old, aged, senior yaşlı
emerge appear, come out, be revealed ortaya çıkmak
emission release, discharge salım, yayım
emotional passionate, sentimental duygusal
emperor ruler, monarch imparator
emphasis stress, significance vurgu, önem
emphasize stress, highlight vurgulamak
employee worker çalışan
imkan tanımak, olanaklı
make possible, allow kılmak
encounter face, meet with karşılaşmak
encourage support, inspire, give hope cesaret vermek
encouragement support, inspiration cesaret
dayanıklılık, sabır,
patience, tolerance, perseverance tahammül
engaged busy, attached meşgul, nişanlı
enlist join the military asker olmak
immensely, hugely, very,
enormously çok, aşırı derecede
extremely, particularly
enrich make rich zenginleştirmek
ensure make sure, secure, guarantee temin etmek
enterprising entrepreneurial girişken
entertain amuse eğlendirmek
entertainment fun eğlence
enthusiast fan, devotee, admirer ilgili
enthusiastic excited, eager, keen, avid şevkli, istekli
entirely totally, completely, absolutely tamamen, bütünüyle
envy be jealous kıskanmak
equipment apparatus, tools, appliances malzeme
erosion corrosion, dissolution erozyon, aşınma
erupt burst out, explode patlamak
eruption explosion patlama
essential necessary, crucial, key, vital gerekli, şart, başlıca
establish found set up kurmak
establishment foundation kurum
tahmin etmek,
calculate roughly, approximate değerlendirmek
eternal without end sonsuz
ethical moral ahlaki
etymology word history kökenbilim, etimoloji
evaporation becoming vapor buharlaşma
eventually finally, in the end, ultimately en sonunda
evidence proof kanıt
evil wicked, bad, corrupt kötü

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evolution development evrim, değişim

gradually change or mature over
evolve evrim geçirmek
exactly precisely, indeed, entirely tamamen
exaggerate overstate abartmak
examine inspect, check sınamak, incelemek
excavation act of digging kazı
exceed go beyond, surpass aşmak
excel be talented, better uzmanlaşmak
except for apart from dışında
unusual, uncommon,
exceptional istisnai, olağanüstü
exceptionally unusually, excellently istisna olarak, fevkalade
excessive immoderate, extreme aşırı, haddinden fazla
excitement thrill heyecan
exclude leave out, keep out dışlamak
exclusively solely, in a limited manner sadece, yalnız
exhausting tiring, wearying, strenuous yorucu
exhibition display, show sergi
exist live, be varolmak
existence life, being varoluş
egzotik, yabancıl, ilginç,
unusual, foreign, non-native çekici
expand spread out, broaden genişlemek
expect anticipate, suppose, presume ummak
expedition journey, voyage gezi, yolculuk
experiment test deney
exploit take advantage of, manipulate sömürmek, istifade etmek
exploration investigation, trip araştırma, inceleme, keşif
explore investigate, travel over keşfetmek, incelemek
export sell abroad ihraç etmek
maruz bırakmak, teşhir
reveal, make vulnerable etmek
express communicate, convey ifade etmek
expression utterance, communication ifade
extensive large, comprehensive geniş, kapsamlı
extinct vanished, dead tükenmiş
extract remove, take out çıkarmak
extraordinary unusual, remarkable, amazing olağanüstü
extravagant spendthrift savurgan
extremely immensely, vastly aşırı, son derece
face with confront yüzleşmek
provision, possibility,
facility olanak, imkan, tesis
factual real, actual gerçeklere dayanan

Özgür Doğan 11
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failure defeat, fiasco, lack of success başarısızlık

fairly justly, relatively, quite hakça, oldukça
fairy story folk tale, fable, fairy tale peri masalı
faithful loyal, devoted, committed inançlı, bağlı, sadık
falsehood lie, falsity yalan, yalancılık
fame popularity, notoriety ün
familiar well known, common, acquainted tanıdık, bildik
familiarize make familiar tanıtmak, alıştırmak
farewell goodbye veda
fascinate enchant, charm, captivate büyülemek
charming, attractive, enchanting,
fascinating büyüleyici
fault defect, flaw, mistake, error hata, kusur
faultlessly perfectly hatasız bş.
favour good deed iyilik
feature characteristic özellik
fed up sick and tired of bıkmak
feed beslemek
feel for be sorry for acımak
feel sorry for show mercy towards üzgün olmak
fellow friend, buddy, companion, friend arkadaş
fertile fruitful verimli
fertilizer plant food gübre
fetch go and get gidip getirmek
fiction made-up story hayal ürünü
fiercely cruelly, violently şiddetle
find out discover, learn about anlamak, bulmak
finding discovery bulgu
elasticity, ability to bend or be
flexibility esneklik
float stay afloat batmadan yüzmek
flood great stream of water sel
fluent have a good command, articulate akıcı
fluently articulately akıcı bş.
fond of affectionate e düşkün, i seven
footprint footmark, footstep ayak izi
for instance for example örneğin
force to compel, oblige zorlamak
tahmin etmek,
predict, foretell değerlendirmek
foreign strange, unfamiliar, alien yabancı
foremost primary, leading, main önde gelen
foresee predict, foretell tahmin etmek
foreword preface, prologue önsöz
form shape oluşturmak

