Notes-Age of Exploration

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The white American people ask emigrants to leave and actually they are the illegal
2. everyone was extremely happy, but C.C. was still thinking that it was India.

3. highlight horsetail, nice body shape good faces, paintings and make-up
4. He was looking down at everyone. descriptive
5. hand gestures, signs
Columbian Exchange
• refers to the exchange of diseases, ideas, food, crops population between the New World and
the Old World following the voyage Columbus in 1492" and to the Americas by Christopher
• largest part of a more general process of biological
globalization •3 categories.
a) Diseases 6) Animals c) Plants
1. Before 1492 Native Americans did not have the diseases which killed people in beth
Europe and Africa.
Measles, Smallpox, Typhus, Influenza, Mumps
2. Became childhood diseases that killed one fourth to one-half
of all children before 6.
3. In the centuries after 1492 these infections swirled an epidemic
among Native American population.
4. Physical and psychological stress
5. to the population fell by 50% to 95% by 1650.

1. More animals adapted readily to conditions in the Americas. 2. new sources of wool, hides
and animal protein 3. Horses and oxen traction, ploughing feasible in Americas
4. New animals helped to shape the political and economic components.
corn, potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peanut, Pumkins, Tobacco...

-reason action
Christopher Columbus
-Credited for discovering the Americas in 1492
-nationality Italian, birthplace: Genoa, Italy
Early Life
- left his father's wool weaving business, join the genosse fleet and sail on the Mediterranean
Sea. •
Portugal was desperately finding a faster trade root to
Asia (spices, ivory silk) - high taxes on European travels V -C. Columbus decided to try and
make this revolutionary journey. →→ King John, rulers of England and France declined his
-after 7 gear King Ferdinand and Queen Isabell - SPAIN !
Voyages Principe
-Columbus voyage-departed in August 1492 C-Columbus 4-87 men, three Ships- Niña, Pinta
Santa Maria
- heading west from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean - October 12 land was sighted. Cuba-X
China, Caribbean X India
- January 1493 - sailed back to Europe to report - forced to land in Portugal. Ferdinand and
Isabell suspected Columbus taking goods to Portugal
-At the end Columbus was allowed to return, bought with him tobacco, turkey, new spices,
natives of islands
Voyages Subsequent
Columbus took three other similar ships
-second voyage - 1493-goal-conquering the native population and establishing colonies
-third voyage- exploring more of the islands and mainland South America further
-fourth voyage- / 1502- finding the “Strait of Malacca, "India.

Reason 1
Gold: Rumours of gold made explorers believe they could get rich quickly. They believed the
pay off would be huge, if explorer found a new land, he was paid in gold and riches by the
king and Queen of his country.
In the 1400's, European Countries were competing for Natural Resources.
• gold, Silk, and Spices were all very valuable and mostly found in Asia
Transportation across land routes was very costly, as to everyone wanted a payoff.
Merchants soon discovered that it was more cost effective to sail to Asia for the goods, this is
when they began looking for a sea route to Asia.
Reason 2
God: Some went believing that they must bring Christian beliefs to the people of the New
World. They brought thought
god would reward them for spreading their faith 93102
Reason 3
Glory: Glory was to be found in the adventure and in the land they might daim, making them
rich lords o and not poor sailors. They longed for "Celebrity status"
and to have new places named after themselves.
Colonization was a big part of Glory. Creating colonies in the New World added to a
countries. territory meaning more natural resources and wealth.
These colonies open new markets
– more colonies = more glory.
Countries taking over a group of people is called

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