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fortunately luckily iyi ki

found establish kurmak
founder creator, designer kurucu
fraudulent guilty, dishonest hilekar
freedom liberty özgürlük
frequently regularly, often sık sık
fully totally, completely, wholly tamamen
function duty, role, use işlev
fund money fon
fundamental basic, elemental temel, esas
fur wool, coat kürk
furnish provide with furniture döşemek
ilerlemesine yardımcı
advance, more olmak, daha fazla
gain earn, obtain kazanmak
gap space, breach boşluk, aralık
generate create, produce üretmek
generation age group kuşak
genuinely truly gerçekten
kurtulmak, başından
get rid of
dispose of defetmek
get scared become afraid korkmak
giant enormous, huge dev
gift present, offering hediye
gladly happily, with pleasure zevkle
glamorous charming, fascinating çekici, göz alıcı
global worldwide, universal küresel
globalize make worldwide küreselleşmek
glory fame, prestige, praise şan, şeref, ün
goal target, aim, purpose hedef
gorgeous wonderful harika
gossip rumor, tittle-tattle dedikodu
grain cereal tahıl
grasp grip hold kavramak
grateful thankful minnettar
gravel pebble çakıl
attractive force causing all
gravity bodies to move toward the yerçekimi, ciddiyet
center of the earth, seriousness
graze feed otla(t)mak
greed selfishness açgözlülük
ground floor yer
grow up mature büyümek
grudge resentment, envy garez
happen occur, take place olmak

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harbour port, dock liman

hardly barely, scarcely neredeyse hiç
hardship difficulty, trouble zorluk
hard-working industrious çalışkan
harmful damaging, malignant zararlı
harsh rough, coarse sert
harvest yield ekin, hasat
hazard danger, risk tehlike
height highness yükseklik
herbicide substance that kills weeds yabancı ot öldürücü
heroine female hero kadın kahraman
hill raised area of land tepe
hole gap, cavity delik
hopefully optimistically umut verici
hostile unfriendly düşmanca
huge very big, enormous iri, kocaman
humanism study of the humanities hümanizm
humanitarian compassionate iyilik seven, yardımsever
with uncontrollable outbursts of
hysterically çılgınca
ideally in an ideal manner ideal olarak
identification recognition kimlik, tanıtma
ignore disregard gözardı etmek
illiterate uneducated, ignorant cahil
ill-treat abuse kötü davranmak
illusion delusion, misconception illüzyon
illustrate demonstrate göstermek
imaginable conceivable akla gelen
imaginary unreal, fictional hayali
imaginative creative yaratıcı
immediately promptly, at once aniden
immense enormous, massive devasa, kocaman
immensely hugely, greatly pek çok
immunize vaccinate, inject bağışıklık kazandırmak
impact influence, effect etki
impatience restlessness, lack of patience sabırsızlık
imply indirectly suggest ima etmek
import buy from abroad ithal etmek
impression impact izlenim
improbably in an unlikely way imkansız bir şekilde
improve make better geliştirmek
in advance beforehand hemen
in comparison with compared to e nazaran, e göre
in fact actually, as a matter of fact gerçekten
in favour of on the side of tarafında

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in respect of/with
hakkında, ilişkin
respect to concerning, regarding
in need of in times of trouble ihtiyacı olma
in return in exchange for karşılığında
in terms of regarding bakımından
in the course of time during the years zamanla
in the public eye exposed to the public halk gözünde
in this respect bu bakımdan
in time early enough vaktinde, erken
incident event olay
include contain içermek
inclusive including, comprehensive içeren, kapsayan
income revenue, earnings, salary gelir, kazanç
increase raise, grow, add to artırmak
incredible unbelievable inanılmaz
incur become subject to uğramak, maruz kalmak
indeed in fact, actually aslında, gerçekten
independence freedom, autonomy bağımsızlık
indestructible durable yıkılamaz, dayanıklı
indicate show, point out göstermek
indifferent uninterested ilgisiz
indifferently impartially ilgisizce
individual human being, single birey
inevitable unavoidable kaçınılmaz
infancy babyhood bebeklik
influence effect, impact etki
influential powerful, dominant etkili, güçlü
inhabit occupy, dwell in iskan etmek
inhabitant resident sakin, oturan
inherit receive money or property miras almak
injure hurt, wound yaralanmak
innovation change, alteration yenilik
instability unsteadiness kararsızlık, değişkenlik
install set up kurmak
instantly immediately, at once aniden
instead of in place of yerine
institution establishment kurum
instruct teach, educate öğretmek
instruction teaching öğretim
insult offend hakaret etmek
intelligence intellectual capacity zeka
intend plan, mean niyetinde olmak
intention aim, plan niyet
interfere impede, obstruct müdahale etmek
interior internal part iç

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sözünü kesmek, düzenini

interfere bozmak
interval break, pause ara
intimacy closeness samimiyet
intimate friendly, close samimi
invade occupy istila etmek
invader attacker, raider istilacı
invariably always, without exception her zaman, değişmeyerek
invent originate, create icat etmek
invention innovation icat
investigate inspect, scrutinize araştırmak
involve include içermek, kapsamak
isolate separate ayırmak
isolated separated ayrılmış
issue publish, matter yayınlamak, konu, sayı
jealous envious kıskanç
jealousy envy kıskançlık
joint connection, common eklem, birleşik, ortak
jointly together, in unity ortaklaşa
journal magazine dergi
journalism the newspaper business gazetecilik
journalist reporter gazeteci
journey travel, voyage yolculuk
justice equality, rightness adalet
justification rationale gerekçe, haklı çıkarma
keep in touch remain in contact with iletişimde olmak
knowledge information bilgi
lack be short of eksik olmak
landscape view, scenery kır manzarası
last rearmost, continue son, sürmek, dayanmak
laughter cheerfulness kahkaha
lead guide yol göstermek
leaf petal yaprak
lean be supported yana yatmak
learn by heart memorize ezbere öğrenmek
legendary mythical efsanevi
leisure free time boş vakit
liable responsible, likely, prone sorumlu, eğilimli
a tower or other structure
lighthouse containing a beacon light to warn fener
ships at sea
likely probably olası
likeness resemblance benzerlik
linguist one specializing in linguistics dilbilimci
literacy ability to read and write okur-yazarlık

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literate educated okur-yazar

literature written works edebiyat
livelihood income, means of support geçim
load fill, burden yüklemek
lonely alone, solitary yalnız
long-lasting enduring dayanıklı
loyal faithful sadık
loyalty devotion, allegiance sadakat
lunar of the moon aya ait
magnify enlarge büyütmek
mainly chiefly esas olarak, başlıca
maintain sustain, preserve, keep bakmak, korumak
maintenance repairs, care bakım
majority larger number/part çoğunluk
make a fire light ateş yakmak
manage administer, supervise yönetmek, idare etmek
manage to succeed in başarmak
manufacture make, produce üretmek
manuscript document, text yazma, el yazması
marine of the sea denizle ilgili, deniz subayı
markedly noticeably önemli derecede
marshland swamp land bataklık
marvelous wonderful, splendid harikulade
mass crowd kitle
match contest uymak
medieval of the middle ages ortaçağa ait
medieval times middle ages ortaçağa
melt dissolve, turn to liquid erimek
mention remind of, refer to, state bahsetmek
mercy forgiveness af
mere just, only sadece
merely only, solely sadece
migrate resettle, move göç etmek
military army askeri
mine pit, rich source maden
minor slight, trivial küçük
misconception misunderstanding, incorrect idea yanlış anlama
miserable unhappy sefil
momentum speed hız
monastery religious community manastır
monument memorial anıt
monumental huge, colossal anıtsal, çok büyük
mood state of mind ruh hali
moral ethical ahlaki
more or less approximately, roughly, nearly aşağı yukarı

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mountainous hilly dağlık

mutual reciprocal, common karşılıklı, ortak
mutually reciprocally karşılıklı
myth legend efsane
narrate tell a story anlatmak, aktarmak
narrative plot, story öykü
narrator storyteller anlatıcı
narrow-minded intolerant, prejudiced dar görüşlü
native inhabitant yerli
naval of ships, of the navy donanmaya ait
navigator guide kılavuz
neglect disregard, pay no attention ihmal etmek
neighbourhood district mahalle, civar
nerve neuron sinir
no longer not any more artık
noble aristocratic asil
nomadic wandering, nomad göçebe, göçebeye ait
notably remarkably, especially özellikle
noticeable evident, obvious, distinct göze çarpan
notify inform, tell, warn bildirmek, uyarmak
novelist novel writer roman yazarı
nursery children's room çocuk odası, kreş
nutrient nutritious substance besin
objective impartial, aim tarafsız, amaç
oblige obligate, compel zorlamak
observation act of watching, monitoring gözlem
observatory astronomical viewing place gözlem evi
observe watch, monitor gözlemlemek
obsession compulsive thought, fixation takıntı
obtain acquire, get elde etmek
obvious clear, evident açık
obviously clearly açık bş.
sometimes, now and then, every
occasionally bazen, ara sıra
so often, from time to time
occupy inhabit, live in, take up, seize işgal etmek, meşgul etmek
occur happen, take place olmak
odour scent, stink koku
official formal, authorized resmi
omit delete çıkarmak
on duty at work görevde
on the whole generally, all in all genelde, neticede
onward forward ileriye doğru
oppose resist, be against karşı çıkmak
opposition hostility, resistance muhalefet
oppressed persecuted, abused, maltreated zulüm görmüş

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oral verbal sözlü

orbit course, path yörünge
ordinary usual, typical sıradan
origin source, beginning köken, kaynak
outbreak start, eruption ortaya çıkma
outdated old-fashioned, obsolete modası geçmiş
outlet shop, store satış yeri
outskirts suburbs varoş
outstanding excellent, marvelous göze çarpan
overcome defeat, beat üstesinden gelmek
overdue late, behind schedule gecikmiş
kulak misafiri olmak, gizlice
hear accidentally or secretly dinlemek
overnight during the night geceleyin
overthrow remove from office/power devirmek, yıkmak
work beyond regular working
overtime fala mesai
owe be in debt to borçlu olmak
own possess sahip olmak
parade march, exhibition geçiş töreni
partially to a limited extent kısmen
participate take part, join katılmak
particular specific, special özel, belirli
particularly especially, specifically özellikle
partly to a certain degree kısmen
passion enthusiasm, love tutku
hobby, leisure activity,
pastime uğraş, eğlence
path footway, track, route yol, patika
pathetic pitiful, touching acıklı, dokunaklı
pavement sidewalk kaldırım
peaceful tranquil, calm, soothing, relaxing huzurlu
peculiar strange, bizarre, weird, odd tuhaf
area of land that is surrounded
peninsula yarımada
by water on three sides
perceive recognize, become aware of, see algılamak
performance show performans, göteri
periodical magazine, journal dergi
permanent lasting, enduring, long-term kalıcı
permission consent, authorization, approval izin
persuade convince, cause to believe ikna etmek
persuasive convincing inandırıcı
nuisance, someone or something
pest baş belası

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chemical mixture used to kill

pesticide böcek ilacı
pests and insects
petal leave çiçek yaprağı
occurrence, event, marvel,
phenomenon olay, olgu, olağanüstü şey
pipe tube boru
pirate raider, freebooter korsan
plain obvious, clear, simple basit, açık
plainly simply, clearly açıkça
playwright dramatist, scriptwriter oyun yazarı
pleasant nice, enjoyable, amiable hoş, güzel, cana yakın
plot storyline, secret plan olay örgüsü
poem literary work written in verse şiir
point of view viewpoint bakış açısı
policy strategy, approach, system politika
population inhabitants, residents nüfus
portative can be transported portatif, taşınabilen
portrayal depiction, painting tasvir
possession ownership, belongings iyelik, sahiplik
post duty, after, mail görev, sonra, mektup
postwar following a war savaş sonrası
potential possible, likely, capacity muhtemel, potansiyel, güç
pour stream, flow dökmek
poverty penury, indigence yoksulluk
practical empirical, feasible, functional pratik, uygulamalı, kullanışlı
praise applaud, compliment övmek
precaution safety measure, insurance önlem
precede go/come before öncesinden olmak
precious valuable, priceless değerli
precise exact, accurate kesin
exactly, accurately, definitely,
precisely kesinlikle
prediction forecast, prophecy öngörü, tahmin
preference liking, fondness tercih
prehistoric primitive, ancient tarihöncesi
presenter submitter sunucu
preserve conserve, protect, care for korumak
pressure physical force, coercion baskı, basınç
herhalde, galiba,
I expect, I assume muhtemelen
prevent stop, obstruct engellemek
preventative preventive önleyici, koruyucu
previously before, formerly önceden
ilk olaraki her şeyden önce,
firstly, chiefly aslında

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primary first, original ilk

primitive old, ancient, uncivilized ilkel
printing press matbaa
prior to before, earlier, former den önce
probable likely olası
büyük olasılıkla,
almost certainly muhtemelen
proceed continue, go ahead ilerlemek, sürmek
process procedure, method süreç, yöntem
proclaim declare, announce ilan etmek, duyurmak
profession career, occupation meslek
profit financial gain, earnings kazanç
profoundly deeply derinden
progress advance, move forward ilerlemek
promising good, with potential umut verici, geleceği parlak
promote upgrade, elevate, advance terfi ettirmek
promptly swiftly, quickly, immediately aniden
properly correctly düzgün bş, doğru dürüst
property estate, possessions mülkiyet
proportion ratio, portion oran
prospect likelihood, chance ihtimal
one who searches for valuable
prospector maden arayıcısı
prosperity success, affluence başarı, refah
protection defense, shelter, defence koruma
proud self-respecting onurlu
prove show to be true kanıtlamak
provide with supply sağlamak
provision supplying tedarik, hazırlamak
psychiatrist psikiyatr
psychologist psikolog, ruhbilimci
psychology study of the mind psikoloji
publish issue, produce yayınlamak, basmak
punish penalize, discipline cezalandırmak
pupil student, disciple, novice, trainee öğrenci, çocuk
purchase buy, pay for satın almak
purpose goal, aim, intention, motive amaç, niyet
pursue chase after, follow, run after kovalamak
pursuit chase, hunt kovalamaca
purveyor seller, vendor, supplier satıcı
put the blame on blame suçu yüklemek
qualification proficiency, ability nitelik, yetenek
qualified certified, competent, trained nitelikli
quality trait, feature nitelik, kalite, vasıf
quantity amount, measure miktar

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quarrel argue, fight tartışmak

contest, competition, ethnic
race ırk, yarışmak
radiant glowing, shining parlak, ışık saçan
raft primitive boat sal
rage anger, fury, wrath, outrage öfke
rainfall the quantity of rain yağış miktarı
raise lift, increase yüseltmek
arbitrarily, haphazardly,
randomly rastgele
range row sıra, dizi
range from vary, fluctuate, differ değişmek
rapid quick, fast, swift, speedy hızlı
rapidly quickly, fast hızlı bş.
rare uncommon, scarce, unusual nadir
seldom, occasionally, now and
rarely nadiren
rate ratio, portion oran
rather than birşey dense
allocate, quota, distribute in
ration karneye bağlamak
fixed quantities
uncooked, unprocessed, crude,
raw ham
realistic practical, achievable gerçekçi
reasonably wisely, logically makul bş.
recall remember, recollect hatırlamak
receive get, be sent, be given, acquire almak
lately, not long ago, a short time
recently son zamanlarda
recite repeat from memory ezberden okumak
reckon calculate, estimate hesaplamak
recognizable identifiable, noticeable tanınabilir
recognize identify, know, acknowledge tanımak, algılamak
advise, suggest, advocate,
recommend önermek
recover get well iyileşmek
reduce lessen, diminish, decrease azaltmak
direct attention to, mention,
refer to ilgili olmak, den söz etmek
reflect mirror, think yansıtmak, düşünmek
refusal denial, rejection, turndown ret
regard consider, concern dikkatle bakmak, saymak
regard as consider gözü ile bakmak
area, territory, domain, field,
region bölge
district, province, sector, zone

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regret be sorry about pişman olmak

regrettably in a manner that causes sorrow üzücü olarak
regular constant, unchanging, repeated düzenli
rehearsal practice session, performance prova
reign be monarch, be king/queen hükmetmek
reject refuse, decline, deny, turn down reddetmek
connect with, associate, link,
relate ilişkilendirmek
relationship connection, link, association ilişki
comparatively, fairly, quite,
relatively oldukça
reasonably, pretty
serbest bırakmak, piyasaya
set free, put on the market sürmek
relevant related, pertinent ilgili
credible, trustworthy,
reliable güvenilir
relieve ease, alleviate dindirmek, rahatlatmak
reluctant unwilling, disinclined isteksiz
reluctantly unwillingly istemeyerek
rely on count on, depend on güvenmek
remain stay, continue to exist kalmak
remark comment, utterance ifade
noteworthy, striking,
remarkable dikkate değer, olağanüstü
remarkably notably, exceptionally dikkat çekecek derecede
reminiscent similar to hatırlatan, benzeri
remove detach, take off kaldırmak
replace substitute for, take the place of yerini değiştirmek
reply answer, respond karşılık vermek
represent symbolize, depict, portray temsil etmek
representative typical, elected tipik, temsilci
need, necessitate, demand, call
require for
rescue save kurtarmak
investigation, experimentation,
research araştırma
resemblance similarity, likeness benzerlik
resemble be similar to, look like benzemek
reserve put aside ayırmak
resident inhabitant, citizen, local iskan eden kişi
resort turn to başvurmak, yoluna gitmek
resource source, supply kaynak
respect honor, esteem saygı göstermek
respective relating individually to each ayrı ayrı, kendi

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cevap vermek, karşılık

answer, reply vermek
responsibility duty, task sorumluluk
responsible for in charge of den sorumlu
restless not still, nervous huzursuz
eski durumuna getirmek,
restore yeniden kurmak, geri
reconstruct, return, bring back koymak
restrict limit, constrict, confine kısıtlamak
restrictive limiting kısıtlayıcı
result in cause, bring about ile sonuçlanmak
retire give up work, stop work emekli olmak
reveal make public, disclose, give away açığa çıkarmak
reversal turnaround, setback ters dönme, ger, çevirme
review examine, analysis, reconsider gözden geçirmek
revise reconsider, go over, review gözden geçirip düzeltmek
revision correction, alteration gözden geçirip düzeltme
bring back to life, resuscitate,
revive geri getirmek, canlandırmak
renew, restore
rebellion, revolt, dramatic
revolution devrim
revolutionary innovative, rebellious, rioting devrimci
reward prize, award ödüllendirmek
rewarding satisfying, worthwhile ödüllendirici
similarity of sound at the end of
rhyme kafiye
absurd, funny, comical, hilarious,
ridiculous gülünç, komik, saçma
rigid hard, stiff, inflexible, firm katı, sert, eğilmez
roughly approximately, harshly, unkindly kabaca
track, path, way, course,
route rota
routinely regularly düzenli olarak
rule govern, control, law, regulation kural, hükmetmek
rush hurry, dash acele etmek
rust corrode, oxidize pas(lanmak)
safely securely, guardedly güvenli bş.
sale selling, vending, trading satış, indirimli satış
satisfying pleasing, enjoyable memnun edici
scale calibrated system ölçek
scarf headscarf eşarp
an infectious bacterial disease
scarlet fever kızıl hastalığı
affecting especially children
scene view, sight, location manzara, sahne, olay yeri
scent odor, smell koku

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sceptical doubtful, dubious, cynical kuşkulu, şüpheci

schedule programme, timetable plan, zaman çizelgesi
scheme plan, design, plot, outline plan, tasarı, entrika
scholar academic, intellectual tahsilli kimse
sculpture statue, bust heykel, heykeltıraşlık
secular non-religious laik
seedless lacking seeds çekirdeksiz
seek search, look for aramak
seep drain, penetrate sızmak
self-conscious aware, shy kendini bilen, utangaç
selfish egocentric, self-centered bencil
semidarkness partial dimness yarı karanlık
sensation feeling, scandal duyum, sansasyon
sensational scandalous, shocking, gorgeous sansasyonel, harika, müthiş
sensible rational, wise mantıklı
sensibly reasonably, wisely mantıklıca
responsive to, reactive to,
sensitive hassas, duyarlı
delicate, tender
sensitively in a sensitive manner hassas bş.
separateness quality of being set apart ayrılık
session meeting, period, academic year oturum, toplantı, dönem
koymak, hazırlamak,
lay, prepare, be situated, put kurmak
tatlıya bağlamak,
settle resolve, make one's home, calm yerleştirmek, oturmak,
down sakinleşmek
settlements agreement, community anlaşma, yerleşke
shade shadow gölge
shame humiliation, disgrace utanç
sharply suddenly, harshly keskince
protection, cover, safety, safe
shelter barınak
shipwreck ruin gemi enkazı
shortage lack, scarcity, deficit yokluk, kıtlık, eksik
gezme, ilginç yerleri ziyaret
touring, traveling etme
important, notable, noteworthy,
significant önemli
similarity resemblance, likeness benzerlik
taklit etmek, numara
imitate, pretend, fake yapmak
concurrent, happening at the
simultaneous eş zamanlı
same time
simultaneously concurrently, at the same time eş zamanlı bş.

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submerge, go down, descend,

sink batmak, lavabo
wash basin
situate locate, site, position, place yerleştirmek
situation condition, circumstance durum, yer
skill ability, aptitude beceri
skillful proficient becerili
snack light meal hafif yemek, çerez
solar relating to the sun güneşle ilgili
only, exclusively, merely, just,
solely ancak, yalnız, yalnızca
uniquely, alone
somewhat slightly, relatively, rather, quite biraz, oldukça
songwriter composer şarkı yazarı
sophisticated advanced bilgiç
source spring, origin kaynak
spare extra, free, leisure yedek, fazla
devote oneself to a particular
specialise in uzmanlaşmak
field of study
species type, kind, family tür, cins
specific particular belirli
specifically particularly belirli bş.
specify state name, identify, define belirtmek
observer, viewer, onlooker,
spectator izleyici
hypothesis, act of engaging in kuram, tahmin,
risky business transactions spekülasyon, borsa oyunu
soul, psyche, ghost, phantom,
spirit ruh, keyih, neşe
mood, enthusiasm
splendid wonderful, excellent, marvelous görkemli, muhteşem
split divide, separate ayırmak, bölmek
spoil damage, ruin, go bad boz(ul)mak
extend, stretch, scatter,
spread yay(ıl)mak
disperse, distribute
stage phase, period, platform safha, sahne
stamp postage imprint pul
starvation extreme hunger, famine açlık
belirtmek, durum, hal,
say, speak, express, situation devlet, eyalet
statesmen political figure devlet adamı
steady stable, constant sabit, sağlam
steel a strong grey alloy of iron çelik
steep sheer, sharp dik, sarp
stiff rigid, hard katı, sert
stir mix, blend karıştırmak
stormy windy, rainy, angry fırtınalı, sinirli
straight linear düz, doğru

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honest, frank, candid, sincere,

straightforward açıksözlü
strangely oddly, queerly tuhaf bş.
strength might, power güç
vurgulamak, baskı yapmak,
emphasize, make tense gerginlik yaratmak
strike hit vurmak, çarpmak
striking noticeable, obvious dikkat çekici
strip undress, remove soymak
structure building, construction yapı
strife, effort, endeavour, fight;
struggle mücadele (etmek)
strive, try hard
submarine ship that travels under water denizaltı
substance material, matter, stuff madde
solid, important, considerable, katı, dayanıklı, güçlü,
real, notable önemli, büyük
substantially considerably, largely çok
succeed achieve, do well, triumph başarmak
suck sip, be very bad emmek, berbat olmak
abruptly, immediately, instantly,
suddenly aniden
promptly, all at once, swiftly
suffer from be affected by acı çekmek
sufficient enough, adequate yeterli
choke, strangle, be breathless,
suffocate boğ(ul)mak
suggest propose, recommend, advise önermek
proposal, recommendation,
suggestion öneri
top, peak, climax, zenith, high
summit zirve
superb excellent, splendid mükemmel, harika, süper
superficial shallow, not profound yüzeysel
hold up, provide for, comfort,
support destek (vermek)
suppose assume, presume, expect zannetmek
supreme highest ranking, chief, head üstün, yüce, en yüksek
exterior, outward appearance,
surface yüzey
surgical relating to surgery cerrahi
aşmak, üstün olmak,
exceed, go beyond, transcend geçmek, baskın çıkmak
surprisingly unexpectedly, startlingly şaşırtıcı bş.
examine, interview, question; gözden geçirmek,
poll yoklamak, anket
survival continuation of life hayatta kalma

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survivor a person who has survived hayatta kalan

suspect doubt, have a suspicion; accused şüphelenmek, şüpheli
tension, uncertainty, askıda kalma, kararsızlık,
expectation, anxiety beklenti
sustainable maintainable güçlendirilebilir
sympathy compassion, caring, concern şefkat, halden anlama
talent innate ability, aptitude, gift doğal yetenek
talented gifted, skillful, dexterous yetenekli
tariff price, rate, tax tarife, gümrük vergisi
task mission, job, duty, chore görev
tax fee vergi
tiresome, wearisome, boring,
tedious sıkıcı, usandırıcı, bezdirici
routine, dull, monotonous
temper rage, fury, (bad) mood kızgınlık, öfke, mizaç
temperature the degree of heat sıcaklık
non-permanent, short-term,
temporary geçici
be inclined, be apt, be prone, be
tend eğilim olmak
liable, incline
tension stress, anxiety, nervousness gerilim
terrific extreme, excellent çok iyi, harika
region, district, zone, area,
territory bölge, toprak, arazi
subject, topic, main idea, subject
theme tema, konu
thorough comprehensive, complete, full tam
threat warning, ultimatum tehdit
timber wood kereste
tomb grave, burial chamber mezar
topic theme, subject matter konu
track path, route iz, yol
deal, transact, commerce,
trade ticaret
traditional customary, long-established geleneksel
traditionally customarily geleneksel olarak
transform change, convert, alter dönüştürmek
treat behave towards davranmak, muamele etmek
tribal characteristics of a clan kabile ile ilgili
tribe clan, group, ethnic group kabile
praise, compliment, payment,
tribute övgü, ödeme, belirti
insignificant, unimportant,
trivial önemsiz
minor, slight
troop soldiers, armed forces asker
truly really gerçekten

Özgür Doğan 28
Bolu Final Dergisi Dersanesi İngilizce Öğretmeni

truth fact, certainty gerçek

tryst meeting buluşma
teacher, instructor, lecturer;
tutor eğitmen, öğretmek
ugliness unattractiveness çirkinlik
ultimately in the end, eventually, finally en sonunda
unbearable intolerable, unendurable dayanılmaz, çekilmez
uncertain doubtful, unsure kararsız, şüpheli
uncomfortable painful, uneasy, tense rahatsız
undeniably indisputably inkar edilemeyecek bş,
gerektiğinden az değer
underrate, undervalue vermek
undertake tackle, take on üstlenmek
undesirable unpleasant, nasty istenmeyen, nahoş
undoubtedly certainly, without doubt kuşkusuz
unfamiliar unusual, uncommon alışılmamış
unforgivable inexcusable, unpardonable affedilemez
unfortunately sadly, unluckily, sad to say maalesef, ne yazık ki
unique singular eşi benzeri olmayan
universal worldwide, general evrensel
unlikely improbable muhtemel olmayan
unpredictable unforeseeable, uncertain, erratic tahmin edilemeyen
unrealistic impractical, non-realistic gerçekçi olmayan
unreasonable irrational mantıksız, saçma
up to date the latest, modern güncel
up to this point until now şimdiye kadar
urge encourage, provoke teşvik etmek
urgent prompt acil
vacancy empty space, opening boşluk
vague ambiguous, uncertain belirsiz
vanish disappear, fade away yokolmak
variety diversity çeşitlilik
various diverse çeşitli
vary differ, change, alter değişmek
vast large, enormous, huge engin, çok geniş
versatile multitalented çok yönlü
verse rhyme, stanza mısra, dize
version edition baskı, sürüm
vessel ship, a canal conveying blood araç, kap, gemi, damar
vibration tremor, shaking titreşim
violence brutality, cruelty şiddet
virtually almost, practically neredeyse
visual optical görsel
vital crucial çok önemli
vitality liveliness, dynamism canlılık

Özgür Doğan 29
Bolu Final Dergisi Dersanesi İngilizce Öğretmeni

vivid lively, bright, dazzling parlak, canlı

vividly brightly parlak bş.
vividness brightness parlaklık
book, amount, degree of
volume cilt, miktar, hacim
walk off leave, go away çekip gitmek
warehouse storehouse, stockroom depo
warm up prepare, get ready hazırlanmak
watermelon the large melon-like fruit karpuz
way of life lifestyle yaşam tarzı
wealthy rich, affluent zengin, varlıklı
weed separate out, a wild plant yabanıl ot (temizlemek)
who knows most relevant
well-informed haberdar
well-qualified competent kalifiye, nitelikli
whatsoever at all, whatever her ne, hangi, herhangi bir
wheat cereal grass buğday
widely greatly, famously geniş çapta
widespread common, prevalent yaygın
wilderness wastelands, uninhabited region ekilmemiş boş razi
wildlife fauna, wild animals vahşi yaşam
willing enthusiastic gönüllü, istekli
wipe out destroy yoketmek
withdraw pull back, remove from çekilmek, geri çekmek
withstand bear stand up to, endure dayanmak
wonder marvel, be astonished merak etmek
worship pray tapmak
worth value, price değer
youngster child, teenager çocuk, genç

Özgür Doğan 30
Bolu Final Dergisi Dersanesi İngilizce Öğretmeni

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